/* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 RealVNC Ltd. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright 2011-2019 Pierre Ossman for Cendio AB * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // FLTK can pull in the X11 headers on some systems #ifndef XK_VoidSymbol #define XK_LATIN1 #define XK_MISCELLANY #define XK_XKB_KEYS #include #endif #ifndef XF86XK_ModeLock #include #endif #if ! (defined(WIN32) || defined(__APPLE__)) #include #endif #ifndef NoSymbol #define NoSymbol 0 #endif // Missing in at least some versions of MinGW #ifndef MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC #define MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC 0 #endif #include "fltk/layout.h" #include "fltk/util.h" #include "Viewport.h" #include "CConn.h" #include "OptionsDialog.h" #include "DesktopWindow.h" #include "i18n.h" #include "parameters.h" #include "keysym2ucs.h" #include "menukey.h" #include "vncviewer.h" #include "PlatformPixelBuffer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(__APPLE__) #include extern const struct _code_map_xkb_to_qnum { const char * from; const unsigned short to; } code_map_xkb_to_qnum[]; extern const unsigned int code_map_xkb_to_qnum_len; static int code_map_keycode_to_qnum[256]; #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ #include "cocoa.h" extern const unsigned short code_map_osx_to_qnum[]; extern const unsigned int code_map_osx_to_qnum_len; #endif #ifdef WIN32 #include "win32.h" #endif using namespace rfb; static rfb::LogWriter vlog("Viewport"); // Menu constants enum { ID_DISCONNECT, ID_FULLSCREEN, ID_MINIMIZE, ID_RESIZE, ID_CTRL, ID_ALT, ID_MENUKEY, ID_CTRLALTDEL, ID_REFRESH, ID_OPTIONS, ID_INFO, ID_ABOUT }; // Used to detect fake input (0xaa is not a real key) #ifdef WIN32 static const WORD SCAN_FAKE = 0xaa; #endif // Used for fake key presses from the menu static const int FAKE_CTRL_KEY_CODE = 0x10001; static const int FAKE_ALT_KEY_CODE = 0x10002; static const int FAKE_DEL_KEY_CODE = 0x10003; // Used for fake key presses for lock key sync static const int FAKE_KEY_CODE = 0xffff; Viewport::Viewport(int w, int h, const rfb::PixelFormat& /*serverPF*/, CConn* cc_) : Fl_Widget(0, 0, w, h), cc(cc_), frameBuffer(nullptr), lastPointerPos(0, 0), lastButtonMask(0), #ifdef WIN32 altGrArmed(false), #endif firstLEDState(true), pendingClientClipboard(false), menuCtrlKey(false), menuAltKey(false), cursor(nullptr) { #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(__APPLE__) XkbDescPtr xkb; Status status; xkb = XkbGetMap(fl_display, 0, XkbUseCoreKbd); if (!xkb) throw rfb::Exception("XkbGetMap"); status = XkbGetNames(fl_display, XkbKeyNamesMask, xkb); if (status != Success) throw rfb::Exception("XkbGetNames"); memset(code_map_keycode_to_qnum, 0, sizeof(code_map_keycode_to_qnum)); for (KeyCode keycode = xkb->min_key_code; keycode < xkb->max_key_code; keycode++) { const char *keyname = xkb->names->keys[keycode].name; unsigned short rfbcode; if (keyname[0] == '\0') continue; rfbcode = 0; for (unsigned i = 0;i < code_map_xkb_to_qnum_len;i++) { if (strncmp(code_map_xkb_to_qnum[i].from, keyname, XkbKeyNameLength) == 0) { rfbcode = code_map_xkb_to_qnum[i].to; break; } } if (rfbcode != 0) code_map_keycode_to_qnum[keycode] = rfbcode; else vlog.debug("No key mapping for key %.4s", keyname); } XkbFreeKeyboard(xkb, 0, True); #endif Fl::add_clipboard_notify(handleClipboardChange, this); // We need to intercept keyboard events early Fl::add_system_handler(handleSystemEvent, this); frameBuffer = new PlatformPixelBuffer(w, h); assert(frameBuffer); cc->setFramebuffer(frameBuffer); contextMenu = new Fl_Menu_Button(0, 0, 0, 0); // Setting box type to FL_NO_BOX prevents it from trying to draw the // button component (which we don't want) contextMenu->box(FL_NO_BOX); // The (invisible) button associated with this widget can mess with // things like Fl_Scroll so we need to get rid of any parents. // Unfortunately that's not possible because of STR #2654, but // reparenting to the current window works for most cases. window()->add(contextMenu); setMenuKey(); OptionsDialog::addCallback(handleOptions, this); // Make sure we have an initial blank cursor set setCursor(0, 0, rfb::Point(0, 0), nullptr); } Viewport::~Viewport() { // Unregister all timeouts in case they get a change tro trigger // again later when this object is already gone. Fl::remove_timeout(handlePointerTimeout, this); #ifdef WIN32 Fl::remove_timeout(handleAltGrTimeout, this); #endif Fl::remove_system_handler(handleSystemEvent); Fl::remove_clipboard_notify(handleClipboardChange); OptionsDialog::removeCallback(handleOptions); if (cursor) { if (!cursor->alloc_array) delete [] cursor->array; delete cursor; } // FLTK automatically deletes all child widgets, so we shouldn't touch // them ourselves here } const rfb::PixelFormat &Viewport::getPreferredPF() { return frameBuffer->getPF(); } // Copy the areas of the framebuffer that have been changed (damaged) // to the displayed window. void Viewport::updateWindow() { Rect r; r = frameBuffer->getDamage(); damage(FL_DAMAGE_USER1, r.tl.x + x(), r.tl.y + y(), r.width(), r.height()); } static const char * dotcursor_xpm[] = { "5 5 2 1", ". c #000000", " c #FFFFFF", " ", " ... ", " ... ", " ... ", " "}; void Viewport::setCursor(int width, int height, const Point& hotspot, const uint8_t* data) { int i; if (cursor) { if (!cursor->alloc_array) delete [] cursor->array; delete cursor; } for (i = 0; i < width*height; i++) if (data[i*4 + 3] != 0) break; if ((i == width*height) && dotWhenNoCursor) { vlog.debug("cursor is empty - using dot"); Fl_Pixmap pxm(dotcursor_xpm); cursor = new Fl_RGB_Image(&pxm); cursorHotspot.x = cursorHotspot.y = 2; } else { if ((width == 0) || (height == 0)) { uint8_t *buffer = new uint8_t[4]; memset(buffer, 0, 4); cursor = new Fl_RGB_Image(buffer, 1, 1, 4); cursorHotspot.x = cursorHotspot.y = 0; } else { uint8_t *buffer = new uint8_t[width * height * 4]; memcpy(buffer, data, width * height * 4); cursor = new Fl_RGB_Image(buffer, width, height, 4); cursorHotspot = hotspot; } } if (Fl::belowmouse() == this) window()->cursor(cursor, cursorHotspot.x, cursorHotspot.y); } void Viewport::handleClipboardRequest() { Fl::paste(*this, clipboardSource); } void Viewport::handleClipboardAnnounce(bool available) { if (!acceptClipboard) return; if (!available) { vlog.debug("Clipboard is no longer available on server"); return; } if (!hasFocus()) { vlog.debug("Got notification of new clipboard on server whilst not focused, ignoring"); return; } pendingClientClipboard = false; vlog.debug("Got notification of new clipboard on server, requesting data"); cc->requestClipboard(); } void Viewport::handleClipboardData(const char* data) { size_t len; if (!hasFocus()) return; len = strlen(data); vlog.debug("Got clipboard data (%d bytes)", (int)len); // RFB doesn't have separate selection and clipboard concepts, so we // dump the data into both variants. #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(__APPLE__) if (setPrimary) Fl::copy(data, len, 0); #endif Fl::copy(data, len, 1); } void Viewport::setLEDState(unsigned int ledState) { vlog.debug("Got server LED state: 0x%08x", ledState); // The first message is just considered to be the server announcing // support for this extension. We will push our state to sync up the // server when we get focus. If we already have focus we need to push // it here though. if (firstLEDState) { firstLEDState = false; if (hasFocus()) pushLEDState(); return; } if (!hasFocus()) return; #if defined(WIN32) INPUT input[6]; UINT count; UINT ret; memset(input, 0, sizeof(input)); count = 0; if (!!(ledState & ledCapsLock) != !!(GetKeyState(VK_CAPITAL) & 0x1)) { input[count].type = input[count+1].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD; input[count].ki.wVk = input[count+1].ki.wVk = VK_CAPITAL; input[count].ki.wScan = input[count+1].ki.wScan = SCAN_FAKE; input[count].ki.dwFlags = 0; input[count+1].ki.dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_KEYUP; count += 2; } if (!!(ledState & ledNumLock) != !!(GetKeyState(VK_NUMLOCK) & 0x1)) { input[count].type = input[count+1].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD; input[count].ki.wVk = input[count+1].ki.wVk = VK_NUMLOCK; input[count].ki.wScan = input[count+1].ki.wScan = SCAN_FAKE; input[count].ki.dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY; input[count+1].ki.dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_KEYUP | KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY; count += 2; } if (!!(ledState & ledScrollLock) != !!(GetKeyState(VK_SCROLL) & 0x1)) { input[count].type = input[count+1].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD; input[count].ki.wVk = input[count+1].ki.wVk = VK_SCROLL; input[count].ki.wScan = input[count+1].ki.wScan = SCAN_FAKE; input[count].ki.dwFlags = 0; input[count+1].ki.dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_KEYUP; count += 2; } if (count == 0) return; ret = SendInput(count, input, sizeof(*input)); if (ret < count) vlog.error(_("Failed to update keyboard LED state: %lu"), GetLastError()); #elif defined(__APPLE__) int ret; ret = cocoa_set_caps_lock_state(ledState & ledCapsLock); if (ret != 0) { vlog.error(_("Failed to update keyboard LED state: %d"), ret); return; } ret = cocoa_set_num_lock_state(ledState & ledNumLock); if (ret != 0) { vlog.error(_("Failed to update keyboard LED state: %d"), ret); return; } // No support for Scroll Lock // #else unsigned int affect, values; unsigned int mask; Bool ret; affect = values = 0; affect |= LockMask; if (ledState & ledCapsLock) values |= LockMask; mask = getModifierMask(XK_Num_Lock); affect |= mask; if (ledState & ledNumLock) values |= mask; mask = getModifierMask(XK_Scroll_Lock); affect |= mask; if (ledState & ledScrollLock) values |= mask; ret = XkbLockModifiers(fl_display, XkbUseCoreKbd, affect, values); if (!ret) vlog.error(_("Failed to update keyboard LED state")); #endif } void Viewport::pushLEDState() { unsigned int ledState; // Server support? if (cc->server.ledState() == ledUnknown) return; ledState = 0; #if defined(WIN32) if (GetKeyState(VK_CAPITAL) & 0x1) ledState |= ledCapsLock; if (GetKeyState(VK_NUMLOCK) & 0x1) ledState |= ledNumLock; if (GetKeyState(VK_SCROLL) & 0x1) ledState |= ledScrollLock; #elif defined(__APPLE__) int ret; bool on; ret = cocoa_get_caps_lock_state(&on); if (ret != 0) { vlog.error(_("Failed to get keyboard LED state: %d"), ret); return; } if (on) ledState |= ledCapsLock; ret = cocoa_get_num_lock_state(&on); if (ret != 0) { vlog.error(_("Failed to get keyboard LED state: %d"), ret); return; } if (on) ledState |= ledNumLock; // No support for Scroll Lock // ledState |= (cc->server.ledState() & ledScrollLock); #else unsigned int mask; Status status; XkbStateRec xkbState; status = XkbGetState(fl_display, XkbUseCoreKbd, &xkbState); if (status != Success) { vlog.error(_("Failed to get keyboard LED state: %d"), status); return; } if (xkbState.locked_mods & LockMask) ledState |= ledCapsLock; mask = getModifierMask(XK_Num_Lock); if (xkbState.locked_mods & mask) ledState |= ledNumLock; mask = getModifierMask(XK_Scroll_Lock); if (xkbState.locked_mods & mask) ledState |= ledScrollLock; #endif if ((ledState & ledCapsLock) != (cc->server.ledState() & ledCapsLock)) { vlog.debug("Inserting fake CapsLock to get in sync with server"); handleKeyPress(FAKE_KEY_CODE, 0x3a, XK_Caps_Lock); handleKeyRelease(FAKE_KEY_CODE); } if ((ledState & ledNumLock) != (cc->server.ledState() & ledNumLock)) { vlog.debug("Inserting fake NumLock to get in sync with server"); handleKeyPress(FAKE_KEY_CODE, 0x45, XK_Num_Lock); handleKeyRelease(FAKE_KEY_CODE); } if ((ledState & ledScrollLock) != (cc->server.ledState() & ledScrollLock)) { vlog.debug("Inserting fake ScrollLock to get in sync with server"); handleKeyPress(FAKE_KEY_CODE, 0x46, XK_Scroll_Lock); handleKeyRelease(FAKE_KEY_CODE); } } void Viewport::draw(Surface* dst) { int X, Y, W, H; // Check what actually needs updating fl_clip_box(x(), y(), w(), h(), X, Y, W, H); if ((W == 0) || (H == 0)) return; frameBuffer->draw(dst, X - x(), Y - y(), X, Y, W, H); } void Viewport::draw() { int X, Y, W, H; // Check what actually needs updating fl_clip_box(x(), y(), w(), h(), X, Y, W, H); if ((W == 0) || (H == 0)) return; frameBuffer->draw(X - x(), Y - y(), X, Y, W, H); } void Viewport::resize(int x, int y, int w, int h) { if ((w != frameBuffer->width()) || (h != frameBuffer->height())) { vlog.debug("Resizing framebuffer from %dx%d to %dx%d", frameBuffer->width(), frameBuffer->height(), w, h); frameBuffer = new PlatformPixelBuffer(w, h); assert(frameBuffer); cc->setFramebuffer(frameBuffer); } Fl_Widget::resize(x, y, w, h); } int Viewport::handle(int event) { std::string filtered; int buttonMask, wheelMask; DownMap::const_iterator iter; switch (event) { case FL_PASTE: if (!isValidUTF8(Fl::event_text(), Fl::event_length())) { vlog.error("Invalid UTF-8 sequence in system clipboard"); return 1; } filtered = convertLF(Fl::event_text(), Fl::event_length()); vlog.debug("Sending clipboard data (%d bytes)", (int)filtered.size()); try { cc->sendClipboardData(filtered.c_str()); } catch (rdr::Exception& e) { vlog.error("%s", e.str()); abort_connection_with_unexpected_error(e); } return 1; case FL_ENTER: window()->cursor(cursor, cursorHotspot.x, cursorHotspot.y); // Yes, we would like some pointer events please! return 1; case FL_LEAVE: window()->cursor(FL_CURSOR_DEFAULT); // We want a last move event to help trigger edge stuff handlePointerEvent(Point(Fl::event_x() - x(), Fl::event_y() - y()), 0); return 1; case FL_PUSH: case FL_RELEASE: case FL_DRAG: case FL_MOVE: case FL_MOUSEWHEEL: buttonMask = 0; if (Fl::event_button1()) buttonMask |= 1; if (Fl::event_button2()) buttonMask |= 2; if (Fl::event_button3()) buttonMask |= 4; if (event == FL_MOUSEWHEEL) { wheelMask = 0; if (Fl::event_dy() < 0) wheelMask |= 8; if (Fl::event_dy() > 0) wheelMask |= 16; if (Fl::event_dx() < 0) wheelMask |= 32; if (Fl::event_dx() > 0) wheelMask |= 64; // A quick press of the wheel "button", followed by a immediate // release below handlePointerEvent(Point(Fl::event_x() - x(), Fl::event_y() - y()), buttonMask | wheelMask); } handlePointerEvent(Point(Fl::event_x() - x(), Fl::event_y() - y()), buttonMask); return 1; case FL_FOCUS: Fl::disable_im(); flushPendingClipboard(); // We may have gotten our lock keys out of sync with the server // whilst we didn't have focus. Try to sort this out. pushLEDState(); // Resend Ctrl/Alt if needed if (menuCtrlKey) handleKeyPress(FAKE_CTRL_KEY_CODE, 0x1d, XK_Control_L); if (menuAltKey) handleKeyPress(FAKE_ALT_KEY_CODE, 0x38, XK_Alt_L); // Yes, we would like some focus please! return 1; case FL_UNFOCUS: // We won't get more key events, so reset our knowledge about keys resetKeyboard(); Fl::enable_im(); return 1; case FL_KEYDOWN: case FL_KEYUP: // Just ignore these as keys were handled in the event handler return 1; } return Fl_Widget::handle(event); } void Viewport::sendPointerEvent(const rfb::Point& pos, uint8_t buttonMask) { if (viewOnly) return; if ((pointerEventInterval == 0) || (buttonMask != lastButtonMask)) { try { cc->writer()->writePointerEvent(pos, buttonMask); } catch (rdr::Exception& e) { vlog.error("%s", e.str()); abort_connection_with_unexpected_error(e); } } else { if (!Fl::has_timeout(handlePointerTimeout, this)) Fl::add_timeout((double)pointerEventInterval/1000.0, handlePointerTimeout, this); } lastPointerPos = pos; lastButtonMask = buttonMask; } bool Viewport::hasFocus() { Fl_Widget* focus; focus = Fl::grab(); if (!focus) focus = Fl::focus(); return focus == this; } #if ! (defined(WIN32) || defined(__APPLE__)) unsigned int Viewport::getModifierMask(unsigned int keysym) { XkbDescPtr xkb; unsigned int mask, keycode; XkbAction *act; mask = 0; xkb = XkbGetMap(fl_display, XkbAllComponentsMask, XkbUseCoreKbd); if (xkb == nullptr) return 0; for (keycode = xkb->min_key_code; keycode <= xkb->max_key_code; keycode++) { unsigned int state_out; KeySym ks; XkbTranslateKeyCode(xkb, keycode, 0, &state_out, &ks); if (ks == NoSymbol) continue; if (ks == keysym) break; } // KeySym not mapped? if (keycode > xkb->max_key_code) goto out; act = XkbKeyAction(xkb, keycode, 0); if (act == nullptr) goto out; if (act->type != XkbSA_LockMods) goto out; if (act->mods.flags & XkbSA_UseModMapMods) mask = xkb->map->modmap[keycode]; else mask = act->mods.mask; out: XkbFreeKeyboard(xkb, XkbAllComponentsMask, True); return mask; } #endif void Viewport::handleClipboardChange(int source, void *data) { Viewport *self = (Viewport *)data; assert(self); if (!sendClipboard) return; #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(__APPLE__) if (!sendPrimary && (source == 0)) return; #endif if (!Fl::clipboard_contains(Fl::clipboard_plain_text)) { vlog.debug("Got non-plain text in local clipboard, ignoring."); // Reset the state as if we don't have any clipboard data at all self->pendingClientClipboard = false; self->cc->announceClipboard(false); return; } self->clipboardSource = source; if (!self->hasFocus()) { vlog.debug("Local clipboard changed whilst not focused, will notify server later"); self->pendingClientClipboard = true; // Clear any older client clipboard from the server self->cc->announceClipboard(false); return; } vlog.debug("Local clipboard changed, notifying server"); try { self->cc->announceClipboard(true); } catch (rdr::Exception& e) { vlog.error("%s", e.str()); abort_connection_with_unexpected_error(e); } } void Viewport::flushPendingClipboard() { if (pendingClientClipboard) { vlog.debug("Focus regained after local clipboard change, notifying server"); try { cc->announceClipboard(true); } catch (rdr::Exception& e) { vlog.error("%s", e.str()); abort_connection_with_unexpected_error(e); } } pendingClientClipboard = false; } void Viewport::handlePointerEvent(const rfb::Point& pos, uint8_t buttonMask) { filterPointerEvent(pos, buttonMask); } void Viewport::handlePointerTimeout(void *data) { Viewport *self = (Viewport *)data; assert(self); try { self->cc->writer()->writePointerEvent(self->lastPointerPos, self->lastButtonMask); } catch (rdr::Exception& e) { vlog.error("%s", e.str()); abort_connection_with_unexpected_error(e); } } void Viewport::resetKeyboard() { while (!downKeys.empty()) handleKeyRelease(downKeys.begin()->first); } void Viewport::handleKeyPress(int systemKeyCode, uint32_t keyCode, uint32_t keySym) { static bool menuRecursion = false; // Prevent recursion if the menu wants to send its own // activation key. if (menuKeySym && (keySym == menuKeySym) && !menuRecursion) { menuRecursion = true; popupContextMenu(); menuRecursion = false; return; } if (viewOnly) return; #ifdef __APPLE__ // Alt on OS X behaves more like AltGr on other systems, and to get // sane behaviour we should translate things in that manner for the // remote VNC server. However that means we lose the ability to use // Alt as a shortcut modifier. Do what RealVNC does and hijack the // left command key as an Alt replacement. switch (keySym) { case XK_Super_L: keySym = XK_Alt_L; break; case XK_Super_R: keySym = XK_Super_L; break; case XK_Alt_L: keySym = XK_Mode_switch; break; case XK_Alt_R: keySym = XK_ISO_Level3_Shift; break; } #endif // Because of the way keyboards work, we cannot expect to have the same // symbol on release as when pressed. This breaks the VNC protocol however, // so we need to keep track of what keysym a key _code_ generated on press // and send the same on release. downKeys[systemKeyCode].keyCode = keyCode; downKeys[systemKeyCode].keySym = keySym; vlog.debug("Key pressed: %d => 0x%02x / XK_%s (0x%04x)", systemKeyCode, keyCode, KeySymName(keySym), keySym); try { cc->writer()->writeKeyEvent(keySym, keyCode, true); } catch (rdr::Exception& e) { vlog.error("%s", e.str()); abort_connection_with_unexpected_error(e); } } void Viewport::handleKeyRelease(int systemKeyCode) { DownMap::iterator iter; if (viewOnly) return; iter = downKeys.find(systemKeyCode); if (iter == downKeys.end()) { // These occur somewhat frequently so let's not spam them unless // logging is turned up. vlog.debug("Unexpected release of key code %d", systemKeyCode); return; } vlog.debug("Key released: %d => 0x%02x / XK_%s (0x%04x)", systemKeyCode, iter->second.keyCode, KeySymName(iter->second.keySym), iter->second.keySym); try { cc->writer()->writeKeyEvent(iter->second.keySym, iter->second.keyCode, false); } catch (rdr::Exception& e) { vlog.error("%s", e.str()); abort_connection_with_unexpected_error(e); } downKeys.erase(iter); } int Viewport::handleSystemEvent(void *event, void *data) { Viewport *self = (Viewport *)data; assert(self); if (!self->hasFocus()) return 0; assert(event); #if defined(WIN32) MSG *msg = (MSG*)event; if ((msg->message == WM_MOUSEMOVE) || (msg->message == WM_LBUTTONDOWN) || (msg->message == WM_LBUTTONUP) || (msg->message == WM_RBUTTONDOWN) || (msg->message == WM_RBUTTONUP) || (msg->message == WM_MBUTTONDOWN) || (msg->message == WM_MBUTTONUP) || (msg->message == WM_MOUSEWHEEL) || (msg->message == WM_MOUSEHWHEEL)) { // We can't get a mouse event in the middle of an AltGr sequence, so // abort that detection if (self->altGrArmed) self->resolveAltGrDetection(false); return 0; // We didn't really consume the mouse event } else if ((msg->message == WM_KEYDOWN) || (msg->message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN)) { UINT vKey; bool isExtended; int keyCode; uint32_t keySym; vKey = msg->wParam; isExtended = (msg->lParam & (1 << 24)) != 0; keyCode = ((msg->lParam >> 16) & 0xff); // Windows' touch keyboard doesn't set a scan code for the Alt // portion of the AltGr sequence, so we need to help it out if (!isExtended && (keyCode == 0x00) && (vKey == VK_MENU)) { isExtended = true; keyCode = 0x38; } // Windows doesn't have a proper AltGr, but handles it using fake // Ctrl+Alt. However the remote end might not be Windows, so we need // to merge those in to a single AltGr event. We detect this case // by seeing the two key events directly after each other with a very // short time between them (<50ms) and supress the Ctrl event. if (self->altGrArmed) { bool altPressed = isExtended && (keyCode == 0x38) && (vKey == VK_MENU) && ((msg->time - self->altGrCtrlTime) < 50); self->resolveAltGrDetection(altPressed); } if (keyCode == SCAN_FAKE) { vlog.debug("Ignoring fake key press (virtual key 0x%02x)", vKey); return 1; } // Windows sets the scan code to 0x00 for multimedia keys, so we // have to do a reverse lookup based on the vKey. if (keyCode == 0x00) { keyCode = MapVirtualKey(vKey, MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC); if (keyCode == 0x00) { if (isExtended) vlog.error(_("No scan code for extended virtual key 0x%02x"), (int)vKey); else vlog.error(_("No scan code for virtual key 0x%02x"), (int)vKey); return 1; } } if (keyCode & ~0x7f) { vlog.error(_("Invalid scan code 0x%02x"), (int)keyCode); return 1; } if (isExtended) keyCode |= 0x80; // Fortunately RFB and Windows use the same scan code set (mostly), // so there is no conversion needed // (as long as we encode the extended keys with the high bit) // However Pause sends a code that conflicts with NumLock, so use // the code most RFB implementations use (part of the sequence for // Ctrl+Pause, i.e. Break) if (keyCode == 0x45) keyCode = 0xc6; // And NumLock incorrectly has the extended bit set if (keyCode == 0xc5) keyCode = 0x45; // And Alt+PrintScreen (i.e. SysRq) sends a different code than // PrintScreen if (keyCode == 0xb7) keyCode = 0x54; keySym = win32_vkey_to_keysym(vKey, isExtended); if (keySym == NoSymbol) { if (isExtended) vlog.error(_("No symbol for extended virtual key 0x%02x"), (int)vKey); else vlog.error(_("No symbol for virtual key 0x%02x"), (int)vKey); } // Windows sends the same vKey for both shifts, so we need to look // at the scan code to tell them apart if ((keySym == XK_Shift_L) && (keyCode == 0x36)) keySym = XK_Shift_R; // AltGr handling (see above) if (win32_has_altgr()) { if ((keyCode == 0xb8) && (keySym == XK_Alt_R)) keySym = XK_ISO_Level3_Shift; // Possible start of AltGr sequence? if ((keyCode == 0x1d) && (keySym == XK_Control_L)) { self->altGrArmed = true; self->altGrCtrlTime = msg->time; Fl::add_timeout(0.1, handleAltGrTimeout, self); return 1; } } self->handleKeyPress(keyCode, keyCode, keySym); // We don't get reliable WM_KEYUP for these switch (keySym) { case XK_Zenkaku_Hankaku: case XK_Eisu_toggle: case XK_Katakana: case XK_Hiragana: case XK_Romaji: self->handleKeyRelease(keyCode); } return 1; } else if ((msg->message == WM_KEYUP) || (msg->message == WM_SYSKEYUP)) { UINT vKey; bool isExtended; int keyCode; vKey = msg->wParam; isExtended = (msg->lParam & (1 << 24)) != 0; keyCode = ((msg->lParam >> 16) & 0xff); // Touch keyboard AltGr (see above) if (!isExtended && (keyCode == 0x00) && (vKey == VK_MENU)) { isExtended = true; keyCode = 0x38; } // We can't get a release in the middle of an AltGr sequence, so // abort that detection if (self->altGrArmed) self->resolveAltGrDetection(false); if (keyCode == SCAN_FAKE) { vlog.debug("Ignoring fake key release (virtual key 0x%02x)", vKey); return 1; } if (keyCode == 0x00) keyCode = MapVirtualKey(vKey, MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC); if (isExtended) keyCode |= 0x80; if (keyCode == 0x45) keyCode = 0xc6; if (keyCode == 0xc5) keyCode = 0x45; if (keyCode == 0xb7) keyCode = 0x54; self->handleKeyRelease(keyCode); // Windows has a rather nasty bug where it won't send key release // events for a Shift button if the other Shift is still pressed if ((keyCode == 0x2a) || (keyCode == 0x36)) { if (self->downKeys.count(0x2a)) self->handleKeyRelease(0x2a); if (self->downKeys.count(0x36)) self->handleKeyRelease(0x36); } return 1; } #elif defined(__APPLE__) // Special event that means we temporarily lost some input if (cocoa_is_keyboard_sync(event)) { self->resetKeyboard(); return 1; } if (cocoa_is_keyboard_event(event)) { int systemKeyCode; systemKeyCode = cocoa_event_keycode(event); if (cocoa_is_key_press(event)) { uint32_t keyCode; uint32_t keySym; if ((unsigned)systemKeyCode >= code_map_osx_to_qnum_len) keyCode = 0; else keyCode = code_map_osx_to_qnum[systemKeyCode]; keySym = cocoa_event_keysym(event); if (keySym == NoSymbol) { vlog.error(_("No symbol for key code 0x%02x (in the current state)"), (int)keyCode); } self->handleKeyPress(systemKeyCode, keyCode, keySym); // We don't get any release events for CapsLock, so we have to // send the release right away. if (keySym == XK_Caps_Lock) self->handleKeyRelease(systemKeyCode); } else { self->handleKeyRelease(systemKeyCode); } return 1; } #else XEvent *xevent = (XEvent*)event; if (xevent->type == KeyPress) { int keycode; char str; KeySym keysym; keycode = code_map_keycode_to_qnum[xevent->xkey.keycode]; XLookupString(&xevent->xkey, &str, 1, &keysym, nullptr); if (keysym == NoSymbol) { vlog.error(_("No symbol for key code %d (in the current state)"), (int)xevent->xkey.keycode); } switch (keysym) { // For the first few years, there wasn't a good consensus on what the // Windows keys should be mapped to for X11. So we need to help out a // bit and map all variants to the same key... case XK_Hyper_L: keysym = XK_Super_L; break; case XK_Hyper_R: keysym = XK_Super_R; break; // There has been several variants for Shift-Tab over the years. // RFB states that we should always send a normal tab. case XK_ISO_Left_Tab: keysym = XK_Tab; break; } self->handleKeyPress(xevent->xkey.keycode, keycode, keysym); return 1; } else if (xevent->type == KeyRelease) { self->handleKeyRelease(xevent->xkey.keycode); return 1; } #endif return 0; } #ifdef WIN32 void Viewport::handleAltGrTimeout(void *data) { Viewport *self = (Viewport *)data; assert(self); self->altGrArmed = false; self->handleKeyPress(0x1d, 0x1d, XK_Control_L); } void Viewport::resolveAltGrDetection(bool isAltGrSequence) { altGrArmed = false; Fl::remove_timeout(handleAltGrTimeout); // when it's not an AltGr sequence we can't supress the Ctrl anymore if (!isAltGrSequence) handleKeyPress(0x1d, 0x1d, XK_Control_L); } #endif // FIXME: gcc confuses ID_DISCONNECT with NULL #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant" void Viewport::initContextMenu() { contextMenu->clear(); fltk_menu_add(contextMenu, p_("ContextMenu|", "Disconn&ect"), 0, nullptr, (void*)ID_DISCONNECT, FL_MENU_DIVIDER); fltk_menu_add(contextMenu, p_("ContextMenu|", "&Full screen"), 0, nullptr, (void*)ID_FULLSCREEN, FL_MENU_TOGGLE | (window()->fullscreen_active()?FL_MENU_VALUE:0)); fltk_menu_add(contextMenu, p_("ContextMenu|", "Minimi&ze"), 0, nullptr, (void*)ID_MINIMIZE, 0); fltk_menu_add(contextMenu, p_("ContextMenu|", "Resize &window to session"), 0, nullptr, (void*)ID_RESIZE, (window()->fullscreen_active()?FL_MENU_INACTIVE:0) | FL_MENU_DIVIDER); fltk_menu_add(contextMenu, p_("ContextMenu|", "&Ctrl"), 0, nullptr, (void*)ID_CTRL, FL_MENU_TOGGLE | (menuCtrlKey?FL_MENU_VALUE:0)); fltk_menu_add(contextMenu, p_("ContextMenu|", "&Alt"), 0, nullptr, (void*)ID_ALT, FL_MENU_TOGGLE | (menuAltKey?FL_MENU_VALUE:0)); if (menuKeySym) { char sendMenuKey[64]; snprintf(sendMenuKey, 64, p_("ContextMenu|", "Send %s"), (const char *)menuKey); fltk_menu_add(contextMenu, sendMenuKey, 0, nullptr, (void*)ID_MENUKEY, 0); fltk_menu_add(contextMenu, "Secret shortcut menu key", menuKeyFLTK, nullptr, (void*)ID_MENUKEY, FL_MENU_INVISIBLE); } fltk_menu_add(contextMenu, p_("ContextMenu|", "Send Ctrl-Alt-&Del"), 0, nullptr, (void*)ID_CTRLALTDEL, FL_MENU_DIVIDER); fltk_menu_add(contextMenu, p_("ContextMenu|", "&Refresh screen"), 0, nullptr, (void*)ID_REFRESH, FL_MENU_DIVIDER); fltk_menu_add(contextMenu, p_("ContextMenu|", "&Options..."), 0, nullptr, (void*)ID_OPTIONS, 0); fltk_menu_add(contextMenu, p_("ContextMenu|", "Connection &info..."), 0, nullptr, (void*)ID_INFO, 0); fltk_menu_add(contextMenu, p_("ContextMenu|", "About &TigerVNC viewer..."), 0, nullptr, (void*)ID_ABOUT, 0); } #pragma GCC diagnostic pop void Viewport::popupContextMenu() { const Fl_Menu_Item *m; char buffer[1024]; // Make sure the menu is reset to its initial state between goes or // it will start up highlighting the previously selected entry. contextMenu->value(-1); // initialize context menu before display initContextMenu(); // Unfortunately FLTK doesn't reliably restore the mouse pointer for // menus, so we have to help it out. if (Fl::belowmouse() == this) window()->cursor(FL_CURSOR_DEFAULT); // FLTK also doesn't switch focus properly for menus handle(FL_UNFOCUS); m = contextMenu->popup(); handle(FL_FOCUS); // Back to our proper mouse pointer. if (Fl::belowmouse()) window()->cursor(cursor, cursorHotspot.x, cursorHotspot.y); if (m == nullptr) return; switch (m->argument()) { case ID_DISCONNECT: disconnect(); break; case ID_FULLSCREEN: if (window()->fullscreen_active()) window()->fullscreen_off(); else ((DesktopWindow*)window())->fullscreen_on(); break; case ID_MINIMIZE: #ifdef __APPLE__ // FIXME: Workaround for not being able to minimize in fullscreen // https://github.com/TigerVNC/tigervnc/pull/1813 if (window()->fullscreen_active()) window()->fullscreen_off(); #endif window()->iconize(); break; case ID_RESIZE: if (window()->fullscreen_active()) break; window()->size(w(), h()); break; case ID_CTRL: if (m->value()) handleKeyPress(FAKE_CTRL_KEY_CODE, 0x1d, XK_Control_L); else handleKeyRelease(FAKE_CTRL_KEY_CODE); menuCtrlKey = !menuCtrlKey; break; case ID_ALT: if (m->value()) handleKeyPress(FAKE_ALT_KEY_CODE, 0x38, XK_Alt_L); else handleKeyRelease(FAKE_ALT_KEY_CODE); menuAltKey = !menuAltKey; break; case ID_MENUKEY: handleKeyPress(FAKE_KEY_CODE, menuKeyCode, menuKeySym); handleKeyRelease(FAKE_KEY_CODE); break; case ID_CTRLALTDEL: handleKeyPress(FAKE_CTRL_KEY_CODE, 0x1d, XK_Control_L); handleKeyPress(FAKE_ALT_KEY_CODE, 0x38, XK_Alt_L); handleKeyPress(FAKE_DEL_KEY_CODE, 0xd3, XK_Delete); handleKeyRelease(FAKE_DEL_KEY_CODE); handleKeyRelease(FAKE_ALT_KEY_CODE); handleKeyRelease(FAKE_CTRL_KEY_CODE); break; case ID_REFRESH: cc->refreshFramebuffer(); break; case ID_OPTIONS: OptionsDialog::showDialog(); break; case ID_INFO: if (fltk_escape(cc->connectionInfo(), buffer, sizeof(buffer)) < sizeof(buffer)) { fl_message_title(_("VNC connection info")); fl_message("%s", buffer); } break; case ID_ABOUT: about_vncviewer(); break; } } void Viewport::setMenuKey() { getMenuKey(&menuKeyFLTK, &menuKeyCode, &menuKeySym); } void Viewport::handleOptions(void *data) { Viewport *self = (Viewport*)data; self->setMenuKey(); // FIXME: Need to recheck cursor for dotWhenNoCursor }