SVG.Container = function(element) {, element) } // Inherit from SVG.Element SVG.Container.prototype = new SVG.Element // SVG.extend(SVG.Container, { // Returns all child elements children: function() { return this._children || (this._children = []) } // Add given element at a position , add: function(element, i) { if (!this.has(element)) { /* define insertion index if none given */ i = i == null ? this.children().length : i /* remove references from previous parent */ if (element.parent) { var index = element.parent.children().indexOf(element) element.parent.children().splice(index, 1) } /* add element references */ this.children().splice(i, 0, element) this.node.insertBefore(element.node, this.node.childNodes[i] || null) element.parent = this } return this } // Basically does the same as `add()` but returns the added element instead , put: function(element, i) { this.add(element, i) return element } // Checks if the given element is a child , has: function(element) { return this.children().indexOf(element) >= 0 } // Iterates over all children and invokes a given block , each: function(block) { var index, children = this.children() for (index = 0, length = children.length; index < length; index++) if (children[index] instanceof SVG.Shape) block.apply(children[index], [index, children]) return this } // Remove a child element at a position , removeElement: function(element) { var i = this.children().indexOf(element) this.children().splice(i, 1) this.node.removeChild(element.node) element.parent = null return this } // Returns defs element , defs: function() { return this._defs || (this._defs = this.put(new SVG.Defs, 0)) } // Re-level defs to first positon in element stack , level: function() { return this.removeElement(this.defs()).put(this.defs(), 0) } // Create a group element , group: function() { return this.put(new SVG.G) } // Create a rect element , rect: function(width, height) { return this.put(new SVG.Rect().size(width, height)) } // Create circle element, based on ellipse , circle: function(size) { return this.ellipse(size, size) } // Create an ellipse , ellipse: function(width, height) { return this.put(new SVG.Ellipse().size(width, height).move(0, 0)) } // Create a line element , line: function(x1, y1, x2, y2) { return this.put(new SVG.Line().plot(x1, y1, x2, y2)) } // Create a wrapped polyline element , polyline: function(points, unbiased) { return this.put(new SVG.Polyline(unbiased)).plot(points) } // Create a wrapped polygon element , polygon: function(points, unbiased) { return this.put(new SVG.Polygon(unbiased)).plot(points) } // Create a wrapped path element , path: function(data, unbiased) { return this.put(new SVG.Path(unbiased)).plot(data) } // Create image element, load image and set its size , image: function(source, width, height) { width = width != null ? width : 100 return this.put(new SVG.Image().load(source).size(width, height != null ? height : width)) } // Create text element , text: function(text) { return this.put(new SVG.Text().text(text)) } // Create nested svg document , nested: function() { return this.put(new SVG.Nested) } // Create gradient element in defs , gradient: function(type, block) { return this.defs().gradient(type, block) } // Create pattern element in defs , pattern: function(width, height, block) { return this.defs().pattern(width, height, block) } // Create masking element , mask: function() { return this.defs().put(new SVG.Mask) } // Create clipping element , clip: function() { return this.defs().put(new SVG.Clip) } // Get first child, skipping the defs node , first: function() { return this.children()[0] instanceof SVG.Defs ? this.children()[1] : this.children()[0] } // Get the last child , last: function() { return this.children()[this.children().length - 1] } // Get the viewBox and calculate the zoom value , viewbox: function(v) { if (arguments.length == 0) /* act as a getter if there are no arguments */ return new SVG.ViewBox(this) /* otherwise act as a setter */ v = arguments.length == 1 ? [v.x, v.y, v.width, v.height] : [] return this.attr('viewBox', v.join(' ')) } // Remove all elements in this container , clear: function() { /* remove children */ for (var i = this.children().length - 1; i >= 0; i--) this.removeElement(this.children()[i]) /* create new defs node */ this.defs() return this } })