/* svg.js v0.1 - svg container element group arrange defs clip doc shape rect circle ellipse path image text sugar - svgjs.com/license */ (function() { this.SVG = { ns: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', xlink: 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', create: function(e) { return document.createElementNS(this.ns, e); }, extend: function(o, m) { for (var k in m) o.prototype[k] = m[k]; } }; this.svg = function(e) { return new SVG.Doc(e); }; SVG.Container = { add: function(e, i) { if (!this.has(e)) { i = i == null ? this.children().length : i; this.children().splice(i, 0, e); this.node.insertBefore(e.node, this.node.childNodes[i]); e.parent = this; } return this; }, has: function(e) { return this.children().indexOf(e) >= 0; }, children: function() { return this._children || (this._children = []); }, remove: function(e) { return this.removeAt(this.children().indexOf(e)); }, removeAt: function(i) { if (0 <= i && i < this.children().length) { var e = this.children()[i]; this.children().splice(i, 1); this.node.removeChild(e.node); e.parent = null; } return this; }, defs: function() { if (this._defs == null) { this._defs = new SVG.Defs(); this.add(this._defs, 0); } return this._defs; }, levelDefs: function() { var d = this.defs(); this.remove(d).add(d, 0); return this; }, group: function() { var e = new SVG.G(); this.add(e); return e; }, rect: function(v) { return this.place(new SVG.Rect(), v); }, circle: function(v) { var g; if (v != null) { g = { x: v.x, y: v.y }; if (v.r || v.radius) g.width = g.height = (v.r || v.radius) * 2; else g.width = g.height = v.width || v.height; } return this.place(new SVG.Circle(), g); }, ellipse: function(v) { var g; if (v != null) { g = { x: v.x, y: v.y }; if (v.width) g.width = v.width; if (v.height) g.height = v.height; if (v.rx) g.width = v.rx * 2; if (v.ry) g.height = v.ry * 2; } return this.place(new SVG.Ellipse(), g); }, path: function(v) { return this.place(new SVG.Path(), v); }, image: function(v) { return this.place(new SVG.Image(), v); }, text: function(v) { return this.place(new SVG.Text(), v); }, place: function(e, v) { if (v != null) { e.move(v.x || 0, v.y || 0); if (v.width != null && v.height != null) e.size(v.width, v.height); v.data != null ? e.plot(v.data) : v.src != null ? e.load(v.src) : v.text != null ? e.text(v.text) : void 0; } this.add(e); return e; } }; SVG.Element = function Element(n) { this.node = n; this.attrs = {}; this._s = ('size family weight stretch variant style').split(' '); }; // Add element-specific functions SVG.extend(SVG.Element, { // move element to given x and y values move: function(x, y) { return this.attr({ x: x, y: y }); }, // set element size to given width and height size: function(w, h) { return this.attr({ width: w, height: h }); }, // remove element remove: function() { return this.parent != null ? this.parent.remove(this) : void 0; }, // get parent document parentDoc: function() { return this._parent(SVG.Doc); }, // get parent svg wrapper mother: function() { return this.parentDoc(); }, // set svg element attribute attr: function(a, v, n) { if (arguments.length < 2) { if (typeof a == 'object') for (v in a) this.attr(v, a[v]); else if (this._isStyle(a)) return a == 'text' ? this.content : a == 'leading' ? this[a] : this.style[a]; else return this.attrs[a]; } else { this.attrs[a] = v; if (a == 'x' && this._isText()) for (var i = this.lines.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) this.lines[i].attr(a, v); else n != null ? this.node.setAttributeNS(n, a, v) : this.node.setAttribute(a, v); if (this._isStyle(a)) { a == 'text' ? this.text(v) : a == 'leading' ? this[a] = v : this.style[a] = v; this.text(this.content); } } return this; }, // transformations transform: function(t, r) { var n = [], s = this.attr('transform') || '', l = s.match(/([a-z]+\([^\)]+\))/g) || []; if (r !== true) { var v = t.match(/^([A-Za-z\-]+)/)[1], r = new RegExp('^' + v); for (var i = 0, s = l.length; i < s; i++) if (!r.test(l[i])) n.push(l[i]); } else n = l; n.push(t); return this.attr('transform', n.join(' ')); }, // get bounding box bbox: function() { var b = this.node.getBBox(); b.cx = b.x + b.width / 2; b.cy = b.y + b.height / 2; return b; }, // private: find svg parent _parent: function(pt) { var e = this; while (e != null && !(e instanceof pt)) e = e.parent; return e; }, // private: is this text style _isStyle: function(a) { return typeof a == 'string' && this._isText() ? (/^font|text|leading/).test(a) : false; }, // private: element type tester _isText: function() { return this instanceof SVG.Text; } }); SVG.G = function G() { this.constructor.call(this, SVG.create('g')); }; // inherit from SVG.Element SVG.G.prototype = new SVG.Element(); // include the container object SVG.extend(SVG.G, SVG.Container); SVG.extend(SVG.Element, { // get all siblings, including me siblings: function() { return this.mother().children(); }, // send given element one step forwards forward: function() { var i = this.siblings().indexOf(this); this.mother().remove(this).add(this, i + 1); return this; }, // send given element one step backwards backward: function() { var i, p = this.mother().levelDefs(); i = this.siblings().indexOf(this); if (i > 1) p.remove(this).add(this, i - 1); return this; }, // send given element all the way to the front front: function() { this.mother().remove(this).add(this); return this; }, // send given element all the way to the back back: function() { var i, p = this.mother().levelDefs(); i = this.siblings().indexOf(this); if (i > 1) p.remove(this).add(this, 0); return this; } }); SVG.Defs = function Defs() { this.constructor.call(this, SVG.create('defs')); }; // inherit from SVG.Element SVG.Defs.prototype = new SVG.Element(); // include the container object SVG.extend(SVG.Defs, SVG.Container); var clipID = 0; SVG.Clip = function Clip() { this.constructor.call(this, SVG.create('clipPath')); this.id = '_' + (clipID++); this.attr('id', this.id); }; // inherit from SVG.Element SVG.Clip.prototype = new SVG.Element(); // include the container object SVG.extend(SVG.Clip, SVG.Container); // add clipping functionality to element SVG.extend(SVG.Element, { // clip element using another element clip: function(b) { var p = this.mother().defs().clipPath(); b(p); return this.clipTo(p); }, // distribute clipping path to svg element clipTo: function(p) { return this.attr('clip-path', 'url(#' + p.id + ')'); } }); // add def-specific functions SVG.extend(SVG.Defs, { // define clippath clipPath: function() { var e = new SVG.Clip(); this.add(e); return e; } }); SVG.Doc = function Doc(e) { this.constructor.call(this, SVG.create('svg')); // ensure the presence of a html element if (typeof e == 'string') e = document.getElementById(e); // set this. attr({ xmlns: SVG.ns, version: '1.1' }). attr('xlink', SVG.xlink, SVG.ns). size(e.offsetWidth, e.offsetHeight). defs(); e.appendChild(this.node); }; // inherit from SVG.Element SVG.Doc.prototype = new SVG.Element(); // include the container object SVG.extend(SVG.Doc, SVG.Container); SVG.Shape = function Shape(element) { this.constructor.call(this, element); }; // inherit from SVG.Element SVG.Shape.prototype = new SVG.Element(); SVG.Rect = function Rect() { this.constructor.call(this, SVG.create('rect')); }; // inherit from SVG.Shape SVG.Rect.prototype = new SVG.Shape(); SVG.Circle = function Circle() { this.constructor.call(this, SVG.create('circle')); }; // inherit from SVG.Shape SVG.Circle.prototype = new SVG.Shape(); // Add circle-specific functions SVG.extend(SVG.Circle, { // custom move function move: function(x, y) { this.attrs.x = x; this.attrs.y = y; return this.center(); }, // custom size function (no height value here!) size: function(w) { return this.attr('r', w / 2).center(); }, // position element by its center center: function(x, y) { var r = this.attrs.r || 0; return this.attr({ cx: (x || ((this.attrs.x || 0) + r)), cy: (y || ((this.attrs.y || 0) + r)) }); } }); SVG.Ellipse = function Ellipse() { this.constructor.call(this, SVG.create('ellipse')); }; // inherit from SVG.Shape SVG.Ellipse.prototype = new SVG.Shape(); // Add ellipse-specific functions SVG.extend(SVG.Ellipse, { // custom move function move: function(x, y) { this.attrs.x = x; this.attrs.y = y; return this.center(); }, // custom size function size: function(w, h) { return this. attr({ rx: w / 2, ry: h / 2 }). center(); }, // position element by its center center: function(x, y) { return this.attr({ cx: (x || ((this.attrs.x || 0) + (this.attrs.rx || 0))), cy: (y || ((this.attrs.y || 0) + (this.attrs.ry || 0))) }); } }); SVG.Path = function Path() { this.constructor.call(this, SVG.create('path')); }; // inherit from SVG.Shape SVG.Path.prototype = new SVG.Shape(); // Add path-specific functions SVG.extend(SVG.Path, { // set path data plot: function(d) { return this.attr('d', d); } }); SVG.Image = function Image() { this.constructor.call(this, SVG.create('image')); }; // inherit from SVG.Element SVG.Image.prototype = new SVG.Shape(); // Add image-specific functions SVG.extend(SVG.Image, { // (re)load image load: function(u) { return this.attr('href', u, SVG.xlink); } }); SVG.Text = function Text() { this.constructor.call(this, SVG.create('text')); this.style = { 'font-size': 16, 'font-family': 'Helvetica', 'text-anchor': 'start' }; this.leading = 1.2; this.lines = []; }; // inherit from SVG.Element SVG.Text.prototype = new SVG.Shape(); // Add image-specific functions SVG.extend(SVG.Text, { text: function(t) { this.content = t = t || 'text'; this.lines = []; var i, s, p = this.parentDoc(), a = t.split("\n"); while (this.node.hasChildNodes()) this.node.removeChild(this.node.lastChild); for (i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; i++) { s = new TSpan(). text(a[i]). attr({ dy: this.style['font-size'] * this.leading, x: (this.attr('x') || 0), style: this._style() }); this.node.appendChild(s.node); this.lines.push(s); }; return this; }, _style: function() { var i, o = '', s = this._s; for (i = s.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (this.style['font-' + s[i]] != null) o += 'font-' + s[i] + ':' + this.style['font-' + s[i]] + ';'; o += 'text-anchor:' + this.style['text-anchor'] + ';'; return o; } }); function TSpan() { this.constructor.call(this, SVG.create('tspan')); }; // inherit from SVG.Element TSpan.prototype = new SVG.Shape(); // include the container object SVG.extend(TSpan, { text: function(t) { this.node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(t)); return this; } }); SVG.extend(SVG.Shape, { // set fill color and opacity fill: function(f) { if (f.color != null) this.attr('fill', f.color); if (f.opacity != null) this.attr('fill-opacity', f.opacity); return this; }, // set stroke color and opacity stroke: function(s) { if (s.color) this.attr('stroke', s.color); var a = ('width opacity linecap linejoin miterlimit dasharray dashoffset').split(' '); for (var i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (s[a[i]] != null) this.attr('stroke-' + a[i], s[a[i]]); return this; } }); // Add element-specific functions SVG.extend(SVG.Element, { // rotation rotate: function(o) { var b = this.bbox(); if (o.x == null) o.x = b.cx; if (o.y == null) o.y = b.cy; return this.transform('rotate(' + (o.deg || 0) + ' ' + o.x + ' ' + o.y + ')', o.relative); } }); // Add group-specific functions SVG.extend(SVG.G, { // move using translate move: function(x, y) { return this.transform('translate(' + x + ' ' + y + ')'); } }); // Add text-specific functions SVG.extend(SVG.Text, { // set font font: function(o) { var a = {}; for (var k in o) k == 'leading' ? a[k] = o[k] : k == 'anchor' ? a['text-anchor'] = o[k] : this._s.indexOf(k) > -1 ? a['font-'+ k] = o[k] : void 0; return this.attr(a).text(this.content); }, }); }).call(this);