/* globals jasmine */ /** * Jasmine RequestAnimationFrame: a set of helpers for testing functionality * that uses requestAnimationFrame under the Jasmine BDD framework for JavaScript. */ function RAFPlugin(jasmine) { var index = 0 var callbacks = [] function MockRAF() { this.nextTime = 0 var _this = this /** * Mock for window.requestAnimationFrame */ this.mockRAF = function (fn) { if (typeof fn !== 'function') { throw new Error('You should pass a function to requestAnimationFrame') } const i = index++ callbacks[i] = fn return i } /** * Mock for window.cancelAnimationFrame */ this.mockCAF = function (requestID) { callbacks.splice(requestID, 1) } this.mockPerf = { now: function () { return _this.nextTime } } /** * Install request animation frame mocks. */ this.install = function (global) { _this.realRAF = global.requestAnimationFrame _this.realCAF = global.cancelAnimationFrame _this.realPerf = global.performance global.requestAnimationFrame = _this.mockRAF global.cancelAnimationFrame = _this.mockCAF global.performance = _this.mockPerf } /** * Uninstall request animation frame mocks. */ this.uninstall = function (global) { global.requestAnimationFrame = _this.realRAF global.cancelAnimationFrame = _this.realCAF global.performance = _this.realPerf _this.nextTime = 0 callbacks = [] } /** * Simulate animation frame readiness. */ this.tick = function (dt) { _this.nextTime += dt || 1 var fns = callbacks var fn var i callbacks = [] index = 0 for (i in fns) { fn = fns[i] fn(_this.nextTime) } } } jasmine.RequestAnimationFrame = new MockRAF() } RAFPlugin(jasmine)