import { delimiter } from '../modules/core/regex.js' import { radians } from '../utils/utils.js' import { register } from '../utils/adopter.js' import Element from '../elements/Element.js' import Point from './Point.js' function closeEnough (a, b, threshold) { return Math.abs(b - a) < (threshold || 1e-6) } export default class Matrix { constructor (...args) { this.init(...args) } static formatTransforms (o) { // Get all of the parameters required to form the matrix const flipBoth = o.flip === 'both' || o.flip === true const flipX = o.flip && (flipBoth || o.flip === 'x') ? -1 : 1 const flipY = o.flip && (flipBoth || o.flip === 'y') ? -1 : 1 const skewX = o.skew && o.skew.length ? o.skew[0] : isFinite(o.skew) ? o.skew : isFinite(o.skewX) ? o.skewX : 0 const skewY = o.skew && o.skew.length ? o.skew[1] : isFinite(o.skew) ? o.skew : isFinite(o.skewY) ? o.skewY : 0 const scaleX = o.scale && o.scale.length ? o.scale[0] * flipX : isFinite(o.scale) ? o.scale * flipX : isFinite(o.scaleX) ? o.scaleX * flipX : flipX const scaleY = o.scale && o.scale.length ? o.scale[1] * flipY : isFinite(o.scale) ? o.scale * flipY : isFinite(o.scaleY) ? o.scaleY * flipY : flipY const shear = o.shear || 0 const theta = o.rotate || o.theta || 0 const origin = new Point(o.origin || o.around || o.ox || o.originX, o.oy || o.originY) const ox = origin.x const oy = origin.y // We need Point to be invalid if nothing was passed because we cannot default to 0 here. Thats why NaN const position = new Point(o.position || o.px || o.positionX || NaN, || o.positionY || NaN) const px = position.x const py = position.y const translate = new Point(o.translate || o.tx || o.translateX, o.ty || o.translateY) const tx = translate.x const ty = translate.y const relative = new Point(o.relative || o.rx || o.relativeX, o.ry || o.relativeY) const rx = relative.x const ry = relative.y // Populate all of the values return { scaleX, scaleY, skewX, skewY, shear, theta, rx, ry, tx, ty, ox, oy, px, py } } static fromArray (a) { return { a: a[0], b: a[1], c: a[2], d: a[3], e: a[4], f: a[5] } } static isMatrixLike (o) { return ( o.a != null || o.b != null || o.c != null || o.d != null || o.e != null || o.f != null ) } // left matrix, right matrix, target matrix which is overwritten static matrixMultiply (l, r, o) { // Work out the product directly const a = l.a * r.a + l.c * r.b const b = l.b * r.a + l.d * r.b const c = l.a * r.c + l.c * r.d const d = l.b * r.c + l.d * r.d const e = l.e + l.a * r.e + l.c * r.f const f = l.f + l.b * r.e + l.d * r.f // make sure to use local variables because l/r and o could be the same o.a = a o.b = b o.c = c o.d = d o.e = e o.f = f return o } around (cx, cy, matrix) { return this.clone().aroundO(cx, cy, matrix) } // Transform around a center point aroundO (cx, cy, matrix) { const dx = cx || 0 const dy = cy || 0 return this.translateO(-dx, -dy).lmultiplyO(matrix).translateO(dx, dy) } // Clones this matrix clone () { return new Matrix(this) } // Decomposes this matrix into its affine parameters decompose (cx = 0, cy = 0) { // Get the parameters from the matrix const a = this.a const b = this.b const c = this.c const d = this.d const e = this.e const f = this.f // Figure out if the winding direction is clockwise or counterclockwise const determinant = a * d - b * c const ccw = determinant > 0 ? 1 : -1 // Since we only shear in x, we can use the x basis to get the x scale // and the rotation of the resulting matrix const sx = ccw * Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b) const thetaRad = Math.atan2(ccw * b, ccw * a) const theta = 180 / Math.PI * thetaRad const ct = Math.cos(thetaRad) const st = Math.sin(thetaRad) // We can then solve the y basis vector simultaneously to get the other // two affine parameters directly from these parameters const lam = (a * c + b * d) / determinant const sy = ((c * sx) / (lam * a - b)) || ((d * sx) / (lam * b + a)) // Use the translations const tx = e - cx + cx * ct * sx + cy * (lam * ct * sx - st * sy) const ty = f - cy + cx * st * sx + cy * (lam * st * sx + ct * sy) // Construct the decomposition and return it return { // Return the affine parameters scaleX: sx, scaleY: sy, shear: lam, rotate: theta, translateX: tx, translateY: ty, originX: cx, originY: cy, // Return the matrix parameters a: this.a, b: this.b, c: this.c, d: this.d, e: this.e, f: this.f } } // Check if two matrices are equal equals (other) { if (other === this) return true const comp = new Matrix(other) return closeEnough(this.a, comp.a) && closeEnough(this.b, comp.b) && closeEnough(this.c, comp.c) && closeEnough(this.d, comp.d) && closeEnough(this.e, comp.e) && closeEnough(this.f, comp.f) } // Flip matrix on x or y, at a given offset flip (axis, around) { return this.clone().flipO(axis, around) } flipO (axis, around) { return axis === 'x' ? this.scaleO(-1, 1, around, 0) : axis === 'y' ? this.scaleO(1, -1, 0, around) : this.scaleO(-1, -1, axis, around || axis) // Define an x, y flip point } // Initialize init (source) { const base = Matrix.fromArray([ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ]) // ensure source as object source = source instanceof Element ? source.matrixify() : typeof source === 'string' ? Matrix.fromArray(source.split(delimiter).map(parseFloat)) : Array.isArray(source) ? Matrix.fromArray(source) : (typeof source === 'object' && Matrix.isMatrixLike(source)) ? source : (typeof source === 'object') ? new Matrix().transform(source) : arguments.length === 6 ? Matrix.fromArray([] : base // Merge the source matrix with the base matrix this.a = source.a != null ? source.a : base.a this.b = source.b != null ? source.b : base.b this.c = source.c != null ? source.c : base.c this.d = source.d != null ? source.d : base.d this.e = source.e != null ? source.e : base.e this.f = source.f != null ? source.f : base.f return this } inverse () { return this.clone().inverseO() } // Inverses matrix inverseO () { // Get the current parameters out of the matrix const a = this.a const b = this.b const c = this.c const d = this.d const e = this.e const f = this.f // Invert the 2x2 matrix in the top left const det = a * d - b * c if (!det) throw new Error('Cannot invert ' + this) // Calculate the top 2x2 matrix const na = d / det const nb = -b / det const nc = -c / det const nd = a / det // Apply the inverted matrix to the top right const ne = -(na * e + nc * f) const nf = -(nb * e + nd * f) // Construct the inverted matrix this.a = na this.b = nb this.c = nc this.d = nd this.e = ne this.f = nf return this } lmultiply (matrix) { return this.clone().lmultiplyO(matrix) } lmultiplyO (matrix) { const r = this const l = matrix instanceof Matrix ? matrix : new Matrix(matrix) return Matrix.matrixMultiply(l, r, this) } // Left multiplies by the given matrix multiply (matrix) { return this.clone().multiplyO(matrix) } multiplyO (matrix) { // Get the matrices const l = this const r = matrix instanceof Matrix ? matrix : new Matrix(matrix) return Matrix.matrixMultiply(l, r, this) } // Rotate matrix rotate (r, cx, cy) { return this.clone().rotateO(r, cx, cy) } rotateO (r, cx = 0, cy = 0) { // Convert degrees to radians r = radians(r) const cos = Math.cos(r) const sin = Math.sin(r) const { a, b, c, d, e, f } = this this.a = a * cos - b * sin this.b = b * cos + a * sin this.c = c * cos - d * sin this.d = d * cos + c * sin this.e = e * cos - f * sin + cy * sin - cx * cos + cx this.f = f * cos + e * sin - cx * sin - cy * cos + cy return this } // Scale matrix scale (x, y, cx, cy) { return this.clone().scaleO(...arguments) } scaleO (x, y = x, cx = 0, cy = 0) { // Support uniform scaling if (arguments.length === 3) { cy = cx cx = y y = x } const { a, b, c, d, e, f } = this this.a = a * x this.b = b * y this.c = c * x this.d = d * y this.e = e * x - cx * x + cx this.f = f * y - cy * y + cy return this } // Shear matrix shear (a, cx, cy) { return this.clone().shearO(a, cx, cy) } shearO (lx, cx = 0, cy = 0) { const { a, b, c, d, e, f } = this this.a = a + b * lx this.c = c + d * lx this.e = e + f * lx - cy * lx return this } // Skew Matrix skew (x, y, cx, cy) { return this.clone().skewO(...arguments) } skewO (x, y = x, cx = 0, cy = 0) { // support uniformal skew if (arguments.length === 3) { cy = cx cx = y y = x } // Convert degrees to radians x = radians(x) y = radians(y) const lx = Math.tan(x) const ly = Math.tan(y) const { a, b, c, d, e, f } = this this.a = a + b * lx this.b = b + a * ly this.c = c + d * lx this.d = d + c * ly this.e = e + f * lx - cy * lx this.f = f + e * ly - cx * ly return this } // SkewX skewX (x, cx, cy) { return this.skew(x, 0, cx, cy) } // SkewY skewY (y, cx, cy) { return this.skew(0, y, cx, cy) } toArray () { return [ this.a, this.b, this.c, this.d, this.e, this.f ] } // Convert matrix to string toString () { return 'matrix(' + this.a + ',' + this.b + ',' + this.c + ',' + this.d + ',' + this.e + ',' + this.f + ')' } // Transform a matrix into another matrix by manipulating the space transform (o) { // Check if o is a matrix and then left multiply it directly if (Matrix.isMatrixLike(o)) { const matrix = new Matrix(o) return matrix.multiplyO(this) } // Get the proposed transformations and the current transformations const t = Matrix.formatTransforms(o) const current = this const { x: ox, y: oy } = new Point(t.ox, t.oy).transform(current) // Construct the resulting matrix const transformer = new Matrix() .translateO(t.rx, t.ry) .lmultiplyO(current) .translateO(-ox, -oy) .scaleO(t.scaleX, t.scaleY) .skewO(t.skewX, t.skewY) .shearO(t.shear) .rotateO(t.theta) .translateO(ox, oy) // If we want the origin at a particular place, we force it there if (isFinite(t.px) || isFinite( { const origin = new Point(ox, oy).transform(transformer) // TODO: Replace t.px with isFinite(t.px) // Doesnt work because t.px is also 0 if it wasnt passed const dx = isFinite(t.px) ? t.px - origin.x : 0 const dy = isFinite( ? - origin.y : 0 transformer.translateO(dx, dy) } // Translate now after positioning transformer.translateO(t.tx, t.ty) return transformer } // Translate matrix translate (x, y) { return this.clone().translateO(x, y) } translateO (x, y) { this.e += x || 0 this.f += y || 0 return this } valueOf () { return { a: this.a, b: this.b, c: this.c, d: this.d, e: this.e, f: this.f } } } export function ctm () { return new Matrix(this.node.getCTM()) } export function screenCTM () { /* This is needed because FF does not return the transformation matrix for the inner coordinate system when getScreenCTM() is called on nested svgs. However all other Browsers do that */ if (typeof this.isRoot === 'function' && !this.isRoot()) { const rect = this.rect(1, 1) const m = rect.node.getScreenCTM() rect.remove() return new Matrix(m) } return new Matrix(this.node.getScreenCTM()) } register(Matrix, 'Matrix')