/* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 RealVNC Ltd. All Rights Reserved. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace rfb; using namespace rfb::win32; static StringParameter passwordFile("PasswordFile", "Password file for VNC authentication", ""); // - Settings stored in the registry & in .vnc files, by Save Defaults and // Save Configuration respectively. static BoolParameter useLocalCursor("UseLocalCursor", "Render the mouse cursor locally", true); static BoolParameter useDesktopResize("UseDesktopResize", "Support dynamic desktop resizing", true); static BoolParameter fullColour("FullColor", "Use full color", true); static AliasParameter fullColourAlias("FullColour", "Alias for FullColor", &fullColour); static IntParameter lowColourLevel("LowColorLevel", "Color level to use on slow connections. " "0 = Very Low (8 colors), 1 = Low (64 colors), 2 = Medium (256 colors)", 2); static AliasParameter lowColourLevelAlias("LowColourLevel", "Alias for LowColorLevel", &lowColourLevel); static BoolParameter fullScreen("FullScreen", "Use the whole display to show the remote desktop." "(Press F8 to access the viewer menu)", false); static StringParameter preferredEncoding("PreferredEncoding", "Preferred encoding to use (Tight, ZRLE, Hextile or" " Raw)", "Tight"); static BoolParameter autoSelect("AutoSelect", "Auto select pixel format and encoding. " "Default if PreferredEncoding and FullColor are not specified.", true); static BoolParameter sharedConnection("Shared", "Allow existing connections to the server to continue." "(Default is to disconnect all other clients)", false); static BoolParameter sendPtrEvents("SendPointerEvents", "Send pointer (mouse) events to the server.", true); static BoolParameter sendKeyEvents("SendKeyEvents", "Send key presses (and releases) to the server.", true); static BoolParameter clientCutText("ClientCutText", "Send clipboard changes to the server.", true); static BoolParameter serverCutText("ServerCutText", "Accept clipboard changes from the server.", true); static BoolParameter disableWinKeys("DisableWinKeys", "Pass special Windows keys directly to the server.", true); static BoolParameter protocol3_3("Protocol3.3", "Only use protocol version 3.3", false); static IntParameter ptrEventInterval("PointerEventInterval", "The interval to delay between sending one pointer event " "and the next.", 0); static BoolParameter emulate3("Emulate3", "Emulate middle mouse button when left and right buttons " "are used simulatenously.", false); static BoolParameter acceptBell("AcceptBell", "Produce a system beep when requested to by the server.", true); static BoolParameter showToolbar("ShowToolbar", "Show toolbar by default.", true); static StringParameter monitor("Monitor", "The monitor to open the VNC Viewer window on, if available.", ""); static StringParameter menuKey("MenuKey", "The key which brings up the popup menu", "F8"); static BoolParameter autoReconnect("AutoReconnect", "Offer to reconnect to the remote server if the connection" "is dropped because an error occurs.", true); static BoolParameter customCompressLevel("CustomCompressLevel", "Use custom compression level. " "Default if CompressLevel is specified.", false); static IntParameter compressLevel("CompressLevel", "Use specified compression level" "0 = Low, 9 = High", 6); static BoolParameter noJpeg("NoJPEG", "Disable lossy JPEG compression in Tight encoding.", false); static IntParameter qualityLevel("QualityLevel", "JPEG quality level. " "0 = Low, 9 = High", 6); static BoolParameter autoScaling("AutoScaling", "Auto rescale local copy of the remote desktop to the client window.", false); static IntParameter scale("Scale", "Scale local copy of the remote desktop, in percent", 100); CConnOptions::CConnOptions() : useLocalCursor(::useLocalCursor), useDesktopResize(::useDesktopResize), autoSelect(::autoSelect), fullColour(::fullColour), fullScreen(::fullScreen), shared(::sharedConnection), sendPtrEvents(::sendPtrEvents), sendKeyEvents(::sendKeyEvents), preferredEncoding(encodingZRLE), clientCutText(::clientCutText), serverCutText(::serverCutText), disableWinKeys(::disableWinKeys), protocol3_3(::protocol3_3), acceptBell(::acceptBell), lowColourLevel(::lowColourLevel), pointerEventInterval(ptrEventInterval), emulate3(::emulate3), monitor(::monitor.getData()), showToolbar(::showToolbar), customCompressLevel(::customCompressLevel), compressLevel(::compressLevel), noJpeg(::noJpeg), qualityLevel(::qualityLevel), passwordFile(::passwordFile.getData()), autoReconnect(::autoReconnect), autoScaling(::autoScaling), scale(::scale) { if (autoSelect) { preferredEncoding = encodingZRLE; } else { CharArray encodingName(::preferredEncoding.getData()); preferredEncoding = encodingNum(encodingName.buf); } setMenuKey(CharArray(::menuKey.getData()).buf); if (!::autoSelect.hasBeenSet()) { // Default to AutoSelect=0 if -PreferredEncoding or -FullColor is used autoSelect = (!::preferredEncoding.hasBeenSet() && !::fullColour.hasBeenSet() && !::fullColourAlias.hasBeenSet()); } if (!::customCompressLevel.hasBeenSet()) { // Default to CustomCompressLevel=1 if CompressLevel is used. customCompressLevel = ::compressLevel.hasBeenSet(); } } void CConnOptions::readFromFile(const char* filename) { FILE* f = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!f) throw rdr::Exception("Failed to read configuration file"); try { char line[4096]; CharArray section; CharArray hostTmp; int portTmp = 0; while (!feof(f)) { // Read the next line if (!fgets(line, sizeof(line), f)) { if (feof(f)) break; throw rdr::SystemException("fgets", ferror(f)); } int len=strlen(line); if (line[len-1] == '\n') { line[len-1] = 0; len--; } // Process the line if (line[0] == ';') { // Comment } else if (line[0] == '[') { // Entering a new section if (!strSplit(&line[1], ']', §ion.buf, 0)) throw rdr::Exception("bad Section"); } else { // Reading an option CharArray name; CharArray value; if (!strSplit(line, '=', &name.buf, &value.buf)) throw rdr::Exception("bad Name/Value pair"); if (stricmp(section.buf, "Connection") == 0) { if (stricmp(name.buf, "Host") == 0) { hostTmp.replaceBuf(value.takeBuf()); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "Port") == 0) { portTmp = atoi(value.buf); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "UserName") == 0) { userName.replaceBuf(value.takeBuf()); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "Password") == 0) { ObfuscatedPasswd obfPwd; rdr::HexInStream::hexStrToBin(value.buf, (char**)&obfPwd.buf, &obfPwd.length); PlainPasswd passwd(obfPwd); password.replaceBuf(passwd.takeBuf()); } } else if (stricmp(section.buf, "Options") == 0) { // V4 options if (stricmp(name.buf, "UseLocalCursor") == 0) { useLocalCursor = atoi(value.buf); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "UseDesktopResize") == 0) { useDesktopResize = atoi(value.buf); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "FullScreen") == 0) { fullScreen = atoi(value.buf); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "FullColour") == 0) { fullColour = atoi(value.buf); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "LowColourLevel") == 0) { lowColourLevel = atoi(value.buf); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "PreferredEncoding") == 0) { preferredEncoding = encodingNum(value.buf); } else if ((stricmp(name.buf, "AutoDetect") == 0) || (stricmp(name.buf, "AutoSelect") == 0)) { autoSelect = atoi(value.buf); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "Shared") == 0) { shared = atoi(value.buf); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "SendPtrEvents") == 0) { sendPtrEvents = atoi(value.buf); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "SendKeyEvents") == 0) { sendKeyEvents = atoi(value.buf); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "SendCutText") == 0) { clientCutText = atoi(value.buf); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "AcceptCutText") == 0) { serverCutText = atoi(value.buf); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "DisableWinKeys") == 0) { disableWinKeys = atoi(value.buf); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "AcceptBell") == 0) { acceptBell = atoi(value.buf); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "Emulate3") == 0) { emulate3 = atoi(value.buf); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "ShowToolbar") == 0) { showToolbar = atoi(value.buf); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "PointerEventInterval") == 0) { pointerEventInterval = atoi(value.buf); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "Monitor") == 0) { monitor.replaceBuf(value.takeBuf()); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "MenuKey") == 0) { setMenuKey(value.buf); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "AutoReconnect") == 0) { autoReconnect = atoi(value.buf); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "CustomCompressLevel") == 0) { customCompressLevel = atoi(value.buf); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "CompressLevel") == 0) { compressLevel = atoi(value.buf); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "NoJPEG") == 0) { noJpeg = atoi(value.buf); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "QualityLevel") == 0) { qualityLevel = atoi(value.buf); // Legacy options } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "Preferred_Encoding") == 0) { preferredEncoding = atoi(value.buf); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "8bit") == 0) { fullColour = !atoi(value.buf); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "FullScreen") == 0) { fullScreen = atoi(value.buf); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "ViewOnly") == 0) { sendPtrEvents = sendKeyEvents = !atoi(value.buf); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "DisableClipboard") == 0) { clientCutText = serverCutText = !atoi(value.buf); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "AutoScaling") == 0) { autoScaling = atoi(value.buf); } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "Scale") == 0) { scale = atoi(value.buf); } } } } fclose(f); f=0; // Process the Host and Port if (hostTmp.buf) { int hostLen = strlen(hostTmp.buf) + 2 + 17; host.replaceBuf(new char[hostLen]); strCopy(host.buf, hostTmp.buf, hostLen); if (portTmp) { strncat(host.buf, "::", hostLen-1); char tmp[16]; sprintf(tmp, "%d", portTmp); strncat(host.buf, tmp, hostLen-1); } } // If AutoSelect is enabled then override the preferred encoding if (autoSelect) preferredEncoding = encodingZRLE; setConfigFileName(filename); } catch (rdr::Exception&) { if (f) fclose(f); throw; } } void CConnOptions::writeToFile(const char* filename) { FILE* f = fopen(filename, "w"); if (!f) throw rdr::Exception("Failed to write configuration file"); try { // - Split server into host and port and save fprintf(f, "[Connection]\n"); fprintf(f, "Host=%s\n", host.buf); if (userName.buf) fprintf(f, "UserName=%s\n", userName.buf); if (password.buf) { // - Warn the user before saving the password if (MsgBox(0, _T("Do you want to include the VNC Password in this configuration file?\n") _T("Storing the password is more convenient but poses a security risk."), MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2 | MB_ICONWARNING) == IDYES) { ObfuscatedPasswd obfPwd(password); CharArray obfuscatedHex = rdr::HexOutStream::binToHexStr(obfPwd.buf, obfPwd.length); fprintf(f, "Password=%s\n", obfuscatedHex.buf); } } // - Save the other options fprintf(f, "[Options]\n"); fprintf(f, "UseLocalCursor=%d\n", (int)useLocalCursor); fprintf(f, "UseDesktopResize=%d\n", (int)useDesktopResize); fprintf(f, "FullScreen=%d\n", (int)fullScreen); fprintf(f, "FullColour=%d\n", (int)fullColour); fprintf(f, "LowColourLevel=%d\n", lowColourLevel); fprintf(f, "PreferredEncoding=%s\n", encodingName(preferredEncoding)); fprintf(f, "AutoSelect=%d\n", (int)autoSelect); fprintf(f, "Shared=%d\n", (int)shared); fprintf(f, "SendPtrEvents=%d\n", (int)sendPtrEvents); fprintf(f, "SendKeyEvents=%d\n", (int)sendKeyEvents); fprintf(f, "SendCutText=%d\n", (int)clientCutText); fprintf(f, "AcceptCutText=%d\n", (int)serverCutText); fprintf(f, "DisableWinKeys=%d\n", (int)disableWinKeys); fprintf(f, "AcceptBell=%d\n", (int)acceptBell); fprintf(f, "Emulate3=%d\n", (int)emulate3); fprintf(f, "ShowToolbar=%d\n", (int)showToolbar); fprintf(f, "PointerEventInterval=%d\n", pointerEventInterval); if (monitor.buf) fprintf(f, "Monitor=%s\n", monitor.buf); fprintf(f, "MenuKey=%s\n", CharArray(menuKeyName()).buf); fprintf(f, "AutoReconnect=%d\n", (int)autoReconnect); fprintf(f, "CustomCompressLevel=%d\n", customCompressLevel); fprintf(f, "CompressLevel=%d\n", compressLevel); fprintf(f, "NoJPEG=%d\n", noJpeg); fprintf(f, "QualityLevel=%d\n", qualityLevel); fprintf(f, "AutoScaling=%d\n", (int)autoScaling); fprintf(f, "Scale=%d\n", scale); fclose(f); f=0; setConfigFileName(filename); } catch (rdr::Exception&) { if (f) fclose(f); throw; } } void CConnOptions::writeDefaults() { RegKey key; key.createKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, _T("Software\\TightVNC\\VNCviewer4")); key.setBool(_T("UseLocalCursor"), useLocalCursor); key.setBool(_T("UseDesktopResize"), useDesktopResize); key.setBool(_T("FullScreen"), fullScreen); key.setBool(_T("FullColour"), fullColour); key.setInt(_T("LowColourLevel"), lowColourLevel); key.setString(_T("PreferredEncoding"), TStr(encodingName(preferredEncoding))); key.setBool(_T("AutoSelect"), autoSelect); key.setBool(_T("Shared"), shared); key.setBool(_T("SendPointerEvents"), sendPtrEvents); key.setBool(_T("SendKeyEvents"), sendKeyEvents); key.setBool(_T("ClientCutText"), clientCutText); key.setBool(_T("ServerCutText"), serverCutText); key.setBool(_T("DisableWinKeys"), disableWinKeys); key.setBool(_T("Protocol3.3"), protocol3_3); key.setBool(_T("AcceptBell"), acceptBell); key.setBool(_T("ShowToolbar"), showToolbar); key.setBool(_T("Emulate3"), emulate3); key.setInt(_T("PointerEventInterval"), pointerEventInterval); if (monitor.buf) key.setString(_T("Monitor"), TStr(monitor.buf)); key.setString(_T("MenuKey"), TCharArray(menuKeyName()).buf); key.setBool(_T("AutoReconnect"), autoReconnect); key.setInt(_T("CustomCompressLevel"), customCompressLevel); key.setInt(_T("CompressLevel"), compressLevel); key.setInt(_T("NoJPEG"), noJpeg); key.setInt(_T("QualityLevel"), qualityLevel); key.setBool(_T("AutoScaling"), autoScaling); key.setInt(_T("Scale"), scale); } void CConnOptions::setUserName(const char* user) {userName.replaceBuf(strDup(user));} void CConnOptions::setPassword(const char* pwd) {password.replaceBuf(strDup(pwd));} void CConnOptions::setConfigFileName(const char* cfn) {configFileName.replaceBuf(strDup(cfn));} void CConnOptions::setHost(const char* h) {host.replaceBuf(strDup(h));} void CConnOptions::setMonitor(const char* m) {monitor.replaceBuf(strDup(m));} void CConnOptions::setMenuKey(const char* keyName) { if (!keyName[0]) { menuKey = 0; } else { menuKey = VK_F8; if (keyName[0] == 'F') { UINT fKey = atoi(&keyName[1]); if (fKey >= 1 && fKey <= 12) menuKey = fKey-1 + VK_F1; } } } char* CConnOptions::menuKeyName() { int fNum = (menuKey-VK_F1)+1; if (fNum<1 || fNum>12) return strDup(""); CharArray menuKeyStr(4); sprintf(menuKeyStr.buf, "F%d", fNum); return menuKeyStr.takeBuf(); } CConnOptions& CConnOptions::operator=(const CConnOptions& o) { useLocalCursor = o.useLocalCursor; useDesktopResize = o.useDesktopResize; fullScreen = o.fullScreen; fullColour = o.fullColour; lowColourLevel = o.lowColourLevel; preferredEncoding = o.preferredEncoding; autoSelect = o.autoSelect; shared = o.shared; sendPtrEvents = o.sendPtrEvents; sendKeyEvents = o.sendKeyEvents; clientCutText = o.clientCutText; serverCutText = o.serverCutText; disableWinKeys = o.disableWinKeys; emulate3 = o.emulate3; pointerEventInterval = o.pointerEventInterval; protocol3_3 = o.protocol3_3; acceptBell = o.acceptBell; showToolbar = o.showToolbar; setUserName(o.userName.buf); setPassword(o.password.buf); setConfigFileName(o.configFileName.buf); setHost(o.host.buf); setMonitor(o.monitor.buf); menuKey = o.menuKey; autoReconnect = o.autoReconnect; customCompressLevel = o.customCompressLevel; compressLevel = o.compressLevel; noJpeg = o.noJpeg; qualityLevel = o.qualityLevel; autoScaling = o.autoScaling; scale = o.scale; return *this; }