path: root/docs/integrations/integrations-react.adoc
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-title: React Integration
-order: 1
-layout: page
-# React Integration
-The link:https://facebook.github.io/react/[React] library from Facebook easily integrates with web components.
-As long as you import required polyfills and add HTML imports for the elements you are using, you can simply start adding these custom elements to your JSX markup.
-See also the link:https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/webcomponents.html[Web Components page] in React documentation.
-## Grid Example
-.React integration example using [vaadinelement]#vaadin-grid#
-The example consists of two React components: [classname]#UserApp# and [classname]#UserGrid#.
-The [classname]#UserGrid# component wraps the [vaadinelement]#vaadin-grid# element and does all necessary initialization to display a list of random users.
-As React does not support link:https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/jsx-gotchas.html#custom-html-attributes[custom attributes] on standard elements, [vaadinelement]#vaadin-grid# DOM API cannot be fully utilized in the initialization.
-Fortunately, [vaadinelement]#vaadin-grid# also provides corresponding JavaScript APIs.
-Selecting an item in the [classname]#UserGrid# is handled by the [classname]#UserApp# component.
-The selection is handled by displaying the photo of the selected user below the [vaadinelement]#vaadin-grid#.
-The code below can be run and forked as a JSFiddle at https://jsfiddle.net/pw1nLaL8/2/.
-[source, javascript]
-// Create the UserGrid class
-var UserGrid = React.createClass({
- render: function(){
- return (
- '<vaadin-grid></vaadin-grid>';
- )
- },
- componentDidMount: function() {
- var _this = this;
- var vGrid = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this);
- // Let the mounted <vaadin-grid> upgrade
- (function wait() {
- if (vGrid.selection) {
- // Assign the data source
- vGrid.items = _this.items;
- vGrid.size = 1000;
- // Bind selection listener
- vGrid.addEventListener("selected-items-changed", _this.onRowSelect);
- var pictureRenderer = function(cell) {
- cell.element.innerHTML = "<img style='width: 30px' src='" + cell.data + "'></img>";
- };
- // Define columns
- vGrid.columns = [
- {name: "user.picture.thumbnail", width: 100, renderer: pictureRenderer},
- {name: "user.name.first"},
- {name: "user.name.last"},
- {name: "user.email"},
- ];
- } else {
- setTimeout(wait, 50);
- }
- })();
- },
- items: function(params, callback) {
- var url = 'https://randomuser.me/api?index=' + params.index + '&results=' + params.count;
- getJSON(url, function(data) {
- callback(data.results);
- });
- },
- onRowSelect: function(e) {
- var onUserSelect = this.props.onUserSelect;
- var index = e.target.selection.selected()[0];
- e.target.getItem(index, function(err, data) {
- onUserSelect(err ? undefined : data.user);
- });
- }
-var UserApp = React.createClass({
- render: function() {
- var userImage;
- if (this.state.selected) {
- userImage = <img className="user-image" src={this.state.selected.picture.large} ></img>;
- }
- return (
- <div>
- <UserGrid onUserSelect={this.userSelect}></UserGrid>
- {userImage}
- </div>
- );
- },
- getInitialState: function() {
- return {};
- },
- userSelect: function(user) {
- this.setState({selected: user});
- }
- ReactDOM.render('<UserApp></UserApp>', document.getElementById('container'));