/* Copyright (C) 2004 TightVNC Team. All Rights Reserved. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ // -=- PlayerOptions class #include using namespace rfb::win32; PlayerOptions::PlayerOptions() { writeDefaults(); }; void PlayerOptions::readFromRegistry() { try { PixelFormat *pPF = 0; int pfSize = sizeof(PixelFormat); RegKey regKey; regKey.createKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, _T("Software\\TightVnc\\RfbPlayer")); autoPlay = regKey.getBool(_T("AutoPlay"), DEFAULT_AUTOPLAY); autoDetectPF = regKey.getBool(_T("AutoDetectPixelFormat"), DEFAULT_AUTOPF); bigEndianFlag = regKey.getBool(_T("BigEndianFlag"), DEFAULT_BIG_ENDIAN); pixelFormatIndex = regKey.getInt(_T("PixelFormatIndex"), DEFAULT_PF_INDEX); regKey.getBinary(_T("PixelFormat"), (void**)&pPF, &pfSize, &PixelFormat(32,24,0,1,255,255,255,16,8,0), sizeof(PixelFormat)); setPF(pPF); acceptBell = regKey.getBool(_T("AcceptBell"), DEFAULT_ACCEPT_BELL); acceptCutText = regKey.getBool(_T("AcceptCutText"), DEFAULT_ACCEPT_CUT_TEXT); autoPlay = regKey.getBool(_T("AutoPlay"), DEFAULT_AUTOPLAY); askPixelFormat = regKey.getBool(_T("AskPixelFormat"), DEFAULT_ASK_PF); if (pPF) delete pPF; } catch (rdr::Exception e) { MessageBox(0, e.str(), "RFB Player", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); } } void PlayerOptions::writeToRegistry() { try { RegKey regKey; regKey.createKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, _T("Software\\TightVnc\\RfbPlayer")); regKey.setBool(_T("AutoPlay"), autoPlay); regKey.setBool(_T("AutoDetectPixelFormat"), autoDetectPF); regKey.setBool(_T("BigEndianFlag"), bigEndianFlag); regKey.setInt(_T("PixelFormatIndex"), pixelFormatIndex); regKey.setBinary(_T("PixelFormat"), &pixelFormat, sizeof(PixelFormat)); regKey.setBool(_T("AcceptBell"), acceptBell); regKey.setBool(_T("AcceptCutText"), acceptCutText); regKey.setBool(_T("AutoPlay"), autoPlay); regKey.setBool(_T("AskPixelFormat"), askPixelFormat); } catch (rdr::Exception e) { MessageBox(0, e.str(), "RFB Player", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); } } void PlayerOptions::writeDefaults() { initTime = DEFAULT_INIT_TIME; playbackSpeed = DEFAULT_SPEED; autoDetectPF = DEFAULT_AUTOPF; bigEndianFlag = DEFAULT_BIG_ENDIAN; pixelFormatIndex = DEFAULT_PF_INDEX; pixelFormat = PixelFormat(32,24,0,1,255,255,255,16,8,0); frameScale = DEFAULT_FRAME_SCALE; autoPlay = DEFAULT_AUTOPLAY; fullScreen = DEFAULT_FULL_SCREEN; acceptBell = DEFAULT_ACCEPT_BELL; acceptCutText = DEFAULT_ACCEPT_CUT_TEXT; loopPlayback = DEFAULT_LOOP_PLAYBACK; askPixelFormat = DEFAULT_ASK_PF; commandLineParam = false; } void PlayerOptions::setPF(PixelFormat *newPF) { memcpy(&pixelFormat, newPF, sizeof(PixelFormat)); } bool PlayerOptions::setPF(int rgb_order, int rm, int gm, int bm, bool big_endian) { PixelFormat newPF; // Calculate the colour bits per pixel int bpp = rm + gm + bm; if (bpp < 0) { return false; } else if (bpp <= 8 ) { newPF.bpp = 8; } else if (bpp <= 16) { newPF.bpp = 16; } else if (bpp <= 32) { newPF.bpp = 32; } else { return false; } newPF.depth = bpp; // Calculate the r, g and b bits shifts switch (rgb_order) { case RGB_ORDER: newPF.redShift = gm + bm; newPF.greenShift = bm; newPF.blueShift = 0; break; case RBG_ORDER: newPF.redShift = bm + gm; newPF.blueShift = gm; newPF.greenShift = 0; break; case GRB_ORDER: newPF.greenShift = rm + bm; newPF.redShift = bm; newPF.blueShift = 0; break; case GBR_ORDER: newPF.greenShift = bm + rm; newPF.blueShift = rm; newPF.redShift = 0; break; case BGR_ORDER: newPF.blueShift = gm + rm; newPF.greenShift = rm; newPF.redShift = 0; break; case BRG_ORDER: newPF.blueShift = rm + gm; newPF.redShift = gm; newPF.greenShift = 0; break; default: return false; } newPF.trueColour = true; newPF.bigEndian = big_endian; newPF.redMax = (1 << rm) - 1; newPF.greenMax = (1 << gm) - 1; newPF.blueMax = (1 << bm) - 1; setPF(&newPF); return true; }