/* Copyright (C) 2022 Dinglan Peng * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #ifndef HAVE_NETTLE #error "This source should not be compiled without HAVE_NETTLE defined" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(__APPLE__) #include #endif #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif #include enum { SendPublicKey, ReadPublicKey, ReadRandom, ReadHash, ReadCredentials, }; const int MinKeyLength = 1024; const int MaxKeyLength = 8192; const size_t MaxKeyFileSize = 32 * 1024; using namespace rfb; StringParameter SSecurityRSAAES::keyFile ("RSAKey", "Path to the RSA key for the RSA-AES security types in " "PEM format", "", ConfServer); BoolParameter SSecurityRSAAES::requireUsername ("RequireUsername", "Require username for the RSA-AES security types", false, ConfServer); SSecurityRSAAES::SSecurityRSAAES(SConnection* sc_, uint32_t _secType, int _keySize, bool _isAllEncrypted) : SSecurity(sc_), state(SendPublicKey), keySize(_keySize), isAllEncrypted(_isAllEncrypted), secType(_secType), serverKey(), clientKey(), serverKeyN(nullptr), serverKeyE(nullptr), clientKeyN(nullptr), clientKeyE(nullptr), accessRights(AccessDefault), rais(nullptr), raos(nullptr), rawis(nullptr), rawos(nullptr) { assert(keySize == 128 || keySize == 256); } SSecurityRSAAES::~SSecurityRSAAES() { cleanup(); } void SSecurityRSAAES::cleanup() { if (serverKeyN) delete[] serverKeyN; if (serverKeyE) delete[] serverKeyE; if (clientKeyN) delete[] clientKeyN; if (clientKeyE) delete[] clientKeyE; if (serverKey.size) rsa_private_key_clear(&serverKey); if (clientKey.size) rsa_public_key_clear(&clientKey); if (isAllEncrypted && rawis && rawos) sc->setStreams(rawis, rawos); if (rais) delete rais; if (raos) delete raos; } static inline ssize_t findSubstr(uint8_t* data, size_t size, const char *pattern) { size_t patternLength = strlen(pattern); for (size_t i = 0; i + patternLength < size; ++i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < patternLength; ++j) if (data[i + j] != pattern[j]) goto next; return i; next: continue; } return -1; } static bool loadPEM(uint8_t* data, size_t size, const char *begin, const char *end, std::vector *der) { ssize_t pos1 = findSubstr(data, size, begin); if (pos1 == -1) return false; pos1 += strlen(begin); ssize_t base64Size = findSubstr(data + pos1, size - pos1, end); if (base64Size == -1) return false; char *derBase64 = (char *)data + pos1; if (!base64Size) return false; der->resize(BASE64_DECODE_LENGTH(base64Size)); struct base64_decode_ctx ctx; size_t derSize; base64_decode_init(&ctx); if (!base64_decode_update(&ctx, &derSize, der->data(), base64Size, derBase64)) return false; if (!base64_decode_final(&ctx)) return false; assert(derSize <= der->size()); der->resize(derSize); return true; } void SSecurityRSAAES::loadPrivateKey() { FILE* file = fopen(keyFile, "rb"); if (!file) throw rdr::posix_error("failed to open key file", errno); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); size_t size = ftell(file); if (size == 0 || size > MaxKeyFileSize) { fclose(file); throw std::runtime_error("size of key file is zero or too big"); } fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); std::vector data(size); if (fread(data.data(), 1, data.size(), file) != size) { fclose(file); throw rdr::posix_error("failed to read key", errno); } fclose(file); std::vector der; if (loadPEM(data.data(), data.size(), "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n", "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----", &der)) { loadPKCS1Key(der.data(), der.size()); return; } if (loadPEM(data.data(), data.size(), "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n", "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----", &der)) { loadPKCS8Key(der.data(), der.size()); return; } throw std::runtime_error("failed to import key"); } void SSecurityRSAAES::loadPKCS1Key(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) { struct rsa_public_key pub; rsa_private_key_init(&serverKey); rsa_public_key_init(&pub); if (!rsa_keypair_from_der(&pub, &serverKey, 0, size, data)) { rsa_private_key_clear(&serverKey); rsa_public_key_clear(&pub); throw std::runtime_error("failed to import key"); } serverKeyLength = serverKey.size * 8; serverKeyN = new uint8_t[serverKey.size]; serverKeyE = new uint8_t[serverKey.size]; nettle_mpz_get_str_256(serverKey.size, serverKeyN, pub.n); nettle_mpz_get_str_256(serverKey.size, serverKeyE, pub.e); rsa_public_key_clear(&pub); } void SSecurityRSAAES::loadPKCS8Key(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) { struct asn1_der_iterator i, j; uint32_t version; const char* rsaIdentifier = "\x2a\x86\x48\x86\xf7\x0d\x01\x01\x01"; const size_t rsaIdentifierLength = 9; enum asn1_iterator_result res = asn1_der_iterator_first(&i, size, data); if (res != ASN1_ITERATOR_CONSTRUCTED) goto failed; if (i.type != ASN1_SEQUENCE) goto failed; if (asn1_der_decode_constructed_last(&i) != ASN1_ITERATOR_PRIMITIVE) goto failed; if (!(i.type == ASN1_INTEGER && asn1_der_get_uint32(&i, &version) && version == 0)) goto failed; if (!(asn1_der_iterator_next(&i) == ASN1_ITERATOR_CONSTRUCTED && i.type == ASN1_SEQUENCE && asn1_der_decode_constructed(&i, &j) == ASN1_ITERATOR_PRIMITIVE && j.type == ASN1_IDENTIFIER && j.length == rsaIdentifierLength && memcmp(j.data, rsaIdentifier, rsaIdentifierLength) == 0)) goto failed; if (!(asn1_der_iterator_next(&i) == ASN1_ITERATOR_PRIMITIVE && i.type == ASN1_OCTETSTRING && i.length)) goto failed; loadPKCS1Key(i.data, i.length); return; failed: throw std::runtime_error("failed to import key"); } bool SSecurityRSAAES::processMsg() { switch (state) { case SendPublicKey: loadPrivateKey(); writePublicKey(); state = ReadPublicKey; /* fall through */ case ReadPublicKey: if (!readPublicKey()) return false; writeRandom(); state = ReadRandom; /* fall through */ case ReadRandom: if (!readRandom()) return false; setCipher(); writeHash(); state = ReadHash; /* fall through */ case ReadHash: if (!readHash()) return false; clearSecrets(); writeSubtype(); state = ReadCredentials; /* fall through */ case ReadCredentials: if (!readCredentials()) return false; if (requireUsername) verifyUserPass(); else verifyPass(); return true; } assert(!"unreachable"); return false; } void SSecurityRSAAES::writePublicKey() { rdr::OutStream* os = sc->getOutStream(); os->writeU32(serverKeyLength); os->writeBytes(serverKeyN, serverKey.size); os->writeBytes(serverKeyE, serverKey.size); os->flush(); } bool SSecurityRSAAES::readPublicKey() { rdr::InStream* is = sc->getInStream(); if (!is->hasData(4)) return false; is->setRestorePoint(); clientKeyLength = is->readU32(); if (clientKeyLength < MinKeyLength) throw protocol_error("client key is too short"); if (clientKeyLength > MaxKeyLength) throw protocol_error("client key is too long"); size_t size = (clientKeyLength + 7) / 8; if (!is->hasDataOrRestore(size * 2)) return false; is->clearRestorePoint(); clientKeyE = new uint8_t[size]; clientKeyN = new uint8_t[size]; is->readBytes(clientKeyN, size); is->readBytes(clientKeyE, size); rsa_public_key_init(&clientKey); nettle_mpz_set_str_256_u(clientKey.n, size, clientKeyN); nettle_mpz_set_str_256_u(clientKey.e, size, clientKeyE); if (!rsa_public_key_prepare(&clientKey)) throw protocol_error("client key is invalid"); return true; } static void random_func(void* ctx, size_t length, uint8_t* dst) { rdr::RandomStream* rs = (rdr::RandomStream*)ctx; if (!rs->hasData(length)) throw std::runtime_error("failed to encrypt random"); rs->readBytes(dst, length); } void SSecurityRSAAES::writeRandom() { rdr::OutStream* os = sc->getOutStream(); if (!rs.hasData(keySize / 8)) throw std::runtime_error("failed to generate random"); rs.readBytes(serverRandom, keySize / 8); mpz_t x; mpz_init(x); int res; try { res = rsa_encrypt(&clientKey, &rs, random_func, keySize / 8, serverRandom, x); } catch (...) { mpz_clear(x); throw; } if (!res) { mpz_clear(x); throw std::runtime_error("failed to encrypt random"); } uint8_t* buffer = new uint8_t[clientKey.size]; nettle_mpz_get_str_256(clientKey.size, buffer, x); mpz_clear(x); os->writeU16(clientKey.size); os->writeBytes(buffer, clientKey.size); os->flush(); delete[] buffer; } bool SSecurityRSAAES::readRandom() { rdr::InStream* is = sc->getInStream(); if (!is->hasData(2)) return false; is->setRestorePoint(); size_t size = is->readU16(); if (size != serverKey.size) throw protocol_error("server key length doesn't match"); if (!is->hasDataOrRestore(size)) return false; is->clearRestorePoint(); uint8_t* buffer = new uint8_t[size]; is->readBytes(buffer, size); size_t randomSize = keySize / 8; mpz_t x; nettle_mpz_init_set_str_256_u(x, size, buffer); delete[] buffer; if (!rsa_decrypt(&serverKey, &randomSize, clientRandom, x) || randomSize != (size_t)keySize / 8) { mpz_clear(x); throw protocol_error("failed to decrypt client random"); } mpz_clear(x); return true; } void SSecurityRSAAES::setCipher() { rawis = sc->getInStream(); rawos = sc->getOutStream(); uint8_t key[32]; if (keySize == 128) { struct sha1_ctx ctx; sha1_init(&ctx); sha1_update(&ctx, 16, serverRandom); sha1_update(&ctx, 16, clientRandom); sha1_digest(&ctx, 16, key); rais = new rdr::AESInStream(rawis, key, 128); sha1_init(&ctx); sha1_update(&ctx, 16, clientRandom); sha1_update(&ctx, 16, serverRandom); sha1_digest(&ctx, 16, key); raos = new rdr::AESOutStream(rawos, key, 128); } else { struct sha256_ctx ctx; sha256_init(&ctx); sha256_update(&ctx, 32, serverRandom); sha256_update(&ctx, 32, clientRandom); sha256_digest(&ctx, 32, key); rais = new rdr::AESInStream(rawis, key, 256); sha256_init(&ctx); sha256_update(&ctx, 32, clientRandom); sha256_update(&ctx, 32, serverRandom); sha256_digest(&ctx, 32, key); raos = new rdr::AESOutStream(rawos, key, 256); } if (isAllEncrypted) sc->setStreams(rais, raos); } void SSecurityRSAAES::writeHash() { uint8_t hash[32]; size_t len = serverKeyLength; uint8_t lenServerKey[4] = { (uint8_t)((len & 0xff000000) >> 24), (uint8_t)((len & 0xff0000) >> 16), (uint8_t)((len & 0xff00) >> 8), (uint8_t)(len & 0xff) }; len = clientKeyLength; uint8_t lenClientKey[4] = { (uint8_t)((len & 0xff000000) >> 24), (uint8_t)((len & 0xff0000) >> 16), (uint8_t)((len & 0xff00) >> 8), (uint8_t)(len & 0xff) }; int hashSize; if (keySize == 128) { hashSize = 20; struct sha1_ctx ctx; sha1_init(&ctx); sha1_update(&ctx, 4, lenServerKey); sha1_update(&ctx, serverKey.size, serverKeyN); sha1_update(&ctx, serverKey.size, serverKeyE); sha1_update(&ctx, 4, lenClientKey); sha1_update(&ctx, clientKey.size, clientKeyN); sha1_update(&ctx, clientKey.size, clientKeyE); sha1_digest(&ctx, hashSize, hash); } else { hashSize = 32; struct sha256_ctx ctx; sha256_init(&ctx); sha256_update(&ctx, 4, lenServerKey); sha256_update(&ctx, serverKey.size, serverKeyN); sha256_update(&ctx, serverKey.size, serverKeyE); sha256_update(&ctx, 4, lenClientKey); sha256_update(&ctx, clientKey.size, clientKeyN); sha256_update(&ctx, clientKey.size, clientKeyE); sha256_digest(&ctx, hashSize, hash); } raos->writeBytes(hash, hashSize); raos->flush(); } bool SSecurityRSAAES::readHash() { uint8_t hash[32]; uint8_t realHash[32]; int hashSize = keySize == 128 ? 20 : 32; if (!rais->hasData(hashSize)) return false; rais->readBytes(hash, hashSize); size_t len = serverKeyLength; uint8_t lenServerKey[4] = { (uint8_t)((len & 0xff000000) >> 24), (uint8_t)((len & 0xff0000) >> 16), (uint8_t)((len & 0xff00) >> 8), (uint8_t)(len & 0xff) }; len = clientKeyLength; uint8_t lenClientKey[4] = { (uint8_t)((len & 0xff000000) >> 24), (uint8_t)((len & 0xff0000) >> 16), (uint8_t)((len & 0xff00) >> 8), (uint8_t)(len & 0xff) }; if (keySize == 128) { struct sha1_ctx ctx; sha1_init(&ctx); sha1_update(&ctx, 4, lenClientKey); sha1_update(&ctx, clientKey.size, clientKeyN); sha1_update(&ctx, clientKey.size, clientKeyE); sha1_update(&ctx, 4, lenServerKey); sha1_update(&ctx, serverKey.size, serverKeyN); sha1_update(&ctx, serverKey.size, serverKeyE); sha1_digest(&ctx, hashSize, realHash); } else { struct sha256_ctx ctx; sha256_init(&ctx); sha256_update(&ctx, 4, lenClientKey); sha256_update(&ctx, clientKey.size, clientKeyN); sha256_update(&ctx, clientKey.size, clientKeyE); sha256_update(&ctx, 4, lenServerKey); sha256_update(&ctx, serverKey.size, serverKeyN); sha256_update(&ctx, serverKey.size, serverKeyE); sha256_digest(&ctx, hashSize, realHash); } if (memcmp(hash, realHash, hashSize) != 0) throw protocol_error("hash doesn't match"); return true; } void SSecurityRSAAES::clearSecrets() { rsa_private_key_clear(&serverKey); rsa_public_key_clear(&clientKey); serverKey.size = 0; clientKey.size = 0; delete[] serverKeyN; delete[] serverKeyE; delete[] clientKeyN; delete[] clientKeyE; serverKeyN = nullptr; serverKeyE = nullptr; clientKeyN = nullptr; clientKeyE = nullptr; memset(serverRandom, 0, sizeof(serverRandom)); memset(clientRandom, 0, sizeof(clientRandom)); } void SSecurityRSAAES::writeSubtype() { if (requireUsername) raos->writeU8(secTypeRA2UserPass); else raos->writeU8(secTypeRA2Pass); raos->flush(); } bool SSecurityRSAAES::readCredentials() { rais->setRestorePoint(); if (!rais->hasData(1)) return false; uint8_t lenUsername = rais->readU8(); if (!rais->hasDataOrRestore(lenUsername + 1)) return false; rais->readBytes((uint8_t*)username, lenUsername); username[lenUsername] = 0; uint8_t lenPassword = rais->readU8(); if (!rais->hasDataOrRestore(lenPassword)) return false; rais->readBytes((uint8_t*)password, lenPassword); password[lenPassword] = 0; rais->clearRestorePoint(); return true; } void SSecurityRSAAES::verifyUserPass() { #ifndef __APPLE__ #ifdef WIN32 WinPasswdValidator* valid = new WinPasswdValidator(); #elif !defined(__APPLE__) UnixPasswordValidator *valid = new UnixPasswordValidator(); #endif if (!valid->validate(sc, username, password)) { delete valid; throw auth_error("Authentication failed"); } delete valid; #else throw std::logic_error("No password validator configured"); #endif } void SSecurityRSAAES::verifyPass() { VncAuthPasswdGetter* pg = &SSecurityVncAuth::vncAuthPasswd; std::string passwd, passwdReadOnly; pg->getVncAuthPasswd(&passwd, &passwdReadOnly); if (passwd.empty()) throw std::runtime_error("No password configured"); if (password == passwd) { accessRights = AccessDefault; return; } if (!passwdReadOnly.empty() && password == passwdReadOnly) { accessRights = AccessView; return; } throw auth_error("Authentication failed"); } const char* SSecurityRSAAES::getUserName() const { return username; }