SVG.Gradient = function Gradient(type) {, SVG.create(type + 'Gradient')); /* set unique id */ this.attr('id', ( = 'svgjs_element_' + (SVG.did++))); /* store type */ this.type = type; }; // Inherit from SVG.Container SVG.Gradient.prototype = new SVG.Container(); // SVG.extend(SVG.Gradient, { // From position from: function(x, y) { return this.type == 'radial' ? this.attr({ fx: x + '%', fy: y + '%' }) : this.attr({ x1: x + '%', y1: y + '%' }); }, // To position to: function(x, y) { return this.type == 'radial' ? this.attr({ cx: x + '%', cy: y + '%' }) : this.attr({ x2: x + '%', y2: y + '%' }); }, // Radius for radial gradient radius: function(radius) { return this.type == 'radial' ? this.attr({ r: radius + '%' }) : this; }, // Add a color stop at: function(stop) { return this.put(new SVG.Stop(stop)); }, // Update gradient update: function(block) { /* remove all stops */ while (this.node.hasChildNodes()) this.node.removeChild(this.node.lastChild); /* invoke passed block */ block(this); return this; }, // Return the fill id fill: function() { return 'url(#' + + ')'; } }); // SVG.extend(SVG.Defs, { /* define gradient */ gradient: function(type, block) { var element = this.put(new SVG.Gradient(type)); /* invoke passed block */ block(element); return element; } }); SVG.Stop = function Stop(stop) {, SVG.create('stop')); /* immediatelly build stop */ this.update(stop); }; // Inherit from SVG.Element SVG.Stop.prototype = new SVG.Element(); // SVG.extend(SVG.Stop, { /* add color stops */ update: function(o) { var index, style = '', attr = ['opacity', 'color']; /* build style attribute */ for (index = attr.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) if (o[attr[index]] != null) style += 'stop-' + attr[index] + ':' + o[attr[index]] + ';'; /* set attributes */ return this.attr({ offset: (o.offset != null ? o.offset : this.attrs.offset || 0) + '%', style: style }); } });