/* Copyright (C) 2002-2003 RealVNC Ltd. All Rights Reserved. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace rfb; const PixelFormat bgr233PF(8, 8, false, true, 7, 7, 3, 0, 3, 6); static void noTransFn(void* table_, const PixelFormat& inPF, void* inPtr, int inStride, const PixelFormat& outPF, void* outPtr, int outStride, int width, int height) { rdr::U8* ip = (rdr::U8*)inPtr; rdr::U8* op = (rdr::U8*)outPtr; int inStrideBytes = inStride * (inPF.bpp/8); int outStrideBytes = outStride * (outPF.bpp/8); int widthBytes = width * (outPF.bpp/8); while (height > 0) { memcpy(op, ip, widthBytes); ip += inStrideBytes; op += outStrideBytes; height--; } } #define BPPOUT 8 #include "transInitTempl.h" #define BPPIN 8 #include "transTempl.h" #undef BPPIN #define BPPIN 16 #include "transTempl.h" #undef BPPIN #define BPPIN 32 #include "transTempl.h" #undef BPPIN #undef BPPOUT #define BPPOUT 16 #include "transInitTempl.h" #define BPPIN 8 #include "transTempl.h" #undef BPPIN #define BPPIN 16 #include "transTempl.h" #undef BPPIN #define BPPIN 32 #include "transTempl.h" #undef BPPIN #undef BPPOUT #define BPPOUT 32 #include "transInitTempl.h" #define BPPIN 8 #include "transTempl.h" #undef BPPIN #define BPPIN 16 #include "transTempl.h" #undef BPPIN #define BPPIN 32 #include "transTempl.h" #undef BPPIN #undef BPPOUT // Translation functions. Note that transSimple* is only used for 8/16bpp and // transRGB* is used for 16/32bpp static transFnType transSimpleFns[][3] = { { transSimple8to8, transSimple8to16, transSimple8to32 }, { transSimple16to8, transSimple16to16, transSimple16to32 }, }; static transFnType transRGBFns[][3] = { { transRGB16to8, transRGB16to16, transRGB16to32 }, { transRGB32to8, transRGB32to16, transRGB32to32 } }; static transFnType transRGBCubeFns[][3] = { { transRGBCube16to8, transRGBCube16to16, transRGBCube16to32 }, { transRGBCube32to8, transRGBCube32to16, transRGBCube32to32 } }; // Table initialisation functions. typedef void (*initCMtoTCFnType)(rdr::U8** tablep, const PixelFormat& inPF, ColourMap* cm, const PixelFormat& outPF); typedef void (*initTCtoTCFnType)(rdr::U8** tablep, const PixelFormat& inPF, const PixelFormat& outPF); typedef void (*initCMtoCubeFnType)(rdr::U8** tablep, const PixelFormat& inPF, ColourMap* cm, ColourCube* cube); typedef void (*initTCtoCubeFnType)(rdr::U8** tablep, const PixelFormat& inPF, ColourCube* cube); static initCMtoTCFnType initSimpleCMtoTCFns[] = { initSimpleCMtoTC8, initSimpleCMtoTC16, initSimpleCMtoTC32 }; static initTCtoTCFnType initSimpleTCtoTCFns[] = { initSimpleTCtoTC8, initSimpleTCtoTC16, initSimpleTCtoTC32 }; static initCMtoCubeFnType initSimpleCMtoCubeFns[] = { initSimpleCMtoCube8, initSimpleCMtoCube16, initSimpleCMtoCube32 }; static initTCtoCubeFnType initSimpleTCtoCubeFns[] = { initSimpleTCtoCube8, initSimpleTCtoCube16, initSimpleTCtoCube32 }; static initTCtoTCFnType initRGBTCtoTCFns[] = { initRGBTCtoTC8, initRGBTCtoTC16, initRGBTCtoTC32 }; static initTCtoCubeFnType initRGBTCtoCubeFns[] = { initRGBTCtoCube8, initRGBTCtoCube16, initRGBTCtoCube32 }; TransImageGetter::TransImageGetter(bool econ) : economic(econ), pb(0), table(0), transFn(0), cube(0) { } TransImageGetter::~TransImageGetter() { delete [] table; } void TransImageGetter::init(PixelBuffer* pb_, const PixelFormat& out, SMsgWriter* writer, ColourCube* cube_) { pb = pb_; outPF = out; transFn = 0; cube = cube_; const PixelFormat& inPF = pb->getPF(); if ((inPF.bpp != 8) && (inPF.bpp != 16) && (inPF.bpp != 32)) throw Exception("TransImageGetter: bpp in not 8, 16 or 32"); if ((outPF.bpp != 8) && (outPF.bpp != 16) && (outPF.bpp != 32)) throw Exception("TransImageGetter: bpp out not 8, 16 or 32"); if (!outPF.trueColour) { if (outPF.bpp != 8) throw Exception("TransImageGetter: outPF has color map but not 8bpp"); if (!inPF.trueColour) { if (inPF.bpp != 8) throw Exception("TransImageGetter: inPF has colorMap but not 8bpp"); // CM to CM/Cube if (cube) { transFn = transSimpleFns[inPF.bpp/16][outPF.bpp/16]; (*initSimpleCMtoCubeFns[outPF.bpp/16]) (&table, inPF, pb->getColourMap(), cube); } else { transFn = noTransFn; setColourMapEntries(0, 256, writer); } return; } // TC to CM/Cube ColourCube defaultCube(6,6,6); if (!cube) cube = &defaultCube; if ((inPF.bpp > 16) || (economic && (inPF.bpp == 16))) { transFn = transRGBCubeFns[inPF.bpp/32][outPF.bpp/16]; (*initRGBTCtoCubeFns[outPF.bpp/16]) (&table, inPF, cube); } else { transFn = transSimpleFns[inPF.bpp/16][outPF.bpp/16]; (*initSimpleTCtoCubeFns[outPF.bpp/16]) (&table, inPF, cube); } if (cube != &defaultCube) return; if (writer) writer->writeSetColourMapEntries(0, 216, cube); cube = 0; return; } if (inPF.equal(outPF)) { transFn = noTransFn; return; } if (!inPF.trueColour) { // CM to TC if (inPF.bpp != 8) throw Exception("TransImageGetter: inPF has colorMap but not 8bpp"); transFn = transSimpleFns[inPF.bpp/16][outPF.bpp/16]; (*initSimpleCMtoTCFns[outPF.bpp/16]) (&table, inPF, pb->getColourMap(), outPF); return; } // TC to TC if ((inPF.bpp > 16) || (economic && (inPF.bpp == 16))) { transFn = transRGBFns[inPF.bpp/32][outPF.bpp/16]; (*initRGBTCtoTCFns[outPF.bpp/16]) (&table, inPF, outPF); } else { transFn = transSimpleFns[inPF.bpp/16][outPF.bpp/16]; (*initSimpleTCtoTCFns[outPF.bpp/16]) (&table, inPF, outPF); } } void TransImageGetter::setColourMapEntries(int firstCol, int nCols, SMsgWriter* writer) { if (nCols == 0) nCols = (1 << pb->getPF().depth) - firstCol; if (pb->getPF().trueColour) return; // shouldn't be called in this case if (outPF.trueColour) { (*initSimpleCMtoTCFns[outPF.bpp/16]) (&table, pb->getPF(), pb->getColourMap(), outPF); } else if (cube) { (*initSimpleCMtoCubeFns[outPF.bpp/16]) (&table, pb->getPF(), pb->getColourMap(), cube); } else if (writer && pb->getColourMap()) { writer->writeSetColourMapEntries(firstCol, nCols, pb->getColourMap()); } } void TransImageGetter::getImage(void* outPtr, const Rect& r, int outStride) { if (!transFn) throw Exception("TransImageGetter: not initialised yet"); int inStride; const rdr::U8* inPtr = pb->getPixelsR(r.translate(offset.negate()), &inStride); if (!outStride) outStride = r.width(); (*transFn)(table, pb->getPF(), (void*)inPtr, inStride, outPF, outPtr, outStride, r.width(), r.height()); } void TransImageGetter::translatePixels(void* inPtr, void* outPtr, int nPixels) const { (*transFn)(table, pb->getPF(), inPtr, nPixels, outPF, outPtr, nPixels, nPixels, 1); }