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authorMarko Grönroos <>2012-06-08 14:26:45 +0000
committerMarko Grönroos <>2012-06-08 14:26:45 +0000
commit398487ab5ecf9f4f144d9ce462460cae2b069ed2 (patch)
parent6940761ffbdad2624c92f3a1f99bc4040f018bf0 (diff)
Updated changelog. Changed formatting of enhancements list.
svn changeset:23921/svn branch:6.8
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/WebContent/release-notes.html b/WebContent/release-notes.html
index 83b41b32dd..21f13e075e 100644
--- a/WebContent/release-notes.html
+++ b/WebContent/release-notes.html
@@ -75,60 +75,60 @@
- <p>Native scrolling support for Android and iOS (<a href="">#8763</a>)</p>
+ Native scrolling support for Android and iOS (<a href="">#8763</a>)
- <p>Non-native scrolling implementation used in iOS 5 because of an iOS bug (see <a href="">#8792</a>)</p>
+ Non-native scrolling implementation used in iOS 5 because of an iOS bug (see <a href="">#8792</a>)
- <p>Possibility to fire <b>Button</b> click events on the server-side (<a href="">#8209</a>)</p>
+ Possibility to fire <b>Button</b> click events on the server-side (<a href="">#8209</a>)
- <p>Possibility to use HTML inside a <b>Button</b> caption (<a href="">#8663</a>)</p>
+ Possibility to use HTML inside a <b>Button</b> caption (<a href="">#8663</a>)
- <p>Possibility to set "alternative text" (<tt>alt</tt> attribute) for the <b>Embedded</b> component (<a href="">#6085</a>)</p>
+ Possibility to set "alternative text" (<tt>alt</tt> attribute) for the <b>Embedded</b> component (<a href="">#6085</a>)
- <p>Possibility to query the browser window width and height on the server-side (<a href="">#5655</a>)</p>
+ Possibility to query the browser window width and height on the server-side (<a href="">#5655</a>)
- <p>Keyboard navigation in <b>TabSheet</b> (<a href="">#5100</a>)</p>
+ Keyboard navigation in <b>TabSheet</b> (<a href="">#5100</a>)
- <p>Max/min limits for splitter position in <b>SplitPanel</b> (<a href="">#1744</a>)</p>
+ Max/min limits for splitter position in <b>SplitPanel</b> (<a href="">#1744</a>)
- <p>Extended day range in month view to six full weeks in <b>DateField</b> (<a href="">#6718</a>)</p>
+ Extended day range in month view to six full weeks in <b>DateField</b> (<a href="">#6718</a>)
- <p>Non-collapsible <b>Table</b> columns (<a href="">#7495</a>)</p>
+ Non-collapsible <b>Table</b> columns (<a href="">#7495</a>)
- <p>Selecting a <b>TabSheet</b> tab by its position or a <b>Tab</b> instance (<a href="">#8203</a>)</p>
+ Selecting a <b>TabSheet</b> tab by its position or a <b>Tab</b> instance (<a href="">#8203</a>)
- <p>Getting a component by its index or the index of a given component in <b>CssLayout</b> (<a href="">#7614</a>)</p>
+ Getting a component by its index or the index of a given component in <b>CssLayout</b> (<a href="">#7614</a>)
- <p>Removing all <b>Validators</b> of a <b>Field</b> at once (<a href="">#8307</a>)</p>
+ Removing all <b>Validators</b> of a <b>Field</b> at once (<a href="">#8307</a>)
- <p>Debug IDs unique to a window, not the whole application (<a href="">#5109</a>)</p>
+ Debug IDs unique to a window, not the whole application (<a href="">#5109</a>)
- <p>Larger default size for the debug window (<a href="">#8523</a>)</p>
+ Larger default size for the debug window (<a href="">#8523</a>)
- <p>Compatibility with Google SuperDevMode (<a href="">#8924</a>)</p>
+ Compatibility with Google SuperDevMode (<a href="">#8924</a>)
- <p>An add-on for handling broken classloaders (<a href="">#8447</a>)</p>
+ An add-on for handling broken classloaders (<a href="">#8447</a>)
- <p>Available in Vaadin Directory: <a href="">Vaadin-application-server-class-loader-workaround</a></p>
+ Available in Vaadin Directory: <a href="">Vaadin-application-server-class-loader-workaround</a>
@@ -165,18 +165,26 @@
<li><a href="">#7495</a>: Table: Make some columns uncollapsable</li>
<li><a href="">#7614</a>: Add getComponentIndex(Component) and getComponent(int) to CssLayout</li>
<li><a href="">#7718</a>: Table footers are visible in IE6/IE7 even though footers have been turned off (Chameleon)</li>
+ <li><a href="">#7771</a>: Update to GWT 2.4</li>
<li><a href="">#7772</a>: Create build configurations for Vaadin 6.8</li>
<li><a href="">#7773</a>: Create branch for Vaadin 6.8</li>
<li><a href="">#7816</a>: Ensure an application that uses injection works on IBM WebSphere v8</li>
<li><a href="">#7833</a>: Make DragAndDropWrapper capable of starting an HTML5 drag</li>
+ <li><a href="">#7865</a>: "Tutorial uses deprecated ""SplitPanel"" rather than ""HorizontalSplitPanel""."</li>
<li><a href="">#7911</a>: Touch device identifiers to div.v-app</li>
<li><a href="">#7931</a>: Invalid top level window size for embedded applications</li>
<li><a href="">#7975</a>: Remove non-core classes from main source directory</li>
<li><a href="">#8203</a>: Add setSelectedTab(TabSheet.Tab) to TabSheet API</li>
<li><a href="">#8209</a>: Button: add public click() method</li>
<li><a href="">#8216</a>: Warning when compiling the widgetset</li>
+ <li><a href="">#8289</a>: Replace @ClientWidget annotation with an annotation that uses String instead of Class</li>
+ <li><a href="">#8297</a>: Static logger instances can cause memory leakage on redeploy</li>
<li><a href="">#8307</a>: Add Field.removeAllValidators</li>
+ <li><a href="">#8332</a>: Vaadin should use -webkit-overflow-scroll: touch for modern devices and also consider to use GWT:s TouchScroller helper</li>
<li><a href="">#8428</a>: Field ROW_HEADER_FAKE_PROPERTY_ID in com.vaadin.ui.Table does not implement Serializable</li>
+ <li><a href="">#8447</a>: Provide a compatibility jar file for servers that use broken classloaders</li>
+ <li><a href="">#8451</a>: Error while deploying Vaadin application on Websphere Application Server 8.0</li>
+ <li><a href="">#8513</a>: Remove steps from Tutorial project</li>
<li><a href="">#8523</a>: Change the default size for the debug window</li>
<li><a href="">#8551</a>: Notifications are displayed in parts on an Asus TF101</li>
<li><a href="">#8600</a>: Tree.hasChildren() works incorrectly after all children were removed</li>
@@ -196,7 +204,12 @@
<li><a href="">#8724</a>: Implement native scrolling support for Table (Android 3+ & iOS 5+)</li>
<li><a href="">#8725</a>: Implement native scrolling support for SplitPanel (Android 3+ & iOS 5+)</li>
<li><a href="">#8739</a>: Test using Firefox 12</li>
- <li><a href="">#8763</a>: Do some groundwork to make implementing touch scrolling in various components easier</li>
+ <li><a href="">#8763</a>: Utilities for native touch scrolling on Android 4+ and iOS 5+</li>
+ <li><a href="">#8798</a>: NPE from RequestTimer prevents showing the real error</li>
+ <li><a href="">#8878</a>: VFilterSelect should implement SubPartAware to always be able to find the text box</li>
+ <li><a href="">#8914</a>: Show better error message when variable change decoding fails</li>
+ <li><a href="">#8923</a>: ?debug=quiet not working with / in uri fragment</li>
+ <li><a href="">#8924</a>: Remove document.write from bootstrap to enable using SuperDevMode</li>