/* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 RealVNC Ltd. All Rights Reserved. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ #include #include #include #include using namespace rfb; using namespace win32; static LogWriter vlog("DIBSectionBuffer"); DIBSectionBuffer::DIBSectionBuffer(HWND window_) : bitmap(0), device(0), window(window_) { memset(&format, 0, sizeof(format)); memset(palette, 0, sizeof(palette)); } DIBSectionBuffer::DIBSectionBuffer(HDC device_) : bitmap(0), window(0), device(device_) { memset(&format, 0, sizeof(format)); memset(palette, 0, sizeof(palette)); } DIBSectionBuffer::~DIBSectionBuffer() { if (bitmap) DeleteObject(bitmap); } void DIBSectionBuffer::setPF(const PixelFormat& pf) { if (memcmp(&getPF(), &pf, sizeof(pf)) == 0) { vlog.debug("pixel format unchanged by setPF()"); return; } format = pf; recreateBuffer(); if ((pf.bpp <= 8) && pf.trueColour) { vlog.info("creating %d-bit TrueColour palette", pf.depth); for (int i=0; i < (1<<(pf.depth)); i++) { palette[i].b = ((((i >> pf.blueShift) & pf.blueMax) * 65535) + pf.blueMax/2) / pf.blueMax; palette[i].g = ((((i >> pf.greenShift) & pf.greenMax) * 65535) + pf.greenMax/2) / pf.greenMax; palette[i].r = ((((i >> pf.redShift) & pf.redMax) * 65535) + pf.redMax/2) / pf.redMax; } refreshPalette(); } } void DIBSectionBuffer::setSize(int w, int h) { if (width_ == w && height_ == h) { vlog.debug("size unchanged by setSize()"); return; } width_ = w; height_ = h; recreateBuffer(); } // * copyPaletteToDIB MUST NEVER be called on a truecolour DIB! * void copyPaletteToDIB(Colour palette[256], HDC wndDC, HBITMAP dib) { BitmapDC dibDC(wndDC, dib); RGBQUAD rgb[256]; for (unsigned int i=0;i<256;i++) { rgb[i].rgbRed = palette[i].r >> 8; rgb[i].rgbGreen = palette[i].g >> 8; rgb[i].rgbBlue = palette[i].b >> 8; } if (!SetDIBColorTable(dibDC, 0, 256, (RGBQUAD*) rgb)) throw rdr::SystemException("unable to SetDIBColorTable", GetLastError()); } inline void initMaxAndShift(DWORD mask, int* max, int* shift) { for ((*shift) = 0; (mask & 1) == 0; (*shift)++) mask >>= 1; (*max) = (rdr::U16)mask; } void DIBSectionBuffer::recreateBuffer() { HBITMAP new_bitmap = 0; rdr::U8* new_data = 0; if (width_ && height_ && (format.depth != 0)) { BitmapInfo bi; memset(&bi, 0, sizeof(bi)); // *** wrong? UINT iUsage = format.trueColour ? DIB_RGB_COLORS : DIB_PAL_COLORS; // *** bi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = format.bpp; bi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = (format.bpp / 8) * width_ * height_; bi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bi.bmiHeader.biWidth = width_; bi.bmiHeader.biHeight = -height_; bi.bmiHeader.biCompression = (format.bpp > 8) ? BI_BITFIELDS : BI_RGB; bi.mask.red = format.redMax << format.redShift; bi.mask.green = format.greenMax << format.greenShift; bi.mask.blue = format.blueMax << format.blueShift; // Create a DIBSection to draw into if (device) new_bitmap = ::CreateDIBSection(device, (BITMAPINFO*)&bi.bmiHeader, iUsage, (void**)&new_data, NULL, 0); else new_bitmap = ::CreateDIBSection(WindowDC(window), (BITMAPINFO*)&bi.bmiHeader, iUsage, (void**)&new_data, NULL, 0); if (!new_bitmap) { int err = GetLastError(); throw rdr::SystemException("unable to create DIB section", err); } vlog.debug("recreateBuffer()"); } else { vlog.debug("one of area or format not set"); } if (new_bitmap && bitmap) { vlog.debug("preserving bitmap contents"); // Copy the contents across if (device) { if (format.bpp <= 8) copyPaletteToDIB(palette, device, new_bitmap); BitmapDC src_dev(device, bitmap); BitmapDC dest_dev(device, new_bitmap); BitBlt(dest_dev, 0, 0, width_, height_, src_dev, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); } else { WindowDC wndDC(window); if (format.bpp <= 8) copyPaletteToDIB(palette, wndDC, new_bitmap); BitmapDC src_dev(wndDC, bitmap); BitmapDC dest_dev(wndDC, new_bitmap); BitBlt(dest_dev, 0, 0, width_, height_, src_dev, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); } } if (bitmap) { // Delete the old bitmap DeleteObject(bitmap); bitmap = 0; data = 0; } if (new_bitmap) { // Set up the new bitmap bitmap = new_bitmap; data = new_data; // Determine the *actual* DIBSection format DIBSECTION ds; if (!GetObject(bitmap, sizeof(ds), &ds)) throw rdr::SystemException("GetObject", GetLastError()); // Correct the "stride" of the DIB // *** This code DWORD aligns each row - is that right??? stride = width_; int bytesPerRow = stride * format.bpp/8; if (bytesPerRow % 4) { bytesPerRow += 4 - (bytesPerRow % 4); stride = (bytesPerRow * 8) / format.bpp; vlog.info("adjusting DIB stride: %d to %d", width_, stride); } // Calculate the PixelFormat for the DIB format.bigEndian = 0; format.bpp = format.depth = ds.dsBm.bmBitsPixel; format.trueColour = format.trueColour || format.bpp > 8; if (format.bpp > 8) { // Get the truecolour format used by the DIBSection initMaxAndShift(ds.dsBitfields[0], &format.redMax, &format.redShift); initMaxAndShift(ds.dsBitfields[1], &format.greenMax, &format.greenShift); initMaxAndShift(ds.dsBitfields[2], &format.blueMax, &format.blueShift); // Calculate the effective depth format.depth = 0; Pixel bits = ds.dsBitfields[0] | ds.dsBitfields[1] | ds.dsBitfields[2]; while (bits) { format.depth++; bits = bits >> 1; } if (format.depth > format.bpp) throw Exception("Bad DIBSection format (depth exceeds bpp)"); } else { // Set the DIBSection's palette refreshPalette(); } } } void DIBSectionBuffer::refreshPalette() { if (format.bpp > 8) { vlog.error("refresh palette called for truecolor DIB"); return; } vlog.debug("refreshing palette"); if (device) copyPaletteToDIB(palette, device, bitmap); else copyPaletteToDIB(palette, WindowDC(window), bitmap); }