/* global proportionalSize, assignNewId, createElement, matches, is */ SVG.Element = SVG.invent({ // Initialize node create: function (node) { // event listener this.events = {} // initialize data object this.dom = {} // create circular reference this.node = node if (this.node) { this.type = node.nodeName this.node.instance = this this.events = node.events || {} if (node.hasAttribute('svgjs:data')) { // pull svgjs data from the dom (getAttributeNS doesn't work in html5) this.setData(JSON.parse(node.getAttribute('svgjs:data')) || {}) } } }, // Add class methods extend: { // Move over x-axis x: function (x) { return this.attr('x', x) }, // Move over y-axis y: function (y) { return this.attr('y', y) }, // Move by center over x-axis cx: function (x) { return x == null ? this.x() + this.width() / 2 : this.x(x - this.width() / 2) }, // Move by center over y-axis cy: function (y) { return y == null ? this.y() + this.height() / 2 : this.y(y - this.height() / 2) }, // Move element to given x and y values move: function (x, y) { return this.x(x).y(y) }, // Move element by its center center: function (x, y) { return this.cx(x).cy(y) }, // Set width of element width: function (width) { return this.attr('width', width) }, // Set height of element height: function (height) { return this.attr('height', height) }, // Set element size to given width and height size: function (width, height) { var p = proportionalSize(this, width, height) return this .width(new SVG.Number(p.width)) .height(new SVG.Number(p.height)) }, // Clone element clone: function (parent) { // write dom data to the dom so the clone can pickup the data this.writeDataToDom() // clone element and assign new id var clone = assignNewId(this.node.cloneNode(true)) // insert the clone in the given parent or after myself if (parent) parent.add(clone) else this.after(clone) return clone }, // Remove element remove: function () { if (this.parent()) { this.parent().removeElement(this) } return this }, // Replace element replace: function (element) { this.after(element).remove() return element }, // Add element to given container and return self addTo: function (parent) { return createElement(parent).put(this) }, // Add element to given container and return container putIn: function (parent) { return createElement(parent).add(this) }, // Get / set id id: function (id) { // generate new id if no id set if (typeof id === 'undefined' && !this.node.id) { this.node.id = SVG.eid(this.type) } // dont't set directly width this.node.id to make `null` work correctly return this.attr('id', id) }, // Checks whether the given point inside the bounding box of the element inside: function (x, y) { var box = this.bbox() return x > box.x && y > box.y && x < box.x + box.width && y < box.y + box.height }, // Show element show: function () { return this.css('display', '') }, // Hide element hide: function () { return this.css('display', 'none') }, // Is element visible? visible: function () { return this.css('display') !== 'none' }, // Return id on string conversion toString: function () { return this.id() }, // Return array of classes on the node classes: function () { var attr = this.attr('class') return attr == null ? [] : attr.trim().split(SVG.regex.delimiter) }, // Return true if class exists on the node, false otherwise hasClass: function (name) { return this.classes().indexOf(name) !== -1 }, // Add class to the node addClass: function (name) { if (!this.hasClass(name)) { var array = this.classes() array.push(name) this.attr('class', array.join(' ')) } return this }, // Remove class from the node removeClass: function (name) { if (this.hasClass(name)) { this.attr('class', this.classes().filter(function (c) { return c !== name }).join(' ')) } return this }, // Toggle the presence of a class on the node toggleClass: function (name) { return this.hasClass(name) ? this.removeClass(name) : this.addClass(name) }, // Get referenced element form attribute value reference: function (attr) { return SVG.get(this.attr(attr)) }, // Returns the parent element instance parent: function (type) { var parent = this // check for parent if (!parent.node.parentNode) return null // get parent element parent = SVG.adopt(parent.node.parentNode) if (!type) return parent // loop trough ancestors if type is given while (parent && parent.node instanceof window.SVGElement) { if (typeof type === 'string' ? parent.matches(type) : parent instanceof type) return parent parent = SVG.adopt(parent.node.parentNode) } }, // Get parent document doc: function () { var p = this.parent(SVG.Doc) return p && p.doc() }, // Get defs defs: function () { return this.doc().defs() }, // return array of all ancestors of given type up to the root svg parents: function (type) { var parents = [] var parent = this do { parent = parent.parent(type) if (!parent || !parent.node) break parents.push(parent) } while (parent.parent) return parents }, // matches the element vs a css selector matches: function (selector) { return matches(this.node, selector) }, // Returns the svg node to call native svg methods on it native: function () { return this.node }, // Import raw svg svg: function (svg) { var well, len // act as a setter if svg is given if (svg && this instanceof SVG.Parent) { // create temporary holder well = document.createElementNS(SVG.ns, 'svg') // dump raw svg well.innerHTML = svg // transplant nodes for (len = well.children.length; len--;) { this.node.appendChild(well.firstElementChild) } // otherwise act as a getter } else { // write svgjs data to the dom this.writeDataToDom() return this.node.outerHTML } return this }, // write svgjs data to the dom writeDataToDom: function () { // dump variables recursively if (this.is(SVG.Parent)) { this.each(function () { this.writeDataToDom() }) } // remove previously set data this.node.removeAttribute('svgjs:data') if (Object.keys(this.dom).length) { this.node.setAttribute('svgjs:data', JSON.stringify(this.dom)) // see #428 } return this }, // set given data to the elements data property setData: function (o) { this.dom = o return this }, is: function (obj) { return is(this, obj) } } })