Vaadin ====== *[Vaadin](https://vaadin.com) is a Java framework for building modern web applications that look great, perform well and make you and your users happy.* For instructions about _using_ Vaadin to develop applications, please refer to https://vaadin.com/learn To contribute, first refer to https://vaadin.com/wiki/-/wiki/Main/Contributing+Code for general instructions and requirements for contributing code to the Vaadin framework. Instructions on how to set up a working environment for developing the Vaadin framework follow below. Quick Setup ====== 1. git clone https://github.com/vaadin/vaadin.git 1. Install IvyDE, including Ant Tasks, if needed (http://www.apache.org/dist/ant/ivyde/updatesite) 1. Import the project into Eclipse 1. Run build/ide.xml in Eclipse For more details, see below Cloning the project repositories ====== The Vaadin repository can be cloned using
git clone https://github.com/vaadin/vaadin.git
or using your favorite Git tool. If using Windows, you might want to add these Git settings: `core.autocrlf=false` and `core.fileMode=false`. Setting up Eclipse to Develop Vaadin 7 ========= Start Eclipse ------------- Start Eclipse with the workspace you would like to use. It is usually a good idea to use the parent folder of the Git repository as the workspace folder. Install IvyDE --------- You'll need the Apache Ivy plug-in for Eclipse to build the project: 1. Go to *Help* -> *Install New Software...* 1. Enter `http://www.apache.org/dist/ant/ivyde/updatesite` in the "Work with:" text field 1. Select and install all items If you have installed IvyDE via the Eclipse Marketplace previously, **make sure** that you also have *Apache Ivy Ant Tasks* installed, which is not included in that IvyDE installation: 1. Go to *Help* -> *Install New Software...* 1. Click the hyperlink in the "What is already installed?" sentence near the bottom right-hand corner 1. Verify that the list includes *Apache Ivy Ant Tasks* 1. If it isn't included, follow the installation process above, but select only *Apache Ivy library* > *Apache Ivy Ant Tasks* Import the Project into the Workspace ------------ 1. Do *File* -> *Import* -> *General* -> *Existing Projects into Workspace* ![ImportProject](http://f.cl.ly/items/0G361519182v1z2T1o1O/Import.png "Import project") 1. Select the *vaadin* folder (where you cloned the project) 1. Ensure the *vaadin* project is checked 1. Click “finish” to complete the import of Vaadin Framework The project should compile without further configuration. If the project does not compile without errors, choose *Ivy* -> *Resolve* from the vaadin project popup menu to ensure all dependencies have been resolved. Note that the first compilation takes a while to finish as Ivy downloads dependencies used in the projects. Compiling the Default Widget Set and Themes -------- Compile the default widget set by executing the default target in build/ide.xml in the vaadin project. In Eclipse this is done by opening build/ide.xml, right clicking on it and choosing *Run As* -> *Ant Build*. ![CompileWidgetSet](http://cl.ly/image/1R43162b282e/build.png "Compiling the Widget Set") Set up extra workspace preferences -------- The following preferences need to be set to keep the project consistent. You need to do this especially to be able to contribute changes to the project. 1. Open *Window* -> *Preferences* (Windows) or *Eclipse* -> *Preferences* (Mac) 1. Go to *General* -> *Workspace* 1. Set *Text file encoding* to *UTF-8* 1. Set *New text file line delimiter* to *Unix* 1. Go to XML -> XML Files -> Editor 1. Ensure the settings are follows:
Line width: 72
Format comments: true
Join lines: true
Insert whitespace before closing empty end-tags: true
Indent-using spaces: true
Indentation size: 4
Running a UI test ------ The *vaadin* project includes an embedded Jetty (*com.vaadin.launcher.DevelopmentServerLauncher*) which is used for running the UI tests. In Eclipse you can launch it using the included launch configuration: Right click on *eclipse/Development Server (vaadin).launch" and select *Debug As* -> *Development Server (vaadin)*. This launches a Jetty on port 8888 which allows you to run any UI class in the project by opening http://localhost:8888/run/<UI class name>?restartApplication in your browser, e.g. [http://localhost:8888/run/com.vaadin.tests.components.label.LabelModes?restartApplication](http://localhost:8888/run/com.vaadin.tests.components.label.LabelModes?restartApplication) (Use ?restartApplication to ensure the correct UI is shown). Running JUnit tests ===== The unit tests for the projects can be run using
ant test
Note that the included Vaadin TestBench (browser) tests require access to a TestBench cluster, currently only available internally at Vaadin Ltd. Building a package ===== The distribution files can be built in two steps. 1. Unpack required gwt jars into the project
ant -f gwt-files.xml unpack.gwt
2. Build the project by running
in the project root directory (add -Dvaadin.version=1.2.3 to use a specific version number). Setting up other IDEs to Develop Vaadin 7 ========= - Unofficial instructions - IntelliJ IDEA: http://github.com/Saulis/vaadin-idea-workspace/