diff options
authorMatti Tahvonen <>2009-04-01 13:04:09 +0000
committerMatti Tahvonen <>2009-04-01 13:04:09 +0000
commit060e0d53300801b3dea0d3e6c97c62f073b8a06a (patch)
parent61ee1ab804a82c80ce15bc49595bc41b0beb98b3 (diff)
fixes #2806 (column expand ratios for Table). Also added some test cases.
svn changeset:7271/svn branch:6.0
4 files changed, 286 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/src/com/itmill/toolkit/terminal/gwt/client/ui/ b/src/com/itmill/toolkit/terminal/gwt/client/ui/
index f62eaf592b..2f7f61d1c7 100644
--- a/src/com/itmill/toolkit/terminal/gwt/client/ui/
+++ b/src/com/itmill/toolkit/terminal/gwt/client/ui/
@@ -541,6 +541,7 @@ public class IScrollTable extends FlowPanel implements Table, ScrollListener {
int i = 0;
int totalExplicitColumnsWidths = 0;
int total = 0;
+ float expandRatioDivider = 0;
final int[] widths = new int[tHead.visibleCells.size()];
@@ -553,11 +554,18 @@ public class IScrollTable extends FlowPanel implements Table, ScrollListener {
// server has defined column width explicitly
totalExplicitColumnsWidths += w;
} else {
- // get and store greater of header width and column width, and
- // store it as a minimumn natural col width
- final int hw = hCell.getOffsetWidth();
- final int cw = tBody.getColWidth(i);
- w = (hw > cw ? hw : cw) + IScrollTableBody.CELL_EXTRA_WIDTH;
+ if (hCell.getExpandRatio() > 0) {
+ expandRatioDivider += hCell.getExpandRatio();
+ w = IScrollTableBody.CELL_EXTRA_WIDTH
+ } else {
+ // get and store greater of header width and column width,
+ // and
+ // store it as a minimumn natural col width
+ final int hw = hCell.getOffsetWidth();
+ final int cw = tBody.getColWidth(i);
+ w = (hw > cw ? hw : cw) + IScrollTableBody.CELL_EXTRA_WIDTH;
+ }
widths[i] = w;
@@ -596,7 +604,6 @@ public class IScrollTable extends FlowPanel implements Table, ScrollListener {
int totalWidthR = total - totalExplicitColumnsWidths;
if (totalWidthR > 0) {
needsReLayout = true;
* If the table has a relative width and there is enough space
* for a scrollbar we reserve this in the last column
@@ -619,23 +626,40 @@ public class IScrollTable extends FlowPanel implements Table, ScrollListener {
extraSpace -= scrollbarWidthReserved;
scrollbarWidthReservedInColumn = columnindex;
- // now we will share this sum relatively to those without
- // explicit width
- headCells = tHead.iterator();
- i = 0;
- HeaderCell hCell;
- while (headCells.hasNext()) {
- hCell = (HeaderCell);
- if (hCell.getWidth() == -1) {
- int w = widths[i];
- final int newSpace = extraSpace * w / totalWidthR;
- w += newSpace;
- widths[i] = w;
+ if (expandRatioDivider > 0) {
+ // visible columns have some active expand ratios, excess
+ // space is divided according to them
+ headCells = tHead.iterator();
+ i = 0;
+ while (headCells.hasNext()) {
+ HeaderCell hCell = (HeaderCell);
+ if (hCell.getExpandRatio() > 0) {
+ int w = widths[i];
+ final int newSpace = (int) (extraSpace * (hCell
+ .getExpandRatio() / expandRatioDivider));
+ w += newSpace;
+ widths[i] = w;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // now we will share this sum relatively to those without
+ // explicit width
+ headCells = tHead.iterator();
+ i = 0;
+ while (headCells.hasNext()) {
+ HeaderCell hCell = (HeaderCell);
+ if (hCell.getWidth() == -1) {
+ int w = widths[i];
+ final int newSpace = extraSpace * w / totalWidthR;
+ w += newSpace;
+ widths[i] = w;
+ }
+ i++;
- i++;
} else {
// bodys size will be more than available and scrollbar will appear
@@ -1000,6 +1024,8 @@ public class IScrollTable extends FlowPanel implements Table, ScrollListener {
boolean definedWidth = false;
+ private float expandRatio = 0;
public void setSortable(boolean b) {
sortable = b;
@@ -1039,6 +1065,8 @@ public class IScrollTable extends FlowPanel implements Table, ScrollListener {
public void setWidth(int w, boolean ensureDefinedWidth) {
if (ensureDefinedWidth) {
definedWidth = true;
+ // on column resize expand ratio becomes zero
+ expandRatio = 0;
if (width == w) {
@@ -1327,6 +1355,14 @@ public class IScrollTable extends FlowPanel implements Table, ScrollListener {
+ public void setExpandRatio(float floatAttribute) {
+ expandRatio = floatAttribute;
+ }
+ public float getExpandRatio() {
+ return expandRatio;
+ }
@@ -1441,6 +1477,9 @@ public class IScrollTable extends FlowPanel implements Table, ScrollListener {
} else if (recalcWidths) {
+ if (col.hasAttribute("er")) {
+ c.setExpandRatio(col.getFloatAttribute("er"));
+ }
// check for orphaned header cells
for (String cid : availableCells.keySet()) {
@@ -2556,11 +2595,14 @@ public class IScrollTable extends FlowPanel implements Table, ScrollListener {
Iterator<Widget> headCells = tHead.iterator();
int usedMinimumWidth = 0;
int totalExplicitColumnsWidths = 0;
+ float expandRatioDivider = 0;
while (headCells.hasNext()) {
final HeaderCell hCell = (HeaderCell);
usedMinimumWidth += hCell.getNaturalColumnWidth();
if (hCell.isDefinedWidth()) {
totalExplicitColumnsWidths += hCell.getWidth();
+ } else {
+ expandRatioDivider += hCell.getExpandRatio();
@@ -2585,7 +2627,15 @@ public class IScrollTable extends FlowPanel implements Table, ScrollListener {
hCell = (HeaderCell);
if (!hCell.isDefinedWidth()) {
int w = hCell.getNaturalColumnWidth();
- final int newSpace = w + extraSpace * w / totalWidthR;
+ int newSpace;
+ if (expandRatioDivider > 0) {
+ // divide excess space by expand ratios
+ newSpace = (int) (w + extraSpace
+ * hCell.getExpandRatio() / expandRatioDivider);
+ } else {
+ // divide relatively to natural column widths
+ newSpace = w + extraSpace * w / totalWidthR;
+ }
setColWidth(i, newSpace, false);
diff --git a/src/com/itmill/toolkit/tests/components/table/ b/src/com/itmill/toolkit/tests/components/table/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..94c2c5c4fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/com/itmill/toolkit/tests/components/table/
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+package com.itmill.toolkit.tests.components.table;
+import com.itmill.toolkit.tests.components.TestBase;
+import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Label;
+import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Table;
+public class ColumnExpandRatio extends TestBase {
+ @Override
+ protected String getDescription() {
+ return "Column expand ratios can be used to adjust the way "
+ + "how excess horizontal space is divided among columns.";
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected Integer getTicketNumber() {
+ return 2806;
+ }
+ private static final int ROWS = 100;
+ @Override
+ public void setup() {
+ Table table1 = initTable();
+ addComponent(new Label("Plain table"));
+ addComponent(table1);
+ }
+ private Table initTable() {
+ Table table = new Table();
+ table.setWidth("100%");
+ IndexedContainer idx = new IndexedContainer();
+ idx.addContainerProperty("firstname", String.class, null);
+ idx.addContainerProperty("lastname", String.class, null);
+ Item i = idx.addItem(1);
+ i.getItemProperty("firstname").setValue("John");
+ i.getItemProperty("lastname").setValue("Johnson");
+ i = idx.addItem(2);
+ i.getItemProperty("firstname").setValue("Jane");
+ i.getItemProperty("lastname").setValue("Janeine");
+ for (int index = 3; index < ROWS; index++) {
+ i = idx.addItem(index);
+ i.getItemProperty("firstname").setValue("Jane");
+ i.getItemProperty("lastname").setValue("Janeine");
+ }
+ idx.addContainerProperty("fixed 50px column", String.class, "");
+ idx.addContainerProperty("Expanded with 2", String.class, "foobar");
+ table.setContainerDataSource(idx);
+ table.setColumnHeader("firstname", "FirstName");
+ table.setColumnHeader("lastname", "LastName (1)");
+ table.setColumnWidth("fixed 50px column", 50);
+ table.setColumnExpandRatio("Expanded with 2", 2);
+ table.setColumnExpandRatio("lastname", 1);
+ return table;
+ }
diff --git a/src/com/itmill/toolkit/tests/components/table/ b/src/com/itmill/toolkit/tests/components/table/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af03414db5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/com/itmill/toolkit/tests/components/table/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+package com.itmill.toolkit.tests.components.table;
+import com.itmill.toolkit.tests.components.TestBase;
+import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Label;
+import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Table;
+public class ColumnWidths extends TestBase {
+ @Override
+ protected String getDescription() {
+ return "On window resize undefined "
+ + "columns (by server or user (dragged)) columns "
+ + "must consume the excess space. Space is divided "
+ + "by default according to natural widths of columns."
+ + " Lastname should get 1/3 of excess spsace, the las column 2/3.";
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected Integer getTicketNumber() {
+ return 2804;
+ }
+ private static final int ROWS = 100;
+ @Override
+ public void setup() {
+ Table table1 = initTable();
+ addComponent(new Label("Plain table"));
+ addComponent(table1);
+ }
+ private Table initTable() {
+ Table table = new Table();
+ table.setWidth("100%");
+ IndexedContainer idx = new IndexedContainer();
+ idx.addContainerProperty("firstname", String.class, null);
+ idx.addContainerProperty("lastname", String.class, null);
+ Item i = idx.addItem(1);
+ i.getItemProperty("firstname").setValue("John");
+ i.getItemProperty("lastname").setValue("Johnson");
+ i = idx.addItem(2);
+ i.getItemProperty("firstname").setValue("Jane");
+ i.getItemProperty("lastname").setValue("Janeine");
+ for (int index = 3; index < ROWS; index++) {
+ i = idx.addItem(index);
+ i.getItemProperty("firstname").setValue("Jane");
+ i.getItemProperty("lastname").setValue("Janeine");
+ }
+ idx.addContainerProperty("150pxfixedCol", String.class, "foobar");
+ table.setContainerDataSource(idx);
+ table.setColumnHeader("firstname", "FirstName");
+ table.setColumnHeader("lastname", "LastName");
+ table.setColumnWidth("150pxfixedCol", 150);
+ return table;
+ }
diff --git a/src/com/itmill/toolkit/ui/ b/src/com/itmill/toolkit/ui/
index 424495ae42..b91fa614fd 100644
--- a/src/com/itmill/toolkit/ui/
+++ b/src/com/itmill/toolkit/ui/
@@ -189,9 +189,10 @@ public class Table extends AbstractSelect implements Action.Container,
private HashMap<Object, String> columnAlignments = new HashMap<Object, String>();
- * Holds column widths in pixels for visible columns (by propertyId).
+ * Holds column widths in pixels (Integer) or expand ratios (Float) for
+ * visible columns (by propertyId).
- private final HashMap<Object, Integer> columnWidths = new HashMap<Object, Integer>();
+ private final HashMap<Object, Object> columnWidths = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
* Holds column generators
@@ -648,6 +649,10 @@ public class Table extends AbstractSelect implements Action.Container,
* small or very big values. Setting width to -1 (default) means that theme
* will make decision of width.
+ *<p>
+ * Column can either have a fixed width or expand ratio. The latter one set
+ * is used. See @link {@link #setColumnExpandRatio(Object, float)}.
+ *
* @param columnId
* colunmns property id
* @param width
@@ -655,20 +660,78 @@ public class Table extends AbstractSelect implements Action.Container,
* @since 4.0.3
public void setColumnWidth(Object columnId, int width) {
- columnWidths.put(columnId, new Integer(width));
+ if (width < 0) {
+ columnWidths.remove(columnId);
+ } else {
+ columnWidths.put(columnId, new Integer(width));
+ }
- * Gets the width of column
+ * Sets the column expand ratio for given column.
+ * <p>
+ * Expand ratios can be defined to customize the way how excess space is
+ * divided among columns. Table can have excess space if it has its width
+ * defined and there is horizontally more space than columns consume
+ * naturally. Excess space is the space that is not used by columns with
+ * explicit width (see {@link #setColumnWidth(Object, int)}) or with natural
+ * width (no width nor expand ratio).
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * By default (without expand ratios) the excess space is divided
+ * proportionally to columns natural widths.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * Only expand ratios of visible columns are used in final calculations.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * Column can either have a fixed width or expand ratio. The latter one set
+ * is used.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * A column with expand ratio is considered to be minimum width by default
+ * (if no excess space exists). The minimum width is defined by terminal
+ * implementation.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * If terminal implementation supports re-sizeable columns the column
+ * becomes fixed width column if users resizes the column.
+ *
+ * @param columnId
+ * colunmns property id
+ * @param expandRatio
+ * the expandRatio used to divide excess space for this column
+ */
+ public void setColumnExpandRatio(Object columnId, float expandRatio) {
+ if (expandRatio < 0) {
+ columnWidths.remove(columnId);
+ } else {
+ columnWidths.put(columnId, new Float(expandRatio));
+ }
+ }
+ public float getColumnExpandRatio(Object propertyId) {
+ final Object width = columnWidths.get(propertyId);
+ if (width == null || !(width instanceof Float)) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ final Float value = (Float) width;
+ return value.floatValue();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the pixel width of column
* @param propertyId
* @return width of colun or -1 when value not set
public int getColumnWidth(Object propertyId) {
- final Integer value = columnWidths.get(propertyId);
- if (value == null) {
+ final Object width = columnWidths.get(propertyId);
+ if (width == null || !(width instanceof Integer)) {
return -1;
+ final Integer value = (Integer) width;
return value.intValue();
@@ -2157,11 +2220,15 @@ public class Table extends AbstractSelect implements Action.Container,
if (!ALIGN_LEFT.equals(getColumnAlignment(columnId))) {
target.addAttribute("align", getColumnAlignment(columnId));
- if (getColumnWidth(columnId) > -1) {
- target.addAttribute("width", String
- .valueOf(getColumnWidth(columnId)));
+ if (columnWidths.containsKey(columnId)) {
+ if (getColumnWidth(columnId) > -1) {
+ target.addAttribute("width", String
+ .valueOf(getColumnWidth(columnId)));
+ } else {
+ target.addAttribute("er",
+ getColumnExpandRatio(columnId));
+ }