/* Copyright (C) 2002-2004 RealVNC Ltd. All Rights Reserved. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ // -=- CView.h // An instance of the CView class is created for each VNC Viewer connection. #ifndef __RFB_WIN32_CVIEW_H__ #define __RFB_WIN32_CVIEW_H__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace rfb { namespace win32 { class CView : public CConnection, public UserPasswdGetter, rfb::win32::Clipboard::Notifier, rdr::FdInStreamBlockCallback { public: CView(); virtual ~CView(); bool initialise(network::Socket* s); void setManager(CViewManager* m) {manager = m;} void applyOptions(CViewOptions& opt); const CViewOptions& getOptions() const {return options;}; // -=- Window Message handling virtual LRESULT processMessage(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); virtual LRESULT processFrameMessage(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); // -=- Socket blocking handling // blockCallback will throw QuitMessage(result) when // it processes a WM_QUIT message. // The caller may catch that to cope gracefully with // a request to quit. class QuitMessage : public rdr::Exception { public: QuitMessage(WPARAM wp) : rdr::Exception("QuitMessage") {} WPARAM wParam; }; virtual void blockCallback(); // -=- Window interface void postQuitOnDestroy(bool qod) {quit_on_destroy = qod;} PixelFormat getNativePF() const; void setVisible(bool visible); void close(const char* reason=0); HWND getHandle() const {return hwnd;} HWND getFrameHandle() const {return frameHwnd;} void notifyClipboardChanged(const char* text, int len); // -=- Coordinate conversions inline Point bufferToClient(const Point& p) { Point pos = p; if (client_size.width() > buffer->width()) pos.x += (client_size.width() - buffer->width()) / 2; else if (client_size.width() < buffer->width()) pos.x -= scrolloffset.x; if (client_size.height() > buffer->height()) pos.y += (client_size.height() - buffer->height()) / 2; else if (client_size.height() < buffer->height()) pos.y -= scrolloffset.y; return pos; } inline Rect bufferToClient(const Rect& r) { return Rect(bufferToClient(r.tl), bufferToClient(r.br)); } inline Point clientToBuffer(const Point& p) { Point pos = p; if (client_size.width() > buffer->width()) pos.x -= (client_size.width() - buffer->width()) / 2; else if (client_size.width() < buffer->width()) pos.x += scrolloffset.x; if (client_size.height() > buffer->height()) pos.y -= (client_size.height() - buffer->height()) / 2; else if (client_size.height() < buffer->height()) pos.y += scrolloffset.y; return pos; } inline Rect clientToBuffer(const Rect& r) { return Rect(clientToBuffer(r.tl), clientToBuffer(r.br)); } void setFullscreen(bool fs); bool setViewportOffset(const Point& tl); bool processBumpScroll(const Point& cursorPos); void setBumpScroll(bool on); int lastUsedEncoding() const { return lastUsedEncoding_; } // -=- CConnection interface overrides virtual CSecurity* getCSecurity(int secType); virtual void setColourMapEntries(int firstColour, int nColours, rdr::U16* rgbs); virtual void bell(); virtual void framebufferUpdateEnd(); virtual void setDesktopSize(int w, int h); virtual void setCursor(const Point& hotspot, const Point& size, void* data, void* mask); virtual void setName(const char* name); virtual void serverInit(); virtual void serverCutText(const char* str, int len); virtual void beginRect(const Rect& r, unsigned int encoding); virtual void endRect(const Rect& r, unsigned int encoding); virtual void fillRect(const Rect& r, Pixel pix); virtual void imageRect(const Rect& r, void* pixels); virtual void copyRect(const Rect& r, int srcX, int srcY); void invertRect(const Rect& r); // VNCviewer dialog objects OptionsDialog optionsDialog; friend class InfoDialog; InfoDialog infoDialog; // UserPasswdGetter overrides, used to support a pre-supplied VNC password virtual bool getUserPasswd(char** user, char** password); // Global user-config registry key static RegKey userConfigKey; bool processFTMsg(int type); protected: // Locally-rendered VNC cursor void hideLocalCursor(); void showLocalCursor(); void renderLocalCursor(); // The system-rendered cursor void hideSystemCursor(); void showSystemCursor(); // Grab AltTab? void setAltTabGrab(bool grab); // cursorOutsideBuffer() is called whenever we detect that the mouse has // moved outside the desktop. It restores the system arrow cursor. void cursorOutsideBuffer(); // Returns true if part of the supplied rect is visible, false otherwise bool invalidateBufferRect(const Rect& crect); // Auto-encoding selector void autoSelectFormatAndEncoding(); // Request an update with appropriate setPixelFormat and setEncodings calls void requestNewUpdate(); // Update the window palette if the display is palette-based. // Colours are pulled from the DIBSectionBuffer's ColourMap. // Only the specified range of indexes is dealt with. // After the update, the entire window is redrawn. void refreshWindowPalette(int start, int count); // Determine whether or not we need to enable/disable scrollbars and set the // window style accordingly void calculateScrollBars(); // Recalculate the most suitable full-colour pixel format void calculateFullColourPF(); // Enable/disable/check/uncheck the F8 menu items as appropriate. void updateF8Menu(bool hideSystemCommands); // VNCviewer options CViewOptions options; // Input handling void writeKeyEvent(rdr::U8 vkey, rdr::U32 flags, bool down); void writePointerEvent(int x, int y, int buttonMask); rfb::win32::CKeyboard kbd; rfb::win32::CPointer ptr; Point oldpos; // Clipboard handling rfb::win32::Clipboard clipboard; // Pixel format and encoding PixelFormat serverDefaultPF; PixelFormat fullColourPF; bool sameMachine; bool encodingChange; bool formatChange; int lastUsedEncoding_; // Networking and RFB protocol network::Socket* sock; bool readyToRead; bool requestUpdate; // Palette handling LogicalPalette windowPalette; bool palette_changed; // - Full-screen mode Rect fullScreenOldRect; DWORD fullScreenOldFlags; bool fullScreenActive; // Bump-scrolling (used in full-screen mode) bool bumpScroll; Point bumpScrollDelta; IntervalTimer bumpScrollTimer; // Cursor handling Cursor cursor; bool systemCursorVisible; // Should system-cursor be drawn? bool trackingMouseLeave; bool cursorInBuffer; // Is cursor position within server buffer? (ONLY for LocalCursor) bool cursorVisible; // Is cursor currently rendered? bool cursorAvailable; // Is cursor available for rendering? Point cursorPos; ManagedPixelBuffer cursorBacking; Rect cursorBackingRect; // ** Debugging/logging /* int update_rect_count; int update_pixel_count; Rect update_extent; */ std::list debugRects; // ToolBar handling ViewerToolBar tb; bool toolbar; // Local window state win32::DIBSectionBuffer* buffer; bool has_focus; bool quit_on_destroy; Rect window_size; Rect client_size; Point scrolloffset; Point maxscrolloffset; HWND hwnd; HWND frameHwnd; // Handle back to CViewManager instance, if any CViewManager* manager; FileTransfer m_fileTransfer; }; }; }; #endif