How to build TigerVNC with VC7 (Visual C++ .NET) ================================================ Introduction ------------ This text documents how to build TigerVNC with VC7. The VC7 "Standard" Edition -------------------------- The VC7 "Standard" Edition does not come with an optimizing compiler. It is possible to use the compiler from the free Visual C++ Toolkit 2003, though. See for more information. (This documents assumes that you are using Method Two.) Building -------- * Open vnc.dsw. Select "Yes to all". * Select Build->Configuration Manager->Active Solution Configuration->Release. * In Solution Explorer, select all projects except "logmessages". Right-click, and select properties. * Below Configuration Properties->C/C++->Precompiled Headers, select "Not Using Precompiled Headers". * If you are using the Standard Edition and would like to build with optimizations, select Configuration Properties->C/C++->Command Line and fill in "/O2". * Build Solution.