/* Copyright (C) 2005 TightVNC Team. All Rights Reserved. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ // -=- ScaledPixelBuffer.cxx #include #include #include #include #include using namespace rdr; using namespace rfb; ScaledPixelBuffer::ScaledPixelBuffer(U8 **src_data_, int src_width_, int src_height_, int scale_, PixelFormat pf_) : scale(scale_), scale_ratio_x(1), scale_ratio_y(1), scaleFilterID(scaleFilterBilinear), xWeightTabs(0), yWeightTabs(0), raccum(0), gaccum(0), baccum(0), scaled_data(0) { setSourceBuffer(src_data_, src_width_, src_height_); setPF(pf_); } ScaledPixelBuffer::ScaledPixelBuffer() : src_width(0), src_height(0), scaled_width(0), scaled_height(0), scale(100), scale_ratio_x(1), scale_ratio_y(1), scaleFilterID(scaleFilterBilinear), xWeightTabs(0), yWeightTabs(0), raccum(0), gaccum(0), baccum(0), src_data(0), scaled_data(0) { memset(&pf, 0, sizeof(pf)); } ScaledPixelBuffer::~ScaledPixelBuffer() { freeWeightTabs(); if (raccum) delete [] raccum; if (gaccum) delete [] gaccum; if (baccum) delete [] baccum; } void ScaledPixelBuffer::freeWeightTabs() { if (xWeightTabs) { for (int i = 0; i < scaled_width; i++) delete [] xWeightTabs[i].weight; delete [] xWeightTabs; xWeightTabs = 0; } if (yWeightTabs) { for (int i = 0; i < scaled_height; i++) delete [] yWeightTabs[i].weight; delete [] yWeightTabs; yWeightTabs = 0; } } void ScaledPixelBuffer::recreateRowAccum() { if (raccum) delete [] raccum; if (gaccum) delete [] gaccum; if (baccum) delete [] baccum; raccum = new int[src_width]; gaccum = new int[src_width]; baccum = new int[src_width]; } void ScaledPixelBuffer::setSourceBuffer(U8 **src_data_, int w, int h) { if (w > 0 && h > 0 && src_data != NULL) { freeWeightTabs(); src_data = src_data_; src_width = w; src_height = h; recreateRowAccum(); calculateScaledBufferSize(); scaleFilters.makeWeightTabs(scaleFilterID, src_width, scaled_width, &xWeightTabs); scaleFilters.makeWeightTabs(scaleFilterID, src_height, scaled_height, &yWeightTabs); } } void ScaledPixelBuffer::setPF(const PixelFormat &pf_) { ///if (pf_.depth != 24) throw rfb::UnsupportedPixelFormatException(); pf = pf_; } void ScaledPixelBuffer::setScale(int scale_) { if (scale != scale_ && scale_ > 0) { scale = scale_; freeWeightTabs(); calculateScaledBufferSize(); scaleFilters.makeWeightTabs(scaleFilterID, src_width, scaled_width, &xWeightTabs); scaleFilters.makeWeightTabs(scaleFilterID, src_height, scaled_height, &yWeightTabs); } } void ScaledPixelBuffer::setScaleFilter(unsigned int scaleFilterID_) { if (scaleFilterID == scaleFilterID_ || scaleFilterID_ > scaleFilterMaxNumber) return; scaleFilterID = scaleFilterID_; if (src_width && src_height && scaled_width && scaled_height) { freeWeightTabs(); scaleFilters.makeWeightTabs(scaleFilterID, src_width, scaled_width, &xWeightTabs); scaleFilters.makeWeightTabs(scaleFilterID, src_height, scaled_height, &yWeightTabs); if (scale != 100 && pf.depth > 0 && scaled_data) scaleRect(Rect(0, 0, src_width, src_height)); } } inline void ScaledPixelBuffer::rgbFromPixel(U32 p, int &r, int &g, int &b) { r = (((p >> pf.redShift ) & pf.redMax ) * 255 + pf.redMax /2) / pf.redMax; g = (((p >> pf.greenShift) & pf.greenMax) * 255 + pf.greenMax/2) / pf.greenMax; b = (((p >> pf.blueShift ) & pf.blueMax ) * 255 + pf.blueMax /2) / pf.blueMax; } inline U32 ScaledPixelBuffer::getSourcePixel(int x, int y) { int bytes_per_pixel = pf.bpp / 8; U8 *ptr = &(*src_data)[(x + y*src_width)*bytes_per_pixel]; if (bytes_per_pixel == 1) { return *ptr; } else if (bytes_per_pixel == 2) { int b0 = *ptr++; int b1 = *ptr; return b1 << 8 | b0; } else if (bytes_per_pixel == 4) { int b0 = *ptr++; int b1 = *ptr++; int b2 = *ptr++; int b3 = *ptr; return b3 << 24 | b2 << 16 | b1 << 8 | b0; } else { return 0; } } void ScaledPixelBuffer::scaleRect(const Rect& rect) { Rect changed_rect; U8 *ptr, *ptrs, *px, *pxs; int r, g, b, red, green, blue; short *xweight, *yweight, weight; // Calculate the changed pixel rect in the scaled image changed_rect = calculateScaleBoundary(rect); int bytesPerSrcPixel = pf.bpp / 8; int bytesPerSrcRow = src_width * bytesPerSrcPixel; int bytesPerScaledRow = scaled_width * 4; int bytesPerAccumRow = src_width * sizeof(int); ptrs = &(*scaled_data)[(changed_rect.tl.x + changed_rect.tl.y*scaled_width) * 4]; for (int y = changed_rect.tl.y; y < changed_rect.br.y; y++) { ptr = ptrs; yweight = yWeightTabs[y].weight; // Clear the color accumulators memset(raccum, 0, bytesPerAccumRow); memset(gaccum, 0, bytesPerAccumRow); memset(baccum, 0, bytesPerAccumRow); // Make the convolution the source image with scale filter weights // by y axis and save results to the color accumulators. pxs = &(*src_data)[(xWeightTabs[changed_rect.tl.x].i0 + yWeightTabs[y].i0*src_width) * bytesPerSrcPixel]; for (int ys = yWeightTabs[y].i0; ys < yWeightTabs[y].i1; ys++) { px = pxs; for (int xs = xWeightTabs[changed_rect.tl.x].i0; xs < xWeightTabs[changed_rect.br.x-1].i1; xs++) { rgbFromPixel(*((U32*)px), r, g, b); weight = *yweight; raccum[xs] += (int)(weight) * r; gaccum[xs] += (int)(weight) * g; baccum[xs] += (int)(weight) * b; px += bytesPerSrcPixel; } yweight++; pxs += bytesPerSrcRow; } // Make the convolution the color accumulators with scale filter weights // by x axis and save results to the scaled image. for (int x = changed_rect.tl.x; x < changed_rect.br.x; x++) { // Init the sum of colors with (1 << (shift-1)) for rounding. red = green = blue = 1 << (FINALSHIFT-1); xweight = xWeightTabs[x].weight; for (int xs = xWeightTabs[x].i0; xs < xWeightTabs[x].i1; xs++) { weight = *xweight; red += (int)(weight) * (raccum[xs] >> BITS_OF_CHANEL); green += (int)(weight) * (gaccum[xs] >> BITS_OF_CHANEL); blue += (int)(weight) * (baccum[xs] >> BITS_OF_CHANEL); xweight++; } *ptr++ = U8(blue >> FINALSHIFT); *ptr++ = U8(green >> FINALSHIFT); *ptr++ = U8(red >> FINALSHIFT); ptr++; } ptrs += bytesPerScaledRow; } } Rect ScaledPixelBuffer::calculateScaleBoundary(const Rect& r) { int x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end; double translate_x = 0.5*scale_ratio_x - 0.5; double translate_y = 0.5*scale_ratio_y - 0.5; double sourceXScale = __rfbmax(1.0, 1.0/scale_ratio_x); double sourceYScale = __rfbmax(1.0, 1.0/scale_ratio_y); double sourceXRadius = __rfbmax(0.5, sourceXScale*scaleFilters[scaleFilterID].radius); double sourceYRadius = __rfbmax(0.5, sourceYScale*scaleFilters[scaleFilterID].radius); x_start = (int)ceil(scale_ratio_x*(r.tl.x-sourceXRadius) + translate_x + SCALE_ERROR); y_start = (int)ceil(scale_ratio_y*(r.tl.y-sourceYRadius) + translate_y + SCALE_ERROR); x_end = (int)floor(scale_ratio_x*((r.br.x-1)+sourceXRadius) + translate_x - SCALE_ERROR) + 1; y_end = (int)floor(scale_ratio_y*((r.br.y-1)+sourceXRadius) + translate_y - SCALE_ERROR) + 1; if (x_start < 0) x_start = 0; if (y_start < 0) y_start = 0; if (x_end > scaled_width) x_end = scaled_width; if (y_end > scaled_height) y_end = scaled_height; return Rect(x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end); } void ScaledPixelBuffer::calculateScaledBufferSize() { double scale_ratio = (double)scale / 100; scaled_width = (int)ceil(src_width * scale_ratio); scaled_height = (int)ceil(src_height * scale_ratio); scale_ratio_x = (double)scaled_width / src_width; scale_ratio_y = (double)scaled_height / src_height; }