/* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 RealVNC Ltd. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright 2009-2011 Pierre Ossman <ossman@cendio.se> for Cendio AB * Copyright (C) 2011 D. R. Commander. All Rights Reserved. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <assert.h> #ifndef _WIN32 #include <unistd.h> #endif #include <rfb/CMsgWriter.h> #include <rfb/encodings.h> #include <rfb/Hostname.h> #include <rfb/LogWriter.h> #include <rfb/util.h> #include <rfb/screenTypes.h> #include <rfb/fenceTypes.h> #include <rfb/Timer.h> #include <rdr/MemInStream.h> #include <rdr/MemOutStream.h> #include <network/TcpSocket.h> #include <FL/Fl.H> #include <FL/fl_ask.H> #include "CConn.h" #include "OptionsDialog.h" #include "i18n.h" #include "parameters.h" #include "vncviewer.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include "win32.h" #endif using namespace rdr; using namespace rfb; using namespace std; static rfb::LogWriter vlog("CConn"); // 8 colours (1 bit per component) static const PixelFormat verylowColourPF(8, 3,false, true, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0); // 64 colours (2 bits per component) static const PixelFormat lowColourPF(8, 6, false, true, 3, 3, 3, 4, 2, 0); // 256 colours (palette) static const PixelFormat mediumColourPF(8, 8, false, false); CConn::CConn(const char* vncServerName) : serverHost(0), serverPort(0), sock(NULL), desktop(NULL), pendingPFChange(false), currentEncoding(encodingTight), lastServerEncoding((unsigned int)-1), formatChange(false), encodingChange(false), firstUpdate(true), pendingUpdate(false), continuousUpdates(false), forceNonincremental(true), supportsSyncFence(false) { setShared(::shared); int encNum = encodingNum(preferredEncoding); if (encNum != -1) currentEncoding = encNum; cp.supportsLocalCursor = true; cp.supportsDesktopResize = true; cp.supportsExtendedDesktopSize = true; cp.supportsDesktopRename = true; cp.customCompressLevel = customCompressLevel; cp.compressLevel = compressLevel; cp.noJpeg = noJpeg; cp.qualityLevel = qualityLevel; try { getHostAndPort(vncServerName, &serverHost, &serverPort); sock = new network::TcpSocket(serverHost, serverPort); vlog.info(_("connected to host %s port %d"), serverHost, serverPort); } catch (rdr::Exception& e) { vlog.error(e.str()); fl_alert(e.str()); exit_vncviewer(); return; } Fl::add_fd(sock->getFd(), FL_READ | FL_EXCEPT, socketEvent, this); // See callback below sock->inStream().setBlockCallback(this); setServerName(serverHost); setStreams(&sock->inStream(), &sock->outStream()); initialiseProtocol(); OptionsDialog::addCallback(handleOptions, this); } CConn::~CConn() { OptionsDialog::removeCallback(handleOptions); if (desktop) delete desktop; delete [] serverHost; if (sock) Fl::remove_fd(sock->getFd()); delete sock; } void CConn::refreshFramebuffer() { forceNonincremental = true; // Without fences, we cannot safely trigger an update request directly // but must wait for the next update to arrive. if (supportsSyncFence) requestNewUpdate(); } const char *CConn::connectionInfo() { static char infoText[1024] = ""; char pfStr[100]; char spfStr[100]; cp.pf().print(pfStr, 100); serverPF.print(spfStr, 100); int secType = csecurity->getType(); snprintf(infoText, sizeof(infoText), _("Desktop name: %.80s\n" "Host: %.80s port: %d\n" "Size: %d x %d\n" "Pixel format: %s\n" "(server default %s)\n" "Requested encoding: %s\n" "Last used encoding: %s\n" "Line speed estimate: %d kbit/s\n" "Protocol version: %d.%d\n" "Security method: %s\n"), cp.name(), serverHost, serverPort, cp.width, cp.height, pfStr, spfStr, encodingName(currentEncoding), encodingName(lastServerEncoding), sock->inStream().kbitsPerSecond(), cp.majorVersion, cp.minorVersion, secTypeName(secType)); return infoText; } // The RFB core is not properly asynchronous, so it calls this callback // whenever it needs to block to wait for more data. Since FLTK is // monitoring the socket, we just make sure FLTK gets to run. void CConn::blockCallback() { int next_timer; next_timer = Timer::checkTimeouts(); if (next_timer == 0) next_timer = INT_MAX; Fl::wait((double)next_timer / 1000.0); } void CConn::socketEvent(int fd, void *data) { CConn *cc; static bool recursing = false; assert(data); cc = (CConn*)data; // I don't think processMsg() is recursion safe, so add this check if (recursing) return; recursing = true; try { // processMsg() only processes one message, so we need to loop // until the buffers are empty or things will stall. do { cc->processMsg(); } while (cc->sock->inStream().checkNoWait(1)); } catch (rdr::EndOfStream& e) { vlog.info(e.str()); exit_vncviewer(); } catch (rdr::Exception& e) { vlog.error(e.str()); exit_vncviewer(e.str()); } recursing = false; } ////////////////////// CConnection callback methods ////////////////////// // serverInit() is called when the serverInit message has been received. At // this point we create the desktop window and display it. We also tell the // server the pixel format and encodings to use and request the first update. void CConn::serverInit() { CConnection::serverInit(); // If using AutoSelect with old servers, start in FullColor // mode. See comment in autoSelectFormatAndEncoding. if (cp.beforeVersion(3, 8) && autoSelect) fullColour.setParam(true); serverPF = cp.pf(); desktop = new DesktopWindow(cp.width, cp.height, cp.name(), serverPF, this); fullColourPF = desktop->getPreferredPF(); // Force a switch to the format and encoding we'd like formatChange = encodingChange = true; // And kick off the update cycle requestNewUpdate(); // This initial update request is a bit of a corner case, so we need // to help out setting the correct format here. assert(pendingPFChange); desktop->setServerPF(pendingPF); cp.setPF(pendingPF); pendingPFChange = false; } // setDesktopSize() is called when the desktop size changes (including when // it is set initially). void CConn::setDesktopSize(int w, int h) { CConnection::setDesktopSize(w,h); resizeFramebuffer(); } // setExtendedDesktopSize() is a more advanced version of setDesktopSize() void CConn::setExtendedDesktopSize(int reason, int result, int w, int h, const rfb::ScreenSet& layout) { CConnection::setExtendedDesktopSize(reason, result, w, h, layout); if ((reason == reasonClient) && (result != resultSuccess)) { vlog.error(_("SetDesktopSize failed: %d"), result); return; } resizeFramebuffer(); } // setName() is called when the desktop name changes void CConn::setName(const char* name) { CConnection::setName(name); if (desktop) desktop->setName(name); } // framebufferUpdateStart() is called at the beginning of an update. // Here we try to send out a new framebuffer update request so that the // next update can be sent out in parallel with us decoding the current // one. void CConn::framebufferUpdateStart() { // Note: This might not be true if sync fences are supported pendingUpdate = false; requestNewUpdate(); } // framebufferUpdateEnd() is called at the end of an update. // For each rectangle, the FdInStream will have timed the speed // of the connection, allowing us to select format and encoding // appropriately, and then request another incremental update. void CConn::framebufferUpdateEnd() { desktop->updateWindow(); if (firstUpdate) { int width, height; // We need fences to make extra update requests and continuous // updates "safe". See fence() for the next step. if (cp.supportsFence) writer()->writeFence(fenceFlagRequest | fenceFlagSyncNext, 0, NULL); if (cp.supportsSetDesktopSize && sscanf(desktopSize.getValueStr(), "%dx%d", &width, &height) == 2) { ScreenSet layout; layout = cp.screenLayout; if (layout.num_screens() == 0) layout.add_screen(rfb::Screen()); else if (layout.num_screens() != 1) { ScreenSet::iterator iter; while (true) { iter = layout.begin(); ++iter; if (iter == layout.end()) break; layout.remove_screen(iter->id); } } layout.begin()->dimensions.tl.x = 0; layout.begin()->dimensions.tl.y = 0; layout.begin()->dimensions.br.x = width; layout.begin()->dimensions.br.y = height; writer()->writeSetDesktopSize(width, height, layout); } firstUpdate = false; } // A format change has been scheduled and we are now past the update // with the old format. Time to active the new one. if (pendingPFChange) { desktop->setServerPF(pendingPF); cp.setPF(pendingPF); pendingPFChange = false; } // Compute new settings based on updated bandwidth values if (autoSelect) autoSelectFormatAndEncoding(); // Make sure that the FLTK handling and the timers gets some CPU time // in case of back to back framebuffer updates. Fl::check(); Timer::checkTimeouts(); } // The rest of the callbacks are fairly self-explanatory... void CConn::setColourMapEntries(int firstColour, int nColours, rdr::U16* rgbs) { desktop->setColourMapEntries(firstColour, nColours, rgbs); } void CConn::bell() { fl_beep(); } void CConn::serverCutText(const char* str, rdr::U32 len) { char *buffer; int size, ret; size = fl_utf8froma(NULL, 0, str, len); if (size <= 0) return; size++; buffer = new char[size]; ret = fl_utf8froma(buffer, size, str, len); assert(ret < size); vlog.debug("Got clipboard data: '%s'", buffer); // RFB doesn't have separate selection and clipboard concepts, so we // dump the data into both variants. Fl::copy(buffer, ret, 0); Fl::copy(buffer, ret, 1); delete [] buffer; } // We start timing on beginRect and stop timing on endRect, to // avoid skewing the bandwidth estimation as a result of the server // being slow or the network having high latency void CConn::beginRect(const Rect& r, int encoding) { sock->inStream().startTiming(); if (encoding != encodingCopyRect) { lastServerEncoding = encoding; } } void CConn::endRect(const Rect& r, int encoding) { sock->inStream().stopTiming(); } void CConn::fillRect(const rfb::Rect& r, rfb::Pixel p) { desktop->fillRect(r,p); } void CConn::imageRect(const rfb::Rect& r, void* p) { desktop->imageRect(r,p); } void CConn::copyRect(const rfb::Rect& r, int sx, int sy) { desktop->copyRect(r,sx,sy); } void CConn::setCursor(int width, int height, const Point& hotspot, void* data, void* mask) { desktop->setCursor(width, height, hotspot, data, mask); } void CConn::fence(rdr::U32 flags, unsigned len, const char data[]) { CMsgHandler::fence(flags, len, data); if (flags & fenceFlagRequest) { // We handle everything synchronously so we trivially honor these modes flags = flags & (fenceFlagBlockBefore | fenceFlagBlockAfter); writer()->writeFence(flags, len, data); return; } if (len == 0) { // Initial probe if (flags & fenceFlagSyncNext) { supportsSyncFence = true; if (cp.supportsContinuousUpdates) { vlog.info(_("Enabling continuous updates")); continuousUpdates = true; writer()->writeEnableContinuousUpdates(true, 0, 0, cp.width, cp.height); } } } else { // Pixel format change rdr::MemInStream memStream(data, len); PixelFormat pf; pf.read(&memStream); desktop->setServerPF(pf); cp.setPF(pf); } } rdr::U8* CConn::getRawPixelsRW(const rfb::Rect& r, int* stride) { return desktop->getPixelsRW(r, stride); } void CConn::releaseRawPixels(const rfb::Rect& r) { desktop->damageRect(r); } ////////////////////// Internal methods ////////////////////// void CConn::resizeFramebuffer() { if (!desktop) return; if (continuousUpdates) writer()->writeEnableContinuousUpdates(true, 0, 0, cp.width, cp.height); desktop->resizeFramebuffer(cp.width, cp.height); } // autoSelectFormatAndEncoding() chooses the format and encoding appropriate // to the connection speed: // // First we wait for at least one second of bandwidth measurement. // // Above 16Mbps (i.e. LAN), we choose the second highest JPEG quality, // which should be perceptually lossless. // // If the bandwidth is below that, we choose a more lossy JPEG quality. // // If the bandwidth drops below 256 Kbps, we switch to palette mode. // // Note: The system here is fairly arbitrary and should be replaced // with something more intelligent at the server end. // void CConn::autoSelectFormatAndEncoding() { int kbitsPerSecond = sock->inStream().kbitsPerSecond(); unsigned int timeWaited = sock->inStream().timeWaited(); bool newFullColour = fullColour; int newQualityLevel = qualityLevel; // Always use Tight if (currentEncoding != encodingTight) { currentEncoding = encodingTight; encodingChange = true; } // Check that we have a decent bandwidth measurement if ((kbitsPerSecond == 0) || (timeWaited < 10000)) return; // Select appropriate quality level if (!noJpeg) { if (kbitsPerSecond > 16000) newQualityLevel = 8; else newQualityLevel = 6; if (newQualityLevel != qualityLevel) { vlog.info(_("Throughput %d kbit/s - changing to quality %d"), kbitsPerSecond, newQualityLevel); cp.qualityLevel = newQualityLevel; qualityLevel.setParam(newQualityLevel); encodingChange = true; } } if (cp.beforeVersion(3, 8)) { // Xvnc from TightVNC 1.2.9 sends out FramebufferUpdates with // cursors "asynchronously". If this happens in the middle of a // pixel format change, the server will encode the cursor with // the old format, but the client will try to decode it // according to the new format. This will lead to a // crash. Therefore, we do not allow automatic format change for // old servers. return; } // Select best color level newFullColour = (kbitsPerSecond > 256); if (newFullColour != fullColour) { vlog.info(_("Throughput %d kbit/s - full color is now %s"), kbitsPerSecond, newFullColour ? _("enabled") : _("disabled")); fullColour.setParam(newFullColour); formatChange = true; } } // checkEncodings() sends a setEncodings message if one is needed. void CConn::checkEncodings() { if (encodingChange && writer()) { vlog.info(_("Using %s encoding"),encodingName(currentEncoding)); writer()->writeSetEncodings(currentEncoding, true); encodingChange = false; } } // requestNewUpdate() requests an update from the server, having set the // format and encoding appropriately. void CConn::requestNewUpdate() { if (formatChange) { PixelFormat pf; /* Catch incorrect requestNewUpdate calls */ assert(!pendingUpdate || supportsSyncFence); if (fullColour) { pf = fullColourPF; } else { if (lowColourLevel == 0) pf = verylowColourPF; else if (lowColourLevel == 1) pf = lowColourPF; else pf = mediumColourPF; } if (supportsSyncFence) { // We let the fence carry the pixel format and switch once we // get the response back. That way we will be synchronised with // when the server switches. rdr::MemOutStream memStream; pf.write(&memStream); writer()->writeFence(fenceFlagRequest | fenceFlagSyncNext, memStream.length(), (const char*)memStream.data()); } else { // New requests are sent out at the start of processing the last // one, so we cannot switch our internal format right now (doing so // would mean misdecoding the current update). pendingPFChange = true; pendingPF = pf; } char str[256]; pf.print(str, 256); vlog.info(_("Using pixel format %s"),str); writer()->writeSetPixelFormat(pf); formatChange = false; } checkEncodings(); if (forceNonincremental || !continuousUpdates) { pendingUpdate = true; writer()->writeFramebufferUpdateRequest(Rect(0, 0, cp.width, cp.height), !forceNonincremental); } forceNonincremental = false; } void CConn::handleOptions(void *data) { CConn *self = (CConn*)data; // Checking all the details of the current set of encodings is just // a pain. Assume something has changed, as resending the encoding // list is cheap. Avoid overriding what the auto logic has selected // though. if (!autoSelect) { int encNum = encodingNum(preferredEncoding); if (encNum != -1) self->currentEncoding = encNum; self->cp.qualityLevel = qualityLevel; } self->cp.supportsLocalCursor = true; self->cp.customCompressLevel = customCompressLevel; self->cp.compressLevel = compressLevel; self->cp.noJpeg = noJpeg; self->encodingChange = true; // Format changes refreshes the entire screen though and are therefore // very costly. It's probably worth the effort to see if it is necessary // here. PixelFormat pf; if (fullColour) { pf = self->fullColourPF; } else { if (lowColourLevel == 0) pf = verylowColourPF; else if (lowColourLevel == 1) pf = lowColourPF; else pf = mediumColourPF; } if (!pf.equal(self->cp.pf())) { self->formatChange = true; // Without fences, we cannot safely trigger an update request directly // but must wait for the next update to arrive. if (self->supportsSyncFence) self->requestNewUpdate(); } }