// Module for unit convertions SVG.Number = SVG.invent({ // Initialize create: function(value) { // Initialize defaults this.value = 0 this.unit = '' // Parse value if (typeof value === 'number') { // Ensure a valid numeric value this.value = isNaN(value) ? 0 : !isFinite(value) ? (value < 0 ? -3.4e+38 : +3.4e+38) : value } else if (typeof value === 'string') { var match = value.match(SVG.regex.unit) if (match) { // Make value numeric this.value = parseFloat(match[1]) // Normalize if (match[2] == '%') this.value /= 100 else if (match[2] == 's') this.value *= 1000 // Store unit this.unit = match[2] } } else { if (value instanceof SVG.Number) { this.value = value.value this.unit = value.unit } } } // Add methods , extend: { // Stringalize toString: function() { return ( this.unit == '%' ? ~~(this.value * 1e8) / 1e6: this.unit == 's' ? this.value / 1e3 : this.value ) + this.unit } , // Convert to primitive valueOf: function() { return this.value } // Add number , plus: function(number) { this.value = this + new SVG.Number(number) return this } // Subtract number , minus: function(number) { return this.plus(-new SVG.Number(number)) } // Multiply number , times: function(number) { this.value = this * new SVG.Number(number) return this } // Divide number , divide: function(number) { this.value = this / new SVG.Number(number) return this } // Convert to different unit , to: function(unit) { if (typeof unit === 'string') this.unit = unit return this } // Make number morphable , morph: function(number) { this.destination = new SVG.Number(number) return this } // Get morphed number at given position , at: function(pos) { // Make sure a destination is defined if (!this.destination) return this // Generate new morphed number return new SVG.Number(this.destination) .minus(this) .times(pos) .plus(this) } } })