function pathRegReplace(a, b, c, d) { return c + d.replace(SVG.regex.dots, ' .') } // creates deep clone of array function array_clone(arr){ var clone = arr.slice(0) for(var i = clone.length; i--;){ if(Array.isArray(clone[i])){ clone[i] = array_clone(clone[i]) } } return clone } // tests if a given element is instance of an object function is(el, obj){ return el instanceof obj } // tests if a given selector matches an element function matches(el, selector) { return (el.matches || el.matchesSelector || el.msMatchesSelector || el.mozMatchesSelector || el.webkitMatchesSelector || el.oMatchesSelector).call(el, selector); } // Convert dash-separated-string to camelCase function camelCase(s) { return s.toLowerCase().replace(/-(.)/g, function(m, g) { return g.toUpperCase() }) } // Capitalize first letter of a string function capitalize(s) { return s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1) } // Ensure to six-based hex function fullHex(hex) { return hex.length == 4 ? [ '#', hex.substring(1, 2), hex.substring(1, 2) , hex.substring(2, 3), hex.substring(2, 3) , hex.substring(3, 4), hex.substring(3, 4) ].join('') : hex } // Component to hex value function compToHex(comp) { var hex = comp.toString(16) return hex.length == 1 ? '0' + hex : hex } // Calculate proportional width and height values when necessary function proportionalSize(element, width, height) { if (width == null || height == null) { var box = element.bbox() if (width == null) width = box.width / box.height * height else if (height == null) height = box.height / box.width * width } return { width: width , height: height } } // Delta transform point function deltaTransformPoint(matrix, x, y) { return { x: x * matrix.a + y * matrix.c + 0 , y: x * matrix.b + y * matrix.d + 0 } } // Map matrix array to object function arrayToMatrix(a) { return { a: a[0], b: a[1], c: a[2], d: a[3], e: a[4], f: a[5] } } // Parse matrix if required function parseMatrix(matrix) { if (!(matrix instanceof SVG.Matrix)) matrix = new SVG.Matrix(matrix) return matrix } // Add centre point to transform object function ensureCentre(o, target) { = == null ? target.bbox().cx : = == null ? target.bbox().cy : } // PathArray Helpers function arrayToString(a) { for (var i = 0, il = a.length, s = ''; i < il; i++) { s += a[i][0] if (a[i][1] != null) { s += a[i][1] if (a[i][2] != null) { s += ' ' s += a[i][2] if (a[i][3] != null) { s += ' ' s += a[i][3] s += ' ' s += a[i][4] if (a[i][5] != null) { s += ' ' s += a[i][5] s += ' ' s += a[i][6] if (a[i][7] != null) { s += ' ' s += a[i][7] } } } } } } return s + ' ' } // Deep new id assignment function assignNewId(node) { // do the same for SVG child nodes as well for (var i = node.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (node.childNodes[i] instanceof window.SVGElement) assignNewId(node.childNodes[i]) return SVG.adopt(node).id(SVG.eid(node.nodeName)) } // Add more bounding box properties function fullBox(b) { if (b.x == null) { b.x = 0 b.y = 0 b.width = 0 b.height = 0 } b.w = b.width b.h = b.height b.x2 = b.x + b.width b.y2 = b.y + b.height = b.x + b.width / 2 = b.y + b.height / 2 return b } // Get id from reference string function idFromReference(url) { var m = url.toString().match(SVG.regex.reference) if (m) return m[1] } // Create matrix array for looping var abcdef = 'abcdef'.split('')