This example demonstrates integrating vaadin-core-elements
with an Angular 2 app.
Notice that currently we can't declare light DOM content for a Web Component inside the component
template so in case of vaadin-grid
we're required to configure the columns
trough the JS APIs instead of using the light dom table
Click a row to see an enlarged user image or change the value of the select in
header to filter the results by gender.
Note: IE isn't currently supported.
// code
// Component file: angular-grid.ts
import {Component} from 'angular2/core';
selector: 'angular-grid',
templateUrl: 'angular-grid.html'
export class AngularGrid {
selected: Object;
grid = document.querySelector('angular-grid vaadin-grid');
columns = [
{name: "user.picture.thumbnail", width: 100, renderer: this.pictureRenderer},
{name: "user.gender"},
{name: ""},
{name: ""},
{name: ""},
constructor() {
// Once grid is ready, add a new header row with the gender select in it
this.grid.then(() =>
this.grid.header.addRow(1, ['', document.querySelector('angular-grid select')])
pictureRenderer(cell) {
cell.element.innerHTML = '
items(params, callback) {
var gender = document.querySelector('angular-grid select');
var url = ''
+ gender.value + '&results=' + params.count;
getJSON(url, data =>
callback(data ? data.results : [], gender.value ? 50 : 100)
onSelect() {
this.selected = undefined;
const selectedIndex = this.grid.selection.selected()[0];
this.grid.getItem(selectedIndex, (err, data) => this.selected = data);
onFilterChange() {
// end-code
document.querySelector('iframe').style.display = 'inline';