/* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 RealVNC Ltd. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright (C) 2011 D. R. Commander. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright 2009-2014 Pierre Ossman for Cendio AB * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef WIN32 #include #endif #include #include #include "CConn.h" #include "OptionsDialog.h" #include "DesktopWindow.h" #include "PlatformPixelBuffer.h" #include "i18n.h" #include "parameters.h" #include "vncviewer.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include "win32.h" #endif static core::LogWriter vlog("CConn"); // 8 colours (1 bit per component) static const rfb::PixelFormat verylowColourPF(8, 3,false, true, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0); // 64 colours (2 bits per component) static const rfb::PixelFormat lowColourPF(8, 6, false, true, 3, 3, 3, 4, 2, 0); // 256 colours (2-3 bits per component) static const rfb::PixelFormat mediumColourPF(8, 8, false, true, 7, 7, 3, 5, 2, 0); // Time new bandwidth estimates are weighted against (in ms) static const unsigned bpsEstimateWindow = 1000; CConn::CConn(const char* vncServerName, network::Socket* socket=nullptr) : serverPort(0), desktop(nullptr), updateCount(0), pixelCount(0), lastServerEncoding((unsigned int)-1), bpsEstimate(20000000) { setShared(::shared); sock = socket; supportsLocalCursor = true; supportsCursorPosition = true; supportsDesktopResize = true; supportsLEDState = true; if (customCompressLevel) setCompressLevel(::compressLevel); if (!noJpeg) setQualityLevel(::qualityLevel); if(sock == nullptr) { try { #ifndef WIN32 if (strchr(vncServerName, '/') != nullptr) { sock = new network::UnixSocket(vncServerName); serverHost = sock->getPeerAddress(); vlog.info(_("Connected to socket %s"), serverHost.c_str()); } else #endif { network::getHostAndPort(vncServerName, &serverHost, &serverPort); sock = new network::TcpSocket(serverHost.c_str(), serverPort); vlog.info(_("Connected to host %s port %d"), serverHost.c_str(), serverPort); } } catch (std::exception& e) { vlog.error("%s", e.what()); abort_connection(_("Failed to connect to \"%s\":\n\n%s"), vncServerName, e.what()); return; } } Fl::add_fd(sock->getFd(), FL_READ | FL_EXCEPT, socketEvent, this); setServerName(serverHost.c_str()); setStreams(&sock->inStream(), &sock->outStream()); initialiseProtocol(); OptionsDialog::addCallback(handleOptions, this); } CConn::~CConn() { close(); OptionsDialog::removeCallback(handleOptions); Fl::remove_timeout(handleUpdateTimeout, this); if (desktop) delete desktop; if (sock) Fl::remove_fd(sock->getFd()); delete sock; } std::string CConn::connectionInfo() { std::string infoText; char pfStr[100]; infoText += core::format(_("Desktop name: %.80s"), server.name()); infoText += "\n"; infoText += core::format(_("Host: %.80s port: %d"), serverHost.c_str(), serverPort); infoText += "\n"; infoText += core::format(_("Size: %d x %d"), server.width(), server.height()); infoText += "\n"; // TRANSLATORS: Will be filled in with a string describing the // protocol pixel format in a fairly language neutral way server.pf().print(pfStr, 100); infoText += core::format(_("Pixel format: %s"), pfStr); infoText += "\n"; // TRANSLATORS: Similar to the earlier "Pixel format" string serverPF.print(pfStr, 100); infoText += core::format(_("(server default %s)"), pfStr); infoText += "\n"; infoText += core::format(_("Requested encoding: %s"), rfb::encodingName(getPreferredEncoding())); infoText += "\n"; infoText += core::format(_("Last used encoding: %s"), rfb::encodingName(lastServerEncoding)); infoText += "\n"; infoText += core::format(_("Line speed estimate: %d kbit/s"), (int)(bpsEstimate / 1000)); infoText += "\n"; infoText += core::format(_("Protocol version: %d.%d"), server.majorVersion, server.minorVersion); infoText += "\n"; infoText += core::format(_("Security method: %s"), rfb::secTypeName(csecurity->getType())); infoText += "\n"; return infoText; } unsigned CConn::getUpdateCount() { return updateCount; } unsigned CConn::getPixelCount() { return pixelCount; } unsigned CConn::getPosition() { return sock->inStream().pos(); } void CConn::socketEvent(FL_SOCKET fd, void *data) { CConn *cc; static bool recursing = false; int when; assert(data); cc = (CConn*)data; // I don't think processMsg() is recursion safe, so add this check assert(!recursing); recursing = true; Fl::remove_fd(fd); try { // We might have been called to flush unwritten socket data cc->sock->outStream().flush(); cc->getOutStream()->cork(true); // processMsg() only processes one message, so we need to loop // until the buffers are empty or things will stall. while (cc->processMsg()) { // Make sure that the FLTK handling and the timers gets some CPU // time in case of back to back messages Fl::check(); core::Timer::checkTimeouts(); // Also check if we need to stop reading and terminate if (should_disconnect()) break; } cc->getOutStream()->cork(false); } catch (rdr::end_of_stream& e) { vlog.info("%s", e.what()); if (!cc->desktop) { vlog.error(_("The connection was dropped by the server before " "the session could be established.")); abort_connection(_("The connection was dropped by the server " "before the session could be established.")); } else { disconnect(); } } catch (rfb::auth_cancelled& e) { vlog.info("%s", e.what()); disconnect(); } catch (rfb::auth_error& e) { cc->resetPassword(); vlog.error(_("Authentication failed: %s"), e.what()); abort_connection(_("Failed to authenticate with the server. Reason " "given by the server:\n\n%s"), e.what()); } catch (std::exception& e) { vlog.error("%s", e.what()); abort_connection_with_unexpected_error(e); } when = FL_READ | FL_EXCEPT; if (cc->sock->outStream().hasBufferedData()) when |= FL_WRITE; Fl::add_fd(fd, when, socketEvent, data); recursing = false; } void CConn::resetPassword() { dlg.resetPassword(); } ////////////////////// CConnection callback methods ////////////////////// bool CConn::showMsgBox(rfb::MsgBoxFlags flags, const char *title, const char *text) { return dlg.showMsgBox(flags, title, text); } void CConn::getUserPasswd(bool secure, std::string *user, std::string *password) { dlg.getUserPasswd(secure, user, password); } // initDone() is called when the serverInit message has been received. At // this point we create the desktop window and display it. We also tell the // server the pixel format and encodings to use and request the first update. void CConn::initDone() { // If using AutoSelect with old servers, start in FullColor // mode. See comment in autoSelectFormatAndEncoding. if (server.beforeVersion(3, 8) && autoSelect) fullColour.setParam(true); serverPF = server.pf(); desktop = new DesktopWindow(server.width(), server.height(), server.name(), serverPF, this); fullColourPF = desktop->getPreferredPF(); // Force a switch to the format and encoding we'd like updatePixelFormat(); int encNum = rfb::encodingNum(::preferredEncoding); if (encNum != -1) setPreferredEncoding(encNum); } void CConn::setExtendedDesktopSize(unsigned reason, unsigned result, int w, int h, const rfb::ScreenSet& layout) { CConnection::setExtendedDesktopSize(reason, result, w, h, layout); if (reason == rfb::reasonClient) desktop->setDesktopSizeDone(result); } // setName() is called when the desktop name changes void CConn::setName(const char* name) { CConnection::setName(name); desktop->setName(name); } // framebufferUpdateStart() is called at the beginning of an update. // Here we try to send out a new framebuffer update request so that the // next update can be sent out in parallel with us decoding the current // one. void CConn::framebufferUpdateStart() { CConnection::framebufferUpdateStart(); // For bandwidth estimate gettimeofday(&updateStartTime, nullptr); updateStartPos = sock->inStream().pos(); // Update the screen prematurely for very slow updates Fl::add_timeout(1.0, handleUpdateTimeout, this); } // framebufferUpdateEnd() is called at the end of an update. // For each rectangle, the FdInStream will have timed the speed // of the connection, allowing us to select format and encoding // appropriately, and then request another incremental update. void CConn::framebufferUpdateEnd() { unsigned long long elapsed, bps, weight; struct timeval now; CConnection::framebufferUpdateEnd(); updateCount++; // Calculate bandwidth everything managed to maintain during this update gettimeofday(&now, nullptr); elapsed = (now.tv_sec - updateStartTime.tv_sec) * 1000000; elapsed += now.tv_usec - updateStartTime.tv_usec; if (elapsed == 0) elapsed = 1; bps = (unsigned long long)(sock->inStream().pos() - updateStartPos) * 8 * 1000000 / elapsed; // Allow this update to influence things more the longer it took, to a // maximum of 20% of the new value. weight = elapsed * 1000 / bpsEstimateWindow; if (weight > 200000) weight = 200000; bpsEstimate = ((bpsEstimate * (1000000 - weight)) + (bps * weight)) / 1000000; Fl::remove_timeout(handleUpdateTimeout, this); desktop->updateWindow(); // Compute new settings based on updated bandwidth values if (autoSelect) autoSelectFormatAndEncoding(); } // The rest of the callbacks are fairly self-explanatory... void CConn::setColourMapEntries(int /*firstColour*/, int /*nColours*/, uint16_t* /*rgbs*/) { vlog.error(_("Invalid SetColourMapEntries from server!")); } void CConn::bell() { fl_beep(); } bool CConn::dataRect(const core::Rect& r, int encoding) { bool ret; if (encoding != rfb::encodingCopyRect) lastServerEncoding = encoding; ret = CConnection::dataRect(r, encoding); if (ret) pixelCount += r.area(); return ret; } void CConn::setCursor(int width, int height, const core::Point& hotspot, const uint8_t* data) { desktop->setCursor(width, height, hotspot, data); } void CConn::setCursorPos(const core::Point& pos) { desktop->setCursorPos(pos); } void CConn::fence(uint32_t flags, unsigned len, const uint8_t data[]) { CMsgHandler::fence(flags, len, data); if (flags & rfb::fenceFlagRequest) { // We handle everything synchronously so we trivially honor these modes flags = flags & (rfb::fenceFlagBlockBefore | rfb::fenceFlagBlockAfter); writer()->writeFence(flags, len, data); return; } } void CConn::setLEDState(unsigned int state) { CConnection::setLEDState(state); desktop->setLEDState(state); } void CConn::handleClipboardRequest() { desktop->handleClipboardRequest(); } void CConn::handleClipboardAnnounce(bool available) { desktop->handleClipboardAnnounce(available); } void CConn::handleClipboardData(const char* data) { desktop->handleClipboardData(data); } ////////////////////// Internal methods ////////////////////// void CConn::resizeFramebuffer() { desktop->resizeFramebuffer(server.width(), server.height()); } // autoSelectFormatAndEncoding() chooses the format and encoding appropriate // to the connection speed: // // First we wait for at least one second of bandwidth measurement. // // Above 16Mbps (i.e. LAN), we choose the second highest JPEG quality, // which should be perceptually lossless. // // If the bandwidth is below that, we choose a more lossy JPEG quality. // // If the bandwidth drops below 256 Kbps, we switch to palette mode. // // Note: The system here is fairly arbitrary and should be replaced // with something more intelligent at the server end. // void CConn::autoSelectFormatAndEncoding() { bool newFullColour = fullColour; int newQualityLevel = ::qualityLevel; // Always use Tight setPreferredEncoding(rfb::encodingTight); // Select appropriate quality level if (!noJpeg) { if (bpsEstimate > 16000000) newQualityLevel = 8; else newQualityLevel = 6; if (newQualityLevel != ::qualityLevel) { vlog.info(_("Throughput %d kbit/s - changing to quality %d"), (int)(bpsEstimate/1000), newQualityLevel); ::qualityLevel.setParam(newQualityLevel); setQualityLevel(newQualityLevel); } } if (server.beforeVersion(3, 8)) { // Xvnc from TightVNC 1.2.9 sends out FramebufferUpdates with // cursors "asynchronously". If this happens in the middle of a // pixel format change, the server will encode the cursor with // the old format, but the client will try to decode it // according to the new format. This will lead to a // crash. Therefore, we do not allow automatic format change for // old servers. return; } // Select best color level newFullColour = (bpsEstimate > 256000); if (newFullColour != fullColour) { if (newFullColour) vlog.info(_("Throughput %d kbit/s - full color is now enabled"), (int)(bpsEstimate/1000)); else vlog.info(_("Throughput %d kbit/s - full color is now disabled"), (int)(bpsEstimate/1000)); fullColour.setParam(newFullColour); updatePixelFormat(); } } // requestNewUpdate() requests an update from the server, having set the // format and encoding appropriately. void CConn::updatePixelFormat() { rfb::PixelFormat pf; if (fullColour) { pf = fullColourPF; } else { if (lowColourLevel == 0) pf = verylowColourPF; else if (lowColourLevel == 1) pf = lowColourPF; else pf = mediumColourPF; } char str[256]; pf.print(str, 256); vlog.info(_("Using pixel format %s"),str); setPF(pf); } void CConn::handleOptions(void *data) { CConn *self = (CConn*)data; // Checking all the details of the current set of encodings is just // a pain. Assume something has changed, as resending the encoding // list is cheap. Avoid overriding what the auto logic has selected // though. if (!autoSelect) { int encNum = rfb::encodingNum(::preferredEncoding); if (encNum != -1) self->setPreferredEncoding(encNum); } if (customCompressLevel) self->setCompressLevel(::compressLevel); else self->setCompressLevel(-1); if (!noJpeg && !autoSelect) self->setQualityLevel(::qualityLevel); else self->setQualityLevel(-1); self->updatePixelFormat(); } void CConn::handleUpdateTimeout(void *data) { CConn *self = (CConn *)data; assert(self); self->desktop->updateWindow(); Fl::repeat_timeout(1.0, handleUpdateTimeout, data); }