// Poly points array SVG.PointArray = function(array, fallback) { this.constructor.call(this, array, fallback || [[0,0]]) } // Inherit from SVG.Array SVG.PointArray.prototype = new SVG.Array SVG.extend(SVG.PointArray, { // Convert array to string toString: function() { /* convert to a poly point string */ for (var i = 0, il = this.value.length, array = []; i < il; i++) array.push(this.value[i].join(',')) return array.join(' ') } // Convert array to line object , toLine: function() { return { x1: this.value[0][0] , y1: this.value[0][1] , x2: this.value[1][0] , y2: this.value[1][1] } } // Get morphed array at given position , at: function(pos) { /* make sure a destination is defined */ if (!this.destination) return this /* generate morphed point string */ for (var i = 0, il = this.value.length, array = []; i < il; i++) array.push([ this.value[i][0] + (this.destination[i][0] - this.value[i][0]) * pos , this.value[i][1] + (this.destination[i][1] - this.value[i][1]) * pos ]) return new SVG.PointArray(array) } // Parse point string , parse: function(array) { array = array.valueOf() /* if already is an array, no need to parse it */ if (Array.isArray(array)) return array /* split points */ array = this.split(array) /* parse points */ for (var i = 0, il = array.length, p, points = []; i < il; i++) { p = array[i].split(',') points.push([parseFloat(p[0]), parseFloat(p[1])]) } return points } // Move point string , move: function(x, y) { var box = this.bbox() /* get relative offset */ x -= box.x y -= box.y /* move every point */ if (!isNaN(x) && !isNaN(y)) for (var i = this.value.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) this.value[i] = [this.value[i][0] + x, this.value[i][1] + y] return this } // Resize poly string , size: function(width, height) { var i, box = this.bbox() /* recalculate position of all points according to new size */ for (i = this.value.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.value[i][0] = ((this.value[i][0] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x this.value[i][1] = ((this.value[i][1] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y } return this } // Get bounding box of points , bbox: function() { SVG.parser.poly.setAttribute('points', this.toString()) return SVG.parser.poly.getBBox() } })