// Map function export function map (array, block) { let i const il = array.length const result = [] for (i = 0; i < il; i++) { result.push(block(array[i])) } return result } // Filter function export function filter (array, block) { let i const il = array.length const result = [] for (i = 0; i < il; i++) { if (block(array[i])) { result.push(array[i]) } } return result } // Degrees to radians export function radians (d) { return d % 360 * Math.PI / 180 } // Radians to degrees export function degrees (r) { return r * 180 / Math.PI % 360 } // Convert dash-separated-string to camelCase export function camelCase (s) { return s.toLowerCase().replace(/-(.)/g, function (m, g) { return g.toUpperCase() }) } // Convert camel cased string to dash separated export function unCamelCase (s) { return s.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function (m, g) { return '-' + g.toLowerCase() }) } // Capitalize first letter of a string export function capitalize (s) { return s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1) } // Calculate proportional width and height values when necessary export function proportionalSize (element, width, height, box) { if (width == null || height == null) { box = box || element.bbox() if (width == null) { width = box.width / box.height * height } else if (height == null) { height = box.height / box.width * width } } return { width: width, height: height } } /** * This function adds support for string origins. * It searches for an origin in o.origin o.ox and o.originX. * This way, origin: {x: 'center', y: 50} can be passed as well as ox: 'center', oy: 50 **/ export function getOrigin (o, element) { const origin = o.origin // First check if origin is in ox or originX let ox = o.ox != null ? o.ox : o.originX != null ? o.originX : 'center' let oy = o.oy != null ? o.oy : o.originY != null ? o.originY : 'center' // Then check if origin was used and overwrite in that case if (origin != null) { [ ox, oy ] = Array.isArray(origin) ? origin : typeof origin === 'object' ? [ origin.x, origin.y ] : [ origin, origin ] } // Make sure to only call bbox when actually needed const condX = typeof ox === 'string' const condY = typeof oy === 'string' if (condX || condY) { const { height, width, x, y } = element.bbox() // And only overwrite if string was passed for this specific axis if (condX) { ox = ox.includes('left') ? x : ox.includes('right') ? x + width : x + width / 2 } if (condY) { oy = oy.includes('top') ? y : oy.includes('bottom') ? y + height : y + height / 2 } } // Return the origin as it is if it wasn't a string return [ ox, oy ] }