/* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 RealVNC Ltd. All Rights Reserved. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SDesktop is an interface implemented by back-ends, on which callbacks are // made by the VNCServer as appropriate for pointer and keyboard events, etc. // SDesktop objects are always created before the VNCServer - the SDesktop // will be passed a pointer to the VNCServer in the start() call. If a more // implementation-specific pointer to the VNCServer is required then this // can be provided to the SDesktop via an implementation-specific method. // // An SDesktop usually has an associated PixelBuffer which it tells the // VNCServer via the VNCServer's setPixelBuffer() method. It can do this at // any time, but the PixelBuffer MUST be valid by the time the call to start() // returns. The PixelBuffer may be set to null again if desired when stop() is // called. Note that start() and stop() are guaranteed to be called // alternately; there should never be two calls to start() without an // intervening stop() and vice-versa. // #ifndef __RFB_SDESKTOP_H__ #define __RFB_SDESKTOP_H__ #include <rfb/PixelBuffer.h> #include <rfb/VNCServer.h> #include <rfb/InputHandler.h> #include <rfb/Exception.h> namespace rfb { class VNCServer; class SDesktop : public InputHandler { public: // start() is called by the server when the first client authenticates // successfully, and can be used to begin any expensive tasks which are not // needed when there are no clients. A valid PixelBuffer must have been // set via the VNCServer's setPixelBuffer() method by the time this call // returns. virtual void start(VNCServer* vs) {} // stop() is called by the server when there are no longer any // authenticated clients, and therefore the desktop can cease any // expensive tasks. No further calls to the VNCServer passed to start() // can be made once stop has returned. virtual void stop() {} // framebufferUpdateRequest() is called to let the desktop know that at // least one client has become ready for an update. Desktops can check // whether there are clients ready at any time by calling the VNCServer's // clientsReadyForUpdate() method. virtual void framebufferUpdateRequest() {} // getFbSize() returns the current dimensions of the framebuffer. // This can be called even while the SDesktop is not start()ed. virtual Point getFbSize() = 0; // InputHandler interface // pointerEvent(), keyEvent() and clientCutText() are called in response to // the relevant RFB protocol messages from clients. // See InputHandler for method signatures. protected: virtual ~SDesktop() {} }; // -=- SStaticDesktop // Trivial implementation of the SDesktop interface, which provides // dummy input handlers and event processing routine, and exports // a plain black desktop of the specified format. class SStaticDesktop : public SDesktop { public: SStaticDesktop(const Point& size) : server(0), buffer(0) { PixelFormat pf; buffer = new ManagedPixelBuffer(pf, size.x, size.y); if (buffer) memset(buffer->data, 0, (pf.bpp/8) * (size.x*size.y)); } SStaticDesktop(const Point& size, const PixelFormat& pf) : buffer(0) { buffer = new ManagedPixelBuffer(pf, size.x, size.y); if (buffer) memset(buffer->data, 0, (pf.bpp/8) * (size.x*size.y)); } virtual ~SStaticDesktop() { if (buffer) delete buffer; } virtual void start(VNCServer* vs) { server = vs; server->setPixelBuffer(buffer); } virtual void stop() { server->setPixelBuffer(0); server = 0; } protected: VNCServer* server; ManagedPixelBuffer* buffer; }; }; #endif // __RFB_SDESKTOP_H__