SVG.Element = function Element(svgElement) { this.svgElement = svgElement; this.attributes = {}; }; //-D // inherit from SVG.Object //-D SVG.Element.prototype = new SVG.Object(); // move element to given x and y values SVG.Element.prototype.move = function(x, y) { this.setAttribute('x', x); this.setAttribute('y', y); return this; }; // set element opacity SVG.Element.prototype.opacity = function(o) { return this.setAttribute('opacity', Math.max(0, Math.min(1, o))); }; // set element size to given width and height SVG.Element.prototype.size = function(w, h) { this.setAttribute('width', w); this.setAttribute('height', h); return this; }; // clip element using another element SVG.Element.prototype.clip = function(block) { var p = this.parentSVG().defs().clipPath(); block(p); return this.clipTo(p); }; // distribute clipping path to svg element SVG.Element.prototype.clipTo = function(p) { return this.setAttribute('clip-path', 'url(#' + + ')'); }; // remove element SVG.Element.prototype.destroy = function() { return this.parent != null ? this.parent.remove(this) : void 0; }; // get parent document SVG.Element.prototype.parentDoc = function() { return this._findParent(SVG.Document); }; // get parent svg wrapper SVG.Element.prototype.parentSVG = function() { return this._findParent(SVG.Nested) || this.parentDoc(); }; // set svg element attribute SVG.Element.prototype.setAttribute = function(a, v, ns) { this.attributes[a] = v; if (ns != null) this.svgElement.setAttributeNS(ns, a, v); else this.svgElement.setAttribute(a, v); return this; }; // get bounding box SVG.Element.prototype.getBBox = function() { return this.svgElement.getBBox(); }; // private: find svg parent SVG.Element.prototype._findParent = function(pt) { var e = this; while (e != null && !(e instanceof pt)) e = e.parent; return e; }; // include the dispatcher object SVG.Element.include(SVG.Dispatcher);