/* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 RealVNC Ltd. All Rights Reserved. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ // -=- PixelBuffer.cxx // // The PixelBuffer class encapsulates the PixelFormat and dimensions // of a block of pixel data. #include <rfb/Exception.h> #include <rfb/LogWriter.h> #include <rfb/PixelBuffer.h> using namespace rfb; using namespace rdr; static LogWriter vlog("PixelBuffer"); // -=- Generic pixel buffer class PixelBuffer::PixelBuffer(const PixelFormat& pf, int w, int h, ColourMap* cm) : format(pf), width_(w), height_(h), colourmap(cm) {} PixelBuffer::PixelBuffer() : width_(0), height_(0), colourmap(0) {} PixelBuffer::~PixelBuffer() {} void PixelBuffer::setPF(const PixelFormat &pf) {format = pf;} const PixelFormat& PixelBuffer::getPF() const {return format;} ColourMap* PixelBuffer::getColourMap() const {return colourmap;} void PixelBuffer::getImage(void* imageBuf, const Rect& r, int outStride) { int inStride; const U8* data = getPixelsR(r, &inStride); // We assume that the specified rectangle is pre-clipped to the buffer int bytesPerPixel = format.bpp/8; int inBytesPerRow = inStride * bytesPerPixel; if (!outStride) outStride = r.width(); int outBytesPerRow = outStride * bytesPerPixel; int bytesPerMemCpy = r.width() * bytesPerPixel; U8* imageBufPos = (U8*)imageBuf; const U8* end = data + (inBytesPerRow * r.height()); while (data < end) { memcpy(imageBufPos, data, bytesPerMemCpy); imageBufPos += outBytesPerRow; data += inBytesPerRow; } } /* *** Pixel PixelBuffer::getPixel(const Point& p) { int stride; Rect r = Rect(p.x, p.y, p.x+1, p.y+1); switch(format.bpp) { case 8: return *((rdr::U8*)getDataAt(r, &stride)); case 16: return *((rdr::U16*)getDataAt(r, &stride)); case 32: return *((rdr::U32*)getDataAt(r, &stride)); default: return 0; }; } */ FullFramePixelBuffer::FullFramePixelBuffer(const PixelFormat& pf, int w, int h, rdr::U8* data_, ColourMap* cm) : PixelBuffer(pf, w, h, cm), data(data_) { } FullFramePixelBuffer::FullFramePixelBuffer() : data(0) {} FullFramePixelBuffer::~FullFramePixelBuffer() {} int FullFramePixelBuffer::getStride() const { return width(); } rdr::U8* FullFramePixelBuffer::getPixelsRW(const Rect& r, int* stride) { *stride = getStride(); return &data[(r.tl.x + (r.tl.y * *stride)) * format.bpp/8]; } void FullFramePixelBuffer::fillRect(const Rect& r, Pixel pix) { int stride; U8* data = getPixelsRW(r, &stride); int bytesPerPixel = getPF().bpp/8; int bytesPerRow = bytesPerPixel * stride; int bytesPerFill = bytesPerPixel * r.width(); U8* end = data + (bytesPerRow * r.height()); while (data < end) { switch (bytesPerPixel) { case 1: memset(data, pix, bytesPerFill); break; case 2: { U16* optr = (U16*)data; U16* eol = optr + r.width(); while (optr < eol) *optr++ = pix; } break; case 4: { U32* optr = (U32*)data; U32* eol = optr + r.width(); while (optr < eol) *optr++ = pix; } break; } data += bytesPerRow; } } void FullFramePixelBuffer::imageRect(const Rect& r, const void* pixels, int srcStride) { int bytesPerPixel = getPF().bpp/8; int destStride; U8* dest = getPixelsRW(r, &destStride); int bytesPerDestRow = bytesPerPixel * destStride; if (!srcStride) srcStride = r.width(); int bytesPerSrcRow = bytesPerPixel * srcStride; int bytesPerFill = bytesPerPixel * r.width(); const U8* src = (const U8*)pixels; U8* end = dest + (bytesPerDestRow * r.height()); while (dest < end) { memcpy(dest, src, bytesPerFill); dest += bytesPerDestRow; src += bytesPerSrcRow; } } void FullFramePixelBuffer::maskRect(const Rect& r, const void* pixels, const void* mask_) { Rect cr = getRect().intersect(r); if (cr.is_empty()) return; int stride; U8* data = getPixelsRW(cr, &stride); U8* mask = (U8*) mask_; int w = cr.width(); int h = cr.height(); int bpp = getPF().bpp; int pixelStride = r.width(); int maskStride = (r.width() + 7) / 8; Point offset = Point(cr.tl.x-r.tl.x, cr.tl.y-r.tl.y); mask += offset.y * maskStride; for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { int cy = offset.y + y; for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { int cx = offset.x + x; U8* byte = mask + (cx / 8); int bit = 7 - cx % 8; if ((*byte) & (1 << bit)) { switch (bpp) { case 8: ((U8*)data)[y * stride + x] = ((U8*)pixels)[cy * pixelStride + cx]; break; case 16: ((U16*)data)[y * stride + x] = ((U16*)pixels)[cy * pixelStride + cx]; break; case 32: ((U32*)data)[y * stride + x] = ((U32*)pixels)[cy * pixelStride + cx]; break; } } } mask += maskStride; } } void FullFramePixelBuffer::maskRect(const Rect& r, Pixel pixel, const void* mask_) { Rect cr = getRect().intersect(r); if (cr.is_empty()) return; int stride; U8* data = getPixelsRW(cr, &stride); U8* mask = (U8*) mask_; int w = cr.width(); int h = cr.height(); int bpp = getPF().bpp; int maskStride = (r.width() + 7) / 8; Point offset = Point(cr.tl.x-r.tl.x, cr.tl.y-r.tl.y); mask += offset.y * maskStride; for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { int cx = offset.x + x; U8* byte = mask + (cx / 8); int bit = 7 - cx % 8; if ((*byte) & (1 << bit)) { switch (bpp) { case 8: ((U8*)data)[y * stride + x] = pixel; break; case 16: ((U16*)data)[y * stride + x] = pixel; break; case 32: ((U32*)data)[y * stride + x] = pixel; break; } } } mask += maskStride; } } void FullFramePixelBuffer::copyRect(const Rect &rect, const Point &move_by_delta) { int stride; U8* data = getPixelsRW(getRect(), &stride); // We assume that the specified rectangle is pre-clipped to the buffer unsigned int bytesPerPixel, bytesPerRow, bytesPerMemCpy; Rect srect = rect.translate(move_by_delta.negate()); bytesPerPixel = getPF().bpp/8; bytesPerRow = stride * bytesPerPixel; bytesPerMemCpy = rect.width() * bytesPerPixel; if (move_by_delta.y <= 0) { U8* dest = data + rect.tl.x*bytesPerPixel + rect.tl.y*bytesPerRow; U8* src = data + srect.tl.x*bytesPerPixel + srect.tl.y*bytesPerRow; for (int i=rect.tl.y; i<rect.br.y; i++) { memmove(dest, src, bytesPerMemCpy); dest += bytesPerRow; src += bytesPerRow; } } else { U8* dest = data + rect.tl.x*bytesPerPixel + (rect.br.y-1)*bytesPerRow; U8* src = data + srect.tl.x*bytesPerPixel + (srect.br.y-1)*bytesPerRow; for (int i=rect.tl.y; i<rect.br.y; i++) { memmove(dest, src, bytesPerMemCpy); dest -= bytesPerRow; src -= bytesPerRow; } } } // -=- Managed pixel buffer class // Automatically allocates enough space for the specified format & area ManagedPixelBuffer::ManagedPixelBuffer() : datasize(0), own_colourmap(false) { checkDataSize(); }; ManagedPixelBuffer::ManagedPixelBuffer(const PixelFormat& pf, int w, int h) : FullFramePixelBuffer(pf, w, h, 0, 0), datasize(0), own_colourmap(false) { checkDataSize(); }; ManagedPixelBuffer::~ManagedPixelBuffer() { if (data) delete [] data; if (colourmap && own_colourmap) delete colourmap; }; void ManagedPixelBuffer::setPF(const PixelFormat &pf) { format = pf; checkDataSize(); }; void ManagedPixelBuffer::setSize(int w, int h) { width_ = w; height_ = h; checkDataSize(); }; void ManagedPixelBuffer::setColourMap(ColourMap* cm, bool own_cm) { if (colourmap && own_colourmap) delete colourmap; colourmap = cm; own_colourmap = own_cm; } inline void ManagedPixelBuffer::checkDataSize() { unsigned long new_datasize = width_ * height_ * (format.bpp/8); if (datasize < new_datasize) { vlog.debug("reallocating managed buffer (%dx%d)", width_, height_); if (data) { delete [] data; datasize = 0; data = 0; } if (new_datasize) { data = new U8[new_datasize]; if (!data) throw Exception("rfb::ManagedPixelBuffer unable to allocate buffer"); datasize = new_datasize; } } };