/* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 RealVNC Ltd. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright 2009-2019 Pierre Ossman for Cendio AB * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace rfb; CMsgWriter::CMsgWriter(ServerParams* server_, rdr::OutStream* os_) : server(server_), os(os_) { } CMsgWriter::~CMsgWriter() { } void CMsgWriter::writeClientInit(bool shared) { os->writeU8(shared); endMsg(); } void CMsgWriter::writeSetPixelFormat(const PixelFormat& pf) { startMsg(msgTypeSetPixelFormat); os->pad(3); pf.write(os); endMsg(); } void CMsgWriter::writeSetEncodings(const std::list encodings) { startMsg(msgTypeSetEncodings); os->pad(1); os->writeU16(encodings.size()); for (uint32_t encoding : encodings) os->writeU32(encoding); endMsg(); } void CMsgWriter::writeSetDesktopSize(int width, int height, const ScreenSet& layout) { if (!server->supportsSetDesktopSize) throw Exception("Server does not support SetDesktopSize"); startMsg(msgTypeSetDesktopSize); os->pad(1); os->writeU16(width); os->writeU16(height); os->writeU8(layout.num_screens()); os->pad(1); ScreenSet::const_iterator iter; for (iter = layout.begin();iter != layout.end();++iter) { os->writeU32(iter->id); os->writeU16(iter->dimensions.tl.x); os->writeU16(iter->dimensions.tl.y); os->writeU16(iter->dimensions.width()); os->writeU16(iter->dimensions.height()); os->writeU32(iter->flags); } endMsg(); } void CMsgWriter::writeFramebufferUpdateRequest(const Rect& r, bool incremental) { startMsg(msgTypeFramebufferUpdateRequest); os->writeU8(incremental); os->writeU16(r.tl.x); os->writeU16(r.tl.y); os->writeU16(r.width()); os->writeU16(r.height()); endMsg(); } void CMsgWriter::writeEnableContinuousUpdates(bool enable, int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (!server->supportsContinuousUpdates) throw Exception("Server does not support continuous updates"); startMsg(msgTypeEnableContinuousUpdates); os->writeU8(!!enable); os->writeU16(x); os->writeU16(y); os->writeU16(w); os->writeU16(h); endMsg(); } void CMsgWriter::writeFence(uint32_t flags, unsigned len, const uint8_t data[]) { if (!server->supportsFence) throw Exception("Server does not support fences"); if (len > 64) throw Exception("Too large fence payload"); if ((flags & ~fenceFlagsSupported) != 0) throw Exception("Unknown fence flags"); startMsg(msgTypeClientFence); os->pad(3); os->writeU32(flags); os->writeU8(len); os->writeBytes(data, len); endMsg(); } void CMsgWriter::writeKeyEvent(uint32_t keysym, uint32_t keycode, bool down) { if (!server->supportsQEMUKeyEvent || !keycode) { /* This event isn't meaningful without a valid keysym */ if (!keysym) return; startMsg(msgTypeKeyEvent); os->writeU8(down); os->pad(2); os->writeU32(keysym); endMsg(); } else { startMsg(msgTypeQEMUClientMessage); os->writeU8(qemuExtendedKeyEvent); os->writeU16(down); os->writeU32(keysym); os->writeU32(keycode); endMsg(); } } void CMsgWriter::writePointerEvent(const Point& pos, uint8_t buttonMask) { Point p(pos); if (p.x < 0) p.x = 0; if (p.y < 0) p.y = 0; if (p.x >= server->width()) p.x = server->width() - 1; if (p.y >= server->height()) p.y = server->height() - 1; startMsg(msgTypePointerEvent); os->writeU8(buttonMask); os->writeU16(p.x); os->writeU16(p.y); endMsg(); } void CMsgWriter::writeClientCutText(const char* str) { if (strchr(str, '\r') != nullptr) throw Exception("Invalid carriage return in clipboard data"); std::string latin1(utf8ToLatin1(str)); startMsg(msgTypeClientCutText); os->pad(3); os->writeU32(latin1.size()); os->writeBytes((const uint8_t*)latin1.data(), latin1.size()); endMsg(); } void CMsgWriter::writeClipboardCaps(uint32_t caps, const uint32_t* lengths) { size_t i, count; if (!(server->clipboardFlags() & clipboardCaps)) throw Exception("Server does not support clipboard \"caps\" action"); count = 0; for (i = 0;i < 16;i++) { if (caps & (1 << i)) count++; } startMsg(msgTypeClientCutText); os->pad(3); os->writeS32(-(4 + 4 * count)); os->writeU32(caps | clipboardCaps); count = 0; for (i = 0;i < 16;i++) { if (caps & (1 << i)) os->writeU32(lengths[count++]); } endMsg(); } void CMsgWriter::writeClipboardRequest(uint32_t flags) { if (!(server->clipboardFlags() & clipboardRequest)) throw Exception("Server does not support clipboard \"request\" action"); startMsg(msgTypeClientCutText); os->pad(3); os->writeS32(-4); os->writeU32(flags | clipboardRequest); endMsg(); } void CMsgWriter::writeClipboardPeek(uint32_t flags) { if (!(server->clipboardFlags() & clipboardPeek)) throw Exception("Server does not support clipboard \"peek\" action"); startMsg(msgTypeClientCutText); os->pad(3); os->writeS32(-4); os->writeU32(flags | clipboardPeek); endMsg(); } void CMsgWriter::writeClipboardNotify(uint32_t flags) { if (!(server->clipboardFlags() & clipboardNotify)) throw Exception("Server does not support clipboard \"notify\" action"); startMsg(msgTypeClientCutText); os->pad(3); os->writeS32(-4); os->writeU32(flags | clipboardNotify); endMsg(); } void CMsgWriter::writeClipboardProvide(uint32_t flags, const size_t* lengths, const uint8_t* const* data) { rdr::MemOutStream mos; rdr::ZlibOutStream zos; int i, count; if (!(server->clipboardFlags() & clipboardProvide)) throw Exception("Server does not support clipboard \"provide\" action"); zos.setUnderlying(&mos); count = 0; for (i = 0;i < 16;i++) { if (!(flags & (1 << i))) continue; zos.writeU32(lengths[count]); zos.writeBytes(data[count], lengths[count]); count++; } zos.flush(); startMsg(msgTypeClientCutText); os->pad(3); os->writeS32(-(4 + mos.length())); os->writeU32(flags | clipboardProvide); os->writeBytes(mos.data(), mos.length()); endMsg(); } void CMsgWriter::startMsg(int type) { os->writeU8(type); } void CMsgWriter::endMsg() { os->flush(); }