/* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 RealVNC Ltd. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright 2011 Pierre Ossman <ossman@cendio.se> for Cendio AB * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <FL/x.H> #include <rfb/LogWriter.h> #include <rfb/Exception.h> #include "X11PixelBuffer.h" using namespace rfb; static rfb::LogWriter vlog("PlatformPixelBuffer"); static PixelFormat display_pf() { int i; int bpp; int trueColour, bigEndian; int redShift, greenShift, blueShift; int redMax, greenMax, blueMax; int nformats; XPixmapFormatValues* format; // Might not be open at this point fl_open_display(); format = XListPixmapFormats(fl_display, &nformats); for (i = 0; i < nformats; i++) if (format[i].depth == fl_visual->depth) break; if (i == nformats) throw rfb::Exception("Error: display lacks pixmap format for default depth"); switch (format[i].bits_per_pixel) { case 8: case 16: case 32: bpp = format[i].bits_per_pixel; break; default: throw rfb::Exception("Error: couldn't find suitable pixmap format"); } XFree(format); bigEndian = (ImageByteOrder(fl_display) == MSBFirst); trueColour = (fl_visual->c_class == TrueColor); if (!trueColour) throw rfb::Exception("Error: only true colour displays supported"); vlog.info("Using default colormap and visual, %sdepth %d.", (fl_visual->c_class == TrueColor) ? "TrueColor, " : ((fl_visual->c_class == PseudoColor) ? "PseudoColor, " : ""), fl_visual->depth); redShift = ffs(fl_visual->red_mask) - 1; greenShift = ffs(fl_visual->green_mask) - 1; blueShift = ffs(fl_visual->blue_mask) - 1; redMax = fl_visual->red_mask >> redShift; greenMax = fl_visual->green_mask >> greenShift; blueMax = fl_visual->blue_mask >> blueShift; return PixelFormat(bpp, fl_visual->depth, bigEndian, trueColour, redMax, greenMax, blueMax, redShift, greenShift, blueShift); } PlatformPixelBuffer::PlatformPixelBuffer(int width, int height) : FullFramePixelBuffer(display_pf(), width, height, NULL, NULL), shminfo(NULL), xim(NULL) { // Might not be open at this point fl_open_display(); if (!setupShm()) { xim = XCreateImage(fl_display, fl_visual->visual, fl_visual->depth, ZPixmap, 0, 0, width, height, BitmapPad(fl_display), 0); assert(xim); xim->data = (char*)malloc(xim->bytes_per_line * xim->height); assert(xim->data); } data = (rdr::U8*)xim->data; } PlatformPixelBuffer::~PlatformPixelBuffer() { if (shminfo) { vlog.debug("Freeing shared memory XImage"); shmdt(shminfo->shmaddr); shmctl(shminfo->shmid, IPC_RMID, 0); delete shminfo; shminfo = NULL; } // XDestroyImage() will free(xim->data) if appropriate if (xim) XDestroyImage(xim); xim = NULL; } void PlatformPixelBuffer::draw(int src_x, int src_y, int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (shminfo) XShmPutImage(fl_display, fl_window, fl_gc, xim, src_x, src_y, x, y, w, h, False); else XPutImage(fl_display, fl_window, fl_gc, xim, src_x, src_y, x, y, w, h); } int PlatformPixelBuffer::getStride() const { return xim->bytes_per_line / (getPF().bpp/8); } static bool caughtError; static int XShmAttachErrorHandler(Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *error) { caughtError = true; return 0; } int PlatformPixelBuffer::setupShm() { int major, minor; Bool pixmaps; XErrorHandler old_handler; Status status; if (!XShmQueryVersion(fl_display, &major, &minor, &pixmaps)) return 0; shminfo = new XShmSegmentInfo; xim = XShmCreateImage(fl_display, fl_visual->visual, fl_visual->depth, ZPixmap, 0, shminfo, width(), height()); if (!xim) goto free_shminfo; shminfo->shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, xim->bytes_per_line * xim->height, IPC_CREAT|0777); if (shminfo->shmid == -1) goto free_xim; shminfo->shmaddr = xim->data = (char*)shmat(shminfo->shmid, 0, 0); if (shminfo->shmaddr == (char *)-1) goto free_shm; shminfo->readOnly = True; // This is the only way we can detect that shared memory won't work // (e.g. because we're accessing a remote X11 server) caughtError = false; old_handler = XSetErrorHandler(XShmAttachErrorHandler); XShmAttach(fl_display, shminfo); XSync(fl_display, False); XSetErrorHandler(old_handler); if (caughtError) goto free_shmaddr; vlog.debug("Using shared memory XImage"); return 1; free_shmaddr: shmdt(shminfo->shmaddr); free_shm: shmctl(shminfo->shmid, IPC_RMID, 0); free_xim: XDestroyImage(xim); xim = NULL; free_shminfo: delete shminfo; shminfo = NULL; return 0; }