path: root/java
diff options
authorenikey <enikey@3789f03b-4d11-0410-bbf8-ca57d06f2519>2008-12-19 09:32:35 +0000
committerenikey <enikey@3789f03b-4d11-0410-bbf8-ca57d06f2519>2008-12-19 09:32:35 +0000
commit2f7f46e1b461a8c0cf6fca34ea2c98d1aa920e71 (patch)
treed305c619c547658822226875893a5c4d43a91130 /java
parent4582bab2f2cbf744a0cb7da17b38d424b15444ea (diff)
[Refactoring] Using tight decoder class to decode and draw data on screen when using tight encoding.
[BugFix] Creating decoders after setPixelFormat. setPixelFormat calls updateFramebufferSize but at this time decoders is null. git-svn-id: svn:// 3789f03b-4d11-0410-bbf8-ca57d06f2519
Diffstat (limited to 'java')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 277 deletions
diff --git a/java/src/com/tightvnc/vncviewer/ b/java/src/com/tightvnc/vncviewer/
index 51761c09..4aa8d0ab 100644
--- a/java/src/com/tightvnc/vncviewer/
+++ b/java/src/com/tightvnc/vncviewer/
@@ -144,14 +144,6 @@ class VncCanvas extends Canvas
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
colors[i] = new Color(cm8.getRGB(i));
- setPixelFormat();
- resetSelection();
- inputEnabled = false;
- if (!viewer.options.viewOnly)
- enableInput(true);
// Create decoders
@@ -194,6 +186,14 @@ class VncCanvas extends Canvas
for (int i = 0; i < decoders.length; i++) {
+ setPixelFormat();
+ resetSelection();
+ inputEnabled = false;
+ if (!viewer.options.viewOnly)
+ enableInput(true);
// Enable mouse and keyboard event listeners.
@@ -604,7 +604,9 @@ class VncCanvas extends Canvas
handleZlibRect(rx, ry, rw, rh);
case RfbProto.EncodingTight:
- statNumRectsTight++;
+ if (tightDecoder != null) {
+ statNumRectsTight = tightDecoder.getNumJPEGRects();
+ }
handleTightRect(rx, ry, rw, rh);
@@ -1310,274 +1312,7 @@ class VncCanvas extends Canvas
void handleTightRect(int x, int y, int w, int h) throws Exception {
- int comp_ctl = rfb.readU8();
- if (rfb.rec != null) {
- if (rfb.recordFromBeginning ||
- comp_ctl == (rfb.TightFill << 4) ||
- comp_ctl == (rfb.TightJpeg << 4)) {
- // Send data exactly as received.
- rfb.rec.writeByte(comp_ctl);
- } else {
- // Tell the decoder to flush each of the four zlib streams.
- rfb.rec.writeByte(comp_ctl | 0x0F);
- }
- }
- // Flush zlib streams if we are told by the server to do so.
- for (int stream_id = 0; stream_id < 4; stream_id++) {
- if ((comp_ctl & 1) != 0 && tightInflaters[stream_id] != null) {
- tightInflaters[stream_id] = null;
- }
- comp_ctl >>= 1;
- }
- // Check correctness of subencoding value.
- if (comp_ctl > rfb.TightMaxSubencoding) {
- throw new Exception("Incorrect tight subencoding: " + comp_ctl);
- }
- // Handle solid-color rectangles.
- if (comp_ctl == rfb.TightFill) {
- if (bytesPixel == 1) {
- int idx = rfb.readU8();
- memGraphics.setColor(colors[idx]);
- if (rfb.rec != null) {
- rfb.rec.writeByte(idx);
- }
- } else {
- byte[] buf = new byte[3];
- rfb.readFully(buf);
- if (rfb.rec != null) {
- rfb.rec.write(buf);
- }
- Color bg = new Color(0xFF000000 | (buf[0] & 0xFF) << 16 |
- (buf[1] & 0xFF) << 8 | (buf[2] & 0xFF));
- memGraphics.setColor(bg);
- }
- memGraphics.fillRect(x, y, w, h);
- scheduleRepaint(x, y, w, h);
- return;
- }
- if (comp_ctl == rfb.TightJpeg) {
- statNumRectsTightJPEG++;
- // Read JPEG data.
- byte[] jpegData = new byte[rfb.readCompactLen()];
- rfb.readFully(jpegData);
- if (rfb.rec != null) {
- if (!rfb.recordFromBeginning) {
- rfb.recordCompactLen(jpegData.length);
- }
- rfb.rec.write(jpegData);
- }
- // Create an Image object from the JPEG data.
- Image jpegImage = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(jpegData);
- // Remember the rectangle where the image should be drawn.
- jpegRect = new Rectangle(x, y, w, h);
- // Let the imageUpdate() method do the actual drawing, here just
- // wait until the image is fully loaded and drawn.
- synchronized(jpegRect) {
- Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().prepareImage(jpegImage, -1, -1, this);
- try {
- // Wait no longer than three seconds.
- jpegRect.wait(3000);
- } catch (InterruptedException e) {
- throw new Exception("Interrupted while decoding JPEG image");
- }
- }
- // Done, jpegRect is not needed any more.
- jpegRect = null;
- return;
- }
- // Read filter id and parameters.
- int numColors = 0, rowSize = w;
- byte[] palette8 = new byte[2];
- int[] palette24 = new int[256];
- boolean useGradient = false;
- if ((comp_ctl & rfb.TightExplicitFilter) != 0) {
- int filter_id = rfb.readU8();
- if (rfb.rec != null) {
- rfb.rec.writeByte(filter_id);
- }
- if (filter_id == rfb.TightFilterPalette) {
- numColors = rfb.readU8() + 1;
- if (rfb.rec != null) {
- rfb.rec.writeByte(numColors - 1);
- }
- if (bytesPixel == 1) {
- if (numColors != 2) {
- throw new Exception("Incorrect tight palette size: " + numColors);
- }
- rfb.readFully(palette8);
- if (rfb.rec != null) {
- rfb.rec.write(palette8);
- }
- } else {
- byte[] buf = new byte[numColors * 3];
- rfb.readFully(buf);
- if (rfb.rec != null) {
- rfb.rec.write(buf);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < numColors; i++) {
- palette24[i] = ((buf[i * 3] & 0xFF) << 16 |
- (buf[i * 3 + 1] & 0xFF) << 8 |
- (buf[i * 3 + 2] & 0xFF));
- }
- }
- if (numColors == 2)
- rowSize = (w + 7) / 8;
- } else if (filter_id == rfb.TightFilterGradient) {
- useGradient = true;
- } else if (filter_id != rfb.TightFilterCopy) {
- throw new Exception("Incorrect tight filter id: " + filter_id);
- }
- }
- if (numColors == 0 && bytesPixel == 4)
- rowSize *= 3;
- // Read, optionally uncompress and decode data.
- int dataSize = h * rowSize;
- if (dataSize < rfb.TightMinToCompress) {
- // Data size is small - not compressed with zlib.
- if (numColors != 0) {
- // Indexed colors.
- byte[] indexedData = new byte[dataSize];
- rfb.readFully(indexedData);
- if (rfb.rec != null) {
- rfb.rec.write(indexedData);
- }
- if (numColors == 2) {
- // Two colors.
- if (bytesPixel == 1) {
- decodeMonoData(x, y, w, h, indexedData, palette8);
- } else {
- decodeMonoData(x, y, w, h, indexedData, palette24);
- }
- } else {
- // 3..255 colors (assuming bytesPixel == 4).
- int i = 0;
- for (int dy = y; dy < y + h; dy++) {
- for (int dx = x; dx < x + w; dx++) {
- pixels24[dy * rfb.framebufferWidth + dx] =
- palette24[indexedData[i++] & 0xFF];
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (useGradient) {
- // "Gradient"-processed data
- byte[] buf = new byte[w * h * 3];
- rfb.readFully(buf);
- if (rfb.rec != null) {
- rfb.rec.write(buf);
- }
- decodeGradientData(x, y, w, h, buf);
- } else {
- // Raw truecolor data.
- if (bytesPixel == 1) {
- for (int dy = y; dy < y + h; dy++) {
- rfb.readFully(pixels8, dy * rfb.framebufferWidth + x, w);
- if (rfb.rec != null) {
- rfb.rec.write(pixels8, dy * rfb.framebufferWidth + x, w);
- }
- }
- } else {
- byte[] buf = new byte[w * 3];
- int i, offset;
- for (int dy = y; dy < y + h; dy++) {
- rfb.readFully(buf);
- if (rfb.rec != null) {
- rfb.rec.write(buf);
- }
- offset = dy * rfb.framebufferWidth + x;
- for (i = 0; i < w; i++) {
- pixels24[offset + i] =
- (buf[i * 3] & 0xFF) << 16 |
- (buf[i * 3 + 1] & 0xFF) << 8 |
- (buf[i * 3 + 2] & 0xFF);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- // Data was compressed with zlib.
- int zlibDataLen = rfb.readCompactLen();
- byte[] zlibData = new byte[zlibDataLen];
- rfb.readFully(zlibData);
- if (rfb.rec != null && rfb.recordFromBeginning) {
- rfb.rec.write(zlibData);
- }
- int stream_id = comp_ctl & 0x03;
- if (tightInflaters[stream_id] == null) {
- tightInflaters[stream_id] = new Inflater();
- }
- Inflater myInflater = tightInflaters[stream_id];
- myInflater.setInput(zlibData);
- byte[] buf = new byte[dataSize];
- myInflater.inflate(buf);
- if (rfb.rec != null && !rfb.recordFromBeginning) {
- rfb.recordCompressedData(buf);
- }
- if (numColors != 0) {
- // Indexed colors.
- if (numColors == 2) {
- // Two colors.
- if (bytesPixel == 1) {
- decodeMonoData(x, y, w, h, buf, palette8);
- } else {
- decodeMonoData(x, y, w, h, buf, palette24);
- }
- } else {
- // More than two colors (assuming bytesPixel == 4).
- int i = 0;
- for (int dy = y; dy < y + h; dy++) {
- for (int dx = x; dx < x + w; dx++) {
- pixels24[dy * rfb.framebufferWidth + dx] =
- palette24[buf[i++] & 0xFF];
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (useGradient) {
- // Compressed "Gradient"-filtered data (assuming bytesPixel == 4).
- decodeGradientData(x, y, w, h, buf);
- } else {
- // Compressed truecolor data.
- if (bytesPixel == 1) {
- int destOffset = y * rfb.framebufferWidth + x;
- for (int dy = 0; dy < h; dy++) {
- System.arraycopy(buf, dy * w, pixels8, destOffset, w);
- destOffset += rfb.framebufferWidth;
- }
- } else {
- int srcOffset = 0;
- int destOffset, i;
- for (int dy = 0; dy < h; dy++) {
- myInflater.inflate(buf);
- destOffset = (y + dy) * rfb.framebufferWidth + x;
- for (i = 0; i < w; i++) {
- pixels24[destOffset + i] =
- (buf[srcOffset] & 0xFF) << 16 |
- (buf[srcOffset + 1] & 0xFF) << 8 |
- (buf[srcOffset + 2] & 0xFF);
- srcOffset += 3;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- handleUpdatedPixels(x, y, w, h);
+ tightDecoder.handleRect(x, y, w, h);
scheduleRepaint(x, y, w, h);
@@ -1818,6 +1553,8 @@ class VncCanvas extends Canvas
statNumRectsCopy = 0;
statNumBytesEncoded = 0;
statNumBytesDecoded = 0;
+ if (tightDecoder != null)
+ tightDecoder.setNumJPEGRects(0);