/* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 RealVNC Ltd. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright 2011-2015 Pierre Ossman for Cendio AB * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include #endif #define NEED_EVENTS #include "misc.h" #include "os.h" #include "dixstruct.h" #include "extnsionst.h" #include "scrnintstr.h" #define _VNCEXT_SERVER_ #define _VNCEXT_PROTO_ #include "vncExt.h" #include "xorg-version.h" #include "vncExtInit.h" #include "RFBGlue.h" static int ProcVncExtDispatch(ClientPtr client); static int SProcVncExtDispatch(ClientPtr client); static void vncResetProc(ExtensionEntry* extEntry); static void vncClientStateChange(CallbackListPtr*, void *, void *); static int vncErrorBase = 0; static int vncEventBase = 0; int vncNoClipboard = 0; static struct VncInputSelect* vncInputSelectHead = NULL; struct VncInputSelect { ClientPtr client; Window window; int mask; struct VncInputSelect* next; }; void vncAddExtension(void) { ExtensionEntry* extEntry; extEntry = AddExtension(VNCEXTNAME, VncExtNumberEvents, VncExtNumberErrors, ProcVncExtDispatch, SProcVncExtDispatch, vncResetProc, StandardMinorOpcode); if (!extEntry) { FatalError("vncAddExtension: AddExtension failed\n"); } vncErrorBase = extEntry->errorBase; vncEventBase = extEntry->eventBase; if (!AddCallback(&ClientStateCallback, vncClientStateChange, 0)) { FatalError("Add ClientStateCallback failed\n"); } } int vncNotifyQueryConnect(void) { int count; xVncExtQueryConnectNotifyEvent ev; ev.type = vncEventBase + VncExtQueryConnectNotify; count = 0; for (struct VncInputSelect* cur = vncInputSelectHead; cur; cur = cur->next) { if (cur->mask & VncExtQueryConnectMask) { ev.sequenceNumber = cur->client->sequence; ev.window = cur->window; if (cur->client->swapped) { swaps(&ev.sequenceNumber); swapl(&ev.window); } WriteToClient(cur->client, sizeof(xVncExtQueryConnectNotifyEvent), (char *)&ev); count++; } } return count; } static int ProcVncExtSetParam(ClientPtr client) { char *param; xVncExtSetParamReply rep; REQUEST(xVncExtSetParamReq); REQUEST_FIXED_SIZE(xVncExtSetParamReq, stuff->paramLen); param = malloc(stuff->paramLen+1); if (param == NULL) return BadAlloc; strncpy(param, (char*)&stuff[1], stuff->paramLen); param[stuff->paramLen] = '\0'; rep.type = X_Reply; rep.length = 0; rep.success = 0; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; /* * Prevent change of clipboard related parameters if clipboard is disabled. */ if (vncNoClipboard && (strncasecmp(param, "SendCutText", 11) == 0 || strncasecmp(param, "AcceptCutText", 13) == 0)) goto deny; if (!vncOverrideParam(param)) goto deny; rep.success = 1; // Send DesktopName update if desktop name has been changed if (strncasecmp(param, "desktop", 7) == 0) vncUpdateDesktopName(); deny: free(param); if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); swapl(&rep.length); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xVncExtSetParamReply), (char *)&rep); return (client->noClientException); } static int SProcVncExtSetParam(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xVncExtSetParamReq); swaps(&stuff->length); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xVncExtSetParamReq); return ProcVncExtSetParam(client); } static int ProcVncExtGetParam(ClientPtr client) { char* param; char* value; size_t len; xVncExtGetParamReply rep; REQUEST(xVncExtGetParamReq); REQUEST_FIXED_SIZE(xVncExtGetParamReq, stuff->paramLen); param = malloc(stuff->paramLen+1); if (param == NULL) return BadAlloc; strncpy(param, (char*)&stuff[1], stuff->paramLen); param[stuff->paramLen] = 0; value = vncGetParam(param); len = value ? strlen(value) : 0; free(param); rep.type = X_Reply; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; rep.success = 0; if (value) rep.success = 1; rep.length = (len + 3) >> 2; rep.valueLen = len; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); swapl(&rep.length); swaps(&rep.valueLen); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xVncExtGetParamReply), (char *)&rep); if (value) WriteToClient(client, len, value); free(value); return (client->noClientException); } static int SProcVncExtGetParam(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xVncExtGetParamReq); swaps(&stuff->length); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xVncExtGetParamReq); return ProcVncExtGetParam(client); } static int ProcVncExtGetParamDesc(ClientPtr client) { char* param; const char* desc; size_t len; xVncExtGetParamDescReply rep; REQUEST(xVncExtGetParamDescReq); REQUEST_FIXED_SIZE(xVncExtGetParamDescReq, stuff->paramLen); param = malloc(stuff->paramLen+1); if (param == NULL) return BadAlloc; strncpy(param, (char*)&stuff[1], stuff->paramLen); param[stuff->paramLen] = 0; desc = vncGetParamDesc(param); len = desc ? strlen(desc) : 0; free(param); rep.type = X_Reply; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; rep.success = 0; if (desc) rep.success = 1; rep.length = (len + 3) >> 2; rep.descLen = len; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); swapl(&rep.length); swaps(&rep.descLen); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xVncExtGetParamDescReply), (char *)&rep); if (desc) WriteToClient(client, len, desc); return (client->noClientException); } static int SProcVncExtGetParamDesc(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xVncExtGetParamDescReq); swaps(&stuff->length); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xVncExtGetParamDescReq); return ProcVncExtGetParamDesc(client); } static int ProcVncExtListParams(ClientPtr client) { xVncExtListParamsReply rep; char *params; size_t len; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xVncExtListParamsReq); rep.type = X_Reply; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; params = vncGetParamList(); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; len = strlen(params); rep.length = (len + 3) >> 2; rep.nParams = vncGetParamCount(); if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); swapl(&rep.length); swaps(&rep.nParams); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xVncExtListParamsReply), (char *)&rep); WriteToClient(client, len, (char*)params); free(params); return (client->noClientException); } static int SProcVncExtListParams(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xVncExtListParamsReq); swaps(&stuff->length); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xVncExtListParamsReq); return ProcVncExtListParams(client); } static int ProcVncExtSelectInput(ClientPtr client) { struct VncInputSelect** nextPtr; struct VncInputSelect* cur; REQUEST(xVncExtSelectInputReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xVncExtSelectInputReq); nextPtr = &vncInputSelectHead; for (cur = vncInputSelectHead; cur; cur = *nextPtr) { if (cur->client == client && cur->window == stuff->window) { cur->mask = stuff->mask; if (!cur->mask) { *nextPtr = cur->next; free(cur); } break; } nextPtr = &cur->next; } if (!cur) { cur = malloc(sizeof(struct VncInputSelect)); if (cur == NULL) return BadAlloc; memset(cur, 0, sizeof(struct VncInputSelect)); cur->client = client; cur->window = stuff->window; cur->mask = stuff->mask; cur->next = vncInputSelectHead; vncInputSelectHead = cur; } return (client->noClientException); } static int SProcVncExtSelectInput(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xVncExtSelectInputReq); swaps(&stuff->length); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xVncExtSelectInputReq); swapl(&stuff->window); swapl(&stuff->mask); return ProcVncExtSelectInput(client); } static int ProcVncExtConnect(ClientPtr client) { char *address; xVncExtConnectReply rep; REQUEST(xVncExtConnectReq); REQUEST_FIXED_SIZE(xVncExtConnectReq, stuff->strLen); address = malloc(stuff->strLen+1); if (address == NULL) return BadAlloc; strncpy(address, (char*)&stuff[1], stuff->strLen); address[stuff->strLen] = 0; rep.success = 0; if (vncConnectClient(address, (int)stuff->viewOnly) == 0) rep.success = 1; rep.type = X_Reply; rep.length = 0; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); swapl(&rep.length); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xVncExtConnectReply), (char *)&rep); free(address); return (client->noClientException); } static int SProcVncExtConnect(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xVncExtConnectReq); swaps(&stuff->length); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xVncExtConnectReq); return ProcVncExtConnect(client); } static int ProcVncExtGetQueryConnect(ClientPtr client) { uint32_t opaqueId; const char *qcAddress, *qcUsername; int qcTimeout; xVncExtGetQueryConnectReply rep; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xVncExtGetQueryConnectReq); vncGetQueryConnect(&opaqueId, &qcAddress, &qcUsername, &qcTimeout); rep.type = X_Reply; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; rep.timeout = qcTimeout; rep.addrLen = qcTimeout ? strlen(qcAddress) : 0; rep.userLen = qcTimeout ? strlen(qcUsername) : 0; rep.opaqueId = (CARD32)(long)opaqueId; rep.length = ((rep.userLen + 3) >> 2) + ((rep.addrLen + 3) >> 2); if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); swapl(&rep.addrLen); swapl(&rep.userLen); swapl(&rep.timeout); swapl(&rep.opaqueId); swapl(&rep.length); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xVncExtGetQueryConnectReply), (char *)&rep); if (qcTimeout) WriteToClient(client, strlen(qcAddress), qcAddress); if (qcTimeout) WriteToClient(client, strlen(qcUsername), qcUsername); return (client->noClientException); } static int SProcVncExtGetQueryConnect(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xVncExtGetQueryConnectReq); swaps(&stuff->length); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xVncExtGetQueryConnectReq); return ProcVncExtGetQueryConnect(client); } static int ProcVncExtApproveConnect(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xVncExtApproveConnectReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xVncExtApproveConnectReq); vncApproveConnection(stuff->opaqueId, stuff->approve); // Inform other clients of the event and tidy up vncNotifyQueryConnect(); return (client->noClientException); } static int SProcVncExtApproveConnect(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xVncExtApproveConnectReq); swaps(&stuff->length); swapl(&stuff->opaqueId); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xVncExtApproveConnectReq); return ProcVncExtApproveConnect(client); } static int ProcVncExtDispatch(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xReq); switch (stuff->data) { case X_VncExtSetParam: return ProcVncExtSetParam(client); case X_VncExtGetParam: return ProcVncExtGetParam(client); case X_VncExtGetParamDesc: return ProcVncExtGetParamDesc(client); case X_VncExtListParams: return ProcVncExtListParams(client); case X_VncExtSelectInput: return ProcVncExtSelectInput(client); case X_VncExtConnect: return ProcVncExtConnect(client); case X_VncExtGetQueryConnect: return ProcVncExtGetQueryConnect(client); case X_VncExtApproveConnect: return ProcVncExtApproveConnect(client); default: return BadRequest; } } static int SProcVncExtDispatch(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xReq); switch (stuff->data) { case X_VncExtSetParam: return SProcVncExtSetParam(client); case X_VncExtGetParam: return SProcVncExtGetParam(client); case X_VncExtGetParamDesc: return SProcVncExtGetParamDesc(client); case X_VncExtListParams: return SProcVncExtListParams(client); case X_VncExtSelectInput: return SProcVncExtSelectInput(client); case X_VncExtConnect: return SProcVncExtConnect(client); case X_VncExtGetQueryConnect: return SProcVncExtGetQueryConnect(client); case X_VncExtApproveConnect: return SProcVncExtApproveConnect(client); default: return BadRequest; } } static void vncResetProc(ExtensionEntry* extEntry) { vncExtensionClose(); } static void vncClientStateChange(CallbackListPtr * l, void * d, void * p) { ClientPtr client = ((NewClientInfoRec*)p)->client; if (client->clientState == ClientStateGone) { struct VncInputSelect** nextPtr = &vncInputSelectHead; for (struct VncInputSelect* cur = vncInputSelectHead; cur; cur = *nextPtr) { if (cur->client == client) { *nextPtr = cur->next; free(cur); continue; } nextPtr = &cur->next; } } }