/* Copyright (C) 2004 TightVNC Team. All Rights Reserved. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ // -=- FbsInputStream class #include #include #include FbsInputStream::FbsInputStream(char* FileName) { bufferSize = 0; ptr = end = start = NULL; timeOffset = 0; seekOffset = -1; startTime = GetTickCount(); playbackSpeed = 1.0; seekBackwards = false; paused = false; interruptDelay = false; fbsFile = fopen(FileName, "rb"); if (fbsFile == NULL) { char *msg = new char[12 + sizeof(FileName)]; strcpy(msg, "Can't open "); strcat(msg, FileName); throw rfb::Exception(msg,"RfbPlayer Error"); } byte b[12]; readNByte(b, 12); if (b[0] != 'F' || b[1] != 'B' || b[2] != 'S' || b[3] != ' ' || b[4] != '0' || b[5] != '0' || b[6] != '1' || b[7] != '.' || b[8] < '0' || b[8] > '9' || b[9] < '0' || b[9] > '9' || b[10] < '0' || b[10] > '9' || b[11] != '\n') { throw rfb::Exception("Incorrect protocol version", "RfbPlayer Error"); } } FbsInputStream::~FbsInputStream() { if (start != NULL) delete [] start; ptr = end = start = NULL; fclose(fbsFile); } int FbsInputStream::pos() { return ptr - start; } // // Close FbsInputStream and free data buffer // void FbsInputStream::close() { fclose(fbsFile); startTime = -1; timeOffset = 0; seekOffset = -1; seekBackwards = false; paused = false; playbackSpeed = 1.0; if (start != NULL) delete [] start; ptr = end = start = NULL; bufferSize = 0; } // // Fill data buffer from the session file (InStream::overrun() override) // int FbsInputStream::overrun(int itemSize, int nItems, bool wait=true) { // Just wait unless we are performing playback OR seeking. waitWhilePaused(); // Perform backwardSeek (throws the special exception) if (seekBackwards) { throw rfb::Exception("[REWIND]", "RfbPlayer"); } // Save a tail of data U8 *tmp; int n = end - ptr; if (n) { tmp = new U8[n]; memmove(tmp, ptr, n); } bufferSize = (int)readUnsigned32(); if (bufferSize >= 0) { if (start != NULL) delete [] start; int realSize = (bufferSize + 3) & 0xFFFFFFFC; // padding to multiple of 32-bits ptr = start = new byte[realSize + n]; end = ptr + bufferSize + n; if (n) { memmove(start, tmp, n); delete [] tmp; } readNByte(start + n, realSize); timeOffset = (long)(readUnsigned32() / playbackSpeed); if (itemSize * nItems > bufferSize) nItems = bufferSize / itemSize; } if (bufferSize < 0 || timeOffset < 0) { if (start != NULL) delete [] start; ptr = end = start = NULL; bufferSize = 0; return 0; } if (seekOffset >= 0) { if (timeOffset >= seekOffset) { startTime = GetTickCount() - seekOffset; seekOffset = -1; } else { return nItems; } } while (!interruptDelay) { long timeDiff = startTime + timeOffset - GetTickCount(); if (timeDiff <= 0) { break; } Sleep(min(20, timeDiff)); waitWhilePaused(); } interruptDelay = false; return nItems; } int FbsInputStream::readUnsigned32() { byte buf[4]; if (!readNByte(buf, 4)) return -1; return ((long)(buf[0] & 0xFF) << 24 | (buf[1] & 0xFF) << 16 | (buf[2] & 0xFF) << 8 | (buf[3] & 0xFF)); } // // Read n-bytes from the session file // bool FbsInputStream::readNByte(byte b[], int n) { int off = 0; while (off != n) { int count = fread(b, 1, n - off, fbsFile); if (count < n) { if (ferror(fbsFile)) throw rfb::Exception("Read error from session file", "RfbPlayer Error"); if (feof(fbsFile)) throw rfb::Exception("[End Of File]", "RfbPlayer Error"); } off += count; } return true; } void FbsInputStream::waitWhilePaused() { while (paused && !isSeeking()) { // A small delay helps to decrease the cpu usage Sleep(20); } } void FbsInputStream::interruptFrameDelay() { interruptDelay = true; } // // Methods providing additional functionality. // long FbsInputStream::getTimeOffset() { //long off = max(seekOffset, timeOffset); return (long)(timeOffset * playbackSpeed); } void FbsInputStream::setTimeOffset(long pos) { seekOffset = (long)(pos / playbackSpeed); if (seekOffset < timeOffset) { seekBackwards = true; } } void FbsInputStream::setSpeed(double newSpeed) { long newOffset = (long)(timeOffset * playbackSpeed / newSpeed); startTime += timeOffset - newOffset; timeOffset = newOffset; if (isSeeking()) { seekOffset = (long)(seekOffset * playbackSpeed / newSpeed); } playbackSpeed = newSpeed; } double FbsInputStream::getSpeed() { return playbackSpeed; } bool FbsInputStream::isSeeking() { return (seekOffset >= 0); } long FbsInputStream::getSeekOffset() { return (long)(seekOffset * playbackSpeed); } bool FbsInputStream::isPaused() { return paused; } void FbsInputStream::pausePlayback() { paused = true; } void FbsInputStream::resumePlayback() { paused = false; startTime = GetTickCount() - timeOffset; }