var bower = require('gulp-bower'); var config = require('./config'); var common = require('./common'); var gulp = require('gulp'); var fs = require('fs-extra'); var markdown = require('gulp-markdown'); var replace = require('gulp-replace'); var rsync = require('gulp-rsync'); var gutil = require('gulp-util'); var _ = require('lodash'); var args = require('yargs').argv; var git = require('gulp-git'); var addsrc = require('gulp-add-src'); var stagingBasePath = config.paths.staging.cdn; var version = config.version; var host = config.cdnHost; var permalink = config.permalink; var stagingPath = stagingBasePath + '/' + version; var testPath = process.cwd() + '/' + stagingPath + '/test'; var docPath = stagingPath + '/docsite'; gulp.task('clean:cdn', function() { fs.removeSync(stagingBasePath); }); gulp.task('cdn:stage-bower_components', function() { return bower({ directory: stagingPath, forceLatest: true, cmd: 'install' }); }); gulp.task('cdn:stage-vaadin-components', function() { return gulp.src(['LICENSE.html', 'ga.js', 'vaadin-components.html', 'demo/*', 'apidoc/*'], {base:"."}) .pipe(replace('', '../../')) .pipe(addsrc('')) .pipe(gulp.dest(stagingPath + "/vaadin-components")); }); gulp.task('stage:cdn', [ 'clean:cdn', 'cdn:stage-bower_components', 'cdn:stage-vaadin-components' ]); gulp.task('upload:cdn', ['stage:cdn'], function() { common.checkArguments(['cdnUsername', 'cdnDestination']); gutil.log('Uploading to cdn (rsync): ' + stagingPath + ' -> '+ args.cdnUsername + '@' + host + ':' + args.cdnDestination + version); return gulp.src(stagingPath) .pipe(rsync({ username: args.cdnUsername, hostname: host, root: stagingPath, emptyDirectories: false, recursive: true, clean: true, silent: true, destination: args.cdnDestination + version })); }); gulp.task('deploy:cdn', ['upload:cdn'], function(done) { if (permalink) { var cmd = 'rm -f ' + args.cdnDestination + permalink + '; ln -s ' + version + ' ' + args.cdnDestination + permalink + '; ls -l ' + args.cdnDestination; gutil.log('Deploying CDN : ssh ' + args.cdnUsername + '@' + host + ' ' + cmd); require('node-ssh-exec')({ host: host, username: args.cdnUsername, privateKey: config.paths.privateKey() }, cmd, function (error, response) { if (error) { throw error; } gutil.log(response); done(); }); } else { done(); } }); gulp.task('cdn-test:clean', function() { fs.removeSync(stagingPath + '/test'); }); gulp.task('cdn-test:install-dependencies', function() { return bower({ directory: stagingPath, cmd: 'install' }, [['web-component-tester#2.2.6']]); }); config.components.forEach(function (n) { gulp.task('cdn-test:stage:' + n, ['cdn-test:clean', 'cdn-test:install-dependencies'], function(done) { fs.mkdirsSync(testPath); return git.clone('' + n, {cwd: testPath}, function (err) { gulp.src(testPath + '/' + n + '/test/**') .pipe(replace(/(src|href)=("|')(.*?)\.\.\/\.\.\/(bower_components|node_modules)\/(.*?)\//mg, '$1=$2'+ version + '/$5/')) .pipe(replace(/(src|href)=("|')(.*?)\.\.\//mg, '$1=$2'+ version +'/' + n + '/')) .pipe(replace(/(src|href)=("|')(.*?)(web-component-tester)\//mg, '$1=$2../../web-component-tester/')) .pipe(gulp.dest(testPath + '/' + n + '/test/')); done(); }); }); }); gulp.task('cdn-test:stage',, function (n) { return 'cdn-test:stage:' + n; })); gulp.task('verify:cdn', ['cdn-test:stage'], function(done) { if(args.autoRevert) { common.checkArguments(['cdnUsername', 'cdnDestination']); } // use unique browser combination because bower,cdn,zip verifications are run // at the same time and TeamCity test results will get mixed up if same browsers are used. common.testSauce( ['target/cdn/' + version + '/test/**/index.html'], ['Windows 7/firefox@36'], 'vaadin-components / / ' + version, function(err) { common.autoRevert(err, function() { gutil.log('Deleting folder ' + args.cdnDestination + version); require('node-ssh-exec')({ host: host, username: args.cdnUsername, privateKey: config.paths.privateKey() }, 'rm -rf ' + args.cdnDestination + version, function (error, response) { if (error) { throw error; } gutil.log(response); done(err); }); }, done)}); });