path: root/tasks/cdn.js
diff options
authorManolo Carrasco <>2017-10-30 09:53:15 +0100
committerArtur <>2017-10-30 11:12:42 +0200
commitece085b3c5109ce784ea66c7a0937d62afc27fe6 (patch)
treebe708822917b6cab340a73add11fe9908b0c225e /tasks/cdn.js
parent67215b5f4eb16a3bf45038092b9891c13921aa79 (diff)
Remove gulp tasks
Diffstat (limited to 'tasks/cdn.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 150 deletions
diff --git a/tasks/cdn.js b/tasks/cdn.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 237a6a2..0000000
--- a/tasks/cdn.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-var bower = require('gulp-bower');
-var config = require('./config');
-var common = require('./common');
-var gulp = require('gulp');
-var fs = require('fs-extra');
-var path = require('path');
-var modify = require('gulp-modify');
-var rsync = require('gulp-rsync');
-var gutil = require('gulp-util');
-var args = require('yargs').argv;
-var git = require('gulp-git');
-var stagingBasePath = config.paths.staging.cdn;
-var version = config.version;
-var host = config.toolsHost;
-var permalink = config.permalink;
-var stagingPath = path.join(process.cwd(), stagingBasePath, version);
-gulp.task('clean:cdn', function() {
- fs.removeSync(stagingBasePath);
-gulp.task('cdn:stage-bower.json', ['clean:cdn'], function() {
- // Load the bower.json, assign overrides and write back to disk.
- var bowerJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./bower.json', 'utf-8'));
- if (version === 'master') {
- gutil.log('Applying overrides to ' + stagingPath + '/bower.json');
- // Assign the override properties.
- Object.keys(bowerJson.masterOverrides).forEach(function(override) {
- bowerJson[override] = bowerJson.masterOverrides[override];
- });
- delete bowerJson.masterOverrides;
- }
- fs.mkdirsSync(stagingBasePath);
- fs.mkdirsSync(stagingPath);
- fs.writeFileSync(stagingPath + '/bower.json', JSON.stringify(bowerJson, null, ' '));
-gulp.task('cdn:stage-bower_components', ['cdn:stage-bower.json'], function() {
- return bower({
- directory: '.',
- cwd: stagingPath,
- forceLatest: true,
- cmd: 'install'
- });
-gulp.task('cdn:stage-vaadin-core-elements', function() {
- return gulp.src(['LICENSE.html', '', 'index.html', 'vaadin-core-elements.html', 'demo/*', 'apidoc/*'], {
- base: "."
- })
- .pipe(modify({
- fileModifier: function(file, contents) {
- if (/ {
- contents = contents.replace(/\/latest\//mg, '/' + version + '/');
- } else {
- contents.replace('', '../../');
- }
- return contents;
- }
- }))
- .pipe(gulp.dest(stagingPath + '/vaadin-core-elements'));
-gulp.task('stage:cdn', ['clean:cdn', 'cdn:stage-bower_components', 'cdn:stage-vaadin-core-elements']);
-gulp.task('upload:cdn', ['stage:cdn'], function() {
- common.checkArguments(['cdnUsername', 'cdnDestination']);
- gutil.log('Uploading to cdn (rsync): ' + stagingPath + ' -> ' + args.cdnUsername + '@' + host + ':' + args.cdnDestination + version);
- return gulp.src(stagingPath)
- .pipe(rsync({
- username: args.cdnUsername,
- hostname: host,
- root: stagingPath,
- emptyDirectories: false,
- recursive: true,
- clean: true,
- silent: true,
- destination: args.cdnDestination + version
- }));
-gulp.task('deploy:cdn', ['upload:cdn'], function(done) {
- if (permalink) {
- var cmd = 'rm -f ' + args.cdnDestination + permalink + '; ln -s ' + version + ' ' + args.cdnDestination + permalink + '; ls -l ' + args.cdnDestination;
- gutil.log('Deploying CDN : ssh ' + args.cdnUsername + '@' + host + ' ' + cmd);
- common.ssh(args.cdnUsername, host, cmd, done);
- } else {
- done();
- }
-/* Above are the old tasks to publish the vaadin-core-elements package, below the tasks to publish a single element from a specific tag/branch. Sorry about the poor naming :-) */
-gulp.task('cdn:arguments', function(done) {
- common.checkArguments(['element', 'tag']);
- args.folder = args.tag.replace(/^v/g, '');
- stagingPath = path.join(process.cwd(), stagingBasePath, args.element, args.folder);
- done();
-gulp.task('cdn:clone', ['clean:cdn', 'cdn:arguments'], function(done) {
- git.clone('' + args.element, {args: '-b ' + args.tag + ' ./target/cdn/' + args.element + '/' + args.folder }, function (err) {
- if (err) throw err;
- done();
- });
-gulp.task('cdn:install', ['cdn:arguments', 'cdn:clone'], function() {
- return bower({
- cwd: stagingPath,
- forceLatest: true,
- cmd: 'install'
- });
-gulp.task('cdn:stage', ['cdn:arguments', 'cdn:install'], function() {
- return gulp.src([stagingPath + '/**/*.html', '!**/bower_components/**'])
- .pipe(modify({
- fileModifier: function(file, contents) {
- // magic regex trying to change import paths from:
- // ../foo/foo.html to bower_components/foo/foo.html
- // ../../foo/foo.html to ../bower_components/foo/foo.html
- // ../my-element.html stays as it is.
- contents = contents.replace(new RegExp(/([href|src].+)((\.\.\/)((?!bower_components|\.\.).+\/.+))/g), '$1bower_components/$4');
- return contents;
- }
- }))
- .pipe(gulp.dest(stagingPath));
-gulp.task('cdn:upload', ['cdn:stage'], function() {
- common.checkArguments(['cdnUsername', 'cdnDestination']);
- var destination = path.join(args.cdnDestination, args.element, args.folder);
- gutil.log('Uploading to cdn (rsync): ' + stagingPath + ' -> ' + args.cdnUsername + '@' + host + ':' + destination);
- return gulp.src(stagingPath)
- .pipe(rsync({
- username: args.cdnUsername,
- hostname: host,
- root: stagingPath,
- emptyDirectories: false,
- recursive: true,
- clean: true,
- silent: true,
- destination: destination
- }));