import { addMethodNames } from './methods.js' import { capitalize } from './utils.js' import { svg } from '../modules/core/namespaces.js' import { globals } from '../utils/window.js' import Base from '../types/Base.js' const elements = {} export const root = '___SYMBOL___ROOT___' // Method for element creation export function create (name) { // create element return globals.document.createElementNS(svg, name) } export function makeInstance (element, isHTML = false) { if (element instanceof Base) return element if (typeof element === 'object') { return adopter(element) } if (element == null) { return new elements[root]() } if (typeof element === 'string' && element.charAt(0) !== '<') { return adopter(globals.document.querySelector(element)) } // Make sure, that HTML elements are created with the correct namespace var wrapper = isHTML ? globals.document.createElement('div') : create('svg') wrapper.innerHTML = element // We can use firstChild here because we know, // that the first char is < and thus an element element = adopter(wrapper.firstChild) // make sure, that element doesnt have its wrapper attached wrapper.removeChild(wrapper.firstChild) return element } export function nodeOrNew (name, node) { return node instanceof globals.window.Node ? node : create(name) } // Adopt existing svg elements export function adopt (node) { // check for presence of node if (!node) return null // make sure a node isn't already adopted if (node.instance instanceof Base) return node.instance if (node.nodeName === '#document-fragment') { return new elements.Fragment(node) } // initialize variables var className = capitalize(node.nodeName || 'Dom') // Make sure that gradients are adopted correctly if (className === 'LinearGradient' || className === 'RadialGradient') { className = 'Gradient' // Fallback to Dom if element is not known } else if (!elements[className]) { className = 'Dom' } return new elements[className](node) } let adopter = adopt export function mockAdopt (mock = adopt) { adopter = mock } export function register (element, name =, asRoot = false) { elements[name] = element if (asRoot) elements[root] = element addMethodNames(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(element.prototype)) return element } export function getClass (name) { return elements[name] } // Element id sequence let did = 1000 // Get next named element id export function eid (name) { return 'Svgjs' + capitalize(name) + (did++) } // Deep new id assignment export function assignNewId (node) { // do the same for SVG child nodes as well for (var i = node.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { assignNewId(node.children[i]) } if ( { return adopt(node).id(eid(node.nodeName)) } return adopt(node) } // Method for extending objects export function extend (modules, methods, attrCheck) { var key, i modules = Array.isArray(modules) ? modules : [ modules ] for (i = modules.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (key in methods) { let method = methods[key] if (attrCheck) { method = wrapWithAttrCheck(methods[key]) } modules[i].prototype[key] = method } } } // export function extendWithAttrCheck (...args) { // extend(...args, true) // } export function wrapWithAttrCheck (fn) { return function (...args) { const o = args[args.length - 1] if (o && o.constructor === Object && !(o instanceof Array)) { return fn.apply(this, args.slice(0, -1)).attr(o) } else { return fn.apply(this, args) } } } export function invent (config) { // Create element initializer var initializer = typeof config.create === 'function' ? config.create : function (node) { this.constructor(node || create(config.create)) } // Inherit prototype if (config.inherit) { /* eslint new-cap: off */ initializer.prototype = new config.inherit() initializer.prototype.constructor = initializer } // Extend with methods if (config.extend) { extend(initializer, config.extend) } // Attach construct method to parent if (config.construct) { extend(config.parent || elements.Container, config.construct) } return initializer }