/* Copyright (C) 2002-2003 RealVNC Ltd. All Rights Reserved. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ // // TXLabel.h // // An TXLabel allows you to put up multiline text in a window with various // alignments. The label must be big enough to contain the text - if not then // it will be resized appropriately. // #ifndef __TXLABEL_H__ #define __TXLABEL_H__ #include #include "TXWindow.h" #include class TXLabel : public TXWindow, public TXEventHandler { public: enum HAlign { left, centre, right }; enum VAlign { top, middle, bottom }; TXLabel(Display* dpy_, const char* text_, TXWindow* parent_=0, int w=1, int h=1, HAlign ha=centre, VAlign va=middle) : TXWindow(dpy_, w, h, parent_), lineSpacing(2), lines(0), halign(ha), valign(va) { setEventHandler(this); setText(text_); addEventMask(ExposureMask); } // setText() changes the text in the label. void setText(const char* text_) { text.buf = rfb::strDup(text_); lines = 0; int lineStart = 0; int textWidth = 0; int i = -1; do { i++; if (text.buf[i] == '\n' || text.buf[i] == 0) { int tw = XTextWidth(defaultFS, &text.buf[lineStart], i-lineStart); if (tw > textWidth) textWidth = tw; lineStart = i+1; lines++; } } while (text.buf[i] != 0); int textHeight = ((defaultFS->ascent + defaultFS->descent + lineSpacing) * lines); int newWidth = max(width(), textWidth + xPad*2); int newHeight = max(height(), textHeight + yPad*2); if (width() < newWidth || height() < newHeight) { resize(newWidth, newHeight); } } private: int xOffset(int textWidth) { switch (halign) { case left: return xPad; case right: return width() - xPad - textWidth; default: return (width() - textWidth) / 2; } } int yOffset(int lineNum) { int textHeight = ((defaultFS->ascent + defaultFS->descent + lineSpacing) * lines); int lineOffset = ((defaultFS->ascent + defaultFS->descent + lineSpacing) * lineNum + defaultFS->ascent); switch (valign) { case top: return yPad + lineOffset; case bottom: return height() - yPad - textHeight + lineOffset; default: return (height() - textHeight) / 2 + lineOffset; } } void paint() { int lineNum = 0; int lineStart = 0; int i = -1; do { i++; if (text.buf[i] == '\n' || text.buf[i] == 0) { int tw = XTextWidth(defaultFS, &text.buf[lineStart], i-lineStart); XDrawString(dpy, win(), defaultGC, xOffset(tw), yOffset(lineNum), &text.buf[lineStart], i-lineStart); lineStart = i+1; lineNum++; } } while (text.buf[i] != 0); } virtual void handleEvent(TXWindow* w, XEvent* ev) { switch (ev->type) { case Expose: paint(); break; } } int lineSpacing; rfb::CharArray text; int lines; HAlign halign; VAlign valign; }; #endif