/* Copyright 2011 Pierre Ossman <ossman@cendio.se> for Cendio AB * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include <list> #include <rdr/types.h> #include <rfb/encodings.h> #ifdef HAVE_GNUTLS #include <rfb/Security.h> #include <rfb/SecurityClient.h> #include <rfb/CSecurityTLS.h> #endif #include "OptionsDialog.h" #include "fltk_layout.h" #include "i18n.h" #include "menukey.h" #include "parameters.h" #include <FL/Fl_Tabs.H> #include <FL/Fl_Button.H> #include <FL/Fl_Check_Button.H> #include <FL/Fl_Return_Button.H> #include <FL/Fl_Round_Button.H> #include <FL/Fl_Int_Input.H> #include <FL/Fl_Choice.H> using namespace std; using namespace rdr; using namespace rfb; std::map<OptionsCallback*, void*> OptionsDialog::callbacks; OptionsDialog::OptionsDialog() : Fl_Window(450, 450, _("VNC Viewer: Connection Options")) { int x, y; Fl_Button *button; Fl_Tabs *tabs = new Fl_Tabs(OUTER_MARGIN, OUTER_MARGIN, w() - OUTER_MARGIN*2, h() - OUTER_MARGIN*2 - INNER_MARGIN - BUTTON_HEIGHT); { int tx, ty, tw, th; tabs->client_area(tx, ty, tw, th, TABS_HEIGHT); createCompressionPage(tx, ty, tw, th); createSecurityPage(tx, ty, tw, th); createInputPage(tx, ty, tw, th); createScreenPage(tx, ty, tw, th); createMiscPage(tx, ty, tw, th); } tabs->end(); x = w() - BUTTON_WIDTH * 2 - INNER_MARGIN - OUTER_MARGIN; y = h() - BUTTON_HEIGHT - OUTER_MARGIN; button = new Fl_Button(x, y, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT, _("Cancel")); button->callback(this->handleCancel, this); x += BUTTON_WIDTH + INNER_MARGIN; button = new Fl_Return_Button(x, y, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT, _("OK")); button->callback(this->handleOK, this); callback(this->handleCancel, this); set_modal(); } OptionsDialog::~OptionsDialog() { } void OptionsDialog::showDialog(void) { static OptionsDialog *dialog = NULL; if (!dialog) dialog = new OptionsDialog(); if (dialog->shown()) return; dialog->show(); } void OptionsDialog::addCallback(OptionsCallback *cb, void *data) { callbacks[cb] = data; } void OptionsDialog::removeCallback(OptionsCallback *cb) { callbacks.erase(cb); } void OptionsDialog::show(void) { /* show() gets called for raise events as well */ if (!shown()) loadOptions(); Fl_Window::show(); } void OptionsDialog::loadOptions(void) { /* Compression */ autoselectCheckbox->value(autoSelect); int encNum = encodingNum(preferredEncoding); switch (encNum) { case encodingTight: tightButton->setonly(); break; case encodingZRLE: zrleButton->setonly(); break; case encodingHextile: hextileButton->setonly(); break; case encodingRaw: rawButton->setonly(); break; } if (fullColour) fullcolorCheckbox->setonly(); else { switch (lowColourLevel) { case 0: verylowcolorCheckbox->setonly(); break; case 1: lowcolorCheckbox->setonly(); break; case 2: mediumcolorCheckbox->setonly(); break; } } char digit[2] = "0"; compressionCheckbox->value(customCompressLevel); jpegCheckbox->value(!noJpeg); digit[0] = '0' + compressLevel; compressionInput->value(digit); digit[0] = '0' + qualityLevel; jpegInput->value(digit); handleAutoselect(autoselectCheckbox, this); handleCompression(compressionCheckbox, this); handleJpeg(jpegCheckbox, this); #ifdef HAVE_GNUTLS /* Security */ Security security(SecurityClient::secTypes); list<U8> secTypes; list<U8>::iterator iter; list<U32> secTypesExt; list<U32>::iterator iterExt; encNoneCheckbox->value(false); encTLSCheckbox->value(false); encX509Checkbox->value(false); authNoneCheckbox->value(false); authVncCheckbox->value(false); authPlainCheckbox->value(false); secTypes = security.GetEnabledSecTypes(); for (iter = secTypes.begin(); iter != secTypes.end(); ++iter) { switch (*iter) { case secTypeNone: encNoneCheckbox->value(true); authNoneCheckbox->value(true); break; case secTypeVncAuth: encNoneCheckbox->value(true); authVncCheckbox->value(true); break; } } secTypesExt = security.GetEnabledExtSecTypes(); for (iterExt = secTypesExt.begin(); iterExt != secTypesExt.end(); ++iterExt) { switch (*iterExt) { case secTypePlain: encNoneCheckbox->value(true); authPlainCheckbox->value(true); break; case secTypeTLSNone: encTLSCheckbox->value(true); authNoneCheckbox->value(true); break; case secTypeTLSVnc: encTLSCheckbox->value(true); authVncCheckbox->value(true); break; case secTypeTLSPlain: encTLSCheckbox->value(true); authPlainCheckbox->value(true); break; case secTypeX509None: encX509Checkbox->value(true); authNoneCheckbox->value(true); break; case secTypeX509Vnc: encX509Checkbox->value(true); authVncCheckbox->value(true); break; case secTypeX509Plain: encX509Checkbox->value(true); authPlainCheckbox->value(true); break; } } caInput->value(CSecurityTLS::X509CA); crlInput->value(CSecurityTLS::X509CRL); handleX509(encX509Checkbox, this); #endif /* Input */ const char *menuKeyBuf; viewOnlyCheckbox->value(viewOnly); acceptClipboardCheckbox->value(acceptClipboard); sendClipboardCheckbox->value(sendClipboard); sendPrimaryCheckbox->value(sendPrimary); systemKeysCheckbox->value(fullscreenSystemKeys); menuKeyChoice->value(0); menuKeyBuf = menuKey; for (int i = 0; i < getMenuKeySymbolCount(); i++) if (!strcmp(getMenuKeySymbols()[i].name, menuKeyBuf)) menuKeyChoice->value(i + 1); /* Screen */ int width, height; if (sscanf(desktopSize.getValueStr(), "%dx%d", &width, &height) != 2) { desktopSizeCheckbox->value(false); desktopWidthInput->value("1024"); desktopHeightInput->value("768"); } else { char buf[32]; desktopSizeCheckbox->value(true); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", width); desktopWidthInput->value(buf); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", height); desktopHeightInput->value(buf); } remoteResizeCheckbox->value(remoteResize); fullScreenCheckbox->value(fullScreen); fullScreenAllMonitorsCheckbox->value(fullScreenAllMonitors); handleDesktopSize(desktopSizeCheckbox, this); /* Misc. */ sharedCheckbox->value(shared); dotCursorCheckbox->value(dotWhenNoCursor); } void OptionsDialog::storeOptions(void) { /* Compression */ autoSelect.setParam(autoselectCheckbox->value()); if (tightButton->value()) preferredEncoding.setParam(encodingName(encodingTight)); else if (zrleButton->value()) preferredEncoding.setParam(encodingName(encodingZRLE)); else if (hextileButton->value()) preferredEncoding.setParam(encodingName(encodingHextile)); else if (rawButton->value()) preferredEncoding.setParam(encodingName(encodingRaw)); fullColour.setParam(fullcolorCheckbox->value()); if (verylowcolorCheckbox->value()) lowColourLevel.setParam(0); else if (lowcolorCheckbox->value()) lowColourLevel.setParam(1); else if (mediumcolorCheckbox->value()) lowColourLevel.setParam(2); customCompressLevel.setParam(compressionCheckbox->value()); noJpeg.setParam(!jpegCheckbox->value()); compressLevel.setParam(atoi(compressionInput->value())); qualityLevel.setParam(atoi(jpegInput->value())); #ifdef HAVE_GNUTLS /* Security */ Security security; /* Process security types which don't use encryption */ if (encNoneCheckbox->value()) { if (authNoneCheckbox->value()) security.EnableSecType(secTypeNone); if (authVncCheckbox->value()) security.EnableSecType(secTypeVncAuth); if (authPlainCheckbox->value()) security.EnableSecType(secTypePlain); } /* Process security types which use TLS encryption */ if (encTLSCheckbox->value()) { if (authNoneCheckbox->value()) security.EnableSecType(secTypeTLSNone); if (authVncCheckbox->value()) security.EnableSecType(secTypeTLSVnc); if (authPlainCheckbox->value()) security.EnableSecType(secTypeTLSPlain); } /* Process security types which use X509 encryption */ if (encX509Checkbox->value()) { if (authNoneCheckbox->value()) security.EnableSecType(secTypeX509None); if (authVncCheckbox->value()) security.EnableSecType(secTypeX509Vnc); if (authPlainCheckbox->value()) security.EnableSecType(secTypeX509Plain); } SecurityClient::secTypes.setParam(security.ToString()); CSecurityTLS::X509CA.setParam(caInput->value()); CSecurityTLS::X509CRL.setParam(crlInput->value()); #endif /* Input */ viewOnly.setParam(viewOnlyCheckbox->value()); acceptClipboard.setParam(acceptClipboardCheckbox->value()); sendClipboard.setParam(sendClipboardCheckbox->value()); sendPrimary.setParam(sendPrimaryCheckbox->value()); fullscreenSystemKeys.setParam(systemKeysCheckbox->value()); if (menuKeyChoice->value() == 0) menuKey.setParam(""); else { menuKey.setParam(menuKeyChoice->text()); } /* Screen */ int width, height; if (desktopSizeCheckbox->value() && (sscanf(desktopWidthInput->value(), "%d", &width) == 1) && (sscanf(desktopHeightInput->value(), "%d", &height) == 1)) { char buf[64]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%dx%d", width, height); desktopSize.setParam(buf); } else { desktopSize.setParam(""); } remoteResize.setParam(remoteResizeCheckbox->value()); fullScreen.setParam(fullScreenCheckbox->value()); fullScreenAllMonitors.setParam(fullScreenAllMonitorsCheckbox->value()); /* Misc. */ shared.setParam(sharedCheckbox->value()); dotWhenNoCursor.setParam(dotCursorCheckbox->value()); std::map<OptionsCallback*, void*>::const_iterator iter; for (iter = callbacks.begin();iter != callbacks.end();++iter) iter->first(iter->second); } void OptionsDialog::createCompressionPage(int tx, int ty, int tw, int th) { Fl_Group *group = new Fl_Group(tx, ty, tw, th, _("Compression")); int orig_tx, orig_ty; int half_width, full_width; int width, height; tx += OUTER_MARGIN; ty += OUTER_MARGIN; full_width = tw - OUTER_MARGIN * 2; half_width = (full_width - INNER_MARGIN) / 2; /* AutoSelect checkbox */ autoselectCheckbox = new Fl_Check_Button(LBLRIGHT(tx, ty, CHECK_MIN_WIDTH, CHECK_HEIGHT, _("Auto select"))); autoselectCheckbox->callback(handleAutoselect, this); ty += CHECK_HEIGHT + INNER_MARGIN; /* Two columns */ orig_tx = tx; orig_ty = ty; /* VNC encoding box */ ty += GROUP_LABEL_OFFSET; height = GROUP_MARGIN * 2 + TIGHT_MARGIN * 3 + RADIO_HEIGHT * 4; encodingGroup = new Fl_Group(tx, ty, half_width, height, _("Preferred encoding")); encodingGroup->box(FL_ENGRAVED_BOX); encodingGroup->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT | FL_ALIGN_TOP); { tx += GROUP_MARGIN; ty += GROUP_MARGIN; width = encodingGroup->w() - GROUP_MARGIN * 2; tightButton = new Fl_Round_Button(LBLRIGHT(tx, ty, RADIO_MIN_WIDTH, RADIO_HEIGHT, "Tight")); tightButton->type(FL_RADIO_BUTTON); ty += RADIO_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; zrleButton = new Fl_Round_Button(LBLRIGHT(tx, ty, RADIO_MIN_WIDTH, RADIO_HEIGHT, "ZRLE")); zrleButton->type(FL_RADIO_BUTTON); ty += RADIO_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; hextileButton = new Fl_Round_Button(LBLRIGHT(tx, ty, RADIO_MIN_WIDTH, RADIO_HEIGHT, "Hextile")); hextileButton->type(FL_RADIO_BUTTON); ty += RADIO_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; rawButton = new Fl_Round_Button(LBLRIGHT(tx, ty, RADIO_MIN_WIDTH, RADIO_HEIGHT, "Raw")); rawButton->type(FL_RADIO_BUTTON); ty += RADIO_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; } ty += GROUP_MARGIN - TIGHT_MARGIN; encodingGroup->end(); /* Second column */ tx = orig_tx + half_width + INNER_MARGIN; ty = orig_ty; /* Color box */ ty += GROUP_LABEL_OFFSET; height = GROUP_MARGIN * 2 + TIGHT_MARGIN * 3 + RADIO_HEIGHT * 4; colorlevelGroup = new Fl_Group(tx, ty, half_width, height, _("Color level")); colorlevelGroup->box(FL_ENGRAVED_BOX); colorlevelGroup->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT | FL_ALIGN_TOP); { tx += GROUP_MARGIN; ty += GROUP_MARGIN; width = colorlevelGroup->w() - GROUP_MARGIN * 2; fullcolorCheckbox = new Fl_Round_Button(LBLRIGHT(tx, ty, RADIO_MIN_WIDTH, RADIO_HEIGHT, _("Full (all available colors)"))); fullcolorCheckbox->type(FL_RADIO_BUTTON); ty += RADIO_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; mediumcolorCheckbox = new Fl_Round_Button(LBLRIGHT(tx, ty, RADIO_MIN_WIDTH, RADIO_HEIGHT, _("Medium (256 colors)"))); mediumcolorCheckbox->type(FL_RADIO_BUTTON); ty += RADIO_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; lowcolorCheckbox = new Fl_Round_Button(LBLRIGHT(tx, ty, RADIO_MIN_WIDTH, RADIO_HEIGHT, _("Low (64 colors)"))); lowcolorCheckbox->type(FL_RADIO_BUTTON); ty += RADIO_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; verylowcolorCheckbox = new Fl_Round_Button(LBLRIGHT(tx, ty, RADIO_MIN_WIDTH, RADIO_HEIGHT, _("Very low (8 colors)"))); verylowcolorCheckbox->type(FL_RADIO_BUTTON); ty += RADIO_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; } ty += GROUP_MARGIN - TIGHT_MARGIN; colorlevelGroup->end(); /* Back to normal */ tx = orig_tx; ty += INNER_MARGIN; /* Checkboxes */ compressionCheckbox = new Fl_Check_Button(LBLRIGHT(tx, ty, CHECK_MIN_WIDTH, CHECK_HEIGHT, _("Custom compression level:"))); compressionCheckbox->callback(handleCompression, this); ty += CHECK_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; compressionInput = new Fl_Int_Input(tx + INDENT, ty, INPUT_HEIGHT, INPUT_HEIGHT, _("level (1=fast, 6=best [4-6 are rarely useful])")); compressionInput->align(FL_ALIGN_RIGHT); ty += INPUT_HEIGHT + INNER_MARGIN; jpegCheckbox = new Fl_Check_Button(LBLRIGHT(tx, ty, CHECK_MIN_WIDTH, CHECK_HEIGHT, _("Allow JPEG compression:"))); jpegCheckbox->callback(handleJpeg, this); ty += CHECK_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; jpegInput = new Fl_Int_Input(tx + INDENT, ty, INPUT_HEIGHT, INPUT_HEIGHT, _("quality (0=poor, 9=best)")); jpegInput->align(FL_ALIGN_RIGHT); ty += INPUT_HEIGHT + INNER_MARGIN; group->end(); } void OptionsDialog::createSecurityPage(int tx, int ty, int tw, int th) { #ifdef HAVE_GNUTLS Fl_Group *group = new Fl_Group(tx, ty, tw, th, _("Security")); int orig_tx; int width, height; tx += OUTER_MARGIN; ty += OUTER_MARGIN; width = tw - OUTER_MARGIN * 2; orig_tx = tx; /* Encryption */ ty += GROUP_LABEL_OFFSET; height = GROUP_MARGIN * 2 + TIGHT_MARGIN * 4 + CHECK_HEIGHT * 3 + (INPUT_LABEL_OFFSET + INPUT_HEIGHT) * 2; encryptionGroup = new Fl_Group(tx, ty, width, height, _("Encryption")); encryptionGroup->box(FL_ENGRAVED_BOX); encryptionGroup->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT | FL_ALIGN_TOP); { tx += GROUP_MARGIN; ty += GROUP_MARGIN; encNoneCheckbox = new Fl_Check_Button(LBLRIGHT(tx, ty, CHECK_MIN_WIDTH, CHECK_HEIGHT, _("None"))); ty += CHECK_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; encTLSCheckbox = new Fl_Check_Button(LBLRIGHT(tx, ty, CHECK_MIN_WIDTH, CHECK_HEIGHT, _("TLS with anonymous certificates"))); ty += CHECK_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; encX509Checkbox = new Fl_Check_Button(LBLRIGHT(tx, ty, CHECK_MIN_WIDTH, CHECK_HEIGHT, _("TLS with X509 certificates"))); encX509Checkbox->callback(handleX509, this); ty += CHECK_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; ty += INPUT_LABEL_OFFSET; caInput = new Fl_Input(tx + INDENT, ty, width - GROUP_MARGIN*2 - INDENT, INPUT_HEIGHT, _("Path to X509 CA certificate")); caInput->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT | FL_ALIGN_TOP); ty += INPUT_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; ty += INPUT_LABEL_OFFSET; crlInput = new Fl_Input(tx + INDENT, ty, width - GROUP_MARGIN*2 - INDENT, INPUT_HEIGHT, _("Path to X509 CRL file")); crlInput->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT | FL_ALIGN_TOP); ty += INPUT_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; } ty += GROUP_MARGIN - TIGHT_MARGIN; encryptionGroup->end(); /* Back to normal */ tx = orig_tx; ty += INNER_MARGIN; /* Authentication */ ty += GROUP_LABEL_OFFSET; height = GROUP_MARGIN * 2 + TIGHT_MARGIN * 2 + CHECK_HEIGHT * 3; authenticationGroup = new Fl_Group(tx, ty, width, height, _("Authentication")); authenticationGroup->box(FL_ENGRAVED_BOX); authenticationGroup->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT | FL_ALIGN_TOP); { tx += GROUP_MARGIN; ty += GROUP_MARGIN; authNoneCheckbox = new Fl_Check_Button(LBLRIGHT(tx, ty, CHECK_MIN_WIDTH, CHECK_HEIGHT, _("None"))); ty += CHECK_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; authVncCheckbox = new Fl_Check_Button(LBLRIGHT(tx, ty, CHECK_MIN_WIDTH, CHECK_HEIGHT, _("Standard VNC (insecure without encryption)"))); ty += CHECK_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; authPlainCheckbox = new Fl_Check_Button(LBLRIGHT(tx, ty, CHECK_MIN_WIDTH, CHECK_HEIGHT, _("Username and password (insecure without encryption)"))); ty += CHECK_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; } ty += GROUP_MARGIN - TIGHT_MARGIN; authenticationGroup->end(); /* Back to normal */ tx = orig_tx; ty += INNER_MARGIN; group->end(); #endif } void OptionsDialog::createInputPage(int tx, int ty, int tw, int th) { Fl_Group *group = new Fl_Group(tx, ty, tw, th, _("Input")); tx += OUTER_MARGIN; ty += OUTER_MARGIN; viewOnlyCheckbox = new Fl_Check_Button(LBLRIGHT(tx, ty, CHECK_MIN_WIDTH, CHECK_HEIGHT, _("View only (ignore mouse and keyboard)"))); ty += CHECK_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; acceptClipboardCheckbox = new Fl_Check_Button(LBLRIGHT(tx, ty, CHECK_MIN_WIDTH, CHECK_HEIGHT, _("Accept clipboard from server"))); ty += CHECK_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; sendClipboardCheckbox = new Fl_Check_Button(LBLRIGHT(tx, ty, CHECK_MIN_WIDTH, CHECK_HEIGHT, _("Send clipboard to server"))); ty += CHECK_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; sendPrimaryCheckbox = new Fl_Check_Button(LBLRIGHT(tx, ty, CHECK_MIN_WIDTH, CHECK_HEIGHT, _("Send primary selection and cut buffer as clipboard"))); ty += CHECK_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; systemKeysCheckbox = new Fl_Check_Button(LBLRIGHT(tx, ty, CHECK_MIN_WIDTH, CHECK_HEIGHT, _("Pass system keys directly to server (full screen)"))); ty += CHECK_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; menuKeyChoice = new Fl_Choice(LBLLEFT(tx, ty, 150, CHOICE_HEIGHT, _("Menu key"))); menuKeyChoice->add(_("None"), 0, NULL, (void*)0, FL_MENU_DIVIDER); for (int i = 0; i < getMenuKeySymbolCount(); i++) menuKeyChoice->add(getMenuKeySymbols()[i].name, 0, NULL, 0, 0); ty += CHOICE_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; group->end(); } void OptionsDialog::createScreenPage(int tx, int ty, int tw, int th) { int x; Fl_Group *group = new Fl_Group(tx, ty, tw, th, _("Screen")); tx += OUTER_MARGIN; ty += OUTER_MARGIN; desktopSizeCheckbox = new Fl_Check_Button(LBLRIGHT(tx, ty, CHECK_MIN_WIDTH, CHECK_HEIGHT, _("Resize remote session on connect"))); desktopSizeCheckbox->callback(handleDesktopSize, this); ty += CHECK_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; desktopWidthInput = new Fl_Int_Input(tx + INDENT, ty, 50, INPUT_HEIGHT); x = desktopWidthInput->x() + desktopWidthInput->w() + \ gui_str_len("x") + 3 * 2; desktopHeightInput = new Fl_Int_Input(x, ty, 50, INPUT_HEIGHT, "x"); ty += INPUT_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; remoteResizeCheckbox = new Fl_Check_Button(LBLRIGHT(tx, ty, CHECK_MIN_WIDTH, CHECK_HEIGHT, _("Resize remote session to the local window"))); ty += CHECK_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; fullScreenCheckbox = new Fl_Check_Button(LBLRIGHT(tx, ty, CHECK_MIN_WIDTH, CHECK_HEIGHT, _("Full-screen mode"))); ty += CHECK_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; fullScreenAllMonitorsCheckbox = new Fl_Check_Button(LBLRIGHT(tx + INDENT, ty, CHECK_MIN_WIDTH, CHECK_HEIGHT, _("Enable full-screen mode over all monitors"))); ty += CHECK_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; group->end(); } void OptionsDialog::createMiscPage(int tx, int ty, int tw, int th) { Fl_Group *group = new Fl_Group(tx, ty, tw, th, _("Misc.")); tx += OUTER_MARGIN; ty += OUTER_MARGIN; sharedCheckbox = new Fl_Check_Button(LBLRIGHT(tx, ty, CHECK_MIN_WIDTH, CHECK_HEIGHT, _("Shared (don't disconnect other viewers)"))); ty += CHECK_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; dotCursorCheckbox = new Fl_Check_Button(LBLRIGHT(tx, ty, CHECK_MIN_WIDTH, CHECK_HEIGHT, _("Show dot when no cursor"))); ty += CHECK_HEIGHT + TIGHT_MARGIN; group->end(); } void OptionsDialog::handleAutoselect(Fl_Widget *widget, void *data) { OptionsDialog *dialog = (OptionsDialog*)data; if (dialog->autoselectCheckbox->value()) { dialog->encodingGroup->deactivate(); dialog->colorlevelGroup->deactivate(); } else { dialog->encodingGroup->activate(); dialog->colorlevelGroup->activate(); } // JPEG setting is also affected by autoselection dialog->handleJpeg(dialog->jpegCheckbox, dialog); } void OptionsDialog::handleCompression(Fl_Widget *widget, void *data) { OptionsDialog *dialog = (OptionsDialog*)data; if (dialog->compressionCheckbox->value()) dialog->compressionInput->activate(); else dialog->compressionInput->deactivate(); } void OptionsDialog::handleJpeg(Fl_Widget *widget, void *data) { OptionsDialog *dialog = (OptionsDialog*)data; if (dialog->jpegCheckbox->value() && !dialog->autoselectCheckbox->value()) dialog->jpegInput->activate(); else dialog->jpegInput->deactivate(); } void OptionsDialog::handleX509(Fl_Widget *widget, void *data) { OptionsDialog *dialog = (OptionsDialog*)data; if (dialog->encX509Checkbox->value()) { dialog->caInput->activate(); dialog->crlInput->activate(); } else { dialog->caInput->deactivate(); dialog->crlInput->deactivate(); } } void OptionsDialog::handleDesktopSize(Fl_Widget *widget, void *data) { OptionsDialog *dialog = (OptionsDialog*)data; if (dialog->desktopSizeCheckbox->value()) { dialog->desktopWidthInput->activate(); dialog->desktopHeightInput->activate(); } else { dialog->desktopWidthInput->deactivate(); dialog->desktopHeightInput->deactivate(); } } void OptionsDialog::handleCancel(Fl_Widget *widget, void *data) { OptionsDialog *dialog = (OptionsDialog*)data; dialog->hide(); } void OptionsDialog::handleOK(Fl_Widget *widget, void *data) { OptionsDialog *dialog = (OptionsDialog*)data; dialog->hide(); dialog->storeOptions(); }