diff options
authorJouni Koivuviita <>2009-07-06 07:39:23 +0000
committerJouni Koivuviita <>2009-07-06 07:39:23 +0000
commit41da2fb8303ae66fc12ee4926726c0327fa44573 (patch)
parent2af8f13e6375d01010395156086e4a7b5f995e84 (diff)
Fixes icket #3038: demo main page broken if scrollbars in use (FF, SA)
Leaves IE6 alone, since it doesn't support max-width. svn changeset:8324/svn branch:6.0
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/WebContent/index.html b/WebContent/index.html
index 5060cf95ee..0cfad20cb7 100644
--- a/WebContent/index.html
+++ b/WebContent/index.html
@@ -27,45 +27,38 @@
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- <h1><!-- Vaadin &ndash; thinking of U and I--></h1>
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+ <h1>Vaadin &ndash; thinking of U and I</h1>
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<strong>Version @version@</strong>
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- <div id="sampler">
- <h2>Vaadin Sampler</h2>
- <p>Sampler contains examples of most features, as well as combination examples and useful UI patterns that you can use simply by copy-pasting the code.</p>
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+ <div id="sampler">
+ <h2>Vaadin Sampler</h2>
+ <p>Sampler contains examples of most features, as well as combination examples and useful UI patterns that you can use simply by copy-pasting the code.</p>
<p><a href="sampler/" class="demoapp">Start Sampler &raquo;</a>
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- <div id="eclipse">
- <h2>Vaadin Eclipse Plugin</h2>
- <p>The easiest way to start working with Vaadin is to use Eclipse IDE and download the Vaadin Eclipse plugin from our website.</p>
- <p><a href="">How to install the Vaadin Eclipse Plugin &raquo;</a>
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+ <div id="eclipse">
+ <h2>Vaadin Eclipse Plugin</h2>
+ <p>The easiest way to start working with Vaadin is to use Eclipse IDE and download the Vaadin Eclipse plugin from our website.</p>
+ <p><a href="">How to install the Vaadin Eclipse Plugin &raquo;</a>
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<div id="demos">
<h3>Additional demos</h3>
<ul><li><a class="demoapp" href="Reservr">Reservr &ndash; reservation application</a> &nbsp; (<a href="docs/example-source/com/vaadin/demo/reservation">sources</a>)</li>
@@ -96,11 +89,9 @@
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<h4>Open Source Development and Licenses</h4>
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@@ -116,7 +107,6 @@
<p>We are also glad to help you hands on or even do the work for you &ndash; which ever you prefer.</p>
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