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+.TH vncviewer 1 "05 May 2004" "TightVNC" "Virtual Network Computing"
+vncviewer \- VNC viewer for X
+.B vncviewer
+.RI [ options ]
+.RI [ host ][: display# ]
+.B vncviewer
+.RI [ options ]
+.B \-listen
+.RI [ port ]
+.B vncviewer
+is a viewer (client) for Virtual Network Computing. This manual page documents
+version 4 for the X window system.
+If you run the viewer with no arguments it will prompt you for a VNC server to
+connect to. Alternatively, specify the VNC server as an argument, e.g.:
+vncviewer snoopy:2
+where 'snoopy' is the name of the machine, and '2' is the display number of the
+VNC server on that machine. Either the machine name or display number can be
+omitted. So for example ":1" means display number 1 on the same machine, and
+"snoopy" means "snoopy:0" i.e. display 0 on machine "snoopy".
+If the VNC server is successfully contacted, you will be prompted for a
+password to authenticate you. If the password is correct, a window will appear
+showing the desktop of the VNC server.
+The viewer tests the speed of the connection to the server and chooses the
+encoding and pixel format (color level) appropriately. This makes it much
+easier to use than previous versions where the user had to specify arcane
+command line arguments.
+The viewer normally starts out assuming the link is slow, using the
+encoding with the best compression. If it turns out that the link is
+fast enough it switches to an encoding which compresses less but is
+faster to generate, thus improving the interactive feel.
+The viewer normally starts in full-color mode, but switches to
+low-color mode if the bandwidth is insufficient. However, this only
+occurs when communicating with servers supporting protocol 3.8 or
+newer, since many old servers does not support color mode changes
+Automatic selection can be turned off by setting the
+\fBAutoSelect\fP parameter to false, or from the options dialog.
+The viewer has a popup menu containing entries which perform various actions.
+It is usually brought up by pressing F8, but this can be configured with the
+MenuKey parameter. Actions which the popup menu can perform include:
+.RS 2
+.IP * 2
+switching in and out of full-screen mode
+.IP *
+quitting the viewer
+.IP *
+generating key events, e.g. sending ctrl-alt-del
+.IP *
+accessing the options dialog and various other dialogs
+By default, key presses in the popup menu get sent to the VNC server and
+dismiss the popup. So to get an F8 through to the VNC server simply press it
+A full-screen mode is supported. This is particularly useful when connecting
+to a remote screen which is the same size as your local one. If the remote
+screen is bigger, you can scroll by bumping the mouse against the edge of the
+Unfortunately this mode doesn't work completely with all window managers, since
+it breaks the X window management conventions.
+You can get a list of parameters by giving \fB\-h\fP as a command-line option
+to vncviewer. Parameters can be turned on with -\fIparam\fP or off with
+-\fIparam\fP=0. Parameters which take a value can be specified as
+-\fIparam\fP \fIvalue\fP. Other valid forms are \fIparam\fP\fB=\fP\fIvalue\fP
+-\fIparam\fP=\fIvalue\fP --\fIparam\fP=\fIvalue\fP. Parameter names are
+Many of the parameters can also be set graphically via the options dialog box.
+This can be accessed from the popup menu or from the "Connection details"
+dialog box.
+.B \-display \fIXdisplay\fP
+Specifies the X display on which the VNC viewer window should appear.
+.B \-geometry \fIgeometry\fP
+Standard X position and sizing specification.
+.B \-listen \fI[port]\fP
+Causes vncviewer to listen on the given port (default 5500) for reverse
+connections from a VNC server. WinVNC supports reverse connections initiated
+using the 'Add New Client' menu option or the '\-connect' command-line option.
+Xvnc supports reverse connections with a helper program called
+.B vncconfig.
+.B \-passwd \fIpassword-file\fP
+If you are on a filesystem which gives you access to the password file used by
+the server, you can specify it here to avoid typing it in. It will usually be
+.B \-Shared
+When you make a connection to a VNC server, all other existing connections are
+normally closed. This option requests that they be left open, allowing you to
+share the desktop with someone already using it.
+.B \-ViewOnly
+Specifies that no keyboard or mouse events should be sent to the server.
+Useful if you want to view a desktop without interfering; often needs to be
+combined with
+.B \-Shared.
+.B \-FullScreen
+Start in full-screen mode.
+.B \-AutoSelect
+Use automatic selection of encoding and pixel format (default is on). Normally
+the viewer tests the speed of the connection to the server and chooses the
+encoding and pixel format appropriately. Turn it off with \fB-AutoSelect=0\fP.
+.B \-FullColor, \-FullColour
+Tells the VNC server to send full-color pixels in the best format for this
+display. This is default.
+.B \-LowColorLevel, \-LowColourLevel \fIlevel\fP
+Selects the reduced color level to use on slow links. \fIlevel\fP can range
+from 0 to 2, 0 meaning 8 colors, 1 meaning 64 colors (the default), 2 meaning
+256 colors.
+.B \-PreferredEncoding \fIencoding\fP
+This option specifies the preferred encoding to use from one of "Tight", "ZRLE",
+"hextile" or "raw".
+.B -UseLocalCursor
+Render the mouse cursor locally if the server supports it (default is on).
+This can make the interactive performance feel much better over slow links.
+.B \-WMDecorationWidth \fIw\fP, \-WMDecorationHeight \fIh\fP
+The total width and height taken up by window manager decorations. This is
+used to calculate the maximum size of the VNC viewer window. Default is
+width 6, height 24.
+.B \-log \fIlogname\fP:\fIdest\fP:\fIlevel\fP
+Configures the debug log settings. \fIdest\fP can currently be \fBstderr\fP or
+\fBstdout\fP, and \fIlevel\fP is between 0 and 100, 100 meaning most verbose
+output. \fIlogname\fP is usually \fB*\fP meaning all, but you can target a
+specific source file if you know the name of its "LogWriter". Default is
+.B \-MenuKey \fIkeysym-name\fP
+This option specifies the key which brings up the popup menu. The key is
+specified as an X11 keysym name (these can be obtained by removing the XK_
+prefix from the entries in "/usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h"). Default is F8.
+\fB\-via\fR \fIgateway\fR
+Automatically create encrypted TCP tunnel to the \fIgateway\fR machine
+before connection, connect to the \fIhost\fR through that tunnel
+(TightVNC\-specific). By default, this option invokes SSH local port
+forwarding, assuming that SSH client binary can be accessed as
+/usr/bin/ssh. Note that when using the \fB\-via\fR option, the host
+machine name should be specified as known to the gateway machine, e.g.
+"localhost" denotes the \fIgateway\fR, not the machine where vncviewer
+was launched. The environment variable \fIVNC_VIA_CMD\fR can override
+the default tunnel command of
+\fB/usr/bin/ssh\ -f\ -L\ "$L":"$H":"$R"\ "$G"\ sleep\ 20\fR. The tunnel
+command is executed with the environment variables \fIL\fR, \fIH\fR,
+\fIR\fR, and \fIG\fR taken the values of the local port number, the remote
+host, the port number on the remote host, and the gateway machine
+.BR Xvnc (1),
+.BR vncpasswd (1),
+.BR vncconfig (1),
+.BR vncserver (1)
+Tristan Richardson, RealVNC Ltd.
+VNC was originally developed by the RealVNC team while at Olivetti
+Research Ltd / AT&T Laboratories Cambridge. TightVNC additions was
+implemented by Constantin Kaplinsky. Many other people participated in
+development, testing and support.