/* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 RealVNC Ltd. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright (C) 2011-2019 Brian P. Hinz * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, * USA. */ package com.tigervnc.rfb; import java.awt.color.*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.nio.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import com.tigervnc.network.*; import com.tigervnc.rdr.*; abstract public class CConnection extends CMsgHandler { static LogWriter vlog = new LogWriter("CConnection"); private static final String osName = System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); public CConnection() { super(); csecurity = null; supportsLocalCursor = false; supportsDesktopResize = false; is = null; os = null; reader_ = null; writer_ = null; shared = false; state_ = stateEnum.RFBSTATE_UNINITIALISED; pendingPFChange = false; preferredEncoding = Encodings.encodingTight; compressLevel = 2; qualityLevel = -1; formatChange = false; encodingChange = false; firstUpdate = true; pendingUpdate = false; continuousUpdates = false; forceNonincremental = true; framebuffer = null; decoder = new DecodeManager(this); security = new SecurityClient(); } // Methods to initialise the connection // setServerName() is used to provide a unique(ish) name for the server to // which we are connected. This might be the result of getPeerEndpoint on // a TcpSocket, for example, or a host specified by DNS name & port. // The serverName is used when verifying the Identity of a host (see RA2). public void setServerName(String name_) { serverName = name_; } public void setServerPort(int port_) { serverPort = port_; } // setStreams() sets the streams to be used for the connection. These must // be set before initialiseProtocol() and processMsg() are called. The // CSecurity object may call setStreams() again to provide alternative // streams over which the RFB protocol is sent (i.e. encrypting/decrypting // streams). Ownership of the streams remains with the caller // (i.e. SConnection will not delete them). public final void setStreams(InStream is_, OutStream os_) { is = is_; os = os_; } // setShared sets the value of the shared flag which will be sent to the // server upon initialisation. public final void setShared(boolean s) { shared = s; } // setFramebuffer configures the PixelBuffer that the CConnection // should render all pixel data in to. Note that the CConnection // takes ownership of the PixelBuffer and it must not be deleted by // anyone else. Call setFramebuffer again with NULL or a different // PixelBuffer to delete the previous one. public void setFramebuffer(ModifiablePixelBuffer fb) { decoder.flush(); if (fb != null) { assert(fb.width() == server.width()); assert(fb.height() == server.height()); } if ((framebuffer != null) && (fb != null)) { Rect rect = new Rect(); Raster data; byte[] black = new byte[4]; // Copy still valid area rect.setXYWH(0, 0, Math.min(fb.width(), framebuffer.width()), Math.min(fb.height(), framebuffer.height())); data = framebuffer.getBuffer(rect); fb.imageRect(framebuffer.getPF(), rect, data); // Black out any new areas if (fb.width() > framebuffer.width()) { rect.setXYWH(framebuffer.width(), 0, fb.width() - framebuffer.width(), fb.height()); fb.fillRect(rect, black); } if (fb.height() > framebuffer.height()) { rect.setXYWH(0, framebuffer.height(), fb.width(), fb.height() - framebuffer.height()); fb.fillRect(rect, black); } } framebuffer = fb; } // initialiseProtocol() should be called once the streams and security // types are set. Subsequently, processMsg() should be called whenever // there is data to read on the InStream. public final void initialiseProtocol() { state_ = stateEnum.RFBSTATE_PROTOCOL_VERSION; } // processMsg() should be called whenever there is data to read on the // InStream. You must have called initialiseProtocol() first. public void processMsg() { switch (state_) { case RFBSTATE_PROTOCOL_VERSION: processVersionMsg(); break; case RFBSTATE_SECURITY_TYPES: processSecurityTypesMsg(); break; case RFBSTATE_SECURITY: processSecurityMsg(); break; case RFBSTATE_SECURITY_RESULT: processSecurityResultMsg(); break; case RFBSTATE_INITIALISATION: processInitMsg(); break; case RFBSTATE_NORMAL: reader_.readMsg(); break; case RFBSTATE_UNINITIALISED: throw new Exception("CConnection.processMsg: not initialised yet?"); default: throw new Exception("CConnection.processMsg: invalid state"); } } private void processVersionMsg() { ByteBuffer verStr = ByteBuffer.allocate(12); int majorVersion; int minorVersion; vlog.debug("reading protocol version"); if (!is.checkNoWait(12)) return; is.readBytes(verStr, 12); if ((new String(verStr.array())).matches("RFB \\d{3}\\.\\d{3}\\n")) { majorVersion = Integer.parseInt((new String(verStr.array())).substring(4,7)); minorVersion = Integer.parseInt((new String(verStr.array())).substring(8,11)); } else { state_ = stateEnum.RFBSTATE_INVALID; throw new Exception("reading version failed: not an RFB server?"); } server.setVersion(majorVersion, minorVersion); vlog.info("Server supports RFB protocol version " +server.majorVersion+"."+ server.minorVersion); // The only official RFB protocol versions are currently 3.3, 3.7 and 3.8 if (server.beforeVersion(3,3)) { String msg = ("Server gave unsupported RFB protocol version "+ server.majorVersion+"."+server.minorVersion); vlog.error(msg); state_ = stateEnum.RFBSTATE_INVALID; throw new Exception(msg); } else if (server.beforeVersion(3,7)) { server.setVersion(3,3); } else if (server.afterVersion(3,8)) { server.setVersion(3,8); } verStr.clear(); verStr.put(String.format("RFB %03d.%03d\n", server.majorVersion, server.minorVersion).getBytes()).flip(); os.writeBytes(verStr.array(), 0, 12); os.flush(); state_ = stateEnum.RFBSTATE_SECURITY_TYPES; vlog.info("Using RFB protocol version "+ server.majorVersion+"."+server.minorVersion); } private void processSecurityTypesMsg() { vlog.debug("processing security types message"); int secType = Security.secTypeInvalid; List secTypes = new ArrayList(); secTypes = security.GetEnabledSecTypes(); if (server.isVersion(3,3)) { // legacy 3.3 server may only offer "vnc authentication" or "none" secType = is.readU32(); if (secType == Security.secTypeInvalid) { throwConnFailedException(); } else if (secType == Security.secTypeNone || secType == Security.secTypeVncAuth) { Iterator i; for (i = secTypes.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { int refType = (Integer)i.next(); if (refType == secType) { secType = refType; break; } } if (!secTypes.contains(secType)) secType = Security.secTypeInvalid; } else { vlog.error("Unknown 3.3 security type "+secType); throw new Exception("Unknown 3.3 security type"); } } else { // 3.7 server will offer us a list int nServerSecTypes = is.readU8(); if (nServerSecTypes == 0) throwConnFailedException(); Iterator j; for (int i = 0; i < nServerSecTypes; i++) { int serverSecType = is.readU8(); vlog.debug("Server offers security type "+ Security.secTypeName(serverSecType)+"("+serverSecType+")"); /* * Use the first type sent by server which matches client's type. * It means server's order specifies priority. */ if (secType == Security.secTypeInvalid) { for (j = secTypes.iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) { int refType = (Integer)j.next(); if (refType == serverSecType) { secType = refType; break; } } } } // Inform the server of our decision if (secType != Security.secTypeInvalid) { os.writeU8(secType); os.flush(); vlog.debug("Choosing security type "+Security.secTypeName(secType)+ "("+secType+")"); } } if (secType == Security.secTypeInvalid) { state_ = stateEnum.RFBSTATE_INVALID; vlog.error("No matching security types"); throw new Exception("No matching security types"); } state_ = stateEnum.RFBSTATE_SECURITY; csecurity = security.GetCSecurity(secType); processSecurityMsg(); } private void processSecurityMsg() { vlog.debug("processing security message"); if (csecurity.processMsg(this)) { state_ = stateEnum.RFBSTATE_SECURITY_RESULT; processSecurityResultMsg(); } } private void processSecurityResultMsg() { vlog.debug("processing security result message"); int result; if (server.beforeVersion(3,8) && csecurity.getType() == Security.secTypeNone) { result = Security.secResultOK; } else { if (!is.checkNoWait(1)) return; result = is.readU32(); } switch (result) { case Security.secResultOK: securityCompleted(); return; case Security.secResultFailed: vlog.debug("auth failed"); break; case Security.secResultTooMany: vlog.debug("auth failed - too many tries"); break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown security result from server"); } state_ = stateEnum.RFBSTATE_INVALID; if (server.beforeVersion(3,8)) throw new AuthFailureException(); String reason = is.readString(); throw new AuthFailureException(reason); } private void processInitMsg() { vlog.debug("reading server initialisation"); reader_.readServerInit(); } private void throwConnFailedException() { state_ = stateEnum.RFBSTATE_INVALID; String reason; reason = is.readString(); throw new ConnFailedException(reason); } private void securityCompleted() { state_ = stateEnum.RFBSTATE_INITIALISATION; reader_ = new CMsgReader(this, is); writer_ = new CMsgWriter(server, os); vlog.debug("Authentication success!"); authSuccess(); writer_.writeClientInit(shared); } // Methods overridden from CMsgHandler // Note: These must be called by any deriving classes public void setDesktopSize(int w, int h) { decoder.flush(); super.setDesktopSize(w,h); if (continuousUpdates) writer().writeEnableContinuousUpdates(true, 0, 0, server.width(), server.height()); resizeFramebuffer(); assert(framebuffer != null); assert(framebuffer.width() == server.width()); assert(framebuffer.height() == server.height()); } public void setExtendedDesktopSize(int reason, int result, int w, int h, ScreenSet layout) { decoder.flush(); super.setExtendedDesktopSize(reason, result, w, h, layout); if (continuousUpdates) writer().writeEnableContinuousUpdates(true, 0, 0, server.width(), server.height()); resizeFramebuffer(); assert(framebuffer != null); assert(framebuffer.width() == server.width()); assert(framebuffer.height() == server.height()); } public void endOfContinuousUpdates() { super.endOfContinuousUpdates(); // We've gotten the marker for a format change, so make the pending // one active if (pendingPFChange) { server.setPF(pendingPF); pendingPFChange = false; // We might have another change pending if (formatChange) requestNewUpdate(); } } // serverInit() is called when the ServerInit message is received. The // derived class must call on to CConnection::serverInit(). public void serverInit(int width, int height, PixelFormat pf, String name) { super.serverInit(width, height, pf, name); state_ = stateEnum.RFBSTATE_NORMAL; vlog.debug("initialisation done"); initDone(); assert(framebuffer != null); // FIXME: even if the client is scaling? assert(framebuffer.width() == server.width()); assert(framebuffer.height() == server.height()); // We want to make sure we call SetEncodings at least once encodingChange = true; requestNewUpdate(); // This initial update request is a bit of a corner case, so we need // to help out setting the correct format here. if (pendingPFChange) { server.setPF(pendingPF); pendingPFChange = false; } } public void readAndDecodeRect(Rect r, int encoding, ModifiablePixelBuffer pb) { decoder.decodeRect(r, encoding, pb); decoder.flush(); } public void framebufferUpdateStart() { super.framebufferUpdateStart(); assert(framebuffer != null); // Note: This might not be true if continuous updates are supported pendingUpdate = false; requestNewUpdate(); } public void framebufferUpdateEnd() { decoder.flush(); super.framebufferUpdateEnd(); // A format change has been scheduled and we are now past the update // with the old format. Time to active the new one. if (pendingPFChange && !continuousUpdates) { server.setPF(pendingPF); pendingPFChange = false; } if (firstUpdate) { if (server.supportsContinuousUpdates) { vlog.info("Enabling continuous updates"); continuousUpdates = true; writer().writeEnableContinuousUpdates(true, 0, 0, server.width(), server.height()); } firstUpdate = false; } } public void dataRect(Rect r, int encoding) { decoder.decodeRect(r, encoding, framebuffer); } // Methods to be overridden in a derived class // authSuccess() is called when authentication has succeeded. public void authSuccess() { } // initDone() is called when the connection is fully established // and standard messages can be sent. This is called before the // initial FramebufferUpdateRequest giving a derived class the // chance to modify pixel format and settings. The derived class // must also make sure it has provided a valid framebuffer before // returning. public void initDone() { } // resizeFramebuffer() is called whenever the framebuffer // dimensions or the screen layout changes. A subclass must make // sure the pixel buffer has been updated once this call returns. public void resizeFramebuffer() { assert(false); } // refreshFramebuffer() forces a complete refresh of the entire // framebuffer public void refreshFramebuffer() { forceNonincremental = true; // Without fences, we cannot safely trigger an update request directly // but must wait for the next update to arrive. if (continuousUpdates) requestNewUpdate(); } // setPreferredEncoding()/getPreferredEncoding() adjusts which // encoding is listed first as a hint to the server that it is the // preferred one public void setPreferredEncoding(int encoding) { if (preferredEncoding == encoding) return; preferredEncoding = encoding; encodingChange = true; } public int getPreferredEncoding() { return preferredEncoding; } // setCompressLevel()/setQualityLevel() controls the encoding hints // sent to the server public void setCompressLevel(int level) { if (compressLevel == level) return; compressLevel = level; encodingChange = true; } public void setQualityLevel(int level) { if (qualityLevel == level) return; qualityLevel = level; encodingChange = true; } // setPF() controls the pixel format requested from the server. // server.pf() will automatically be adjusted once the new format // is active. public void setPF(PixelFormat pf) { if (server.pf().equal(pf) && !formatChange) return; nextPF = pf; formatChange = true; } public CMsgReader reader() { return reader_; } public CMsgWriter writer() { return writer_; } public InStream getInStream() { return is; } public OutStream getOutStream() { return os; } // Access method used by SSecurity implementations that can verify servers' // Identities, to determine the unique(ish) name of the server. public String getServerName() { return serverName; } public int getServerPort() { return serverPort; } boolean isSecure() { return csecurity != null ? csecurity.isSecure() : false; } public enum stateEnum { RFBSTATE_UNINITIALISED, RFBSTATE_PROTOCOL_VERSION, RFBSTATE_SECURITY_TYPES, RFBSTATE_SECURITY, RFBSTATE_SECURITY_RESULT, RFBSTATE_INITIALISATION, RFBSTATE_NORMAL, RFBSTATE_INVALID }; public stateEnum state() { return state_; } protected void setState(stateEnum s) { state_ = s; } protected void setReader(CMsgReader r) { reader_ = r; } protected void setWriter(CMsgWriter w) { writer_ = w; } protected ModifiablePixelBuffer getFramebuffer() { return framebuffer; } public void fence(int flags, int len, byte[] data) { super.fence(flags, len, data); if ((flags & fenceTypes.fenceFlagRequest) != 0) return; // We cannot guarantee any synchronisation at this level flags = 0; writer().writeFence(flags, len, data); } // requestNewUpdate() requests an update from the server, having set the // format and encoding appropriately. private void requestNewUpdate() { if (formatChange && !pendingPFChange) { /* Catch incorrect requestNewUpdate calls */ assert(!pendingUpdate || continuousUpdates); // We have to make sure we switch the internal format at a safe // time. For continuous updates we temporarily disable updates and // look for a EndOfContinuousUpdates message to see when to switch. // For classical updates we just got a new update right before this // function was called, so we need to make sure we finish that // update before we can switch. pendingPFChange = true; pendingPF = nextPF; if (continuousUpdates) writer().writeEnableContinuousUpdates(false, 0, 0, 0, 0); writer().writeSetPixelFormat(pendingPF); if (continuousUpdates) writer().writeEnableContinuousUpdates(true, 0, 0, server.width(), server.height()); formatChange = false; } if (encodingChange) { updateEncodings(); encodingChange = false; } if (forceNonincremental || !continuousUpdates) { pendingUpdate = true; writer().writeFramebufferUpdateRequest(new Rect(0, 0, server.width(), server.height()), !forceNonincremental); } forceNonincremental = false; } // Ask for encodings based on which decoders are supported. Assumes higher // encoding numbers are more desirable. private void updateEncodings() { List encodings = new ArrayList(); if (server.supportsLocalCursor) { // JRE on Windows does not support cursors with alpha if (!osName.contains("windows")) { encodings.add(Encodings.pseudoEncodingCursorWithAlpha); encodings.add(Encodings.pseudoEncodingVMwareCursor); } encodings.add(Encodings.pseudoEncodingCursor); encodings.add(Encodings.pseudoEncodingXCursor); } if (server.supportsDesktopResize) { encodings.add(Encodings.pseudoEncodingDesktopSize); encodings.add(Encodings.pseudoEncodingExtendedDesktopSize); } if (server.supportsClientRedirect) encodings.add(Encodings.pseudoEncodingClientRedirect); encodings.add(Encodings.pseudoEncodingDesktopName); encodings.add(Encodings.pseudoEncodingLastRect); encodings.add(Encodings.pseudoEncodingContinuousUpdates); encodings.add(Encodings.pseudoEncodingFence); if (Decoder.supported(preferredEncoding)) { encodings.add(preferredEncoding); } encodings.add(Encodings.encodingCopyRect); for (int i = Encodings.encodingMax; i >= 0; i--) { if ((i != preferredEncoding) && Decoder.supported(i)) encodings.add(i); } if (compressLevel >= 0 && compressLevel <= 9) encodings.add(Encodings.pseudoEncodingCompressLevel0 + compressLevel); if (qualityLevel >= 0 && qualityLevel <= 9) encodings.add(Encodings.pseudoEncodingQualityLevel0 + qualityLevel); writer().writeSetEncodings(encodings); } private void throwAuthFailureException() { String reason; vlog.debug("state="+state()+", ver="+server.majorVersion+"."+server.minorVersion); if (state() == stateEnum.RFBSTATE_SECURITY_RESULT && !server.beforeVersion(3,8)) { reason = is.readString(); } else { reason = "Authentication failure"; } state_ = stateEnum.RFBSTATE_INVALID; vlog.error(reason); throw new AuthFailureException(reason); } public CSecurity csecurity; public SecurityClient security; protected boolean supportsLocalCursor; protected boolean supportsDesktopResize; private InStream is; private OutStream os; private CMsgReader reader_; private CMsgWriter writer_; private boolean deleteStreamsWhenDone; private boolean shared; private stateEnum state_; private String serverName; private int serverPort; private boolean pendingPFChange; private PixelFormat pendingPF; private int preferredEncoding; private int compressLevel; private int qualityLevel; private boolean formatChange; private PixelFormat nextPF; private boolean encodingChange; private boolean firstUpdate; private boolean pendingUpdate; private boolean continuousUpdates; private boolean forceNonincremental; protected ModifiablePixelBuffer framebuffer; private DecodeManager decoder; }