package com.tightvnc.decoder; import com.tightvnc.vncviewer.RfbInputStream; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Color; import; import; import; // // Class that used for decoding RRE encoded data. // public class RREDecoder extends RawDecoder { final static int EncodingRRE = 2; public RREDecoder(Graphics g, RfbInputStream is) { super(g, is); } public RREDecoder(Graphics g, RfbInputStream is, int frameBufferW, int frameBufferH) { super(g, is, frameBufferW, frameBufferH); } // // Override handleRect method to decode RRE encoded data insted of // raw pixel data. // public void handleRect(int x, int y, int w, int h) throws IOException { // // Write encoding ID to record output stream // if (dos != null) { dos.writeInt(RREDecoder.EncodingRRE); } int nSubrects = rfbis.readU32(); byte[] bg_buf = new byte[bytesPerPixel]; rfbis.readFully(bg_buf); Color pixel; if (bytesPerPixel == 1) { pixel = getColor256()[bg_buf[0] & 0xFF]; } else { pixel = new Color(bg_buf[2] & 0xFF, bg_buf[1] & 0xFF, bg_buf[0] & 0xFF); } graphics.setColor(pixel); graphics.fillRect(x, y, w, h); byte[] buf = new byte[nSubrects * (bytesPerPixel + 8)]; rfbis.readFully(buf); DataInputStream ds = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf)); // // Save decoded data to data output stream // if (dos != null) { dos.writeInt(nSubrects); dos.write(bg_buf); dos.write(buf); } int sx, sy, sw, sh; for (int j = 0; j < nSubrects; j++) { if (bytesPerPixel == 1) { pixel = getColor256()[ds.readUnsignedByte()]; } else { ds.skip(4); pixel = new Color(buf[j*12+2] & 0xFF, buf[j*12+1] & 0xFF, buf[j*12] & 0xFF); } sx = x + ds.readUnsignedShort(); sy = y + ds.readUnsignedShort(); sw = ds.readUnsignedShort(); sh = ds.readUnsignedShort(); graphics.setColor(pixel); graphics.fillRect(sx, sy, sw, sh); } } }