/* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 RealVNC Ltd. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright (C) 2011 D. R. Commander. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright 2009-2017 Pierre Ossman for Cendio AB * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace rfb; static LogWriter vlog("SMsgWriter"); SMsgWriter::SMsgWriter(ClientParams* client_, rdr::OutStream* os_) : client(client_), os(os_), nRectsInUpdate(0), nRectsInHeader(0), needSetDesktopName(false), needCursor(false), needLEDState(false), needQEMUKeyEvent(false) { } SMsgWriter::~SMsgWriter() { } void SMsgWriter::writeServerInit(rdr::U16 width, rdr::U16 height, const PixelFormat& pf, const char* name) { os->writeU16(width); os->writeU16(height); pf.write(os); os->writeString(name); endMsg(); } void SMsgWriter::writeSetColourMapEntries(int firstColour, int nColours, const rdr::U16 red[], const rdr::U16 green[], const rdr::U16 blue[]) { startMsg(msgTypeSetColourMapEntries); os->pad(1); os->writeU16(firstColour); os->writeU16(nColours); for (int i = firstColour; i < firstColour+nColours; i++) { os->writeU16(red[i]); os->writeU16(green[i]); os->writeU16(blue[i]); } endMsg(); } void SMsgWriter::writeBell() { startMsg(msgTypeBell); endMsg(); } void SMsgWriter::writeServerCutText(const char* str) { size_t len; if (strchr(str, '\r') != NULL) throw Exception("Invalid carriage return in clipboard data"); len = strlen(str); startMsg(msgTypeServerCutText); os->pad(3); os->writeU32(len); os->writeBytes(str, len); endMsg(); } void SMsgWriter::writeFence(rdr::U32 flags, unsigned len, const char data[]) { if (!client->supportsEncoding(pseudoEncodingFence)) throw Exception("Client does not support fences"); if (len > 64) throw Exception("Too large fence payload"); if ((flags & ~fenceFlagsSupported) != 0) throw Exception("Unknown fence flags"); startMsg(msgTypeServerFence); os->pad(3); os->writeU32(flags); os->writeU8(len); if (len > 0) os->writeBytes(data, len); endMsg(); } void SMsgWriter::writeEndOfContinuousUpdates() { if (!client->supportsEncoding(pseudoEncodingContinuousUpdates)) throw Exception("Client does not support continuous updates"); startMsg(msgTypeEndOfContinuousUpdates); endMsg(); } void SMsgWriter::writeDesktopSize(rdr::U16 reason, rdr::U16 result) { ExtendedDesktopSizeMsg msg; if (!client->supportsEncoding(pseudoEncodingDesktopSize) && !client->supportsEncoding(pseudoEncodingExtendedDesktopSize)) throw Exception("Client does not support desktop size changes"); msg.reason = reason; msg.result = result; extendedDesktopSizeMsgs.push_back(msg); } void SMsgWriter::writeSetDesktopName() { if (!client->supportsEncoding(pseudoEncodingDesktopName)) throw Exception("Client does not support desktop name changes"); needSetDesktopName = true; } void SMsgWriter::writeCursor() { if (!client->supportsEncoding(pseudoEncodingCursor) && !client->supportsEncoding(pseudoEncodingXCursor) && !client->supportsEncoding(pseudoEncodingCursorWithAlpha) && !client->supportsEncoding(pseudoEncodingVMwareCursor)) throw Exception("Client does not support local cursor"); needCursor = true; } void SMsgWriter::writeLEDState() { if (!client->supportsEncoding(pseudoEncodingLEDState) && !client->supportsEncoding(pseudoEncodingVMwareLEDState)) throw Exception("Client does not support LED state"); if (client->ledState() == ledUnknown) throw Exception("Server has not specified LED state"); needLEDState = true; } void SMsgWriter::writeQEMUKeyEvent() { if (!client->supportsEncoding(pseudoEncodingQEMUKeyEvent)) throw Exception("Client does not support QEMU key events"); needQEMUKeyEvent = true; } bool SMsgWriter::needFakeUpdate() { if (needSetDesktopName) return true; if (needCursor) return true; if (needLEDState) return true; if (needQEMUKeyEvent) return true; if (needNoDataUpdate()) return true; return false; } bool SMsgWriter::needNoDataUpdate() { if (!extendedDesktopSizeMsgs.empty()) return true; return false; } void SMsgWriter::writeNoDataUpdate() { int nRects; nRects = 0; if (!extendedDesktopSizeMsgs.empty()) { if (client->supportsEncoding(pseudoEncodingExtendedDesktopSize)) nRects += extendedDesktopSizeMsgs.size(); else nRects++; } writeFramebufferUpdateStart(nRects); writeNoDataRects(); writeFramebufferUpdateEnd(); } void SMsgWriter::writeFramebufferUpdateStart(int nRects) { startMsg(msgTypeFramebufferUpdate); os->pad(1); if (nRects != 0xFFFF) { if (needSetDesktopName) nRects++; if (needCursor) nRects++; if (needLEDState) nRects++; if (needQEMUKeyEvent) nRects++; } os->writeU16(nRects); nRectsInUpdate = 0; if (nRects == 0xFFFF) nRectsInHeader = 0; else nRectsInHeader = nRects; writePseudoRects(); } void SMsgWriter::writeFramebufferUpdateEnd() { if (nRectsInUpdate != nRectsInHeader && nRectsInHeader) throw Exception("SMsgWriter::writeFramebufferUpdateEnd: " "nRects out of sync"); if (nRectsInHeader == 0) { // Send last rect. marker os->writeS16(0); os->writeS16(0); os->writeU16(0); os->writeU16(0); os->writeU32(pseudoEncodingLastRect); } endMsg(); } void SMsgWriter::writeCopyRect(const Rect& r, int srcX, int srcY) { startRect(r,encodingCopyRect); os->writeU16(srcX); os->writeU16(srcY); endRect(); } void SMsgWriter::startRect(const Rect& r, int encoding) { if (++nRectsInUpdate > nRectsInHeader && nRectsInHeader) throw Exception("SMsgWriter::startRect: nRects out of sync"); os->writeS16(r.tl.x); os->writeS16(r.tl.y); os->writeU16(r.width()); os->writeU16(r.height()); os->writeU32(encoding); } void SMsgWriter::endRect() { os->flush(); } void SMsgWriter::startMsg(int type) { os->writeU8(type); } void SMsgWriter::endMsg() { os->flush(); } void SMsgWriter::writePseudoRects() { if (needCursor) { const Cursor& cursor = client->cursor(); if (client->supportsEncoding(pseudoEncodingCursorWithAlpha)) { writeSetCursorWithAlphaRect(cursor.width(), cursor.height(), cursor.hotspot().x, cursor.hotspot().y, cursor.getBuffer()); } else if (client->supportsEncoding(pseudoEncodingVMwareCursor)) { writeSetVMwareCursorRect(cursor.width(), cursor.height(), cursor.hotspot().x, cursor.hotspot().y, cursor.getBuffer()); } else if (client->supportsEncoding(pseudoEncodingCursor)) { rdr::U8Array data(cursor.width()*cursor.height() * (client->pf().bpp/8)); rdr::U8Array mask(cursor.getMask()); const rdr::U8* in; rdr::U8* out; in = cursor.getBuffer(); out = data.buf; for (int i = 0;i < cursor.width()*cursor.height();i++) { client->pf().bufferFromRGB(out, in, 1); in += 4; out += client->pf().bpp/8; } writeSetCursorRect(cursor.width(), cursor.height(), cursor.hotspot().x, cursor.hotspot().y, data.buf, mask.buf); } else if (client->supportsEncoding(pseudoEncodingXCursor)) { rdr::U8Array bitmap(cursor.getBitmap()); rdr::U8Array mask(cursor.getMask()); writeSetXCursorRect(cursor.width(), cursor.height(), cursor.hotspot().x, cursor.hotspot().y, bitmap.buf, mask.buf); } else { throw Exception("Client does not support local cursor"); } needCursor = false; } if (needSetDesktopName) { writeSetDesktopNameRect(client->name()); needSetDesktopName = false; } if (needLEDState) { writeLEDStateRect(client->ledState()); needLEDState = false; } if (needQEMUKeyEvent) { writeQEMUKeyEventRect(); needQEMUKeyEvent = false; } } void SMsgWriter::writeNoDataRects() { if (!extendedDesktopSizeMsgs.empty()) { if (client->supportsEncoding(pseudoEncodingExtendedDesktopSize)) { std::list::const_iterator ri; for (ri = extendedDesktopSizeMsgs.begin();ri != extendedDesktopSizeMsgs.end();++ri) { // FIXME: We can probably skip multiple reasonServer entries writeExtendedDesktopSizeRect(ri->reason, ri->result, client->width(), client->height(), client->screenLayout()); } } else if (client->supportsEncoding(pseudoEncodingDesktopSize)) { // Some clients assume this is the last rectangle so don't send anything // more after this writeSetDesktopSizeRect(client->width(), client->height()); } else { throw Exception("Client does not support desktop size changes"); } extendedDesktopSizeMsgs.clear(); } } void SMsgWriter::writeSetDesktopSizeRect(int width, int height) { if (!client->supportsEncoding(pseudoEncodingDesktopSize)) throw Exception("Client does not support desktop resize"); if (++nRectsInUpdate > nRectsInHeader && nRectsInHeader) throw Exception("SMsgWriter::writeSetDesktopSizeRect: nRects out of sync"); os->writeS16(0); os->writeS16(0); os->writeU16(width); os->writeU16(height); os->writeU32(pseudoEncodingDesktopSize); } void SMsgWriter::writeExtendedDesktopSizeRect(rdr::U16 reason, rdr::U16 result, int fb_width, int fb_height, const ScreenSet& layout) { ScreenSet::const_iterator si; if (!client->supportsEncoding(pseudoEncodingExtendedDesktopSize)) throw Exception("Client does not support extended desktop resize"); if (++nRectsInUpdate > nRectsInHeader && nRectsInHeader) throw Exception("SMsgWriter::writeExtendedDesktopSizeRect: nRects out of sync"); os->writeU16(reason); os->writeU16(result); os->writeU16(fb_width); os->writeU16(fb_height); os->writeU32(pseudoEncodingExtendedDesktopSize); os->writeU8(layout.num_screens()); os->pad(3); for (si = layout.begin();si != layout.end();++si) { os->writeU32(si->id); os->writeU16(si->dimensions.tl.x); os->writeU16(si->dimensions.tl.y); os->writeU16(si->dimensions.width()); os->writeU16(si->dimensions.height()); os->writeU32(si->flags); } } void SMsgWriter::writeSetDesktopNameRect(const char *name) { if (!client->supportsEncoding(pseudoEncodingDesktopName)) throw Exception("Client does not support desktop rename"); if (++nRectsInUpdate > nRectsInHeader && nRectsInHeader) throw Exception("SMsgWriter::writeSetDesktopNameRect: nRects out of sync"); os->writeS16(0); os->writeS16(0); os->writeU16(0); os->writeU16(0); os->writeU32(pseudoEncodingDesktopName); os->writeString(name); } void SMsgWriter::writeSetCursorRect(int width, int height, int hotspotX, int hotspotY, const void* data, const void* mask) { if (!client->supportsEncoding(pseudoEncodingCursor)) throw Exception("Client does not support local cursors"); if (++nRectsInUpdate > nRectsInHeader && nRectsInHeader) throw Exception("SMsgWriter::writeSetCursorRect: nRects out of sync"); os->writeS16(hotspotX); os->writeS16(hotspotY); os->writeU16(width); os->writeU16(height); os->writeU32(pseudoEncodingCursor); os->writeBytes(data, width * height * (client->pf().bpp/8)); os->writeBytes(mask, (width+7)/8 * height); } void SMsgWriter::writeSetXCursorRect(int width, int height, int hotspotX, int hotspotY, const void* data, const void* mask) { if (!client->supportsEncoding(pseudoEncodingXCursor)) throw Exception("Client does not support local cursors"); if (++nRectsInUpdate > nRectsInHeader && nRectsInHeader) throw Exception("SMsgWriter::writeSetXCursorRect: nRects out of sync"); os->writeS16(hotspotX); os->writeS16(hotspotY); os->writeU16(width); os->writeU16(height); os->writeU32(pseudoEncodingXCursor); if (width * height > 0) { os->writeU8(255); os->writeU8(255); os->writeU8(255); os->writeU8(0); os->writeU8(0); os->writeU8(0); os->writeBytes(data, (width+7)/8 * height); os->writeBytes(mask, (width+7)/8 * height); } } void SMsgWriter::writeSetCursorWithAlphaRect(int width, int height, int hotspotX, int hotspotY, const rdr::U8* data) { if (!client->supportsEncoding(pseudoEncodingCursorWithAlpha)) throw Exception("Client does not support local cursors"); if (++nRectsInUpdate > nRectsInHeader && nRectsInHeader) throw Exception("SMsgWriter::writeSetCursorWithAlphaRect: nRects out of sync"); os->writeS16(hotspotX); os->writeS16(hotspotY); os->writeU16(width); os->writeU16(height); os->writeU32(pseudoEncodingCursorWithAlpha); // FIXME: Use an encoder with compression? os->writeU32(encodingRaw); // Alpha needs to be pre-multiplied for (int i = 0;i < width*height;i++) { os->writeU8((unsigned)data[0] * data[3] / 255); os->writeU8((unsigned)data[1] * data[3] / 255); os->writeU8((unsigned)data[2] * data[3] / 255); os->writeU8(data[3]); data += 4; } } void SMsgWriter::writeSetVMwareCursorRect(int width, int height, int hotspotX, int hotspotY, const rdr::U8* data) { if (!client->supportsEncoding(pseudoEncodingVMwareCursor)) throw Exception("Client does not support local cursors"); if (++nRectsInUpdate > nRectsInHeader && nRectsInHeader) throw Exception("SMsgWriter::writeSetVMwareCursorRect: nRects out of sync"); os->writeS16(hotspotX); os->writeS16(hotspotY); os->writeU16(width); os->writeU16(height); os->writeU32(pseudoEncodingVMwareCursor); os->writeU8(1); // Alpha cursor os->pad(1); // FIXME: Should alpha be premultiplied? os->writeBytes(data, width*height*4); } void SMsgWriter::writeLEDStateRect(rdr::U8 state) { if (!client->supportsEncoding(pseudoEncodingLEDState) && !client->supportsEncoding(pseudoEncodingVMwareLEDState)) throw Exception("Client does not support LED state updates"); if (client->ledState() == ledUnknown) throw Exception("Server does not support LED state updates"); if (++nRectsInUpdate > nRectsInHeader && nRectsInHeader) throw Exception("SMsgWriter::writeLEDStateRect: nRects out of sync"); os->writeS16(0); os->writeS16(0); os->writeU16(0); os->writeU16(0); if (client->supportsEncoding(pseudoEncodingLEDState)) { os->writeU32(pseudoEncodingLEDState); os->writeU8(state); } else { os->writeU32(pseudoEncodingVMwareLEDState); os->writeU32(state); } } void SMsgWriter::writeQEMUKeyEventRect() { if (!client->supportsEncoding(pseudoEncodingQEMUKeyEvent)) throw Exception("Client does not support QEMU extended key events"); if (++nRectsInUpdate > nRectsInHeader && nRectsInHeader) throw Exception("SMsgWriter::writeQEMUKeyEventRect: nRects out of sync"); os->writeS16(0); os->writeS16(0); os->writeU16(0); os->writeU16(0); os->writeU32(pseudoEncodingQEMUKeyEvent); }