/* Copyright 2021 Hugo Lundin for Cendio AB. * Copyright 2021 Pierre Ossman for Cendio AB * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(HAVE_XRANDR) && !defined(__APPLE__) #include #include #include #include #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ #include #include #include #include #endif #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #include "win32.h" #endif #include "i18n.h" #include "MonitorArrangement.h" static std::set instances; static rfb::LogWriter vlog("MonitorArrangement"); static const Fl_Boxtype FL_CHECKERED_BOX = FL_FREE_BOXTYPE; MonitorArrangement::MonitorArrangement( int x, int y, int w, int h) : Fl_Group(x, y, w, h), SELECTION_COLOR(fl_lighter(FL_BLUE)), AVAILABLE_COLOR(fl_lighter(fl_lighter(fl_lighter(FL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)))) { // Used for required monitors. Fl::set_boxtype(FL_CHECKERED_BOX, checkered_pattern_draw, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (instances.size() == 0) Fl::add_handler(fltk_event_handler); instances.insert(this); box(FL_DOWN_BOX); color(fl_lighter(FL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); layout(); end(); } MonitorArrangement::~MonitorArrangement() { instances.erase(this); if (instances.size() == 0) Fl::remove_handler(fltk_event_handler); } std::set MonitorArrangement::get() { std::set indices; MonitorMap::const_iterator iter; for (iter = monitors.begin(); iter != monitors.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->second->value() == 1) indices.insert(iter->first); } return indices; } void MonitorArrangement::set(std::set indices) { MonitorMap::const_iterator iter; for (iter = monitors.begin(); iter != monitors.end(); ++iter) { bool selected = std::find(indices.begin(), indices.end(), iter->first) != indices.end(); iter->second->value(selected ? 1 : 0); } } void MonitorArrangement::draw() { MonitorMap::const_iterator iter; for (iter = monitors.begin(); iter != monitors.end(); ++iter) { Fl_Button * monitor = iter->second; if (is_required(iter->first)) { monitor->box(FL_CHECKERED_BOX); monitor->color(SELECTION_COLOR); } else { monitor->box(FL_BORDER_BOX); monitor->color(AVAILABLE_COLOR); monitor->selection_color(SELECTION_COLOR); } } Fl_Group::draw(); } void MonitorArrangement::layout() { int x, y, w, h; double scale = this->scale(); const double MARGIN_SCALE_FACTOR = 0.99; std::pair offset = this->offset(); for (int i = 0; i < Fl::screen_count(); i++) { bool match; Fl::screen_xywh(x, y, w, h, i); // Only keep a single entry for mirrored screens match = false; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { int x2, y2, w2, h2; Fl::screen_xywh(x2, y2, w2, h2, j); if ((x != x2) || (y != y2) || (w != w2) || (h != h2)) continue; match = true; break; } if (match) continue; Fl_Button *monitor = new Fl_Button( /* x = */ this->x() + offset.first + x*scale + (1 - MARGIN_SCALE_FACTOR)*x*scale, /* y = */ this->y() + offset.second + y*scale + (1 - MARGIN_SCALE_FACTOR)*y*scale, /* w = */ w*scale*MARGIN_SCALE_FACTOR, /* h = */ h*scale*MARGIN_SCALE_FACTOR ); monitor->clear_visible_focus(); monitor->callback(monitor_pressed, this); monitor->type(FL_TOGGLE_BUTTON); monitor->when(FL_WHEN_CHANGED); monitor->copy_tooltip(description(i).c_str()); monitors[i] = monitor; } } void MonitorArrangement::refresh() { // The selection state is only saved persistently when "OK" is // pressed. We need to manually restore the current selection // when the widget is refreshed. std::set indices = get(); monitors.clear(); // FLTK recursively deletes all children for us. clear(); begin(); layout(); end(); // Restore the current selection state. set(indices); redraw(); } bool MonitorArrangement::is_required(int m) { // A selected monitor is never required. if (monitors[m]->value() == 1) return false; // If no monitors are selected, none are required. std::set selected = get(); if (selected.size() <= 0) return false; // Go through all selected monitors and find the monitor // indices that bounds the fullscreen frame buffer. If // the given monitor's coordinates are inside the bounds, // while not being selected, it is instead required. int x, y, w, h; int top_y, bottom_y, left_x, right_x; std::set::iterator it = selected.begin(); // Base the rest of the calculations on the dimensions // obtained for the first monitor. Fl::screen_xywh(x, y, w, h, *it); top_y = y; bottom_y = y + h; left_x = x; right_x = x + w; // Go through the rest of the monitors, // exhausting the rest of the iterator. for (; it != selected.end(); it++) { Fl::screen_xywh(x, y, w, h, *it); if (y < top_y) { top_y = y; } if ((y + h) > bottom_y) { bottom_y = y + h; } if (x < left_x) { left_x = x; } if ((x + w) > right_x) { right_x = x + w; } } rfb::Rect viewport, monitor; viewport.setXYWH(left_x, top_y, right_x - left_x, bottom_y - top_y); Fl::screen_xywh(x, y, w, h, m); monitor.setXYWH(x, y, w, h); return monitor.enclosed_by(viewport); } double MonitorArrangement::scale() { const int MARGIN = 20; std::pair size = this->size(); double s_w = static_cast(this->w()-MARGIN) / static_cast(size.first); double s_h = static_cast(this->h()-MARGIN) / static_cast(size.second); // Choose the one that scales the least, in order to // maximize our use of the given bounding area. if (s_w > s_h) return s_h; else return s_w; } std::pair MonitorArrangement::size() { int x, y, w, h; int top, bottom, left, right; int x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max; x_min = x_max = y_min = y_max = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Fl::screen_count(); i++) { Fl::screen_xywh(x, y, w, h, i); top = y; bottom = y + h; left = x; right = x + w; if (top < y_min) y_min = top; if (bottom > y_max) y_max = bottom; if (left < x_min) x_min = left; if (right > x_max) x_max = right; } return std::make_pair(x_max - x_min, y_max - y_min); } std::pair MonitorArrangement::offset() { double scale = this->scale(); std::pair size = this->size(); std::pair origin = this->origin(); int offset_x = (this->w()/2) - (size.first/2 * scale); int offset_y = (this->h()/2) - (size.second/2 * scale); return std::make_pair(offset_x + abs(origin.first)*scale, offset_y + abs(origin.second)*scale); } std::pair MonitorArrangement::origin() { int x, y, w, h, ox, oy; ox = oy = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Fl::screen_count(); i++) { Fl::screen_xywh(x, y, w, h, i); if (x < ox) ox = x; if (y < oy) oy = y; } return std::make_pair(ox, oy); } std::string MonitorArrangement::description(int m) { std::string name; int x, y, w, h; std::stringstream ss; assert(m < Fl::screen_count()); name = get_monitor_name(m); Fl::screen_xywh(x, y, w, h, m); if (!name.empty()) ss << name << " (" << w << "x" << h << ")"; else ss << w << "x" << h; return ss.str(); } #if defined(WIN32) static BOOL CALLBACK EnumDisplayMonitorsCallback( HMONITOR monitor, HDC deviceContext, LPRECT rect, LPARAM userData) { std::set* sys_monitors = (std::set*)userData; sys_monitors->insert(monitor); return TRUE; } #endif std::string MonitorArrangement::get_monitor_name(int m) { #if defined(WIN32) std::set sys_monitors; std::set::const_iterator iter; int x, y, w, h; Fl::screen_xywh(x, y, w, h, m); EnumDisplayMonitors(NULL, NULL, EnumDisplayMonitorsCallback, (LPARAM)&sys_monitors); for (iter = sys_monitors.begin(); iter != sys_monitors.end(); ++iter) { MONITORINFOEX info; DISPLAY_DEVICE dev; std::string name; info.cbSize = sizeof(info); GetMonitorInfo(*iter, (LPMONITORINFO)&info); if (info.rcMonitor.left != x) continue; if (info.rcMonitor.top != y) continue; if ((info.rcMonitor.right - info.rcMonitor.left) != w) continue; if ((info.rcMonitor.bottom - info.rcMonitor.top) != h) continue; for (int i = 0; ; i++) { dev.cb = sizeof(dev); if (!EnumDisplayDevices(info.szDevice, i, &dev, 0)) break; if (!(dev.StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_ATTACHED_TO_DESKTOP)) continue; if (!name.empty()) name += " / "; name += dev.DeviceString; } return name; } return ""; #elif defined(__APPLE__) CGDisplayCount count; CGDirectDisplayID displays[16]; std::string name; if (CGGetActiveDisplayList(16, displays, &count) != kCGErrorSuccess) return ""; if (count != (unsigned)Fl::screen_count()) return ""; if (m >= (int)count) return ""; // Notice: Here we assume indices to be ordered the same as in FLTK (we rely on that in cocoa.mm as well). CGDirectDisplayID displayID = displays[m]; CFDictionaryRef info = IODisplayCreateInfoDictionary( /* display = */ CGDisplayIOServicePort(displayID), /* options = */ kIODisplayOnlyPreferredName); CFDictionaryRef dict = (CFDictionaryRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(info, CFSTR(kDisplayProductName)); CFIndex dict_len = CFDictionaryGetCount(dict); if (dict_len > 0) { CFTypeRef * names = new CFTypeRef[dict_len]; CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(dict, NULL, (const void **) names); if (names[0]) { // Because of `kIODisplayOnlyPreferredName` names *should* only contain the name with // the current system localization. CFStringRef localized_name = (CFStringRef) names[0]; CFIndex localized_name_len = CFStringGetLength(localized_name); // Even though we already have the length of `localized_name` above, we know that we will format it // as UTF-8 when we put it in the destination buffer. Therefore we need to check whether the name // with that encoding will fit. CFIndex localized_name_max_size = CFStringGetMaximumSizeForEncoding(localized_name_len, kCFStringEncodingUTF8) + 1; if (localized_name_max_size != kCFNotFound) { char *utf8_name = new char[localized_name_max_size]; if (CFStringGetCString( /* ref = */ localized_name, /* dest = */ utf8_name, /* dest_len = */ localized_name_max_size, /* encoding = */ kCFStringEncodingUTF8)) { name = utf8_name; } delete [] utf8_name; } } delete[] names; } CFRelease(info); return name; #else #if defined (HAVE_XRANDR) int x, y, w, h; int ev, err, xi_major; std::string name; fl_open_display(); assert(fl_display != NULL); Fl::screen_xywh(x, y, w, h, m); if (!XQueryExtension(fl_display, "RANDR", &xi_major, &ev, &err)) { vlog.info(_("Failed to get monitor name because X11 RandR could not be found")); return ""; } XRRScreenResources *res = XRRGetScreenResources(fl_display, DefaultRootWindow(fl_display)); if (!res) { vlog.error(_("Failed to get system monitor configuration")); return ""; } for (int i = 0; i < res->ncrtc; i++) { XRRCrtcInfo *crtc = XRRGetCrtcInfo(fl_display, res, res->crtcs[i]); if (!crtc) { vlog.error(_("Failed to get information about CRTC %d"), i); continue; } if ((crtc->x != x) || (crtc->y != y) || ((int)crtc->width != w) || ((int)crtc->height != h)) continue; for (int j = 0; j < crtc->noutput; j++) { XRROutputInfo *output; output = XRRGetOutputInfo(fl_display, res, crtc->outputs[j]); if (!output) { vlog.error(_("Failed to get information about output %d for CRTC %d"), j, i); continue; } if (!name.empty()) name += " / "; name += output->name; } } return name; #endif // !HAVE_XRANDR return ""; #endif } int MonitorArrangement::fltk_event_handler(int event) { std::set::iterator it; if (event != FL_SCREEN_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED) return 0; for (it = instances.begin(); it != instances.end(); it++) (*it)->refresh(); return 0; } void MonitorArrangement::monitor_pressed(Fl_Widget *widget, void *user_data) { MonitorArrangement *self = (MonitorArrangement *) user_data; // When a monitor is selected, FLTK changes the state of it for us. // However, selecting a monitor might implicitly change the state of // others (if they become required). FLTK only redraws the selected // monitor. Therefore, we must trigger a redraw of the whole widget // manually. self->redraw(); } void MonitorArrangement::checkered_pattern_draw( int x, int y, int width, int height, Fl_Color color) { bool draw_checker = false; const int CHECKER_SIZE = 8; fl_color(fl_lighter(fl_lighter(fl_lighter(color)))); fl_rectf(x, y, width, height); fl_color(Fl::draw_box_active() ? color : fl_inactive(color)); // Round up the square count. Later on, we remove square area that are // outside the given bounding area. const int count = (width + CHECKER_SIZE - 1) / CHECKER_SIZE; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { draw_checker = (i + j) % 2 == 0; if (draw_checker) { fl_rectf( /* x = */ x + i * CHECKER_SIZE, /* y = */ y + j * CHECKER_SIZE, /* w = */ CHECKER_SIZE - std::max(0, ((i + 1) * CHECKER_SIZE) - width), /* h = */ CHECKER_SIZE - std::max(0, ((j + 1) * CHECKER_SIZE) - height) ); } } } fl_color(Fl::draw_box_active() ? FL_BLACK : fl_inactive(FL_BLACK)); fl_rect(x, y, width, height); }