/* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 RealVNC Ltd. All Rights Reserved. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace rfb; static LogWriter vlog("SConnection"); // AccessRights values const SConnection::AccessRights SConnection::AccessView = 0x0001; const SConnection::AccessRights SConnection::AccessKeyEvents = 0x0002; const SConnection::AccessRights SConnection::AccessPtrEvents = 0x0004; const SConnection::AccessRights SConnection::AccessCutText = 0x0008; const SConnection::AccessRights SConnection::AccessDefault = 0x03ff; const SConnection::AccessRights SConnection::AccessNoQuery = 0x0400; const SConnection::AccessRights SConnection::AccessFull = 0xffff; SConnection::SConnection(SSecurityFactory* secFact, bool reverseConnection_) : readyForSetColourMapEntries(false), is(0), os(0), reader_(0), writer_(0), security(0), securityFactory(secFact), state_(RFBSTATE_UNINITIALISED), reverseConnection(reverseConnection_) { defaultMajorVersion = 3; defaultMinorVersion = 8; if (rfb::Server::protocol3_3) defaultMinorVersion = 3; cp.setVersion(defaultMajorVersion, defaultMinorVersion); } SConnection::~SConnection() { if (security) security->destroy(); deleteReaderAndWriter(); } void SConnection::deleteReaderAndWriter() { delete reader_; reader_ = 0; delete writer_; writer_ = 0; } void SConnection::setStreams(rdr::InStream* is_, rdr::OutStream* os_) { is = is_; os = os_; } void SConnection::initialiseProtocol() { cp.writeVersion(os); state_ = RFBSTATE_PROTOCOL_VERSION; } void SConnection::processMsg() { switch (state_) { case RFBSTATE_PROTOCOL_VERSION: processVersionMsg(); break; case RFBSTATE_SECURITY_TYPE: processSecurityTypeMsg(); break; case RFBSTATE_TIGHT_TUNN_TYPE: processTunnelTypeMsg(); break; case RFBSTATE_TIGHT_AUTH_TYPE: processAuthTypeMsg(); break; case RFBSTATE_SECURITY: processSecurityMsg(); break; case RFBSTATE_INITIALISATION: processInitMsg(); break; case RFBSTATE_NORMAL: reader_->readMsg(); break; case RFBSTATE_QUERYING: throw Exception("SConnection::processMsg: bogus data from client while " "querying"); case RFBSTATE_UNINITIALISED: throw Exception("SConnection::processMsg: not initialised yet?"); default: throw Exception("SConnection::processMsg: invalid state"); } } void SConnection::processVersionMsg() { vlog.debug("reading protocol version"); bool done; if (!cp.readVersion(is, &done)) { state_ = RFBSTATE_INVALID; throw Exception("reading version failed: not an RFB client?"); } if (!done) return; vlog.info("Client needs protocol version %d.%d", cp.majorVersion, cp.minorVersion); if (cp.majorVersion != 3) { // unknown protocol version char msg[256]; sprintf(msg,"Error: client needs protocol version %d.%d, server has %d.%d", cp.majorVersion, cp.minorVersion, defaultMajorVersion, defaultMinorVersion); throwConnFailedException(msg); } if (cp.minorVersion != 3 && cp.minorVersion != 7 && cp.minorVersion != 8) { vlog.error("Client uses unofficial protocol version %d.%d", cp.majorVersion,cp.minorVersion); if (cp.minorVersion >= 8) cp.minorVersion = 8; else if (cp.minorVersion == 7) cp.minorVersion = 7; else cp.minorVersion = 3; vlog.error("Assuming compatibility with version %d.%d", cp.majorVersion,cp.minorVersion); } versionReceived(); std::list secTypes; std::list::iterator i; securityFactory->getSecTypes(&secTypes, reverseConnection); if (cp.isVersion(3,3)) { // cope with legacy 3.3 client only if "no authentication" or "vnc // authentication" is supported. for (i=secTypes.begin(); i!=secTypes.end(); i++) { if (*i == secTypeNone || *i == secTypeVncAuth) break; } if (i == secTypes.end()) { char msg[256]; sprintf(msg,"No supported security type for %d.%d client", cp.majorVersion, cp.minorVersion); throwConnFailedException(msg); } os->writeU32(*i); if (*i == secTypeNone) os->flush(); state_ = RFBSTATE_SECURITY; security = securityFactory->getSSecurity(*i, reverseConnection); processSecurityMsg(); return; } // Add a special security type to advertise TightVNC protocol extensions. secTypes.push_back(secTypeTight); // list supported security types for >=3.7 clients if (secTypes.empty()) throwConnFailedException("No supported security types"); os->writeU8(secTypes.size()); for (i=secTypes.begin(); i!=secTypes.end(); i++) os->writeU8(*i); os->flush(); state_ = RFBSTATE_SECURITY_TYPE; } void SConnection::processSecurityTypeMsg() { vlog.debug("processing security type message"); int secType = is->readU8(); if (secType == secTypeTight) { vlog.info("Enabling TightVNC protocol extensions"); cp.tightExtensionsEnabled = true; offerTunneling(); } else { processSecurityType(secType); } } // // TightVNC-specific protocol initialization (tunneling, authentication) // void SConnection::offerTunneling() { vlog.debug("offering list of tunneling methods"); int nTypes = 0; // Advertise our tunneling capabilities (currently, nothing to advertise). os->writeU32(nTypes); os->flush(); if (nTypes) { // NOTE: Never executed in current version. state_ = RFBSTATE_TIGHT_TUNN_TYPE; } else { offerAuthentication(); } } // NOTE: This function is never called in current version. void SConnection::processTunnelTypeMsg() { vlog.debug("processing tunneling type message (TightVNC extension)"); int tunnelType = is->readU32(); vlog.error("unsupported tunneling type %d requested, ignoring", tunnelType); offerAuthentication(); } void SConnection::offerAuthentication() { vlog.debug("offering list of authentication methods"); // See processVersionMsg(), the code below is similar. std::list secTypes; std::list::iterator i; // NOTE: In addition to standard security types, we might want to offer // TightVNC-specific authentication types. But currently we support // only the standard security types: secTypeNone and secTypeVncAuth. securityFactory->getSecTypes(&secTypes, reverseConnection); CapsList caps; for (i = secTypes.begin(); i != secTypes.end(); i++) { // FIXME: Capability info should be provided by SSecurity objects. switch (*i) { case secTypeNone: caps.addStandard(*i, "NOAUTH__"); break; case secTypeVncAuth: caps.addStandard(*i, "VNCAUTH_"); break; default: // This should not ever happen. vlog.error("not offering unknown security type %d", (int)*i); } } if (caps.getSize() < 1) throwConnFailedException("No supported security types"); if (caps.includesOnly(secTypeNone)) { // Special case - if caps includes nothing else than secTypeNone, we send // an empty capability list and do not expect security type selection from // the client. os->writeU32(0); os->flush(); processSecurityType(secTypeNone); } else { // Normal case - sending the list of authentication capabilities. os->writeU32(caps.getSize()); caps.write(os); os->flush(); state_ = RFBSTATE_TIGHT_AUTH_TYPE; } } void SConnection::processAuthTypeMsg() { vlog.debug("processing authentication type message (TightVNC extension)"); // NOTE: Currently, we support only the standard security types, so we // just pass TightVNC authentication type for standard processing, // just as it was usual RFB security type. int secType = is->readU32(); processSecurityType(secType); } // // End of TightVNC-specific code // void SConnection::processSecurityType(int secType) { // Verify that the requested security type should be offered std::list secTypes; std::list::iterator i; securityFactory->getSecTypes(&secTypes, reverseConnection); for (i=secTypes.begin(); i!=secTypes.end(); i++) if (*i == secType) break; if (i == secTypes.end()) throw Exception("Requested security type not available"); vlog.info("Client requests security type %s(%d)", secTypeName(secType),secType); try { state_ = RFBSTATE_SECURITY; security = securityFactory->getSSecurity(secType, reverseConnection); } catch (rdr::Exception& e) { throwConnFailedException(e.str()); } processSecurityMsg(); } void SConnection::processSecurityMsg() { vlog.debug("processing security message"); try { bool done = security->processMsg(this); if (done) { state_ = RFBSTATE_QUERYING; queryConnection(security->getUserName()); } } catch (AuthFailureException& e) { vlog.error("AuthFailureException: %s", e.str()); os->writeU32(secResultFailed); if (!cp.beforeVersion(3,8)) // 3.8 onwards have failure message os->writeString(e.str()); os->flush(); throw; } } void SConnection::processInitMsg() { vlog.debug("reading client initialisation"); reader_->readClientInit(); } void SConnection::throwConnFailedException(const char* msg) { vlog.info(msg); if (state_ == RFBSTATE_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { if (cp.majorVersion == 3 && cp.minorVersion == 3) { os->writeU32(0); os->writeString(msg); os->flush(); } else { os->writeU8(0); os->writeString(msg); os->flush(); } } state_ = RFBSTATE_INVALID; throw ConnFailedException(msg); } void SConnection::writeConnFailedFromScratch(const char* msg, rdr::OutStream* os) { os->writeBytes("RFB 003.003\n", 12); os->writeU32(0); os->writeString(msg); os->flush(); } void SConnection::versionReceived() { } void SConnection::authSuccess() { } void SConnection::queryConnection(const char* userName) { approveConnection(true); } void SConnection::approveConnection(bool accept, const char* reason) { if (state_ != RFBSTATE_QUERYING) throw Exception("SConnection::approveConnection: invalid state"); if (!reason) reason = "Authentication failure"; if (!cp.beforeVersion(3,8) || security->getType() != secTypeNone) { if (accept) { os->writeU32(secResultOK); } else { os->writeU32(secResultFailed); if (!cp.beforeVersion(3,8)) // 3.8 onwards have failure message os->writeString(reason); } os->flush(); } if (accept) { state_ = RFBSTATE_INITIALISATION; reader_ = new SMsgReaderV3(this, is); writer_ = new SMsgWriterV3(&cp, os); authSuccess(); } else { state_ = RFBSTATE_INVALID; throw AuthFailureException(reason); } } void SConnection::setInitialColourMap() { } void SConnection::clientInit(bool shared) { writer_->writeServerInit(); // FIXME: Send interaction capabilities via writer_? if (cp.tightExtensionsEnabled) sendInteractionCaps(); state_ = RFBSTATE_NORMAL; } // FIXME: Move sendInteractionCaps() to a class derived from SMsgWriterV3? void SConnection::sendInteractionCaps() { // Advertise support for non-standard server-to-client messages // (this version has nothing to advertise). CapsList scaps; // Advertise support for non-standard client-to-server messages // (this version has nothing to advertise). CapsList ccaps; // Advertise all supported encoding types (except raw encoding). CapsList ecaps; // First, add true encodings. for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= encodingMax; i++) { if (Encoder::supported(i)) { // FIXME: Capability info should be provided by Encoder objects. switch (i) { case encodingRRE: ecaps.addStandard(i, "RRE_____"); break; case encodingCoRRE: ecaps.addStandard(i, "CORRE___"); break; case encodingHextile: ecaps.addStandard(i, "HEXTILE_"); break; case encodingZRLE: ecaps.addStandard(i, "ZRLE____"); break; case encodingTight: ecaps.addTightExt(i, "TIGHT___"); break; default: // This should not ever happen. vlog.error("not advertising unknown encoding type %d", (int)i); } } } // CopyRect is special - Encoder::supported() returns 0 for it, // that's why we add it here explicitly. ecaps.addStandard(encodingCopyRect, "COPYRECT"); // Add supported pseudo encodings as well. ecaps.addTightExt(pseudoEncodingCompressLevel0, "COMPRLVL"); ecaps.addTightExt(pseudoEncodingQualityLevel0, "JPEGQLVL"); ecaps.addTightExt(pseudoEncodingXCursor, "X11CURSR"); ecaps.addTightExt(pseudoEncodingCursor, "RCHCURSR"); ecaps.addTightExt(pseudoEncodingLastRect, "LASTRECT"); ecaps.addStandard(pseudoEncodingDesktopSize, "NEWFBSIZ"); os->writeU16(scaps.getSize()); os->writeU16(ccaps.getSize()); os->writeU16(ecaps.getSize()); os->writeU16(0); if (scaps.getSize()) scaps.write(os); if (ccaps.getSize()) ccaps.write(os); if (ecaps.getSize()) ecaps.write(os); os->flush(); } void SConnection::setPixelFormat(const PixelFormat& pf) { SMsgHandler::setPixelFormat(pf); readyForSetColourMapEntries = true; } void SConnection::framebufferUpdateRequest(const Rect& r, bool incremental) { if (!readyForSetColourMapEntries) { readyForSetColourMapEntries = true; if (!cp.pf().trueColour) { setInitialColourMap(); } } }