# Vaadin Components Vaadin Components is an evolving set of custom HTML elements, built using [Polymer](https://www.polymer-project.org), for building mobile and desktop web applications in modern browsers. For contributions and issues, see the project‘s [Github repository](https://github.com/vaadin/components). ### Examples & API Docs View live examples and source code side-by-side for individual custom elements. - [<**v-grid**>](http://vaadin.github.io/components-examples/v-grid/) – Data grid for showing large amounts of tabular data ([API](http://vaadin.github.io/components-apidoc/#v-grid)) ### Quickstart Get a quick test-drive of the custom elements by forking one of the following JSFiddles: - <**v-grid**> - [Data generated on-the-fly](http://jsfiddle.net/jounik/tvk1235r/) - [JSON data from a URL](http://jsfiddle.net/jounik/tLour4gv/) ### Installation We offer three ways to use Vaadin Components in your project: Bower, CDN and ZIP archive. The only difference between the options is the URL you use to import the necessary files into your HTML page. #### 1. Create a new folder for your project ```shell $ mkdir my-project $ cd my-project ``` #### 2. Install Vaadin Components - ##### Bower We recommend using [Bower](http://bower.io) for managing your front-end dependencies. Follow the [Bower installation instructions](http://bower.io/#install-bower), the run the following command inside your project folder: ```shell $ bower install --save vaadin-components ``` This will download Vaadin Components and its dependencies to the `bower_components` folder inside your project‘s folder. - ##### CDN You can use Vaadin Components from CDN (see example below). This is especially convenient for services like JSFiddle, Codepen.io, etc. - ##### Download ZIP 1. Download the latest ZIP archive from [vaadin.com/download](https://vaadin.com/download#components) 2. Extract the archive under your project folder, for example `deps` #### 3. Create a HTML file Create a new HTML file inside your project folder and copy the following code into it (choose one of the options how to import Vaadin Components in the `` section): > **Note on serving the files during development**, when using Bower or the ZIP archive: > Due to browser security restrictions, serving HTML imports from a `file:///` URL does not work. You need a web server to view pages where you use custom elements. One simple option is to use the [`serve`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/serve) NPM package. ```html