import { isMatrixLike, getOrigin } from './helpers.js'
import Matrix from './Matrix.js'
import Morphable, { TransformBag } from './Morphable.js'
import SVGNumber from './SVGNumber.js'
import Timeline from './Timeline.js'
import { Controller, Ease, Stepper } from './Controller.js'
import { noop, timeline } from './defaults.js'
import { extend } from './tools.js'
import Animator from './Animator.js'
import Point from './Point.js'
import { registerMethods } from './methods.js'
import EventTarget from './EventTarget.js'
import Box from './Box.js'

// FIXME: What is this doing here?
// easing = {
//   '-': function (pos) { return pos },
//   '<>': function (pos) { return -Math.cos(pos * Math.PI) / 2 + 0.5 },
//   '>': function (pos) { return Math.sin(pos * Math.PI / 2) },
//   '<': function (pos) { return -Math.cos(pos * Math.PI / 2) + 1 }
// }

export default class Runner extends EventTarget {
  constructor (options) {

    // Store a unique id on the runner, so that we can identify it later =

    // Ensure a default value
    options = options == null
      ? timeline.duration
      : options

    // Ensure that we get a controller
    options = typeof options === 'function'
      ? new Controller(options)
      : options

    // Declare all of the variables
    this._element = null
    this._timeline = null
    this.done = false
    this._queue = []

    // Work out the stepper and the duration
    this._duration = typeof options === 'number' && options
    this._isDeclarative = options instanceof Controller
    this._stepper = this._isDeclarative ? options : new Ease()

    // We copy the current values from the timeline because they can change
    this._history = {}

    // Store the state of the runner
    this.enabled = true
    this._time = 0
    this._last = 0

    // Save transforms applied to this runner
    this.transforms = new Matrix()
    this.transformId = 1

    // Looping variables
    this._haveReversed = false
    this._reverse = false
    this._loopsDone = 0
    this._swing = false
    this._wait = 0
    this._times = 1

  Runner Definitions
  These methods help us define the runtime behaviour of the Runner or they
  help us make new runners from the current runner

  element (element) {
    if (element == null) return this._element
    this._element = element
    return this

  timeline (timeline) {
    // check explicitly for undefined so we can set the timeline to null
    if (typeof timeline === 'undefined') return this._timeline
    this._timeline = timeline
    return this

  animate (duration, delay, when) {
    var o = Runner.sanitise(duration, delay, when)
    var runner = new Runner(o.duration)
    if (this._timeline) runner.timeline(this._timeline)
    if (this._element) runner.element(this._element)
    return runner.loop(o).schedule(delay, when)

  schedule (timeline, delay, when) {
    // The user doesn't need to pass a timeline if we already have one
    if (!(timeline instanceof Timeline)) {
      when = delay
      delay = timeline
      timeline = this.timeline()

    // If there is no timeline, yell at the user...
    if (!timeline) {
      throw Error('Runner cannot be scheduled without timeline')

    // Schedule the runner on the timeline provided
    timeline.schedule(this, delay, when)
    return this

  unschedule () {
    var timeline = this.timeline()
    timeline && timeline.unschedule(this)
    return this

  loop (times, swing, wait) {
    // Deal with the user passing in an object
    if (typeof times === 'object') {
      swing = times.swing
      wait = times.wait
      times = times.times

    // Sanitise the values and store them
    this._times = times || Infinity
    this._swing = swing || false
    this._wait = wait || 0
    return this

  delay (delay) {
    return this.animate(0, delay)

  Basic Functionality
  These methods allow us to attach basic functions to the runner directly

  queue (initFn, runFn, isTransform) {
      initialiser: initFn || noop,
      runner: runFn || noop,
      isTransform: isTransform,
      initialised: false,
      finished: false
    var timeline = this.timeline()
    timeline && this.timeline()._continue()
    return this

  during (fn) {
    return this.queue(null, fn)

  after (fn) {
    return this.on('finish', fn)

  Runner animation methods
  Control how the animation plays

  time (time) {
    if (time == null) {
      return this._time
    let dt = time - this._time
    return this

  duration () {
    return this._times * (this._wait + this._duration) - this._wait

  loops (p) {
    var loopDuration = this._duration + this._wait
    if (p == null) {
      var loopsDone = Math.floor(this._time / loopDuration)
      var relativeTime = (this._time - loopsDone * loopDuration)
      var position = relativeTime / this._duration
      return Math.min(loopsDone + position, this._times)
    var whole = Math.floor(p)
    var partial = p % 1
    var time = loopDuration * whole + this._duration * partial
    return this.time(time)

  position (p) {
    // Get all of the variables we need
    var x = this._time
    var d = this._duration
    var w = this._wait
    var t = this._times
    var s = this._swing
    var r = this._reverse
    var position

    if (p == null) {
      This function converts a time to a position in the range [0, 1]
      The full explanation can be found in this desmos demonstration
      The logic is slightly simplified here because we can use booleans

      // Figure out the value without thinking about the start or end time
      const f = function (x) {
        var swinging = s * Math.floor(x % (2 * (w + d)) / (w + d))
        var backwards = (swinging && !r) || (!swinging && r)
        var uncliped = Math.pow(-1, backwards) * (x % (w + d)) / d + backwards
        var clipped = Math.max(Math.min(uncliped, 1), 0)
        return clipped

      // Figure out the value by incorporating the start time
      var endTime = t * (w + d) - w
      position = x <= 0 ? Math.round(f(1e-5))
        : x < endTime ? f(x)
          : Math.round(f(endTime - 1e-5))
      return position

    // Work out the loops done and add the position to the loops done
    var loopsDone = Math.floor(this.loops())
    var swingForward = s && (loopsDone % 2 === 0)
    var forwards = (swingForward && !r) || (r && swingForward)
    position = loopsDone + (forwards ? p : 1 - p)
    return this.loops(position)

  progress (p) {
    if (p == null) {
      return Math.min(1, this._time / this.duration())
    return this.time(p * this.duration())

  step (dt) {
    // If we are inactive, this stepper just gets skipped
    if (!this.enabled) return this

    // Update the time and get the new position
    dt = dt == null ? 16 : dt
    this._time += dt
    var position = this.position()

    // Figure out if we need to run the stepper in this frame
    var running = this._lastPosition !== position && this._time >= 0
    this._lastPosition = position

    // Figure out if we just started
    var duration = this.duration()
    var justStarted = this._lastTime < 0 && this._time > 0
    var justFinished = this._lastTime < this._time && this.time > duration
    this._lastTime = this._time
    if (justStarted) {'start', this)

    // Work out if the runner is finished set the done flag here so animations
    // know, that they are running in the last step (this is good for
    // transformations which can be merged)
    var declarative = this._isDeclarative
    this.done = !declarative && !justFinished && this._time >= duration

    // Call initialise and the run function
    if (running || declarative) {

      // clear the transforms on this runner so they dont get added again and again
      this.transforms = new Matrix()
      var converged = this._run(declarative ? dt : position)'step', this)
    // correct the done flag here
    // declaritive animations itself know when they converged
    this.done = this.done || (converged && declarative)
    if (this.done) {'finish', this)
    return this

  finish () {
    return this.step(Infinity)

  reverse (reverse) {
    this._reverse = reverse == null ? !this._reverse : reverse
    return this

  ease (fn) {
    this._stepper = new Ease(fn)
    return this

  active (enabled) {
    if (enabled == null) return this.enabled
    this.enabled = enabled
    return this

  Private Methods
  Methods that shouldn't be used externally

  // Save a morpher to the morpher list so that we can retarget it later
  _rememberMorpher (method, morpher) {
    this._history[method] = {
      morpher: morpher,
      caller: this._queue[this._queue.length - 1]

  // Try to set the target for a morpher if the morpher exists, otherwise
  // do nothing and return false
  _tryRetarget (method, target) {
    if (this._history[method]) {
      // if the last method wasnt even initialised, throw it away
      if (!this._history[method].caller.initialised) {
        let index = this._queue.indexOf(this._history[method].caller)
        this._queue.splice(index, 1)
        return false

      // for the case of transformations, we use the special retarget function
      // which has access to the outer scope
      if (this._history[method].caller.isTransform) {
      // for everything else a simple morpher change is sufficient
      } else {

      this._history[method].caller.finished = false
      var timeline = this.timeline()
      timeline && timeline._continue()
      return true
    return false

  // Run each initialise function in the runner if required
  _initialise (running) {
    // If we aren't running, we shouldn't initialise when not declarative
    if (!running && !this._isDeclarative) return

    // Loop through all of the initialisers
    for (var i = 0, len = this._queue.length; i < len; ++i) {
      // Get the current initialiser
      var current = this._queue[i]

      // Determine whether we need to initialise
      var needsIt = this._isDeclarative || (!current.initialised && running)
      running = !current.finished

      // Call the initialiser if we need to
      if (needsIt && running) {
        current.initialised = true

  // Run each run function for the position or dt given
  _run (positionOrDt) {
    // Run all of the _queue directly
    var allfinished = true
    for (var i = 0, len = this._queue.length; i < len; ++i) {
      // Get the current function to run
      var current = this._queue[i]

      // Run the function if its not finished, we keep track of the finished
      // flag for the sake of declarative _queue
      var converged =, positionOrDt)
      current.finished = current.finished || (converged === true)
      allfinished = allfinished && current.finished

    // We report when all of the constructors are finished
    return allfinished

  addTransform (transform, index) {
    return this

  clearTransform () {
    this.transforms = new Matrix()
    return this

  static sanitise (duration, delay, when) {
    // Initialise the default parameters
    var times = 1
    var swing = false
    var wait = 0
    duration = duration || timeline.duration
    delay = delay || timeline.delay
    when = when || 'last'

    // If we have an object, unpack the values
    if (typeof duration === 'object' && !(duration instanceof Stepper)) {
      delay = duration.delay || delay
      when = duration.when || when
      swing = duration.swing || swing
      times = duration.times || times
      wait = duration.wait || wait
      duration = duration.duration || timeline.duration

    return {
      duration: duration,
      delay: delay,
      swing: swing,
      times: times,
      wait: wait,
      when: when
} = 0

class FakeRunner {
  constructor (transforms = new Matrix(), id = -1, done = true) {
    this.transforms = transforms = id
    this.done = done

extend([Runner, FakeRunner], {
  mergeWith (runner) {
    return new FakeRunner(

// FakeRunner.emptyRunner = new FakeRunner()

const lmultiply = (last, curr) => last.lmultiplyO(curr)
const getRunnerTransform = (runner) => runner.transforms

function mergeTransforms () {
  // Find the matrix to apply to the element and apply it
  let runners = this._transformationRunners.runners
  let netTransform = runners
    .reduce(lmultiply, new Matrix())



  if (this._transformationRunners.length() === 1) {
    this._frameId = null

class RunnerArray {
  constructor () {
    this.runners = []
    this.ids = []

  add (runner) {
    if (this.runners.includes(runner)) return

    let id = + 1

    let leftSibling = this.ids.reduce((last, curr) => {
      if (curr > last && curr < id) return curr
      return last
    }, 0)

    let index = this.ids.indexOf(leftSibling) + 1

    this.ids.splice(index, 0, id)
    this.runners.splice(index, 0, runner)

    return this

  getByID (id) {
    return this.runners[this.ids.indexOf(id + 1)]

  remove (id) {
    let index = this.ids.indexOf(id + 1)
    this.ids.splice(index, 1)
    this.runners.splice(index, 1)
    return this

  merge () {
    let lastRunner = null
    this.runners.forEach((runner, i) => {
      if (lastRunner && runner.done && lastRunner.done) {
        this.edit(, runner.mergeWith(lastRunner))

      lastRunner = runner

    return this

  edit (id, newRunner) {
    let index = this.ids.indexOf(id + 1)
    this.ids.splice(index, 1, id)
    this.runners.splice(index, 1, newRunner)
    return this

  length () {
    return this.ids.length

  clearBefore (id) {
    let deleteCnt = this.ids.indexOf(id + 1) || 1
    this.ids.splice(0, deleteCnt, 0)
    this.runners.splice(0, deleteCnt, new FakeRunner())
    return this

let frameId = 0
  Element: {
    animate (duration, delay, when) {
      var o = Runner.sanitise(duration, delay, when)
      var timeline = this.timeline()
      return new Runner(o.duration)
        .schedule(delay, when)

    delay (by, when) {
      return this.animate(0, by, when)

    // this function searches for all runners on the element and deletes the ones
    // which run before the current one. This is because absolute transformations
    // overwfrite anything anyway so there is no need to waste time computing
    // other runners
    _clearTransformRunnersBefore (currentRunner) {

    _currentTransform (current) {
      return this._transformationRunners.runners
        // we need the equal sign here to make sure, that also transformations
        // on the same runner which execute before the current transformation are
        // taken into account
        .filter((runner) => <=
        .reduce(lmultiply, new Matrix())

    addRunner (runner) {

        mergeTransforms.bind(this), this._frameId

    _prepareRunner () {
      if (this._frameId == null) {
        this._transformationRunners = new RunnerArray()
          .add(new FakeRunner(new Matrix(this)))

        this._frameId = frameId++

extend(Runner, {
  attr (a, v) {
    return this.styleAttr('attr', a, v)

  // Add animatable styles
  css (s, v) {
    return this.styleAttr('css', s, v)

  styleAttr (type, name, val) {
    // apply attributes individually
    if (typeof name === 'object') {
      for (var key in val) {
        this.styleAttr(type, key, val[key])

    var morpher = new Morphable(this._stepper).to(val)

    this.queue(function () {
      morpher = morpher.from(this.element()[type](name))
    }, function (pos) {
      return morpher.done()

    return this

  zoom (level, point) {
    var morpher = new Morphable(this._stepper).to(new SVGNumber(level))

    this.queue(function () {
      morpher = morpher.from(this.zoom())
    }, function (pos) {
      this.element().zoom(, point)
      return morpher.done()

    return this

   ** absolute transformations

  // M v -----|-----(D M v = F v)------|----->  T v
  // 1. define the final state (T) and decompose it (once)
  //    t = [tx, ty, the, lam, sy, sx]
  // 2. on every frame: pull the current state of all previous transforms
  //    (M - m can change)
  //   and then write this as m = [tx0, ty0, the0, lam0, sy0, sx0]
  // 3. Find the interpolated matrix F(pos) = m + pos * (t - m)
  //   - Note F(0) = M
  //   - Note F(1) = T
  // 4. Now you get the delta matrix as a result: D = F * inv(M)

  transform (transforms, relative, affine) {
    // If we have a declarative function, we should retarget it if possible
    relative = transforms.relative || relative
    if (this._isDeclarative && !relative && this._tryRetarget('transform', transforms)) {
      return this

    // Parse the parameters
    var isMatrix = isMatrixLike(transforms)
    affine = transforms.affine != null
      ? transforms.affine
      : (affine != null ? affine : !isMatrix)

    // Create a morepher and set its type
    const morpher = new Morphable()
      .type(affine ? TransformBag : Matrix)

    let origin
    let element
    let current
    let currentAngle
    let startTransform

    function setup () {
      // make sure element and origin is defined
      element = element || this.element()
      origin = origin || getOrigin(transforms, element)

      startTransform = new Matrix(relative ? undefined : element)

      // add the runner to the element so it can merge transformations

      // Deactivate all transforms that have run so far if we are absolute
      if (!relative) {

    function run (pos) {
      // clear all other transforms before this in case something is saved
      // on this runner. We are absolute. We dont need these!
      if (!relative) this.clearTransform()

      let { x, y } = new Point(origin).transform(element._currentTransform(this))

      let target = new Matrix({ ...transforms, origin: [x, y] })
      let start = this._isDeclarative && current
        ? current
        : startTransform

      if (affine) {
        target = target.decompose(x, y)
        start = start.decompose(x, y)

        // Get the current and target angle as it was set
        const rTarget = target.rotate
        const rCurrent = start.rotate

        // Figure out the shortest path to rotate directly
        const possibilities = [rTarget - 360, rTarget, rTarget + 360]
        const distances = => Math.abs(a - rCurrent))
        const shortest = Math.min(...distances)
        const index = distances.indexOf(shortest)
        target.rotate = possibilities[index]

      if (relative) {
        // we have to be careful here not to overwrite the rotation
        // with the rotate method of Matrix
        if (!isMatrix) {
          target.rotate = transforms.rotate || 0
        if (this._isDeclarative && currentAngle) {
          start.rotate = currentAngle


      let affineParameters =
      currentAngle = affineParameters.rotate
      current = new Matrix(affineParameters)

      return morpher.done()

    function retarget (newTransforms) {
      // only get a new origin if it changed since the last call
      if (
        (newTransforms.origin || 'center').toString() !==
        (transforms.origin || 'center').toString()
      ) {
        origin = getOrigin(transforms, element)

      // overwrite the old transformations with the new ones
      transforms = { ...newTransforms, origin }

    this.queue(setup, run, retarget)
    this._isDeclarative && this._rememberMorpher('transform', morpher)
    return this

  // Animatable x-axis
  x (x, relative) {
    return this._queueNumber('x', x)

  // Animatable y-axis
  y (y) {
    return this._queueNumber('y', y)

  dx (x) {
    return this._queueNumberDelta('dx', x)

  dy (y) {
    return this._queueNumberDelta('dy', y)

  _queueNumberDelta (method, to) {
    to = new SVGNumber(to)

    // Try to change the target if we have this method already registerd
    if (this._tryRetargetDelta(method, to)) return this

    // Make a morpher and queue the animation
    var morpher = new Morphable(this._stepper).to(to)
    this.queue(function () {
      var from = this.element()[method]()
      morpher.from(from) + to)
    }, function (pos) {
      return morpher.done()

    // Register the morpher so that if it is changed again, we can retarget it
    this._rememberMorpher(method, morpher)
    return this

  _queueObject (method, to) {
    // Try to change the target if we have this method already registerd
    if (this._tryRetarget(method, to)) return this

    // Make a morpher and queue the animation
    var morpher = new Morphable(this._stepper).to(to)
    this.queue(function () {
    }, function (pos) {
      return morpher.done()

    // Register the morpher so that if it is changed again, we can retarget it
    this._rememberMorpher(method, morpher)
    return this

  _queueNumber (method, value) {
    return this._queueObject(method, new SVGNumber(value))

  // Animatable center x-axis
  cx (x) {
    return this._queueNumber('cx', x)

  // Animatable center y-axis
  cy (y) {
    return this._queueNumber('cy', y)

  // Add animatable move
  move (x, y) {
    return this.x(x).y(y)

  // Add animatable center
  center (x, y) {

  // Add animatable size
  size (width, height) {
    // animate bbox based size for all other elements
    var box

    if (!width || !height) {
      box = this._element.bbox()

    if (!width) {
      width = box.width / box.height * height

    if (!height) {
      height = box.height / box.width * width

    return this

  // Add animatable width
  width (width) {
    return this._queueNumber('width', width)

  // Add animatable height
  height (height) {
    return this._queueNumber('height', height)

  // Add animatable plot
  plot (a, b, c, d) {
    // Lines can be plotted with 4 arguments
    if (arguments.length === 4) {
      return this.plot([a, b, c, d])

    // FIXME: this needs to be rewritten such that the element is only accesed
    // in the init function
    return this._queueObject('plot', new this._element.MorphArray(a))

    var morpher = this._element.morphArray().to(a)

    this.queue(function () {
    }, function (pos) {

    return this

  // Add leading method
  leading (value) {
    return this._queueNumber('leading', value)

  // Add animatable viewbox
  viewbox (x, y, width, height) {
    return this._queueObject('viewbox', new Box(x, y, width, height))

  update (o) {
    if (typeof o !== 'object') {
      return this.update({
        offset: arguments[0],
        color: arguments[1],
        opacity: arguments[2]

    if (o.opacity != null) this.attr('stop-opacity', o.opacity)
    if (o.color != null) this.attr('stop-color', o.color)
    if (o.offset != null) this.attr('offset', o.offset)

    return this