diff options
authorLeif Åstrand <>2011-10-17 13:04:06 +0000
committerLeif Åstrand <>2011-10-17 13:04:06 +0000
commit1c38a69e4f1a1c47b3aff334458a9bea3b704305 (patch)
parent7c06bfa1605de089f30b7d622bf8c9ed2e0d34ae (diff)
Added random delay before starting the quicker servers to avoid contention in the beginning
Automatically update more base files before starting the actual tests svn changeset:21719/svn branch:6.7
-rw-r--r--tests/integration_base_files/base.xml (renamed from tests/deploy-base.xml)2
4 files changed, 72 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/tests/deploy-base.xml b/tests/integration_base_files/base.xml
index a44b5d0133..20fe8b2d8d 100644
--- a/tests/deploy-base.xml
+++ b/tests/integration_base_files/base.xml
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
<target name="check-port">
- <fail message="Something is still listening on port ${serverPort}">
+ <fail message="${server}: Something is still listening on port ${serverPort}">
<socket server="localhost" port="${serverPort}" />
diff --git a/tests/integration_base_files/ b/tests/integration_base_files/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d2d5445070
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/integration_base_files/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+echo checking and killing open servers
+ps x | grep -E bin/java | grep -v grep | grep -v get-lock | awk '{print $1}' > temp
+#Read and kill processes marked to temp
+while read line
+ kill -9 $line
+done < temp
+#Remove temp
+rm temp
+if [ -a /home/integration/demo.war ]
+ then
+ echo removing old demo.war
+ rm /home/integration/demo.war
+echo Cleaning deploy dir
+rm -rf /home/integration/deploy/*
diff --git a/tests/integration_base_files/ b/tests/integration_base_files/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1808ec05df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/integration_base_files/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+if [ -a /home/integration/deploy/lock.file ]
+ then
+ DATE=$(date +%s)
+ LOCK_AGE=$(stat -c %Z /home/integration/deploy/lock.file)
+ AGE=$[($DATE - $LOCK_AGE)/60]
+ if [ "$AGE" -gt "15" ]
+ then
+ echo lock.file is $AGE min old.
+ ./
+# else
+# echo lock.file is $AGE min old.
+ fi
diff --git a/tests/integration_tests.xml b/tests/integration_tests.xml
index 9217190499..9027686e7f 100644
--- a/tests/integration_tests.xml
+++ b/tests/integration_tests.xml
@@ -96,72 +96,84 @@
<target name="integration-test-tomcat7">
<antcall target="run-generic-integration-test">
+ <param name="startDelay" value="300" />
<param name="target-server" value="tomcat7" />
<target name="integration-test-tomcat4">
<antcall target="run-generic-integration-test">
+ <param name="startDelay" value="300" />
<param name="target-server" value="tomcat4" />
<target name="integration-test-tomcat5">
<antcall target="run-generic-integration-test">
+ <param name="startDelay" value="300" />
<param name="target-server" value="tomcat5" />
<target name="integration-test-tomcat6">
<antcall target="run-generic-integration-test">
+ <param name="startDelay" value="300" />
<param name="target-server" value="tomcat6" />
<target name="integration-test-jetty5">
<antcall target="run-generic-integration-test">
+ <param name="startDelay" value="300" />
<param name="target-server" value="jetty5" />
<target name="integration-test-jetty6">
<antcall target="run-generic-integration-test">
+ <param name="startDelay" value="300" />
<param name="target-server" value="jetty6" />
<target name="integration-test-jetty7">
<antcall target="run-generic-integration-test">
+ <param name="startDelay" value="300" />
<param name="target-server" value="jetty7" />
<target name="integration-test-jboss3">
<antcall target="run-generic-integration-test">
+ <param name="startDelay" value="300" />
<param name="target-server" value="jboss3" />
<target name="integration-test-jboss4">
<antcall target="run-generic-integration-test">
+ <param name="startDelay" value="300" />
<param name="target-server" value="jboss4" />
<target name="integration-test-jboss5">
<antcall target="run-generic-integration-test">
+ <param name="startDelay" value="300" />
<param name="target-server" value="jboss5" />
<target name="integration-test-glassfish2">
<antcall target="run-generic-integration-test">
+ <param name="startDelay" value="300" />
<param name="target-server" value="glassfish2" />
<target name="integration-test-glassfish3">
<antcall target="run-generic-integration-test">
+ <param name="startDelay" value="300" />
<param name="target-server" value="glassfish3" />
@@ -302,8 +314,28 @@
<property name="target-host" value="${target-server}" />
<property name="target-port" value="8080" />
- <scp file="deploy-base.xml" todir="${user}@${target-host}:base.xml" keyfile="${sshkey.file}" trust="yes" passphrase="${passphrase}" />
- <sshexec host="${target-host}" username="${user}" keyfile="${sshkey.file}" trust="yes" command="ant -f deploy.xml get-lock" />
+ <if>
+ <isset property="startDelay" />
+ <then>
+ <math result="sleepTime" datatype="int">
+ <op op="rint">
+ <op op="*">
+ <num value="${startDelay}"/>
+ <op op="random"/>
+ </op>
+ </op>
+ </math>
+ <echo>Delaying startup of ${target-server} with ${sleepTime} seconds</echo>
+ <sleep seconds="${sleepTime}" />
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ <scp todir="${user}@${target-host}:." keyfile="${sshkey.file}" trust="yes" passphrase="${passphrase}" >
+ <fileset dir="integration_base_files">
+ <include name="*" />
+ </fileset>
+ </scp>
+ <sshexec host="${target-host}" username="${user}" keyfile="${sshkey.file}" trust="yes" command="chmod +x *.sh; ant -f deploy.xml get-lock" />
<scp file="${demo.war}" todir="${user}@${target-host}:demo.war" keyfile="${sshkey.file}" trust="yes" passphrase="${passphrase}" />
<sshexec host="${target-host}" username="${user}" keyfile="${sshkey.file}" trust="yes" command="ant -f deploy.xml startup-and-deploy" />