/* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 RealVNC Ltd. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright 2011 Pierre Ossman for Cendio AB * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include // FLTK can pull in the X11 headers on some systems #ifndef XK_VoidSymbol #define XK_MISCELLANY #define XK_XKB_KEYS #include #endif #ifndef XF86XK_ModeLock #include #endif #include "Viewport.h" #include "CConn.h" #include "OptionsDialog.h" #include "i18n.h" #include "fltk_layout.h" #include "parameters.h" #include "keysym2ucs.h" #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #include "win32.h" #endif using namespace rfb; using namespace rdr; extern void exit_vncviewer(); extern void about_vncviewer(); static rfb::LogWriter vlog("Viewport"); // Menu constants enum { ID_EXIT, ID_FULLSCREEN, ID_CTRL, ID_ALT, ID_MENUKEY, ID_CTRLALTDEL, ID_REFRESH, ID_OPTIONS, ID_INFO, ID_ABOUT, ID_DISMISS }; Viewport::Viewport(int w, int h, const rfb::PixelFormat& serverPF, CConn* cc_) : Fl_Widget(0, 0, w, h), cc(cc_), frameBuffer(NULL), pixelTrans(NULL), lastPointerPos(0, 0), lastButtonMask(0), cursor(NULL) { // FLTK STR #2599 must be fixed for proper dead keys support #ifdef HAVE_FLTK_DEAD_KEYS set_simple_keyboard(); #endif // FLTK STR #2636 gives us the ability to monitor clipboard changes #ifdef HAVE_FLTK_CLIPBOARD Fl::add_clipboard_notify(handleClipboardChange, this); #endif frameBuffer = new PlatformPixelBuffer(w, h); assert(frameBuffer); setServerPF(serverPF); contextMenu = new Fl_Menu_Button(0, 0, 0, 0); // Setting box type to FL_NO_BOX prevents it from trying to draw the // button component (which we don't want) contextMenu->box(FL_NO_BOX); // The (invisible) button associated with this widget can mess with // things like Fl_Scroll so we need to get rid of any parents. // Unfortunately that's not possible because of STR #2654, but // reparenting to the current window works for most cases. window()->add(contextMenu); setMenuKey(); initContextMenu(); OptionsDialog::addCallback(handleOptions, this); } Viewport::~Viewport() { // Unregister all timeouts in case they get a change tro trigger // again later when this object is already gone. Fl::remove_timeout(handleUpdateTimeout, this); Fl::remove_timeout(handleColourMap, this); Fl::remove_timeout(handlePointerTimeout, this); #ifdef HAVE_FLTK_CLIPBOARD Fl::remove_clipboard_notify(handleClipboardChange); #endif OptionsDialog::removeCallback(handleOptions); delete frameBuffer; if (pixelTrans) delete pixelTrans; if (cursor) { if (!cursor->alloc_array) delete [] cursor->array; delete cursor; } // FLTK automatically deletes all child widgets, so we shouldn't touch // them ourselves here } void Viewport::setServerPF(const rfb::PixelFormat& pf) { if (pixelTrans) delete pixelTrans; pixelTrans = NULL; if (pf.equal(getPreferredPF())) return; pixelTrans = new PixelTransformer(); pixelTrans->init(pf, &colourMap, getPreferredPF()); } const rfb::PixelFormat &Viewport::getPreferredPF() { return frameBuffer->getPF(); } // setColourMapEntries() changes some of the entries in the colourmap. // Unfortunately these messages are often sent one at a time, so we delay the // settings taking effect by 100ms. This is because recalculating the internal // translation table can be expensive. void Viewport::setColourMapEntries(int firstColour, int nColours, rdr::U16* rgbs) { for (int i = 0; i < nColours; i++) colourMap.set(firstColour+i, rgbs[i*3], rgbs[i*3+1], rgbs[i*3+2]); if (!Fl::has_timeout(handleColourMap, this)) Fl::add_timeout(0.100, handleColourMap, this); } // Copy the areas of the framebuffer that have been changed (damaged) // to the displayed window. void Viewport::updateWindow() { Rect r; Fl::remove_timeout(handleUpdateTimeout, this); r = damage.get_bounding_rect(); Fl_Widget::damage(FL_DAMAGE_USER1, r.tl.x + x(), r.tl.y + y(), r.width(), r.height()); damage.clear(); } #ifdef HAVE_FLTK_CURSOR static const char * dotcursor_xpm[] = { "5 5 2 1", ". c #000000", " c #FFFFFF", " ", " ... ", " ... ", " ... ", " "}; #endif void Viewport::setCursor(int width, int height, const Point& hotspot, void* data, void* mask) { #ifdef HAVE_FLTK_CURSOR if (cursor) { if (!cursor->alloc_array) delete [] cursor->array; delete cursor; } int mask_len = ((width+7)/8) * height; int i; for (i = 0; i < mask_len; i++) if (((rdr::U8*)mask)[i]) break; if ((i == mask_len) && dotWhenNoCursor) { vlog.debug("cursor is empty - using dot"); Fl_Pixmap pxm(dotcursor_xpm); cursor = new Fl_RGB_Image(&pxm); cursorHotspot.x = cursorHotspot.y = 2; } else { if ((width == 0) || (height == 0)) { U8 *buffer = new U8[4]; memset(buffer, 0, 4); cursor = new Fl_RGB_Image(buffer, 1, 1, 4); cursorHotspot.x = cursorHotspot.y = 0; } else { U8 *buffer = new U8[width*height*4]; U8 *i, *o, *m; int m_width; const PixelFormat &pf = frameBuffer->getPF(); i = (U8*)data; o = buffer; m = (U8*)mask; m_width = (width+7)/8; for (int y = 0;y < height;y++) { for (int x = 0;x < width;x++) { pf.rgbFromBuffer(o, i, 1, &colourMap); if (m[(m_width*y)+(x/8)] & 0x80>>(x%8)) o[3] = 255; else o[3] = 0; o += 4; i += pf.bpp/8; } } cursor = new Fl_RGB_Image(buffer, width, height, 4); cursorHotspot = hotspot; } } if (Fl::belowmouse() == this) window()->cursor(cursor, cursorHotspot.x, cursorHotspot.y); #endif } void Viewport::draw() { int X, Y, W, H; // Check what actually needs updating fl_clip_box(x(), y(), w(), h(), X, Y, W, H); if ((W == 0) || (H == 0)) return; frameBuffer->draw(X - x(), Y - y(), X, Y, W, H); } void Viewport::resize(int x, int y, int w, int h) { PlatformPixelBuffer* newBuffer; rfb::Rect rect; // FIXME: Resize should probably be a feature of the pixel buffer itself if ((w == frameBuffer->width()) && (h == frameBuffer->height())) goto end; newBuffer = new PlatformPixelBuffer(w, h); assert(newBuffer); rect.setXYWH(0, 0, __rfbmin(newBuffer->width(), frameBuffer->width()), __rfbmin(newBuffer->height(), frameBuffer->height())); newBuffer->imageRect(rect, frameBuffer->data, frameBuffer->getStride()); // Black out any new areas if (newBuffer->width() > frameBuffer->width()) { rect.setXYWH(frameBuffer->width(), 0, newBuffer->width() - frameBuffer->width(), newBuffer->height()); newBuffer->fillRect(rect, 0); } if (newBuffer->height() > frameBuffer->height()) { rect.setXYWH(0, frameBuffer->height(), newBuffer->width(), newBuffer->height() - frameBuffer->height()); newBuffer->fillRect(rect, 0); } delete frameBuffer; frameBuffer = newBuffer; end: Fl_Widget::resize(x, y, w, h); } int Viewport::handle(int event) { char *buffer; int ret; int buttonMask, wheelMask; DownMap::const_iterator iter; switch (event) { case FL_PASTE: buffer = new char[Fl::event_length() + 1]; // This is documented as to ASCII, but actually does to 8859-1 ret = fl_utf8toa(Fl::event_text(), Fl::event_length(), buffer, Fl::event_length() + 1); assert(ret < (Fl::event_length() + 1)); vlog.debug("Sending clipboard data: '%s'", buffer); cc->writer()->clientCutText(buffer, ret); delete [] buffer; return 1; case FL_ENTER: // Yes, we would like some pointer events please! #ifdef HAVE_FLTK_CURSOR if (cursor) window()->cursor(cursor, cursorHotspot.x, cursorHotspot.y); #endif return 1; case FL_LEAVE: #ifdef HAVE_FLTK_CURSOR window()->cursor(FL_CURSOR_DEFAULT); #endif return 1; case FL_PUSH: case FL_RELEASE: case FL_DRAG: case FL_MOVE: case FL_MOUSEWHEEL: buttonMask = 0; if (Fl::event_button1()) buttonMask |= 1; if (Fl::event_button2()) buttonMask |= 2; if (Fl::event_button3()) buttonMask |= 4; if (event == FL_MOUSEWHEEL) { wheelMask = 0; if (Fl::event_dy() < 0) wheelMask |= 8; if (Fl::event_dy() > 0) wheelMask |= 16; if (Fl::event_dx() < 0) wheelMask |= 32; if (Fl::event_dx() > 0) wheelMask |= 64; // A quick press of the wheel "button", followed by a immediate // release below handlePointerEvent(Point(Fl::event_x() - x(), Fl::event_y() - y()), buttonMask | wheelMask); } handlePointerEvent(Point(Fl::event_x() - x(), Fl::event_y() - y()), buttonMask); return 1; case FL_FOCUS: // Yes, we would like some focus please! return 1; case FL_UNFOCUS: // Release all keys that were pressed as that generally makes most // sense (e.g. Alt+Tab where we only see the Alt press) for (iter = downKeySym.begin();iter != downKeySym.end();++iter) { vlog.debug("Key released: 0x%04x => 0x%04x", iter->first, iter->second); cc->writer()->keyEvent(iter->second, false); } downKeySym.clear(); return 1; case FL_KEYDOWN: if (menuKeyCode && (Fl::event_key() == menuKeyCode)) { popupContextMenu(); return 1; } handleKeyEvent(Fl::event_key(), Fl::event_original_key(), Fl::event_text(), true); return 1; case FL_KEYUP: if (menuKeyCode && (Fl::event_key() == menuKeyCode)) return 1; handleKeyEvent(Fl::event_key(), Fl::event_original_key(), Fl::event_text(), false); return 1; } return Fl_Widget::handle(event); } void Viewport::handleUpdateTimeout(void *data) { Viewport *self = (Viewport *)data; assert(self); self->updateWindow(); } void Viewport::handleColourMap(void *data) { Viewport *self = (Viewport *)data; assert(self); if (self->pixelTrans != NULL) self->pixelTrans->setColourMapEntries(0, 0); self->Fl_Widget::damage(FL_DAMAGE_ALL); } void Viewport::handleClipboardChange(int source, void *data) { Viewport *self = (Viewport *)data; assert(self); if (!sendPrimary && (source == 0)) return; Fl::paste(*self, source); } void Viewport::handlePointerEvent(const rfb::Point& pos, int buttonMask) { if (!viewOnly) { if (pointerEventInterval == 0 || buttonMask != lastButtonMask) { cc->writer()->pointerEvent(pos, buttonMask); } else { if (!Fl::has_timeout(handlePointerTimeout, this)) Fl::add_timeout((double)pointerEventInterval/1000.0, handlePointerTimeout, this); } lastPointerPos = pos; lastButtonMask = buttonMask; } } void Viewport::handlePointerTimeout(void *data) { Viewport *self = (Viewport *)data; assert(self); self->cc->writer()->pointerEvent(self->lastPointerPos, self->lastButtonMask); } rdr::U32 Viewport::translateKeyEvent(int keyCode, int origKeyCode, const char *keyText) { unsigned ucs; // First check for function keys if ((keyCode > FL_F) && (keyCode <= FL_F_Last)) return XK_F1 + (keyCode - FL_F - 1); // Numpad numbers if ((keyCode >= (FL_KP + '0')) && (keyCode <= (FL_KP + '9'))) return XK_KP_0 + (keyCode - (FL_KP + '0')); // FLTK does some special remapping of numpad keys when numlock is off if ((origKeyCode >= FL_KP) && (origKeyCode <= FL_KP_Last)) { switch (keyCode) { case FL_F+1: return XK_KP_F1; case FL_F+2: return XK_KP_F2; case FL_F+3: return XK_KP_F3; case FL_F+4: return XK_KP_F4; case FL_Home: return XK_KP_Home; case FL_Left: return XK_KP_Left; case FL_Up: return XK_KP_Up; case FL_Right: return XK_KP_Right; case FL_Down: return XK_KP_Down; case FL_Page_Up: return XK_KP_Page_Up; case FL_Page_Down: return XK_KP_Page_Down; case FL_End: return XK_KP_End; case FL_Insert: return XK_KP_Insert; case FL_Delete: return XK_KP_Delete; } } // Then other special keys switch (keyCode) { case FL_BackSpace: return XK_BackSpace; case FL_Tab: return XK_Tab; case FL_Enter: return XK_Return; case FL_Pause: return XK_Pause; case FL_Scroll_Lock: return XK_Scroll_Lock; case FL_Escape: return XK_Escape; case FL_Home: return XK_Home; case FL_Left: return XK_Left; case FL_Up: return XK_Up; case FL_Right: return XK_Right; case FL_Down: return XK_Down; case FL_Page_Up: return XK_Page_Up; case FL_Page_Down: return XK_Page_Down; case FL_End: return XK_End; case FL_Print: return XK_Print; case FL_Insert: return XK_Insert; case FL_Menu: return XK_Menu; case FL_Help: return XK_Help; case FL_Num_Lock: return XK_Num_Lock; case FL_Shift_L: return XK_Shift_L; case FL_Shift_R: return XK_Shift_R; case FL_Control_L: return XK_Control_L; case FL_Control_R: return XK_Control_R; case FL_Caps_Lock: return XK_Caps_Lock; case FL_Meta_L: return XK_Super_L; case FL_Meta_R: return XK_Super_R; case FL_Alt_L: return XK_Alt_L; case FL_Alt_R: return XK_Alt_R; case FL_Delete: return XK_Delete; case FL_KP_Enter: return XK_KP_Enter; case FL_KP + '=': return XK_KP_Equal; case FL_KP + '*': return XK_KP_Multiply; case FL_KP + '+': return XK_KP_Add; case FL_KP + ',': return XK_KP_Separator; case FL_KP + '-': return XK_KP_Subtract; case FL_KP + '.': return XK_KP_Decimal; case FL_KP + '/': return XK_KP_Divide; #ifdef HAVE_FLTK_MEDIAKEYS case FL_Volume_Down: return XF86XK_AudioLowerVolume; case FL_Volume_Mute: return XF86XK_AudioMute; case FL_Volume_Up: return XF86XK_AudioRaiseVolume; case FL_Media_Play: return XF86XK_AudioPlay; case FL_Media_Stop: return XF86XK_AudioStop; case FL_Media_Prev: return XF86XK_AudioPrev; case FL_Media_Next: return XF86XK_AudioNext; case FL_Home_Page: return XF86XK_HomePage; case FL_Mail: return XF86XK_Mail; case FL_Search: return XF86XK_Search; case FL_Back: return XF86XK_Back; case FL_Forward: return XF86XK_Forward; case FL_Stop: return XF86XK_Stop; case FL_Refresh: return XF86XK_Refresh; case FL_Sleep: return XF86XK_Sleep; case FL_Favorites: return XF86XK_Favorites; #endif case XK_ISO_Level3_Shift: // FLTK tends to let this one leak through on X11... return XK_ISO_Level3_Shift; case XK_Multi_key: // Same for this... return XK_Multi_key; } // Unknown special key? if (keyText[0] == '\0') { vlog.error(_("Unknown FLTK key code %d (0x%04x)"), keyCode, keyCode); return XK_VoidSymbol; } // Look up the symbol the key produces and translate that from Unicode // to a X11 keysym. if (fl_utf_nb_char((const unsigned char*)keyText, strlen(keyText)) != 1) { vlog.error(_("Multiple characters given for key code %d (0x%04x): '%s'"), keyCode, keyCode, keyText); return XK_VoidSymbol; } ucs = fl_utf8decode(keyText, NULL, NULL); return ucs2keysym(ucs); } void Viewport::handleKeyEvent(int keyCode, int origKeyCode, const char *keyText, bool down) { rdr::U32 keySym; if (viewOnly) return; // Because of the way keyboards work, we cannot expect to have the same // symbol on release as when pressed. This breaks the VNC protocol however, // so we need to keep track of what keysym a key _code_ generated on press // and send the same on release. if (!down) { DownMap::iterator iter; iter = downKeySym.find(origKeyCode); if (iter == downKeySym.end()) { vlog.error(_("Unexpected release of FLTK key code %d (0x%04x)"), origKeyCode, origKeyCode); return; } vlog.debug("Key released: 0x%04x => 0x%04x", origKeyCode, iter->second); cc->writer()->keyEvent(iter->second, false); downKeySym.erase(iter); return; } keySym = translateKeyEvent(keyCode, origKeyCode, keyText); if (keySym == XK_VoidSymbol) return; vlog.debug("Key pressed: 0x%04x (0x%04x) '%s' => 0x%04x", origKeyCode, keyCode, keyText, keySym); downKeySym[origKeyCode] = keySym; cc->writer()->keyEvent(keySym, down); } void Viewport::initContextMenu() { contextMenu->clear(); contextMenu->add(_("Exit viewer"), 0, NULL, (void*)ID_EXIT, FL_MENU_DIVIDER); #ifdef HAVE_FLTK_FULLSCREEN contextMenu->add(_("Full screen"), 0, NULL, (void*)ID_FULLSCREEN, FL_MENU_DIVIDER); #endif contextMenu->add(_("Ctrl"), 0, NULL, (void*)ID_CTRL, FL_MENU_TOGGLE); contextMenu->add(_("Alt"), 0, NULL, (void*)ID_ALT, FL_MENU_TOGGLE); if (menuKeyCode) { char sendMenuKey[64]; snprintf(sendMenuKey, 64, _("Send %s"), (const char *)menuKey); contextMenu->add(sendMenuKey, 0, NULL, (void*)ID_MENUKEY, 0); contextMenu->add("Secret shortcut menu key", menuKeyCode, NULL, (void*)ID_MENUKEY, FL_MENU_INVISIBLE); } contextMenu->add(_("Send Ctrl-Alt-Del"), 0, NULL, (void*)ID_CTRLALTDEL, FL_MENU_DIVIDER); contextMenu->add(_("Refresh screen"), 0, NULL, (void*)ID_REFRESH, FL_MENU_DIVIDER); contextMenu->add(_("Options..."), 0, NULL, (void*)ID_OPTIONS, 0); contextMenu->add(_("Connection info..."), 0, NULL, (void*)ID_INFO, 0); contextMenu->add(_("About TigerVNC viewer..."), 0, NULL, (void*)ID_ABOUT, FL_MENU_DIVIDER); contextMenu->add(_("Dismiss menu"), 0, NULL, (void*)ID_DISMISS, 0); } void Viewport::popupContextMenu() { const Fl_Menu_Item *m; char buffer[1024]; // Make sure the menu is reset to its initial state between goes or // it will start up highlighting the previously selected entry. contextMenu->value(-1); m = contextMenu->popup(); if (m == NULL) return; switch (m->argument()) { case ID_EXIT: exit_vncviewer(); break; #ifdef HAVE_FLTK_FULLSCREEN case ID_FULLSCREEN: if (window()->fullscreen_active()) window()->fullscreen_off(); else window()->fullscreen(); break; #endif case ID_CTRL: if (!viewOnly) cc->writer()->keyEvent(XK_Control_L, m->value()); break; case ID_ALT: if (!viewOnly) cc->writer()->keyEvent(XK_Alt_L, m->value()); break; case ID_MENUKEY: if (!viewOnly) { handleKeyEvent(menuKeyCode, menuKeyCode, "", true); handleKeyEvent(menuKeyCode, menuKeyCode, "", false); } break; case ID_CTRLALTDEL: if (!viewOnly) { cc->writer()->keyEvent(XK_Control_L, true); cc->writer()->keyEvent(XK_Alt_L, true); cc->writer()->keyEvent(XK_Delete, true); cc->writer()->keyEvent(XK_Delete, false); cc->writer()->keyEvent(XK_Alt_L, false); cc->writer()->keyEvent(XK_Control_L, false); } break; case ID_REFRESH: cc->refreshFramebuffer(); break; case ID_OPTIONS: OptionsDialog::showDialog(); break; case ID_INFO: if (fltk_escape(cc->connectionInfo(), buffer, sizeof(buffer)) < sizeof(buffer)) { fl_message_title(_("VNC connection info")); fl_message(buffer); } break; case ID_ABOUT: about_vncviewer(); break; case ID_DISMISS: // Don't need to do anything break; } } void Viewport::setMenuKey() { const char *menuKeyStr; menuKeyCode = 0; menuKeyStr = menuKey; if (menuKeyStr[0] == 'F') { int num = atoi(menuKeyStr + 1); if ((num >= 1) && (num <= 12)) menuKeyCode = FL_F + num; } // Need to repopulate the context menu as it contains references to // the menu key initContextMenu(); } void Viewport::handleOptions(void *data) { Viewport *self = (Viewport*)data; self->setMenuKey(); }